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“Work towards a smooth transition” – Obama


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“Work towards a smooth transition” – Obama

Catherine Hardy




WASHINGTON: -- Incumbent US President Barack Obama urged Democrats to put aside their disappointment at the election result and work towards a smooth transition of political power.


“We are all rooting for his success in uniting and leading the country,” Obama said.


“I want to make sure that the hand-off is well-executed because ultimately we are on the same team.”


Obama worked hard on Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton’s behalf during the bitter campaign.


President-elect Donald Trump has pledged to undo Obama’s best legislative and executive accomplishments.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-11-10


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Obama got elected on the back of the motto " Change ". He changed diddly squat. Now with a non traditional politician coming to the helm, change is a certainty. In the end the Nobel Peace prize winning Obama was an epic failure.

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2 hours ago, coma said:

Obama got elected on the back of the motto " Change ". He changed diddly squat. Now with a non traditional politician coming to the helm, change is a certainty. In the end the Nobel Peace prize winning Obama was an epic failure.


I believe that the biggest losers in this election will be the hardcore Trump supporters.  Trump won't govern the way he campaigned.  He can't.  And he's not going to be able to keep most--if any--of his campaign promises.  He certainly won't be the spokesperson for the white nationalist movement.  He has to be the President for all Americans.


As for President Obama, as usual, he's showing the class and dignity that we've all come to expect.

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

“I want to make sure that the hand-off is well-executed because ultimately we are on the same team

Sounds all rather hollow much like past speeches of ex presidents who went on to bigger (paying jobs that is) Well folks its over. If Obama has done such a great job why did Hillary loose? Possibly he was to busy playing golf to realize he was out of touch with main street America? A popular political error. The little guy on the street is suffering there is no doubt about that but to turn to a snake oil selling carpet bagger hmm. People just keep beating themselves over he head by electing Republican governors and Republican legislatures. You know the people that will now stack the Supreme court and you can kiss your Roe vs Wade goodbye. Should make all the female Trump supporters happy.  

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Who's going to be the transitional replacement for Morgan Freeman now???



Jim Carrey often sports a lot of boofhair



Oh!!! and just really can't wait to see that first descent down the stairway,

from Hair Force One



I can see that there may be less use of a helicopter on the green




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9 hours ago, Berkshire said:


I believe that the biggest losers in this election will be the hardcore Trump supporters.  Trump won't govern the way he campaigned.  He can't.  And he's not going to be able to keep most--if any--of his campaign promises. 


CNN had something interesting to say for a change. "The press take Trump  literally but not seriously, his supporters take Trump seriously but not literally"

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Obama spent less time talking about the transition than he did about attempting to justify his time in office.A little about transition then blow his own horn all the way out.

 I will be happy to see the door close behind him and I am not American.

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10 hours ago, Kwasaki said:


Yeah he sure did a  ' U '  turn. :biggrin:



I can hear Obama now...when he meets today with Trump


"So.......that thing you said at the debate about establishing a Special Prosecutor to look into Hillary's actions while she worked for me.............did you mean it...?"

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3 hours ago, Linzz said:


CNN had something interesting to say for a change. "The press take Trump  literally but not seriously, his supporters take Trump seriously but not literally"


I hope they gave attribution to Peter Theil who made the comment in his speech to the National Press Club.

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After winning thus far Trump has been pitch perfect. Obama has eaten his crow and also been a complete gentleman about the matter.It has been said before but at the time of the campaign Trump did what was necessary. I never thought he would get elected but he won. Look how he is handling it now. 


So far he has been dignified, presidential and a gentleman. 

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True….but both guys were struggling to disguise their contempt for one another….obama is a smooth actor….he acts concerned but he doesn't care, he's out making millions with speeches.


Trump is a straight talker and I felt he he was struggling to contain himself…luckily he said the right things which he had no doubt been well briefed on.

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21 hours ago, Berkshire said:


I believe that the biggest losers in this election will be the hardcore Trump supporters.  Trump won't govern the way he campaigned.  He can't.  And he's not going to be able to keep most--if any--of his campaign promises.  He certainly won't be the spokesperson for the white nationalist movement.  He has to be the President for all Americans.


As for President Obama, as usual, he's showing the class and dignity that we've all come to expect.


Poor Berkshire, when did Trump say his platform was to support the white nationalist movement? 


That is just some fiction liberals had created so they could pretend to ride the high horse.


Perhaps you could answer this for me.


When 98% of blacks vote for Obama then liberals give them a free pass for voting for skin color.


When a white male supports Trump then he is quickly lableled a "racist" by liberals even when Trump has never made any statement about skin color such as obama when he indicated his interest in Trayvon Martin was because TM looked like his son IF he had a son. 


Why do you feel justified calling Trump racist?



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5 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Perhaps you could answer this for me.


When 98% of blacks vote for Obama then liberals give them a free pass for voting for skin color.


When a white male supports Trump then he is quickly lableled a "racist" by liberals even when Trump has never made any statement about skin color such as obama when he indicated his interest in Trayvon Martin was because TM looked like his son IF he had a son. 


Why do you feel justified calling Trump racist?




If a white male supported Kasich, or Bush, or Christie...or Hillary for that matter, no, I would not consider that racist.  Understand? 


It's no secret that pretty much all the racist, neo-Nazi, and alt-right organizations out there supported Trump.  Having said that, I really, really want to believe that Trump himself is not a racist.  I want to believe that he's more an opportunist and that he'll take all the support he can get from whomever.  Which means that once he's in,  more of his true self will emerge.  So that's my point, that these racist organizations will be sorely disappointed when Trump starts to govern for all Americans, including Jews, blacks, Muslims, Mexicans, etc.  We'll see when he starts filling cabinet positions.  It will be interesting.   

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