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Support for 'my girl' Clinton is personal, Mrs. Obama says


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Support for 'my girl' Clinton is personal, Mrs. Obama says



WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (AP) — As first ladies they could hardly have been more different. But as Democrats looking to fire up female voters, Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton were firmly bonded on Thursday.


In their first joint appearance on the campaign trail, Mrs. Obama and Clinton talked up their shared respect, common values and singular goal: Defeating Republican Donald Trump. They papered over a somewhat rocky history and their vastly different paths through public life.


With Mrs. Obama aiming to secure her husband's legacy and Clinton needing to propel women to the polls, the two women sought to celebrate their political marriage of mutual interest, and reassure voters it's real.


"Seriously, is there anyone more inspiring than Michelle Obama?" Clinton asked, as a crowd in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, answered with cheers. Mrs. Obama declared the feeling mutual. She referred to Clinton as "my girl" and offered reassurance that her testimony for Clinton is both personal and political.


Since she's emerged as Clinton's headline-grabbing surrogate, people wonder one thing, Mrs. Obama noted.


"Yes, Hillary Clinton is my friend," she answered.


It's a reasonable question.


In the East Wing, Clinton dived into policy, undertook a massive project and failed under a harsh spotlight. Mrs. Obama largely steered clear and enjoyed quieter, modest success. Both Ivy League-trained lawyers with their own careers, Clinton bridled under the stereotypes associated with the office, while Mrs. Obama declared herself "mom-in-chief." While Clinton held onto her maiden name, her Democratic successor let it be known she preferred the "Mrs." title.


And when her time in the White House was ending, Clinton began plotting her return to Washington. Mrs. Obama hasn't hidden her readiness to leave. The White House has quickly and repeatedly shot down any talk of the first lady continuing in politics.


Acknowledging her reluctance in the political spotlight, she said, "I would not be here" if she didn't believe so strongly Clinton would be a president she would trust.


"I believe with all of my heart that Hillary Clinton will be that president," she said.


From the rally, Clinton herself headed to an early voting site at the University of North Carolina-Greensboro, where she shook hands with students and urged them each to vote. Her campaign plans to spend the coming days bouncing among battleground states that are already voting in a push to boost turnout before Election Day.


Democrats have relished Mrs. Obama's speeches as high points of the campaign cycle. Her passionate response to Trump's vulgar comments about women brought an emotional resonance that Clinton, who rarely gets personal on the stump, doesn't often deliver.

Mrs. Obama's appearances have become a key part of Clinton's effort to fire up women — particularly black women, for whom she's a model and a source of pride. Both Clinton and Mrs. Obama on Thursday revived a line from her DNC speech — "When they go low, we go high" — turning it into a call and response.


The North Carolina event drew some 11,000 people, according to the fire marshal, one of largest crowds of Clinton's campaign. Trump repeatedly boasts that his crowds are generally larger than hers.


The audience roared as the two women walked onstage, turned to each other and embraced, the first lady towering over the shorter candidate.


The new partnership has made for a striking odd couple on a substance, too.


As first lady, Mrs. Obama has largely dodged controversial issues. She's stayed focused on her projects involving healthful eating, exercise, support for military families and education for girls — avoiding public opinions on thornier subjects. She's mastered the art of advocacy through popular culture, while in recent years all but ignoring the possibility of policymaking through legislation. She's cultivated a brand built on style, glamour and fashion.


It's a tenure that bears little resemblance to her Democratic predecessor in the East Wing. Clinton came in promising, along with her husband, a new kind of partnership in the White House. Hillary Clinton was a veteran of the feminist movement and ready to expand the office of first lady to suit her experience and passion for policy. She had an office in the West Wing, took over the health care overhaul effort and ultimately became a target of investigations and criticism alongside her husband.


That's something Mrs. Obama and her aides sought to avoid. Asked to cite role models, Obama has named Eleanor Roosevelt and Jacqueline Kennedy.


The Clintons and Obamas themselves have a fraught history, one that includes both spouses. While Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton battled in 2008, Michelle Obama raised questions about her husband's opponent, framing the choice between the two as "about character."


Since then the women have publicly buried the hatchet. They heap praise on each other's work, although there's little sign they've spent time one-on-one.


Comparing how first ladies use the office is especially tricky, historians note. Because the office comes with no set of constitutional duties, it is also a reflection of an individual's style, personality, politics and times.


The differences between Clinton's and Mrs. Obama's tenures speak in some ways to the differences in their generations — Clinton representing the first wave of baby boomers eager to push boundaries, while Obama benefited from lessons learned, noted Carl Sferrazza Anthony, a historian at the National First Ladies Library.


"Beneath the surface they both brought a sense of rigor and structure and focus," he said. "They were very objective-oriented."

Those objectives were clearly different, he said.


"I think Michelle Obama may end up being perhaps one of the most influential first ladies when it comes to influence on the American public, whereas Hillary has been one of the most important in terms of achievement in terms of policy."

-- © Associated Press 2016-10-28
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1 hour ago, webfact said:

whereas Hillary has been one of the most important in terms of achievement in terms of policy."

Other than  stealing items from the white house and the state department for her own use I can't think of any achievements.

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Garbage, garbage everywhere. 


Unless Michelle is aiming for the next Oprah Winfrey spot, she really need to step it up and get away from "Hill"


Piggybacking is pretty low. 

Edited by Strange
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So I guess you guys can have fun for a few more months taking jabs at First Lady Michelle O. as a warm-up for when (most likely) the First Gentleman moves into the White House next January.


Or the newest member of the "Denis Thatcher Society".  Motto: Yes, Dear.

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4 minutes ago, puck2 said:

The right wing nuts are already attacking the next US president - after Hillary.


In a strong contrast to the Reps, they  are not fighting against each other with ordinary arguments. Great and very civilized!


Michelle has a 100% clean slate and if she can keep it clean, I got not one single problem with it. 


I hope she creates her own identity instead of piggybacking off "Hill" and keeps her nose clean. 

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2 minutes ago, Strange said:


Michelle has a 100% clean slate and if she can keep it clean, I got not one single problem with it. 


I hope she creates her own identity instead of piggybacking off "Hill" and keeps her nose clean. 

Intelligence doesn't matter ?

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3 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

Not digging at all my friend. The truth stands on its own merit.

Yes it does, but you have to be willing to look at it.

Benghazi, had 8 inquiries. ALL found no wrongdoing by Clinton. But you won't accept that.

White water, 6 different inquiries. Again, no wrongdoing found, yet you won't accept that.

Obama's birth certificate, proven to be born in USA, but you won't accept that.

and on....and on..and on..

Why let the facts get in the way of some good ole BS and fear mongering.

If you want something to be afraid of, be afraid of Trump being Putin's puppet!!!

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Clearly Mrs. Obama hates Hillary. She's only supporting her in public because she wants Trump to win the election. Because everyday is opposit day. While publicly ridiculing Trump's assertions of rigged elections, Mrs. Obama and her husband are secretly rigging the election to ensure a Trump win. This explains why Trump said he'd accept the election results, if he wins. 


It all makes sense now.



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53 minutes ago, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

Yes it does, but you have to be willing to look at it.

Benghazi, had 8 inquiries. ALL found no wrongdoing by Clinton. But you won't accept that.

White water, 6 different inquiries. Again, no wrongdoing found, yet you won't accept that.

Obama's birth certificate, proven to be born in USA, but you won't accept that.

and on....and on..and on..

Why let the facts get in the way of some good ole BS and fear mongering.

If you want something to be afraid of, be afraid of Trump being Putin's puppet!!!

I didn't say I would or would not accept anything. You have a wild imagination my friend.

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Mrs. Obama would have been a better president that her husband and a 1,000 times better than Clinton, 1,000,000,000  times better than the neo-fascist Trump. But look for Warren after Clinton finishes her one and only undeserved term. As long as the Republicans keep putting forward insane wackos the Dem's will stay in the White House.

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