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SURVEY: Did the US elect the right person as President?


SURVEY: Is President-elect, Donald, the right person to be the next President?  

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I feel sad to see what would be the next outcome the Americans had no real choice into candidacy  on both side there is corrupted politicians and business man so what do we expect ????? big question.....Pence will run the country soon.

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18 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

To the ungraceful  sore winners who just keep repeating the electoral college result in response to everyone they don't like - well it's way past hubris time. Only those who have been gracious in victory can keep the high road. An energized Democrat Party. Strong Liberal voices with Sanders and Warren. This will be a long but necessary fight. Remember, the Trumpists wanted the Revolution.


Ungraceful sore winners? After being put down and insulted for weeks on end? 


I mean yeah, it really feels good, and the Electoral College Result did its job of checks and balances on a Republic of 50 States. 


You talk about a resistance, not sure what you are "resisting" as this game was won fair and square. The only people you should be resisting is in your own party. 


Resisting a legal and constitutional result is kinda the definition of a sore loser is it not? 

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Just now, Dagnabbit said:


Not only do you get to be on his ignore list, you also get a snide email with a note at the end saying "you cant reply as I have you on ignore". As if getting the last word means he's won something.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



Well, now, I definitely feel cheated.  I was elevated to his Ignore List quite some time ago, but I never got the email.  Unfair.

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1 minute ago, mettech said:

I feel sad to see what would be the next outcome the Americans had no real choice into candidacy  on both side there is corrupted politicians and business man so what do we expect ????? big question.....Pence will run the country soon.


Very possible. Maybe the Democrats can take the senate then.

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41 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Well you've got it wrong, again! I don't like Trump at all and if you read any of my posts over the past several months you'd know that. But I like our system, and I have respect for the views of all citizens whether I agree with them or not. I also feel that the left should stop blaming Trump supporters for Trump and instead take a good hard look in the mirror.



New Pre-Election Poll Suggests Bernie Sanders Could Have Trounced Donald Trump


“As we contemplate the dark days ahead, and then as we suffer through them, we Democrats should remember that it could have been entirely different. All we had to do was to elect a Progressive as President ― just as a large majority of Americans really wanted,” Grayson said in an email.



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1 hour ago, rijb said:


"America got the President it deserves"  


Can you expand on that?  Or do you just like to reuse content-free quotes?


Joseph de Maistre   "Every country has the government it deserves" and "In a democracy people get the leaders they deserve."


you can google it, if you're not trolling! 

Edited by CharlieK
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28 minutes ago, mania said:

This question of course can only be answered after he has served as President 

Asked if Obama was the right person? Heck No! Just look at this mess! 


What mess are Americans left with, after 8 years of Obama?  Read on.......


>>>  inherited a near depression, and brought the US out of it.

>>>  The US was in 2 wars, started by his Republican predecessor - under false pretenses.  

>>>   Obama didn't start any new wars, but has been pulling down troop numbers of the two he was saddled with

>>>   supported efforts to lessen the planet's hasty demise to swamped coastlines and increased desertification.

>>>  He's been doing what he can to give impetus to alternative power solutions.  

>>>   20+ million Americans are medically insured, who weren't prior to Obama

>>>   Women who want to terminate an unwanted pregnancy in the first trimester can still legally do so.  Same if the woman was raped.

>>>   Obama instated the largest Marine Reserve in world history.  

>>>  He oversaw the agreement with Iran which is slowing/stopping Iran's move toward becoming a nuclear nation.

>>>   Didn't get goaded into dropping bombs on N.Korea.  Something which is much more likely with a quick-to-anger. always-vindictive, hot-head like Trump in the Oval Office.

>>>   Along with HRC, he coordinated the killing of OBL

>>>   Gave a shining example to the youth of America: what it is to be a thoughtful, knowledgeable cool-headed gentleman.  Trump is showing kids opposite characteristics.  

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18 minutes ago, zydeco said:


Well, now, I definitely feel cheated.  I was elevated to his Ignore List quite some time ago, but I never got the email.  Unfair.


I never got the email either, but still comment cause I KNOW he peeks at them. Has to. I mean I think he's ignore listed over 10 people in the last 2 days lol. Forum is gonna be a lonely place with a wall of nothing to view. 

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9) You will not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling. Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.


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I voted "No," although I'm not sure there's a right or wrong person. Of the two, Clinton is probably better.


But, yeah, Dictator is over-the-top. He has a Republican Congress so he might get more of what he wants, but that's not the same as a Dictatorship.

A Clinton Presidency would have been a known entity. I have no idea what Trump really will do. Domestically, I expect a generic Republican agenda with a few exceptions (e.g., anti-free trade).

For foreign policy, Clinton would likely have been better for here in SE Asia, but an escalation of wars in the Middle East... too bad we'll never know what country her people would try to destabilize next. I don't have much faith in Trumps foreign policy, either, and I expect an awful cabinet.


In any event, the Democrats are to blame. When all you have to offer is identity politics, you stand to alienate potential voters who don't fit your preferred identity. I'm against racism and bigotry. Most people are. But you also need to do things that might improve people's lives. But a message of vote for me or you're a bigot isn't enough to motivate enough people to vote for you. The Democrats use identity politics as a smokescreen to distract from their corporatist policies and, this time, it bit them in the *ss.
Yes, Clinton is better with policy but most people outside of DC don't care about those details... Dems ignored rural white people because they felt that demographics meant they would win without them. Those people voted for Trump because they think their lives will be better with President who seems to be interest in things that actually effect them. Better luck next time.



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3 minutes ago, Strange said:


I mean, this is all great that you don't like trump & stuff but seems kinda like a bunch of veiled threats. 


What are you opposing? What do you consider proactive resistance? I mean getting in peoples faces isn't a way to win anyones heart, or change their views. Imho just pushing them away. 


What is proactive resistance? It is call politics. Don't be a Drama Queen.


Since it is clear that posting evidence of the impact of Trump's election is not to be allowed and people who do so are called Trolls, I will no longer discuss this issue. Seems your speech is now protected and others are not entitled to that privilege.


Carry on with your crowing. I will find places to discuss 'proactive resistance' that are not influenced by the self appointed arbiters acting on their own bias.

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Trump was elected. His history is more business related. Who knows,maybe it ill be better then a politician. We have been put into trillions of dollars of debt by "politicians" so maybe it might make a difference. In the past some "business " related individuals have surprised many at their performance( some have not).....Arnold as governor,Reagan as governor and first term as President,Ventura as governor.......so maybe Trump with be up to the task. Only time will tell.He won so now he should have his chance to prove if he is any different the the career politicians we have had before. Enough people felt it worth a try to give him a chance......

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It would seem to me that all the rabid democrats who are calling Trump everything that they have turned out to be. I find that very interesting that the losers can be so violent, vindictive and just plain nasty. Keep in mind that it does you no good and just re enforces that the right person was elected.

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58 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:


Not only do you get to be on his ignore list, you also get a snide email with a note at the end saying "you cant reply as I have you on ignore". As if getting the last word means he's won something.



He started doing that about 10 years ago, then I got a PM saying he's taken me off ignore, then a warning that I'm going back on it again. How retarded can a person be?


If he puts all Trump supporters on ignore, he can talk to himself, which I'm sure he'd prefer to do.

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52 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Read on.......


>>>  inherited a near depression, and brought the US out of it.

>>>  The US was in 2 wars, started by his Republican predecessor - under false pretenses.  

>>>   Obama didn't start any new wars, but has been pulling down troop numbers of the two he was saddled with

>>>   supported efforts to lessen the planet's hasty demise to swamped coastlines and increased desertification.

>>>  He's been doing what he can to give impetus to alternative power solutions.  

>>>   20+ million Americans are medically insured, who weren't prior to Obama

>>>   Women who want to terminate an unwanted pregnancy in the first trimester can still legally do so.  Same if the woman was raped.

>>>   Obama instated the largest Marine Reserve in world history.  

>>>  He oversaw the agreement with Iran which is slowing/stopping Iran's move toward becoming a nuclear nation.

>>>   Didn't get goaded into dropping bombs on N.Korea.  Something which is much more likely with a quick-to-anger. always-vindictive, hot-head like Trump in the Oval Office.

>>>   Along with HRC, he coordinated the killing of OBL

>>>   Gave a shining example to the youth of America: what it is to be a thoughtful, knowledgeable cool-headed gentleman.  Trump is showing kids opposite characteristics.  


hook line and sinker for you eh?

anyways....anther time as it would drag us too far OT

I stand by what I said....major mess and can kicking does not

constitute bringing anything anywhere

Edited by mania
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43 minutes ago, CharlieK said:


Joseph de Maistre   "Every country has the government it deserves" and "In a democracy people get the leaders they deserve."


you can google it, if you're not trolling! 


I'm not trolling.  I'm well aware of the origin of the quote.  It's idiotic.  No one can explain what it means.  


I think people reuse it because they think it sounds intelligent.  It's just a pompous sound bite from the old days.


Is "The US doesn't deserve Hillary" the opposite of "The US deserves Trump"?


Peace.  I hope you get what you deserve.

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2 hours ago, Strange said:


By what definition? 


"A direct election would be fair -one man one vote  is not based on state populaion size."


One person, one vote, will infact favor large, highly populated states like Cali, New York, Illinois etc. Literally, by using the popular vote, we should change names to "Cali-nois" in stead of the United States - "Republic for witch it stands"


Anyway I voted Trump but fully expected a Hillary win and had accepted it - until I flipped the laptop open that morning. 


That doesn't make sense to me. The way it is now if you vote Republican in California or New York, your vote is totally wasted. If it was one vote one value, every vote counts to the final tally. With the electoral college system, your vote is only useful in swing states or states with small margins.  


I had the same problem in Australia. My electorate was so heavily in favour of the other party it was a complete waste of time to vote. Only compulsory voting ensured the trip to the polling station. They don't have that in the US so I can understand why many wouldn't bother to vote.

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5 minutes ago, rijb said:


I'm not trolling.  I'm well aware of the origin of the quote.  It's idiotic.  No one can explain what it means.  


I think people reuse it because they think it sounds intelligent.  It's just a pompous sound bite from the old days.


Is "The US doesn't deserve Hillary" the opposite of "The US deserves Trump"?


Peace.  I hope you get what you deserve.


I agree - it's an absurd (and annoying) statement and quoted on here by some members in an effort to make them seem insightful and intelligent.





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Donald Trump was right the person IMO
I have never been in the Usa. One of the reasons being i have always hated how they want to teach democracy and the "right way" of living to other countries. And their stupid wars and being policeman of entire world.. I understand if there is a threat against usa or massmurder against civilians going on but many times it seems there was not a such reason..


First time i see it is possible they will change their view because of this very odd man which will be their president. Now i even see a possibility to visit that country.:smile:

Edited by thaitero
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3 hours ago, tropo said:
5 hours ago, Strange said:

That doesn't make sense to me. The way it is now if you vote Republican in California or New York, your vote is totally wasted. If it was one vote one value, every vote counts to the final tally. With the electoral college system, your vote is only useful in swing states or states with small margins.


The way it is now is not  a direct democracy. If it were state lines wouldn't matter. Each person's vote would go directly towards each canidates tally, wouldn't matter which district the vote came from. As it stands now congress can re-draw the voting districts to their advantage and manipulate the outcome. So yeah, it's easy to argue that a  GOP voter from Boston barely has a reason to leave the house on election day. 


As far as voting Republican in California, I'm pretty sure Arnold Schwarzenegger might argue that point.

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3 hours ago, rijb said:


I'm not trolling.  I'm well aware of the origin of the quote.  It's idiotic.  No one can explain what it means.  


I think people reuse it because they think it sounds intelligent.  It's just a pompous sound bite from the old days.


Is "The US doesn't deserve Hillary" the opposite of "The US deserves Trump"?


Peace.  I hope you get what you deserve.


your comment prove the point the quote makes.    

Edited by CharlieK
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Perhaps TV should run this survey again at the end of 2017, or in 2018, when Trump's economic plans have caused substantial increases in inflation in the US, weakening the USD, and the exchange rate for the THB is in the mid-20s, and consumer goods from the US cost double here from the already high levels because of retaliatory tariffs imposed by Thailand in response to US tariff increases on goods from Asian countries.

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4 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

Perhaps TV should run this survey again at the end of 2017, or in 2018, when Trump's economic plans have caused substantial increases in inflation in the US, weakening the USD, and the exchange rate for the THB is in the mid-20s, and consumer goods from the US cost double here from the already high levels because of retaliatory tariffs imposed by Thailand in response to US tariff increases on goods from Asian countries.


So you are saying that the USA should adjust its policy not for the good of Americans, but for the good of Thailand and American Expats in Thailand? 


Naaaaa. Ill pass. 

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1 minute ago, Strange said:


So you are saying that the USA should adjust its policy not for the good of Americans, but for the good of Thailand and American Expats in Thailand? 


Naaaaa. Ill pass. 

Not at all.  The inflation rate increases will hit the US residents first and hardest. They will also be the first to see costs of consumer goods rise dramatically because of the US imposed tariffs on goods from abroad.  Additionally, the loss of farm workers - voluntarily or involuntarily - will cause major increases in the cost of domestic agricultural foodstuffs.


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