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FBI reopens probe into Hillary Clinton's emails


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5 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:
Apart from what FBI investigators may know, ere is what is actually known about the discovered email by the rest of us:
  • The new batch of emails is from a laptop that Clinton aide Huma Abedin shared with her husband, former Congressman Anthony Weiner.
  • The FBI came upon them because they’re investigating Weiner’s reported sexting of an underage girl, not anything related to the Clintons.
  • The FBI doesn’t seem to even really know what’s on the new emails yet. They could well be duplicative of emails the bureau has already examined.
  • It's now known if any come from or were sent to Hillary Clinton (This last point I reworded to avoid violating fair use ru
  • http://www.vox.com/2016/10/29/13465426/fbi-clinton-emails-comey-criticism


You have actually made a great case for the FBI statement being a holding one whilst waiting for the shoe to drop.

P.s Its a sight to see the hysterical whining of the liberal press, though the New York Times appears to have broken rank somewhat and actually engaged in some journalism.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


Joe Biden. Why else do you think he is saying that he will accept a Trump victory? 


Given the fact that you like to snip lines out of interviews to put your usual spin on things,

(To which of course, you never provide a source)

read the interview in context here:



Vice President Biden (as you well know) did not attend an interview to solely state:

That he "accept(s) a Trump victory"


He stated:


"Biden said Trump is "fully unqualified" to be president. But he insisted that if Trump becomes the next commander in chief, he would be willing to lend a hand."
"I'm going to stay involved as much as I possibly can."
"This is the time after (November) 9, after the election is over, no matter who wins, reach out," he said, adding, "I pray that doesn't happen. I want Hillary to be president"
Got it now?


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14 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


This aint about comey...its about crooked hillarys involvement in a criminal investigation that has not been completed...unfinished business y'know. 


It is all about Comey and Comey's Coup.


Everyone is talking about Comey and the FBI-DoJ vitally critical practice of not doing anything political within 60 days of an election. It's not only an issue of FBI ethics, it is an attempt by J.B. Comey to create and lead an electoral and political coup. The Constitution clearly does not enter in to Comey's calculations or his bizarre initiative in the name of the FBI (and DoJ). 


And not only is this the election of the Potus, it is the profound choice between the radical wildman ignoramus Donald Trump and His Republicans vs the opposite of Trump, the fit and qualified nominee of the Democratic party Hillary Clinton.


Whereas, in contrast, it is predictably only the right that are hopped up about their emails which are the fix the extreme far right keep injecting into themselves habitually and which eats away at their brain juices.


The locus of the present developments are that Comey has suddenly and with a great surprise to everyone thrown himself in with the email skid row junkies and that he's done it several days out from a general election that will choose the 45th Potus.


Comey's Coup. Anyone who claims this isn't about J.B. Comey is in a political and partisan denial.


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That would interesting: A Federal Grand Jury in Washington DC where in 2012 B. Obama had 90+% of the vote to indict Hillary Clinton post elected President.

Either that or in NY , where the server was located?

Likely similar political preference in Jury pool.

I think even if grand jury did return an indictment I find it really unlikely that would return anything but a hung jury(too many strong feelings on Hillary on both sides of the isle). Would be nearly impossible to find a truly impartial jury.

The funny thing is that if the republicans really did want to 'punish' her , then likely the only place they may have a chance is if she is president and they try to impeach her (so long as Republicans maintain majorities)

How screwed up is that..

This is going to be a very messy 4 years ...

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It is amazing the amount of vitriol and hate directed at both candidates. This shows me that America is indeed a divided country. As I mentioned before- let's put aside the alleged improprieties of both candidates and look at them solely from the agenda they propose and the results of the agenda.

Donald Trump really doesn't have much of a plan to make America great again which shows me that he is mostly bluster and no action. He will find if elected he won't be able to raise his voice to members of Congress or foreign leaders and attempt to bully them.

Hillary Clinton has loads of experience and has the backing of many highly respected individuals both inside and outside of government. She actually has the better agenda and programs to attempt to make America great again.

The sad issue that has to be faced whether Trump is elected or Hillary is that not much is going to happen that will make life better for the average American.  Political gridlock on both sides will be the order of the day and it will be impossible for any President to get any of their agenda passed. In addition, both Trump or Clinton may well be impeached if any of the allegations against either are proved.  The ironic thing is that either of the Vice Presidential candidates who would become President would have a better chance of moving the country forward than either Clinton or Trump.

What a horrible example America is showing the World-the so called bastion of Democracy mired in an election that reeks of corruption; alleged improprieties from both candidates; hate speech; divisiveness and any other adjective you can find. I have said it often and will say it again- the next American revolution has begun but Americans may not like the end result this time. America is being destroyed by self centered, power hungry and a wealthy minority who are reaping the benefits off the back of the working poor and middle class. Bernie Sanders had it all pegged correctly. My deceased father also had it right - "Human beings will ultimately destroy themselves."


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15 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


He is trying to get his reputation for being straight arrow back. 


Comey in Washington has lost it.


He's the guy who unsuccessfully investigated the Clintons three times during the 1990s and the 2000 years. Comey worked for the Republicans in Congress in one failed investigation and was a GW Bush bloodhound in the U.S. Attorney's office in New York.


Appointed  FBI director by the Democratic Party Potus Barack Obama, serving with the AG Eric Holder and now Loretta Lynch. He is director of an agency populated by right wing super patriots who are very likely Republicans, but red white and blue rightwingers through and through.


It's been around consistently the snoop agents are unhappy with Comey's findings in the inquiry initiated by the right wing super patriots of the spy and information gathering agencies who very likely vote Republican in most if not all elections. It stands to reason this CIA-FBI sector of Americans are, as with the homicidal cops in their national crime wave against primarily black males, did not vote for Barack Obama and support Donald Trump. 


Comey has finally lost it in the pressure cooker of FBI rightwingers and email junkies, Republicans in Congress, the Trump candidacy, the Clintons, control of Congress and all the rest of it. Comey has quietly gone off the deep end. It may be time to send in the boyz in the white suits to gently take hold of him and escort him to a place where he can get relaxed.


These are dangerous times and the rightwing uniquely American extremists love it. With their guy Donald Trump they think they are on the ascendancy and they're determined to not allow or to accept this moment to be turned away by voters. Ordinary commonplace voters.

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28 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

It is amazing the amount of vitriol and hate directed at both candidates. This shows me that America is indeed a divided country. As I mentioned before- let's put aside the alleged improprieties of both candidates and look at them solely from the agenda they propose and the results of the agenda.

Donald Trump really doesn't have much of a plan to make America great again which shows me that he is mostly bluster and no action. He will find if elected he won't be able to raise his voice to members of Congress or foreign leaders and attempt to bully them.

Hillary Clinton has loads of experience and has the backing of many highly respected individuals both inside and outside of government. She actually has the better agenda and programs to attempt to make America great again.

The sad issue that has to be faced whether Trump is elected or Hillary is that not much is going to happen that will make life better for the average American.  Political gridlock on both sides will be the order of the day and it will be impossible for any President to get any of their agenda passed. In addition, both Trump or Clinton may well be impeached if any of the allegations against either are proved.  The ironic thing is that either of the Vice Presidential candidates who would become President would have a better chance of moving the country forward than either Clinton or Trump.

What a horrible example America is showing the World-the so called bastion of Democracy mired in an election that reeks of corruption; alleged improprieties from both candidates; hate speech; divisiveness and any other adjective you can find. I have said it often and will say it again- the next American revolution has begun but Americans may not like the end result this time. America is being destroyed by self centered, power hungry and a wealthy minority who are reaping the benefits off the back of the working poor and middle class. Bernie Sanders had it all pegged correctly. My deceased father also had it right - "Human beings will ultimately destroy themselves."



Fear not, cause while it's hopeless it's not serious.


It's always been a partisan political system that has more often been vitriolic than tame. As a continental nation, USA in its political-culture has always been both big and open for all to see.


Donald Trump is radically different from previous populist nominees in that he is uniquely ignorant and culturally deficient, with zero experience in the system of checks and balances and the (roughly) co-equal branches of the government (in which each of the three branches does have at least one decisive advantage over the other, obscure as this is to the many in the USA and abroad who are uninitiated).


People who are intellectually capable of a thoughtful and good analysis should get a whole ton of actual facts and the broad scope of knowledge so they can present an analysis worth the time and effort of others. Go to it.

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6 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

They are all throwing Crooked Hillary under the bus.. You notice that the Lamestream Media have all of a sudden backed off their fake polls and reporting the Clinton scandals?


19 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Comey in Washington has lost it.


He's the guy who unsuccessfully investigated the Clintons three times during the 1990s and the 2000 years. Comey worked for the Republicans in Congress in one failed investigation and was a GW Bush bloodhound in the U.S. Attorney's office in New York.


Appointed  FBI director by the Democratic Party Potus Barack Obama, serving with the AG Eric Holder and now Loretta Lynch. He is director of an agency populated by right wing super patriots who are very likely Republicans, but red white and blue rightwingers through and through.


It's been around consistently the snoop agents are unhappy with Comey's findings in the inquiry initiated by the right wing super patriots of the spy and information gathering agencies who very likely vote Republican in most if not all elections. It stands to reason this CIA-FBI sector of Americans are, as with the homicidal cops in their national crime wave against primarily black males, did not vote for Barack Obama and support Donald Trump. 


Comey has finally lost it in the pressure cooker of FBI rightwingers and email junkies, Republicans in Congress, the Trump candidacy, the Clintons, control of Congress and all the rest of it. Comey has quietly gone off the deep end. It may be time to send in the boyz in the white suits to gently take hold of him and escort him to a place where he can get relaxed.


These are dangerous times and the rightwing uniquely American extremists love it. With their guy Donald Trump they think they are on the ascendancy and they're determined to not allow or to accept this moment to be turned away by voters. Ordinary commonplace voters.

I don't get the logic here: a few days ago you had the GOP in complete disarray and running for cover but now you say they were able to intimate a senior official into a blatantly political act. Doesn't ring true.

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On 10/29/2016 at 7:09 AM, sirineou said:

Announcing something like this a few days before the election, is serious business.

Comey better make everything he has public very soon , or he is toast either way.

The democrats will go after him if he does not have anything but he negatively affects HRC's campaign. Or if HRC wins and then he come out with evidence that could have caused her to loose, the Republicans will go after him.

So unless he publishes soon he is toast. Either way his timing is terrible, this is not going to end well for him.


Shouldn't the Director of The FBI and the Department of Justice be pursuing evidence and seeking the truth to ensure justice is done? And doing this regardless of political considerations, favor or affect? And whether it inconveniences someone or not?


If I were an American I'd want to know all these details quickly and to know if a serious contender to be my next President is about to be prosecuted. If not, I'd like to know why the FBI didn't do a good job and put it to bed properly before. The last thing the law needs is to have "political considerations" dictating it's course. That's banana republic stuff.

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3 minutes ago, Prbkk said:


I don't get the logic here: a few days ago you had the GOP in complete disarray and running for cover but now you say they were able to intimate a senior official into a blatantly political act. Doesn't ring true.


Republicans remain in a chaotic disarray which means you can bet the farm their next four years in or out of control of any part(s) of the government will present us with a civil war within the party.


Trump no matter what, for instance, has a wall full of designer meat axes to take to Paul Ryan after the election. Ryan has been mostly very quiet recently, which could lead one to believe he's having a Panic Room built into the Speaker's office.


J. Brien Comey has tried to throw a lifeline to the Republicans from his perch in the same office where J. Edgar Hoover daily abused the Constitution and habitually destroyed people's lives.


Comey too will after the election suffer the dire consequences of his having lost it in the pressures of the time, place, circumstances which, as Comey has revealed for all to see, are beyond his personal resources or capabilities.

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As an outsider, Comey seems to be to have been between a rock and a hard place.

By announcing what he did, he's definitely given the Republicans hope, and could be in breach of the Hatch Act.

But imagine if he'd stayed quiet and not mentioned it, and something of any value actually emerged? Would he not be guilty of influencing an election by omission?


Fortunately it's the Republicans that usually launch witch hunts and kangaroo courts, so he's probably taken the path of least resistance.



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There is no doubt in my mind that what Comey has done is tantamount to hypocrisy at the highest level. He knows damn well that he has no real information at this point and is using innuendo for a political end. The man has committed political hari kari and may as well book his ticket to Thailand and start drinking on Soi Cowboy while he tries to rationalize- doing it for the country. The British  term that starts with a  W and ends in an R comes to mind.

As one of the posters indicated America does have a history of political vitriol and political animosity, but one has to go back a long way to find anything so awful as this election. Out of the two candidates- I really believe Hillary is the most qualified yet her Presidency will be filled with grid lock unless she has the guts to use her Executive pen to make things happen. If she was smart she would immediately indicate that Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren would be part of her cabinet as well as Colin Powell. She needs to surround herself with people who are beyond reproach and admired by the general public.America needs progressive policies that are aimed at the midle class and poor not the conservative clap trap that will continue the American decline.

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2 hours ago, keemapoot said:


If Comey has done this all on his own, with his own risk-calculation process he has truly erred. He will never make either side happy now, nor ever. He will always be seen as Clinton's and AG Lynch's lackey by the far right for not pursuing the grand jury in the first place, and if after these latest emails amount to nothing, that charge will persist.  At the same time, he is seen as abrogating protocol and years of inside the beltway practice by what he has done and the Dems and Clinton will crucify him when she takes office.


Lose-lose proposition.  Move to Thailand is the only option.


Perhaps what surely is a very grateful Putin might have an opening somewhere.


Then again, sycophant loyalty and predictability are a strong point with Putin. Erratic wild men lurching and pitching from one side to the other probably doesn't look good on the C.V. in the Kremlin. 


Not unsurprising though that it doesn't go over well in either the US Government or in the USA itself -- or anywhere. Maybe Thaksin might improve his chances with a new and lanky lawyer-gumshoe. Now that Comey is famous-notorious, maybe it's time for him to cash in on it too.


If he hasn't done it already.

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2 hours ago, DiamondKing said:

When you have the DOJ top DOG Loretta Lynch taking the 5th then it kinda tells the whole story 


It unravelling for HRC and hopefully we will see her locked up along with the rest of those DESPICABLE criminals


Another one firing up the old Electric Chair.


Down there in the dungeon.


Old Sparky.

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I just want the election to be over with. I hope the Americans deep down understand that Trump is a madman whatever happens . Clinton is not perfect but she is a politician. 

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What a load of old croc by the HRC camp.  They come out of the gate expressing joy that Comey did not find anything other than her gross carelessness in the initial investigation.  He did not detail anything during that inquiry yet now, when these other emails come to light, they cry shock, horror.  And there's holier than tough Hillary demanding that the FBI explain themselves.  Just who in the hell does she think she is? 


Anyone who has knowledge of or the experience in investigating alleged criminal acts knows full well that the good guys do not divulge, fully, what they are looking at or the paths to be taken.  For them to do so would give the bad guys the opportunity to create an alibi or the time to fabricate an excuse for their conduct.  It would be interesting to note if the very close relationship between Huma and HRC was mentioned.  It would make for an interesting insight as to why she allowed Bill to do what he did, whilst she did what she did.


What a shame, poor old HRC and her cronies have been caught short handed on this occasion and do not like it and are now bad mouthing Comey and calling his actions political.  I would call it justified law enforcement  and by keeping everything close to their chest it will not give those afraid of what my be disclosed and chance of using their normal spin to distance themselves from the obvious criminal activities that they have been involved in for the past 30 years.

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Clinton has currently two FBI criminal investigations in progress involving her. Wikileaks show the panic, collusion and intent to pervert the course of justice. Most important how can anyone be in a position to take a presidential oath when they may well be impeached at any time?

Cue the Trump this, Trump that diversions.


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21 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

Clinton has currently two FBI criminal investigations in progress involving her. Wikileaks show the panic, collusion and intent to pervert the course of justice. Most important how can anyone be in a position to take a presidential oath when they may well be impeached at any time?

Cue the Trump this, Trump that diversions.


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Another great source. I still remember the ones you cited which claimed that the Saudis had virtually won the war in Yemen. That's quite a while ago, now.

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10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

At this late in the game stage, the only real important question is whether the letter from the FBI will cost Hillary Clinton the presidency. I seriously doubt it. But it may cost the democrats the senate, and that's very bad. 

Trump said that this is the largest scandal since Watergate. The Watergate scandal was during 1972 presidential election. A good number of today's electorate is probably saying to themselves: What's Watergate?

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Just now, JLCrab said:

Trump said this is the largest scandal since Watergate. The Watergate scandal was during 1972 presidential election. A good number of today's electorate is probably saying to themselves: What's Watergate?

Beyond that, it's obviously NOT bigger than Watergate.

But these days, everything is a gate.

Such as ... pussygate.

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20 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

Incidentally, bring up Google and type in Hillary is. The suggestions show she's finished, even google has bailed on her.

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I did as you suggested.  Have you considered that instead of Google, you use Goggle?  That's the search engine for people with defective vision.

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Was watching some clips on this and saw a story where reporting was interviewing people who are voting early in Florida

The reporter said that almost all interviewed have said that this coming out has not effected their vote.

Those for Trump advised it just re-enforced their decision

Those voting for Hillary advised no effect

If this is true then is not good news for Trump

And this was on Fox News... So none can claim is some liberal media thing

Unless more info comes out... May not affect the election

Still believe at the end of the day Hillary likely to win

Unless 'early voters' are more set in their views than those that vote
On Election Day

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2 hours ago, Prbkk said:


I don't get the logic here: a few days ago you had the GOP in complete disarray and running for cover but now you say they were able to intimate a senior official into a blatantly political act. Doesn't ring true.


FYI the kid just came across these (more than obvious) matters...


“It’s like Humpty Dumpty fell and broke, then a giant lawn mower ran over it, acid was thrown on the pieces — and a bunch of racist idiots ran off with an arm and a leg. How do you put it back together? I don’t know.


— GOP strategist John Weaver, quoted by the Boston Globe



“Donald Trump’s path of destruction has pushed the Republican Party to the cusp of a historic reckoning, an existential crisis that has left half of America’s political establishment in desperate need of new leaders, a new message, and even a common orthodoxy,” the Boston Globe reports.


“Party members say it is almost impossible to underestimate the challenges facing the 162-year-old GOP, which for the last three decades has been largely defined by a hagiographic vision of Ronald Reagan but is now riven by a civil war with multiple dimensions.




Sam Wang: “Such high stability in polls is not new. It started several decades ago.


“At his lowest point, Mr. Trump still had more support than George McGovern, who got the smallest percentage of the popular vote by a major party candidate in the postwar era in 1972, with 37.5 percent.


Mrs. Clinton’s average margin over Mr. Trump of five points has been enough to make her the first candidate to maintain a durable lead in an open presidential race since Dwight D. Eisenhower defeated Adlai Stevenson in 1952. So the bigger question is not about Mr. Trump, but why the last six presidential campaigns became so stable.”



Stable, yes. Because this too will pass.


The election will be held on Tuesday, November 8th, as determined by a formula in the Constitution written centuries ago. Even the wannabe coup maker J. Brien Comey can't change that, as much as he apparently wants to change it.


The results of scheduled voting will become known. Nothing Trump the radical wildman can say or do will change it. While Trump will be Twittering out his rage, Hillary will be emailing world leaders. (What will she say to Vlad?!?

In the Eastern Time Zone, 17 states will report shortly after polls close at 8 pm. They will indicate unmistakably which way the vote is going across the nation. Key states in the ETZ are: Massachusetts (blue), New York state (blue), Pennsylvania (blue), Ohio (purple), New Jersey (blue), Virginia (blue), North Carolina (purple), Georgia (red), Florida (purple), among others. (ETZ is the single most populous time zone of the USA four continental time zones -- and it has the most ECV's of any single time zone.)


By the time we get to California (brightly shining blue) 3 hours later (11 pm ETZ) and its 55 Electoral College Votes, it will be all over but for the shouting of a different kind on each side. CA itself alone awards one-fifth of the 270 ECV's needed to win election as Potus. No other state remotely resembles the singular ECV significance of CA.


At which point USA will have its President-Elect. HRC remains the presumptive President-Elect. You can follow her election night emails if you'd like.



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51 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Beyond that, it's obviously NOT bigger than Watergate.

But these days, everything is a gate.

Such as ... pussygate.


Of course it's not bigger, he said since Watergate.  Gates, yep there sure are with the last one being "Shut the Gate."  which will happen on the 9th November 2016. :wai:

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1 hour ago, Steely Dan said:

Incidentally, bring up Google and type in Hillary is. The suggestions show she's finished, even google has bailed on her.

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Stick a fork in her and Huma whose gone into hiding after perjuring herself re Crooked giving up 'ALL Devices With State Dept Emails":


Huma Abedin Likely Voided Her Immunity Deal now Huma has gone into hiding  http://www.independentsentinel.com/




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