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Trump votes in Manhattan as aides claim upset win in sight


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1 minute ago, CaptHaddock said:


Sanders didn't spoil Clinton's election.  He campaigned vigorously for her. 


The Dem party cares more about the working class than the Repubs ever have, by a long shot, but less than they used to.  The point at which the median income in America stopped growing in sync with GDP was about 1980, i.e. the Reagan Revolution.  All of the Repub candidates, very much including Trump, support a tax policy of yet further reductions in taxes for the rich, individuals and corporations alike. 


So, goodbye Obamacare, the benefits of which went to the working class, hello restrictions on pre-existing conditions and rescission.  Goodbye Roe v. Wade, but people like Trump will still send their mistresses abroad for first-class abortions while the poor will die in increasing numbers from botched attempts.  Trump has said that he opposes free trade and immigration, but the billionaire donor class very much favors both.  So, we'll see whose interests win.  I am quite sure that Trumps voters will be worse off in 4 years, but at least they will be able to look down on blacks and women with impunity.


 Look, I would be a natural Democrat voter (if I could vote) - why didn't the Democrats put up a candidate to contest the election!!

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1 minute ago, CaptHaddock said:


Sanders didn't spoil Clinton's election.  He campaigned vigorously for her. 


The Dem party cares more about the working class than the Repubs ever have, by a long shot, but less than they used to.  The point at which the median income in America stopped growing in sync with GDP was about 1980, i.e. the Reagan Revolution.  All of the Repub candidates, very much including Trump, support a tax policy of yet further reductions in taxes for the rich, individuals and corporations alike. 


So, goodbye Obamacare, the benefits of which went to the working class, hello restrictions on pre-existing conditions and rescission.  Goodbye Roe v. Wade, but people like Trump will still send their mistresses abroad for first-class abortions while the poor will die in increasing numbers from botched attempts.  Trump has said that he opposes free trade and immigration, but the billionaire donor class very much favors both.  So, we'll see whose interests win.  I am quite sure that Trumps voters will be worse off in 4 years, but at least they will be able to look down on blacks and women with impunity.

Keep repeating all Hillary's talking points...maybe they'll get you a win at the next election.

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8 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:


Sanders didn't spoil Clinton's election.  He campaigned vigorously for her. 


The Dem party cares more about the working class than the Repubs ever have, by a long shot, but less than they used to.  The point at which the median income in America stopped growing in sync with GDP was about 1980, i.e. the Reagan Revolution.  All of the Repub candidates, very much including Trump, support a tax policy of yet further reductions in taxes for the rich, individuals and corporations alike. 


So, goodbye Obamacare, the benefits of which went to the working class, hello restrictions on pre-existing conditions and rescission.  Goodbye Roe v. Wade, but people like Trump will still send their mistresses abroad for first-class abortions while the poor will die in increasing numbers from botched attempts.  Trump has said that he opposes free trade and immigration, but the billionaire donor class very much favors both.  So, we'll see whose interests win.  I am quite sure that Trumps voters will be worse off in 4 years, but at least they will be able to look down on blacks and women with impunity.

Keep repeating all Hillary's talking points...maybe they'll get you a win at the next election.

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

The dollar will be weaker. That's for sure.


 Not as weak as the Mexican Peso!! Are you going to congratulate President Trump on his famous win against all expectations?

Edited by lucky11
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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

The dollar will be weaker. That's for sure.


Why would that be?  Both parties support a strong dollar policy.  Do you expect trade to decline or the US's trade deficit?   In the short term as a vote of no-confidence, just maybe.

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22 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

The dollar will be weaker. That's for sure.


You know, I don't watch TV ever, but I just turned it on for the first time a few minutes ago to PBS election coverage. Those people look more stunned than they did on 9/11. Wow! Shell shocked with the thousand yard stare. Clearly they are not representative of the public in its entirety. I've never seen anything like it in my life.

Edited by lannarebirth
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You know, I don't watch TV ever, but I just turned it on for the first time a few minutes ago to PBS election coverage. Those people look more stunned than they did on 9/11. Wow! Clearly they are not representative of the public in its entirety. I've never seen anything like it in my life.

Yes. It's shocking. Just like a political 911. Very dark and tragic day for the USA and the planet.
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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yes. It's shocking. Just like a political 911. Very dark and tragic day for the USA and the planet.


They just looked like they were so emotionally and personally invested in the outcome, which you wouldn't expect from a public interest broadcaster. It was truly bizarre.

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If you take a close look at Social Security, you will see that it will be solvent until 2032 as long as the government pays back the money it took from the trust fund. After that it depends if the politicians learn how to balance a checkbook. Obviously at this point, they are NOT capable of that task.


I would hope that the rabid democrats who listened to the president elect's speech just a few minutes ago could stifle their criticism and help unite the country. If you cannot accept the fact that the country is a mess you have not had a realistic look at the economy, jobs, lack of growth and the suffering infrastructure. Trump has a very difficult job ahead of him and he admits that he needs all the help that he can get. Democrat and republican politicians are going to have to make some difficult decisions and quit the squabbling among themselves.

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45 minutes ago, Gary A said:

If you take a close look at Social Security, you will see that it will be solvent until 2032 as long as the government pays back the money it took from the trust fund. After that it depends if the politicians learn how to balance a checkbook. Obviously at this point, they are NOT capable of that task.


I would hope that the rabid democrats who listened to the president elect's speech just a few minutes ago could stifle their criticism and help unite the country. If you cannot accept the fact that the country is a mess you have not had a realistic look at the economy, jobs, lack of growth and the suffering infrastructure. Trump has a very difficult job ahead of him and he admits that he needs all the help that he can get. Democrat and republican politicians are going to have to make some difficult decisions and quit the squabbling among themselves.


I hope you are not planning on surviving on SS benefits.  The biggest threat to the continued survival of Social Security has just taken place.  The Republican Party has been determined to destroy SS for decades and now they have their chance. 


So, when your biggest fears of the insolvency of SS come true try to pay attention to who it is who has brought you to that pass.

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5 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

I'm trying to draw consolation where I can. For one thing, I can't imagine he's going to keep the favor of the people who voted for him very long. What exactly is there in his proposed legislation to help the struggling workers?  Nothing much that I can see. Small tax cuts for them. Big ones for the rich. A new tax loophole for real estate developers. He's going to get rid of Dodd Frank which was doing a better than expected job of keeping hedge funds and banks in check. As for obamacare, while it's true that a majority of Americans disapproved of it, only a plurality wanted to abolish it. The rest wanted either to keep it as it was or improve it. Now people with preexisting conditions once again won't be able to get coverage. Oh yes, there is that promise to bring back jobs. He's going to out-negotiate the Chinese. This in't the first time I've raised these issues. And I've never gotten a reply.  The reason trump won was because he's angry and lots of white people are angry. I can't imagine that's going to be enough to sustain him even in the next 2 years.


You've been on that envy dogma before regarding taxing the rich. A 15% tax for companies will instantly bring 3$Trillion home I read. That will be a job start.

Also this "angry white men" cliche is wearing a bit thin.

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4 hours ago, daveAustin said:


Don't count on polls :smile:. This rhetoric reminds me of the painful remoaner tripe on Brexit. Continually spouting stuff like this (calling the other side dumb, racist bigots etc ) because they have a different opinion is the reason why you lose. Ordinary folks are sick of it. 


Yes and stick your neck out you copped it pretty quickly by some condescending no alls on TVF as well.  Som nom naa as often quoted.

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4 hours ago, Publicus said:

 Unity will be virtually impossible after the outcome, whichever way it goes.


HRC will say the right things win or lose.


It's all on Trump either way.


There certainly will not be a civil war again, but the Trump people are ugly win or lose.


So you're still right about everything except the final image of Trump being his backside going back up the escalator and into the maw of Trump Tower.

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4 hours ago, lucky11 said:


 Look, I would be a natural Democrat voter (if I could vote) - why didn't the Democrats put up a candidate to contest the election!!


It's highly unlikely now either party will nominate a woman to the top of the ticket again. As we see, it brings all kinds of critters out of the crop fields and creatures out of the woodwork. No woman on the ticket period. Score a big one for the rednecks.


Certain constituencies of the Democratic party weren't up for it either, preferring to give the opportunity a pass. Shame on 'em too.


The reactionaries had been working a long time to put a stop to it. Hardly anyone wanted either Trump or HRC so it came down to preferring the guy over the gal. That's what brought 'em out.

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19 minutes ago, Publicus said:


It's highly unlikely now either party will nominate a woman to the top of the ticket again. As we see, it brings all kinds of critters out of the crop fields and creatures out of the woodwork. No woman on the ticket period. Score a big one for the rednecks.


Certain constituencies of the Democratic party weren't up for it either, preferring to give the opportunity a pass. Shame on 'em too.


The reactionaries had been working a long time to put a stop to it. Hardly anyone wanted either Trump or HRC so it came down to preferring the guy over the gal. That's what brought 'em out.


Wheel out the gender bias cliche instead of blaming your idol. It will be good when a woman does ascend to the Presidency, but one who is there for the people not there to be the first woman to break the glass ceiling

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10 minutes ago, Publicus said:


It's highly unlikely now either party will nominate a woman to the top of the ticket again. As we see, it brings all kinds of critters out of the crop fields and creatures out of the woodwork. No woman on the ticket period. Score a big one for the rednecks.


Certain constituencies of the Democratic party weren't up for it either, preferring to give the opportunity a pass. Shame on 'em too.


The reactionaries had been working a long time to put a stop to it. Hardly anyone wanted either Trump or HRC so it came down to preferring the guy over the gal. That's what brought 'em out.


It seems doubtful now that any Democrat nominee could have beaten Trump with the exception of Obama, but for the twenty-second amendment.  Not Sanders, a Jew socialist, not Biden, an establishment guy, not Elizabeth Warren, woman and college professor.  HRC did keep the Obama coalition together.  Trump didn't pick off any significant piece of that.  But they came out less for HRC than for Obama, because Obama is a better politician.  But then he's demonstrably a better politician than any of the Dems.  So, she underperfomed Obama as we could have foreseen which was enough to lose to Trump, whose racist pitch proved to have massive appeal.  I think she would have beaten any of the other Republicans, but that hardly matters now.  In a way, it shows the strength of the electoral system since the Repub leadership would have chosen anyone other than Trump had they had the chance, but the primary voters did not give them that chance.


It's a good day for the rich, for the polluters, for the KKK and white nationalist groups, for the police stop-and-friskers, for Putin, etc.

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33 minutes ago, Linzz said:


You've been on that envy dogma before regarding taxing the rich. A 15% tax for companies will instantly bring 3$Trillion home I read. That will be a job start.

Also this "angry white men" cliche is wearing a bit thin.


The "angry white men" came out in force in the rural counties of certain Blue states and also from their Happydale exburbs.


In the rural counties the AWMs are the shitkicking pig farmers, a swarm of 'em also turning out in Iowa which had been a Blue state since 1992 to give Trump his big win there. The AWM exburbanites are the $80k millionaires who bought their mansions cheap from the banks during the Obama years and still shop at Walmart. 


From the guy who coined the term 'exburb' in the 1990s:


But to call these rural hot spots “exurban,” Garreau said, is missing the point. As he sees it, today’s urban exiles aren’t looking for a lengthy commute from the far suburbs to a downtown office. They’re seasoned professionals with big incomes who’ve grown tired of the urban rat race, he said. They’re looking to completely eradicate the notion of commuting to work and toiling from 9 to 5. Rich greenery and wide-open vistas are a must.





Right of center millennials made the difference in three Blue states in particular, each state by the 1 percent of the vote that tipped the state: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin. Electoral College Vote of each state, respectively, is 20, 16, 10 = 46.


Most exburbanites performed well in the other Blue states, from Washington state, OR, CO, NM most famously, across to the east coast in NJ, NY, CT, MA, VT among others.


So now that Donald Trump is Potus-Elect, what could go wrong. 

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10 minutes ago, Linzz said:


Wheel out the gender bias cliche instead of blaming your idol. It will be good when a woman does ascend to the Presidency, but one who is there for the people not there to be the first woman to break the glass ceiling




It's more of the conservative and the radical reactionary line of the Mad Max crowds that want to burn it all to the ground. Their Trumperdome is beginning to take its shape.

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An election outcome does not necessarily change one's views of a lifetime, win or lose. We know elections outcomes always vary, the pendulum swings, but one's fundamental views, values and convictions continue. 


So this poster's grapes are always fresh and cold while his signature continues unaffected. Others should realistically expect nothing but and nothing more or less from any person of principle, self-respect or integrity. 


So no one over on that side should get all smug or sell-righteous by pretending to himself be otherwise. The trains to the wall will not run on time nor will the USA become the enemy of Islam per se, to cite two instances of a Constitutional continuity.

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1 hour ago, Publicus said:


It's highly unlikely now either party will nominate a woman to the top of the ticket again. As we see, it brings all kinds of critters out of the crop fields and creatures out of the woodwork. No woman on the ticket period. Score a big one for the rednecks.


Certain constituencies of the Democratic party weren't up for it either, preferring to give the opportunity a pass. Shame on 'em too.


The reactionaries had been working a long time to put a stop to it. Hardly anyone wanted either Trump or HRC so it came down to preferring the guy over the gal. That's what brought 'em out.


It appears that you are grabbing at straws and attempting to make excuses. Other than the wailing and gnashing of teeth the election is over. The far lefties lost. You should put some blame on the crooked corrupt candidate that the democrats chose. I think they chose Sanders because an avowed socialist stood no chance against the democratic establishment and their chosen one. I was quite surprised that he was able to scare Hillary. Any fairly conservative republican would have buried Sanders had he been the candidate.

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