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SURVEY: Did the US elect the right person as President?


SURVEY: Is President-elect, Donald, the right person to be the next President?  

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3 hours ago, Thakkar said:

Thankfully those corrupt Clintons, with all their conflicts of interest, are gone from politics. 




Don't kid yourself.  They'll be raking in $$ millions peddling influence that costs the American people $$ billions, if not $$ trillions- in favor of Corporations, who are, as we all know, people too.

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Just now, Rob13 said:


 Somebody came up with the electoral college as compromise. A direct election would be fair -one man one vote  is not based on state populaion size. In a true democracy direct voting is what's fair. Electoral college works but it isn't true democracy. 


By what definition? 


"A direct election would be fair -one man one vote  is not based on state populaion size."


One person, one vote, will infact favor large, highly populated states like Cali, New York, Illinois etc. Literally, by using the popular vote, we should change names to "Cali-nois" in stead of the United States - "Republic for witch it stands"


Anyway I voted Trump but fully expected a Hillary win and had accepted it - until I flipped the laptop open that morning. 

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8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It won't be long. 


Probably not. But to burn all your righteous capital over a free and fair election is just plain stupid.  Here's a topical anecdote. I was driving through town today when my wife and I were accosted by a mob at a Stop sign. Apparently the Planned Parenthood clinic was around the corner and they were protesting what "might" happen. Pretty aggressive and scared the hell out of my wife who loves everybody, but not them anymore.

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10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

trump's victory validates and gives approval to misogynistic hate speech as above.  Expect a lot of more of that now and also targeted at Muslims, Latinos, LGBTQ, African Americans, Jews, and really most anyone that isn't a white man. 


I'm not sure that's misogynistic speech anymore. The level of discourse in America has become so vulgar that anyone can be a bitch now.

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1 minute ago, lannarebirth said:


Probably not. But to burn all your righteous capital over a free and fair election is just plain stupid.  Here's a topical anecdote. I was driving through town today when my wife and I were accosted by a mob at a Stop sign. Apparently the Planned Parenthood clinic was around the corner and they were protesting what "might" happen. Pretty aggressive and scared the hell out of my wife who loves everybody, but not them anymore.

I don't take you seriously. Either trump or Pence to replace him is going to get at least two hard core right wing extremist SCOTUS picks that will definitely outlaw abortion.


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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Yeah, well, "true" democracy might mean instant electronic voting for every piece of legislation by the entire population. Would you trust people with that? After this trump farce, I would less than ever. 


It's a represenitive democracy.We vote for people who vote for us. The lines got skewed a long time ago. Instead of representing the people who cast the votes most of the representives are speaking and voting for big money.  I don't trust or distrust Trump anymore than 95% of any other elected official. His tactics are a little unsettling though, feel the same about Hilary though.

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1 minute ago, lannarebirth said:


I'm not sure that's misogynistic speech anymore. The level of discourse in America has become so vulgar that anyone can be a bitch now.

Again, I don't take you seriously. You come off as a naive apologist for trump. This isn't interesting to me. It's just weird and from my POV a waste of time.

Best response  now ... IGNORE LIST.

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

I don't take you seriously. Either trump or Pence to replace him is going to get at least two hard core right wing extremist SCOTUS picks that will definitely outlaw abortion.



And they should have screamed at my wife and banged on my car, why?

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13 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

trump's victory validates and gives approval to misogynistic hate speech as above.  Expect a lot of more of that now and also targeted at Muslims, Latinos, LGBTQ, African Americans, Jews, and really most anyone that isn't a white man. 


Its an insult but hardly hate speech and this kind of thing is what lost Hillary the election. I was literally called, on this forum, so many insulting and derogatory names for being a Trump supporter, and thats ok with you guys, but when the shoe is on the other foot, its hate speech. 

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These kids (and their parents?) sure seem to feel the right President was elected.:




Apparently it's now okay for school kids to taunt xenophobic chants at other kids (as the President elect has encouraged, so, must be ok). Also saw a clip on the news of a random white guy who shouts 'Go back to your country' at a passing bewildered Asian looking girl. It has begun, we no longer have to be 'PC' anymore (well, unless you call someone 'deplorable', that's apparently unacceptable to the non-PC crowd). It is not surprising a forum well represented by white male misogynists and xenophobes are 'winning' this poll too.

San Antonio Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich summed it thusly:


“Right now I’m just trying to formulate thoughts. It’s too early. I’m just sick to my stomach. Not basically because the Republicans won or anything, but the disgusting tenure and tone and all of the comments that have been xenophobic, homophobic, racist, misogynistic.  I live in that country where half of the people ignored all of that to elect someone. That’s the scariest part of the whole thing to me. It’s got nothing to do with the environment and Obamacare, and all of the other stuff. We live in a country that ignored all of those values that we would hold our kids accountable for. They’d be grounded for years if they acted and said the things that have been said in that campaign by Donald Trump."


Anyways, welcome to making America 'great' again, it has only just begun...




Edited by sujoop
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Donald was not elected by a majority popular vote as more people voted for Hillary...but he won the electoral system vote and that's all that officially counts.


Was the right person elected President, hell no.  We knew that before the voting actually began because both candidates had many major flaws....many more flaws than the typical candidate of most past elections.   Like choosing between a rock and a hard spot....choosing the lessor of two evils.


But even if Hillary had won that would have been a bad choice also.   So, did the U.S. elect the right person for President, hell no!!!....that couldn't happen based on the choices available.



Edited by Pib
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6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I don't take you seriously. Either trump or Pence to replace him is going to get at least two hard core right wing extremist SCOTUS picks that will definitely outlaw abortion.


I hope they don't outlaw abortion, but what I was actually concerned about was "Hill" rolling in an Obamacare mandate that everyone should have abortion insurance. I mean there has to be a line drawn somewhere. 

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9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Again, I don't take you seriously. You come off as a naive apologist for trump. This isn't interesting to me. It's just weird and from my POV a waste of time.

Best response  now ... IGNORE LIST.


Well you've got it wrong, again! I don't like Trump at all and if you read any of my posts over the past several months you'd know that. But I like our system, and I have respect for the views of all citizens whether I agree with them or not. I also feel that the left should stop blaming Trump supporters for Trump and instead take a good hard look in the mirror.

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4 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Trump will drain the swamp - full stop. :smile:


        We're already seeing what's showing up in the bottom of the swamp:  Guiliani, Trump's sons, Christie, Carson, ......   deal with it quickly.  If those people sit out exposed to the sun for long, it's going to stink.


      Incidentally, Trump has, is and will continue to do what he's so adept at:   You remember how he kept saying Wash. DC insiders were such a big problem?   Well, now he's gathering a lot of those insiders around him.  


      It's like his shouted promises to take big money donors out of politics.  He didn't do it in his own campaign, and he certainly won't lift a finger to try and clean up money-politics on any other levels.  For Trump, it's lucrative to splash around in the mud in the swamp.

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To the ungraceful  sore winners who just keep repeating the electoral college result in response to everyone they don't like - well it's way past hubris time. Only those who have been gracious in victory can keep the high road. An energized Democrat Party. Strong Liberal voices with Sanders and Warren. This will be a long but necessary fight. Remember, the Trumpists wanted the Revolution.





America needs you more than ever, with me and all the rest of #TheResistance, until we can figure out how to really #MAGA! #WereStillHere

We're Still Here
HBO Real Time Season Finale Nov. 11, 2016
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31 minutes ago, Rob13 said:


 Somebody came up with the electoral college as compromise. A direct election would be fair -one man one vote  is not based on state populaion size. In a true democracy direct voting is what's fair. Electoral college works but it isn't true democracy. 


It is not supposed to be a true democracy ........We are the USA... A Republic


It is not a compromise it was and is a brilliant solution to our unique situation of having United States 



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What I'm seeing started to happen is that tragically the USA has elected a madman ... and it's going to rub off BIGLY on the entire society.  The world is used to seeing the USA as a haven of STABILITY. That isn't guaranteed to last forever. We did it to ourselves. 

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1 minute ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

To the ungraceful  sore winners who just keep repeating the electoral college result in response to everyone they don't like - well it's way past hubris time. Only those who have been gracious in victory can keep the high road. An energized Democrat Party. Strong Liberal voices with Sanders and Warren. This will be a long but necessary fight. Remember, the Trumpists wanted the Revolution.





America needs you more than ever, with me and all the rest of #TheResistance, until we can figure out how to really #MAGA! #WereStillHere

We're Still Here
HBO Real Time Season Finale Nov. 11, 2016
214 replies918 retweets1,887 likes


Interesting to see that hashtag, theresistance.

I was talking about that yesterday and idea occurred to me naturally without reference to any media.

It makes perfect sense.

We can't normalize a President trump!


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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

What I'm seeing started to happen is that tragically the USA has elected a madman ... and it's going to rub off BIGLY on the entire society.  The world is used to seeing the USA as a haven of STABILITY. That isn't guaranteed to last forever. We did it to ourselves. 


You should take an antidote, in the form of Fox news, to be taken 1 hour twice daily.

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Speaking of resisting, here is a fascinating take from someone with the perspective of actually living under a trump style dictator -- and that would be Putin.



Gessen uses Clinton’s concession speech as her starting point—a necessary choice, given that this speech helped to set the tone for the strangely conciliatory and reassuring attitude that many liberals have adopted. “We must accept this result and then look to the future,” Clinton said. “Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead.” President Barack Obama echoed this sentiment, asserting that “we are now all rooting for his success in uniting and leading the country” and that “we’re actually all on one team.”

No, we are not. Donald Trump has promised to ban Muslims from entering the country and deport millions of people. He has threatened to loosen protections for freedom of speech and punish the press for criticism. He has boasted of committing sexual assault and said women who obtain abortions must be punished. He wishes to revive torture as an acceptable tactic, force the military to commit war crimes, and imprison his political opponents. The Trump we have seen so far is a vicious, vindictive, unhinged autocrat with no respect for the rule of law. He is a Putin-esque strongman whose party controls Congress and, soon, the judiciary.



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Is President-elect, Donald Trump, the right person to be the next President?



This question of course can only be answered after he has served as President 


Asked if Obama was the right person? Heck No! Just look at this mess! 

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6 minutes ago, mania said:


It is not supposed to be a true democracy ........We are the USA... A Republic


It is not a compromise it was and is a brilliant solution to our unique situation of having United States 




Most people who do not live in the USA do not understand "states rights" and that individual states have more autonomy to govern their affairs than they realize. The USA is a union of these states.

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Speaking of resisting, here is a fascinating take from someone with the perspective of actually living under a trump style dictator -- and that w




I have now read a few posts of yours that erroneously refer to Trump as a "Dictator". 


Are you genuinely that confused and lacking in gray matter to understand that he was fairly elected the next POTUS or are you just being a drama queen?


i need to know before I can attempt to respond. 





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Seems like we need a separate topic for "People on My Ignore List."

Not only do you get to be on his ignore list, you also get a snide email with a note at the end saying "you cant reply as I have you on ignore". As if getting the last word means he's won something.

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