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What Do You Think Tourist SHOULDN'T Do?

Andrew C

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What should Tourists not do? (especially first-timers).

2 things come to mind immediately (among many others):

- Ignore cat-calls coming from across the street, insisting that you are a "sexy-man". (if you hear it for the 20iest time, you may actually start to believe it yourself.) Nothing but trouble ahead !

- Ignore Farang Long Term Residents (especially when wearing dark sun glasses after midnight), offering you "the business-deal of a lifetime". Nothing but trouble ahead !

There are 639 other reasons as to "what Tourists should not do", but this will have to suffice for now.

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20 hours ago, swissie said:


What should Tourists not do? (especially first-timers).

2 things come to mind immediately (among many others):

- Ignore cat-calls coming from across the street, insisting that you are a "sexy-man". (if you hear it for the 20iest time, you may actually start to believe it yourself.) Nothing but trouble ahead !

- Ignore Farang Long Term Residents (especially when wearing dark sun glasses after midnight), offering you "the business-deal of a lifetime". Nothing but trouble ahead !

There are 639 other reasons as to "what Tourists should not do", but this will have to suffice for now.


those were great. if u had more advice that would be even more helpful because i think there are things that future tourist need to know to avoid

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Don't walk around the city with those "elephant pants" or a Singha tank top & swim shorts ( keep this attire at the beach)

Don't believe Thai smiles are always "real smiles" as in Western culture.

Don't think riding in a crazy tuk-tuk while inhaling exhaust fumes on the hot pavement is cheaper than taking an comfortable metered air conditioned taxi.

Don't listen to the "touts" ( guys that call you over) when in front of the bus station or a tourist attraction-- ignore them

Never share the name of the hotel you're staying at.

Don't believe the vendor have a brother or cousin living in the same city where you come from.

Never get in a taxi without having small paper money with you. ( The drivers happen to not have change ).

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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Always pay close attention to letters received from lovelies after long meaningful overnight relationships. Pay attention to the conversion rate....................;)


Dear Tilac,

I love and miss you so much. Now I have big pomprem. I tell you before that my buffalo me sick. Now it die. Fall down dead in middle of rice field. but, when it fall, it land on Papa and break him leg in three places. Now he not work.

Brother me make stretcher from bamboo he take from loof of house. Now roof collapse and rain get in house. Brother she take Papa to hospital on motocycle. She have accident coming home. Run into police car. Brother me to blame. Police say we have to pay big money.

Motocycle OK. Police car no good. Now give Mama have heart pomprem. Doctor say she need triple bypass. I not understand what is, he say you know. If you not help me I have to go with many, many  farang to pay bill. The old people in my village in Roi-et say it all your fault. If you  give me  money to buy medicine for sick buffalo when I ask you, then it not die, Papa not break leg, house still have loof, brother not ride into police car and Mama not have heart pomprem.


Please send for me 200,000 baht for my bank.

Papa fix: 10,000,

new loof:30,000,

New police car 100,000:

Mama fix:50,000.

I take off 2,000 bht for sell buffalo meat, but have to pay more hospital bill for 24 people have pomprem eat no good meat - 12,000bht. I not know money England but my friend me say it about 30.59875 baht. This mean you send me 65,000 English money. Big money for me, little money for you.

I love you too much long time. Tikka  


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31 minutes ago, chrisinth said:

Always pay close attention to letters received from lovelies after long meaningful overnight relationships. Pay attention to the conversion rate....................;)


Dear Tilac,


I love and miss you so much. Now I have big pomprem. I tell you before that my buffalo me sick. Now it die. Fall down dead in middle of rice field. but, when it fall, it land on Papa and break him leg in three places. Now he not work.


The best reply I've seen to one of these "begging letters" was written by a man in, I believe, Saudi Arabia.


The Thai girl (obviously a hooker) had penned the usual garbage about being poor and having no money.


The Arab stated in his reply that he wasn't concerned or put off by her abject poverty. He reminded her, politely, that millions of people around the world are dirt poor.


He stressed that despite her complete lack of cash, he still loved her.




The letter was a gem insofar as her plea for cash went straight over his head. And he evidently had genuine feelings for her, too.


It was this that me realize only westerners send cash. Japs don't; Arabs wouldn't even think of it. I also think men from southern Europe (Italy and Span, etc) are less likely to fall for this crap than clowns in England, Germany and Scandinavia. 


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It's westerners that seem obsessed with ensuring these guys that sell sex for money actually like them.

"Did she have a good time" - "how to tell if they like you" etc etc ... no one else cares!


As for tourists, I let people enjoy themselves how they like but stumbling drunk in the streets, come on, behave, don't be an idiot. Don't walk around without a shirt or shoes, trust me, 5000 people did it before you thinking they were 'cool' or 'I feel so comfortable here'.


Also, don't take a damn 20 baht tuk tuk ride or visit a gem store or tailors, <deleted>. Aside from a one-off tuk tuk ride for tourist experience don't use them at all unless you know prices. I get a meter cab over a tuk tuk anyday

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Only thing that bothers me is animal tourism. Tiger temples, elephant rides, etc. It funds suffering. 


Ps. Why not take a songtaew? They're usually the cheapest transport, and fun, I enjoyed taking them in korat. I wish bangkok had them!

Edited by Changwatchap
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On 11/1/2016 at 1:13 AM, smokie36 said:

Wai anyone.

Tourist season is when the 'wai nong's' come.


Note: Please never never wai the street vendor who just stuffed you - even if you don't yet realise you have been stuffed.


Pro tip: If you bought something off a street vendor you WERE stuffed.

Edited by mokwit
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Do not talk politics (do not say or mention anything about the king unless its a condolence stop and say nothing further)

Do not believe taxi or tuk tuk drivers when they say the place you want to go is closed or is no good and offer to take you some place better!

do not go to free shows!!!  No matter how much someone says a show is free and you should trust them!!! its a lie!

do not wear shorts if you plan  sight seeing at places such as temples.

 do not pay listed price for gifts  (thais expect you to haggle)

Do not let taxi drivers forget to turn on the meter

Do not let your guard down out in public!

do not accept free items (if you see someone sneek something into your bag you will probably wind up paying a bride to security when you leave)




Other advice

Always carry tissues or toilet paper

watch where you eat or you might end  up needing to use the toilet constantly (carry some imodium)

i suggest always having a travel umbrella 

keep your passport safe and carry a secondary ID with you... License, state ID, school ID whatever

If you go jet skiing or rent any type of equipment take pictures of it before you leaving the shop or vendor.







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Tourist shouldn't come here with the expectation that they can defy Thai customs or ignore rules that would seem ridiculous back home. But they also shouldn't come here thinking that if they abide by these customs and rules that they're somehow entitled to being treated differently, or wont somehow get screwed over in the end anyway.

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On 11/2/2016 at 3:14 AM, toenail said:

Don't walk around the city with those "elephant pants" or a Singha tank top & swim shorts ( keep this attire at the beach)

Don't believe Thai smiles are always "real smiles" as in Western culture.

Don't think riding in a crazy tuk-tuk while inhaling exhaust fumes on the hot pavement is cheaper than taking an comfortable metered air conditioned taxi.

Don't listen to the "touts" ( guys that call you over) when in front of the bus station or a tourist attraction-- ignore them

Never share the name of the hotel you're staying at.

Don't believe the vendor have a brother or cousin living in the same city where you come from.

Never get in a taxi without having small paper money with you. ( The drivers happen to not have change ).

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


" Don't believe Thai smiles are always "real smiles" as in Western culture.  "


Do you really believe that everyone who smiles (like used car salesman or politicians) in the west is sincere and to be trusted?


Maybe something tourists and long term residents should not do is to think everything back in Farangland is so wonderful compared to Thailand.

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