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Nott "graap rot" apologizes to society as PM says "no copycats please"


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8 hours ago, maewang99 said:

I've increasingly thought the Thai educated view.. deeply inculcated over a long tenure of schooling at all levels and then reinforced socially afterwards.... is that emotions such as anger should be repressed... held inside.... smile on the outside... 'pay respect'..... whereas the universal view (the 'farlang view', I guess I'm supposed to say) is to understand why we get angry, being able to pull up widely variant and multiple perspectives of how others may see the same thing... as well trying to understand ourselves better.... how and why we really get upset etc... so that if you get upset it's okay... normal..... in 90% of situations. 

whereas the other way, of keeping it inside... suppressed... and then if it boils over.... with this latter view being considered the 'more emotionally smart' way (suppress anger)... which completely dumbfounds anyone with a more universal viewpoint, which is referenced (yes, again I mention this) as being 'the American Culture' way etc.... where 'farlang are angry all the time' (yeah right... not). 

As for variant perspectives... not just normal life gives you this.  I always think of my experience in the 1960's in New York we all had to read..... and I do mean read.... literally read.... at a very young age (yes, I was a 'student'.. which, by the way, I still am but this ain't the 1960's anymore...ahem.... not just a certain age in a uniform, get it?).... Cry The Beloved Country... where the reader's surrogate from the gitgo is a black man.... and we all can name many books and Shakespeare etc... and that still take up some portion of our reading lists... fiction as well as non-fiction selections.....

because reading in my culture is a pleasure... and not the butt of jokes, open derision as well as something more useful than just for very sharply honing ....over and over again.... my calligraphy skills..... of which I have.............. none.



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9 hours ago, sharecropper said:

I thought pushing around the oppressed Thai underclass was what the government was for.


Oh, hang on, I just read his "obey the rule of law" quote, so this is clearly outside the terms of reference of this government.

u   mean obey the  rule of vague law  which can be interpreted any way they like

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15 hours ago, maewang99 said:

I've increasingly thought the Thai educated view.. deeply inculcated over a long tenure of schooling at all levels and then reinforced socially afterwards.... is that emotions such as anger should be repressed... held inside.... smile on the outside... 'pay respect'..... whereas the universal view (the 'farlang view', I guess I'm supposed to say) is to understand why we get angry, being able to pull up widely variant and multiple perspectives of how others may see the same thing... as well trying to understand ourselves better.... how and why we really get upset etc... so that if you get upset it's okay... normal..... in 90% of situations. 

whereas the other way, of keeping it inside... suppressed... and then if it boils over.... with this latter view being considered the 'more emotionally smart' way (suppress anger)... which completely dumbfounds anyone with a more universal viewpoint, which is referenced (yes, again I mention this) as being 'the American Culture' way etc.... where 'farlang are angry all the time' (yeah right... not). 

As for variant perspectives... not just normal life gives you this.  I always think of my experience in the 1960's in New York we all had to read..... and I do mean read.... literally read.... at a very young age (yes, I was a 'student'.. which, by the way, I still am but this ain't the 1960's anymore...ahem.... not just a certain age in a uniform, get it?).... Cry The Beloved Country... where the reader's surrogate from the gitgo is a black man.... and we all can name many books and Shakespeare etc... and that still take up some portion of our reading lists... fiction as well as non-fiction selections.....

because reading in my culture is a pleasure... and not the butt of jokes, open derision as well as something more useful than just for very sharply honing ....over and over again.... my calligraphy skills..... of which I have.............. none.

" suppression" of  emotions is a dangerous thing. Apart from  adding to  blood pressure issues it invariably  creates a  flashpoint in  actions.

Social suppression  which advocates  emotional  suppression ultimately   leads to a society where such  flash points  occur in individuals at a level  disproportionate to acceptable degree.

High blood  pressure  seems to be an endemic condition in Thailand. :saai:

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16 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I am still waiting for his time to go to become a monk, so he can mend his ways.


I wouldn't bet on it. Belonging to the elite class and driving around in a mini-cooper with plenty of cash to chuck around might be too firmly entrenched in his personality. Even if he does adopt the monkhood he'll no doubt take his riches with him:



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12 hours ago, merlin2002 said:

Prayut keeps harping on about obeying the laws of the land. The problem is that the laws are not equally enforced.


When was the last time a HiSo, moneyed Thai, whatever you want to call the pretentious pricks was prosecuted? Even when a case goes to court and they are found guilty, they are out on appeal and do not serve 1 day in jail. 


If Prayut truly wants to demonstrate that the law apples to ALL THAIS, then some hi profile HiSo cases need to be successfully prosecuted. The perpetrators spend some time behind bars, irrespective of their family name and position....


Yes indeed. The elite seem to live by a different set of rules than the rest of the country with the Red Bull heir still not being prosecuted for killing a policeman in spite of the case being four years old already: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/crimecourtscalamity/2016/05/25/1464175917/


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Maewang99: Do you understand the existence of the subconscious?  Bringing your inner thoughts into conscious awareness presents the potential to manage your feelings and actions.  It doesn't automatically give you license to act however you want.  It's an element of anger management classes whose objective is to help you to manage your anger in an improved way.  

Actually, Sigmund Freud developed the understanding of the unconscious and invented psychoanalysis to provide people with a conscious understanding of problems in their lives.  Related to this, Cognitive Therapy helps people to better manage various emotional problems, including angry outbursts.  Ref. http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=31748

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RE; becoming a monk.  I'm sure he has lined up a temple "to reflect"  and "make merit"  but is hoping it will blow over soon and he won't have to lose his hair style.  Too much more bad publicity and its off to the wat. Troubling times for the little %/&$#ker.

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Sometimes ..sometimes.....  justice in realized in Various ways.

In this case the angry prick was caught out by a cell phone camera and finally realized he had to account for his angry conduct.

He has been let go by his employer and he turned himself in and has to make amends and ask forgiveness and subject himself to the laws

All good and all going in the correct direction and the way it should be....... right.

But still....I say, 50 lashes for bad behavior and arrogance  ...lol


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On 09/11/2016 at 8:59 AM, Dunky said:

Utter nonsense all of it! It was the bikes fault and then he drove off. If he had done that to me he would have had more than facial injuries!


And what do you think would happen to you? Surrounded by Thais and you think that you would beat the biker more that that stupid idiot did?


You sound like a typical keyboard warrior. All mouth and trousers.


What might happen to you is that you may get a couple of blows in before many Thais waded in to you and by the time the police got to you then you would be a hospital case. After that the police might even charge YOU with assault and you would end up in jail.

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