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Thaivisa survey: Half of expats have considered leaving Thailand in the last year

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1 hour ago, Just1Voice said:

I've been here going on 9 years now, and my "happiness level" is about the same as it was in the beginning.  First, I had no illusions about Thailand being "paradise", or the perfect place for me to live.  I accepted it as a new, different country, with it's up's & down's, it's good & bad, like any place else, including the U.S., where I came from.  I didn't come to Thailand for Thailand. I came to Thailand to get away from the U.S., which was becoming much too expensive for me to live on my VA Disability pension.  

I've been married to the same woman, who is only 10 years younger than I am, for most of those 9 years, and have a wonderful, loving adopted son, who is working on his Master's in Thai Education, and a niece studying for her law degree, who calls me her dad as well.  Life is good.  Perfect?  Not by a long shot, but 10 times, or more, better than it would be back in the States living alone in an apartment.  I speak enough Thai so that when I take a 2-4 day road trip on my bike, I have no problems getting by. 


Life ain't "great", but it's damn good for me, and that's just fine. 





Sorry you had an apartment and no one to share it with. Thailand was great in the 70's and 80's but after that each year it ha been going down. Too much restrictions and hoop jumping just because i'm not Thai. My house 2 cars and motorcycle in Florida are all paid for. I have relatives here that i come to visit but it gets so boring after awhile. i'm not a whore monger or gutter drunk so that aspect has no appeal to me. I also have my VA pension and it works fine for me in Florida !!! iI once tried a retirement visa and i was climbing the walls to get back to America. after 8 months. My wife is Thai and she would rather stay in America too!!!  Been married 43 years and am still happy with a wife who worked herself up to be a General Manager of a Fast Food company. I have a house in Korat, city limits that i stay in when i visit. The medical care here is not the greatest in the world and always check any meds given out bu Bangkok and St. Mary's hospitals because they do not care about your own medications and interactions. Twice had i not looked up the medications for interactions i probably would have died!!! This is after i gave the doctors a copy of my current medications. The streets here have not changed from the 70's. Now with all the Idiots on the road i have someone drive me, not to mention the terrible traffic problems too. Thai people themselves have changed allot. i remember before when your Thai friends would pay for you and or share an expense. Now everyone wants your money and most attractions cost you more because your not Thai. Basically a nice place to visit but i would never, ever stay here Permanently!!!!!   


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Statistically that means half of expats want to stay in Thailand. Most of the ones that say they want to leave, won't. Why? Because they just enjoy winning.

2 minutes ago, Gimino said:

It might serve a useful purpose to know the reasons for any dissatisfaction. For example, living at the same address for years, yet

required to do a 90 day report to show you have not moved. In other words, you must lodge a report when you have nothing to report.

The government could easily fix that. Require reporting only when you move. Another irritant is paying to enter parks and various places

of interest as a farang when the Thai pays but little or nothing at all. Such discrimination is insulting. Those are but two irritants

that could and should be remedied straight away. The expat has chosen to live here. He is, with rare exception law abiding and even if

not a business owner, makes a contribution to the community. Imagine if all the expats suddenly left. That would surely put a dent in

the Thai economy. 


Or maybe they just miss the grandchildren, are going home for some free medical, etc

There could be hundreds of reasons, nothing to do with immigration or free national parks.

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1 hour ago, Clarinet man said:

I was in Chiang Mai  for 3 years  . I left 2 reasons couldn't  handle  the 90 day report and not allowed  to play music  outside.  Who in heaven's name play dixieland  jazz in Thailand  . I would  not be taking any job from any Thai.  There loss 


They probably don't like dixieland music, 90 day report, no problem for me, would have loved to hear some dixie, like you said, their loss, yeee-haaa

1 hour ago, mcfish said:

99.9% of Cambodian expats are miserable within 7 days according to a recent survey

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk



Cambodian expats in Thailand? Hmm..

Total BS. I'm into my 11th year in Cambodia, and please don't tell me that I'm part of the 0.1%. There are many others here like me. And yes I've lived in Hong Kong, Thailand, China, Vietnam and the Philippines, so I do know what I'm talking about.

I just thought one BS survey deserved another BS survey. I didn't think anyone would actually bight! Lol

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

45 minutes ago, robbobr said:

I agree, i left 6 mths ago back to Australia after 3.5 yrs in Thailand, boring conversation even with some expats going over the same topics and saying the same boring things, too much interference by Military, no security in investing, i lost $100k on a condo in Phuket after the coup and ghe Russians departed dumping their properties on the market at ridiculous prices, uncontrolled development of condos on the island and low end tourists. Thailand has lost its appeal.


Why on earth would you invest in property in Thailand, you should have purchased something in Sydney 3.5 years ago, you would have made 50% on average on your money, talking from a retired Ozzie Valuers point of view. The problem with some people buying property is they chase the guaranteed developers "inflated" rental return, but when that guaranteed  period, usually 2 or 3 years is up, that 7% guaranteed return gets reduced to market, probably 2%, developers are not stupid, they factor the inflated return into the purchase price.


Phuket, is great for a holiday, to live, no thanks, after a week I am itching to get the F-out of there, take me home to Issan where its green, green, green and away from all the crazy farangs, especially the Ozzies, oy oy oy


Interference by the military junta, again, you didn't do your homework and blame it easily on Thailand: http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/thailand-s-19th-coup-underscores-country-s-fatal-flaw-1.2658846


I do not know about on tourist spots or big cities, but in small Thai towns cost of living still the same or less than 5 years ago. No cheaper living in any part of the world, and Thailand is safer than most cheap retirement destinations. Working locally  here may be a problem for some. To do business with Thai people is a nightmare. No problems in to be retired here and with a decent income, but I can see that may be a problem for very high income educated foreigners. Not very many cultural activities in Thailand. Unfortunately....I am a "poor" farang. No better choices.

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6 minutes ago, mcfish said:

I just thought one BS survey deserved another BS survey. I didn't think anyone would actually bight! Lol

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

Bite?, my teeth are much sharper than that.

2 hours ago, Mook23 said:

True. Losers will be losers. Thailand isnt receiving the best quality of farlangs. In fact. Many farlang i have met here are low level. Many dont even speak enough thai to say more than hello and thank you.  Yet these very people feel superior. Oh well. People 555.


Yep - some can't even spell Farang.

2 hours ago, Mook23 said:

At scotbkk: i stayed clear from the women except for the occasional one night stand ? i came here in my mid 30s and didnt need a boost in self esteem or  second youth. I didnt divorce a western "whale" like so many here like to call home females. i wasnt mysogene. I truly loved all days around here. Studied thai. Travelled each town from the south to the north. Met great people. But its not my habitat and since the junta i decided to leave. Im not bitter and can always return in 10 years when im 50+ and overweight and bald ??



Or you could just eat a lot, shave your head, and come back next year!  Hehehe . . .


I myself, have complained a lot about the escalating corruption and increasing crimes the last 4 years in TV. 

As result, I took the necessary decision to leave Thailand.

Increasing cost paired with the corruption made me get to that decision faster as I stick to my believes to never  pay ANY tea money regardless if it makes life smother in Thailand (would never call it LOS anymore). The military has also put the country in a downward spiral that it won't get out off easy.

Live in Thailand in the future, I think not, even my Thai wife agrees with me that it's not worth the hassle or that the corrupt police, military, banks etc. will change anytime soon.

There are plenty of other states to investigate and to start a new life in.


It looks like Cambodia and Vietnam are the favourites for an alternative place to live. No one mentioned Laos or Malaysia. I wonder why? On visa trips those two places Penang and Vietienne seemed great places to live and maybe work as well.

On 10/29/2016 at 0:37 PM, jvs said:

They will get a fine for smoking not a big deal.Possession with intent to sell is more serious.



2 hours ago, soalbundy said:

so is misery, i'll stick to apathy

So is apathy.  But I don't care.


46 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


Am I missing something, what is the authorities behaviour against the long term stayers, fair question ?

Thai Authorities have made it easier to get citizenship.


3  years  working,  married  and Bob's your uncle.

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2 hours ago, gr8fldanielle said:

no question as to why so many expats are not happy.

Might have something to do with having it made very clear every 90 days

that you're not one of us and your future does hang by thread here.


If a trip every 90 days, to show proof you still reside here is such an inconvenience, maybe you should not have come here in the first place ?

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2 hours ago, LNKDES1 said:

Being an American, I have recently looked at central Mexico



I have never been, but I hear great things about Costa Rica.  Not only would it be easier to learn Spanish than Thai, but the Roman alphabet makes everything more accessible and  functioning easier  (menus, street signs, place names, buses, etc.) even if you are not fluent in the language.

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3 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

This would be of great interest especially now. With immigration rules being tighten regularly and xenophobia on the rise. What options are there for an expat to live, work or retire else where in South East Asia?


I moved from Thailand to Cyprus two months ago, not necessarily because I disliked Thailand more that I wanted to spend time and be located in Europe during these Brexit negotiations. It might be the case that anyone arriving before Article 50 is triggered will retain a right of abode in Europe.


You have to be careful buying property here but if you do so correctly you have all rights to land and buildings ... unlike Thailand. Another point that may be of interest is that the cost of my rent, utilities, food, entertainment is working out to be lower than in Thailand ... despite GBP falling against the Euro these last few months. That was unexpected but a pleasant surprise.



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We sold our Thai business (main source of money is the Dutch branch), sold the Phuket home, and we keep the BKK condo. Corruption and deteriorating values in the Kingdom caused us to leave it as a home base. Now we visit country and family in the school holidays as our kid gets education in Holland. Perhaps at some later point we'll make a southern European country or the US our base. Climate will be the main drive, as people in warm climates usually are more laid back than in the hectic west.

4 hours ago, Johnniey said:

The main reason they are unhappier as they realize after a few years that the somewhat exotic dark-skinned Issarnite is not in fact desirable anymore.


So true, so true :smile:

51 minutes ago, Gimino said:

It might serve a useful purpose to know the reasons for any dissatisfaction. For example, living at the same address for years, yet

required to do a 90 day report to show you have not moved. In other words, you must lodge a report when you have nothing to report.

The government could easily fix that. Require reporting only when you move. Another irritant is paying to enter parks and various places

of interest as a farang when the Thai pays but little or nothing at all. Such discrimination is insulting. Those are but two irritants

that could and should be remedied straight away. The expat has chosen to live here. He is, with rare exception law abiding and even if

not a business owner, makes a contribution to the community. Imagine if all the expats suddenly left. That would surely put a dent in

the Thai economy. 


What is with most of you guys, did anyone research Thailand before you moved here, research = knowledge "if we xpats all got up and left, the Thai economy would go down or have a dent in it", please think before you speak, you are dreaming, the bus leaves in 5 minutes, "up to you"


Discrimination has nothing to do with charging you to go into parks or entire various places, if you don't like it, don't go.


I will agree with you that the 90 day reporting could be improved as you state, but one thing you and many fail to get into your heads, this is NOT our country, so we have ZERO push, e.g. send a letter to our local member/vote, so we have to bite the bullet, just do it on line as others say or mail it or go in to the office, it won't kill you every 90 days, suffice to say feeling like I am reporting to a parole officer every 90 days makes me feel special 555 


After ten years I've decided to leave,  will be nice spending time with my parents as they are getting old. I was lucky enough to have a decent job with good money and visa,  etc.  But now jobless I won't be jumping through hoops just at to stay here,  seems desperate to me. Good luck to all of you who carry on in Thailand ,  I've realised this past month that Thailand is great for a holiday but working here isn't all it's cracked up to be. I don't find Bangkok that fun anymore either. All the best.  Sootz

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