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SURVEY: Did the US elect the right person as President?


SURVEY: Is President-elect, Donald, the right person to be the next President?  

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1 hour ago, John1012 said:

There are some reports that Trump did get the majority of votes.  Trump 62.9m Clinton 62.2 m  College votes 306 to 232. There are rumours that recounts are being made to try and eliminate illegal immigrant votes and dead people votes. That will alter the demographic as most illegals will have voted Clinton/Democrat. It might even increase the majority in the Senate and/or house. We must wait and see.


Peddling conspiracy theories. Some reports. Rumors.


Can't accept reality I see.

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Trump is in.......


Here's a part of the picture that's been overlooked.....It's a country wide collapse & failure/rejection of failed democratic policies.....


I don't believe this includes Governors - they are at 36 ? Or somewhere close.....


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2 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


The opposition is preparing for the next steps.

These sniveling brats have far more time and energy than you to achieve their goals.

 Heheheh ........

what they lack in modesty  they make up for with false bravado


Like JT your probably not even in the USA

Just another paper patriot


But if your available. &

You think you have the time & energy to attempt treason?

Bring it.....learn how we deal with it.


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On ‎11‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 7:24 PM, Jingthing said:

He's going to  be impeached ... he will break so many laws it will make people's head spin, and he'll be replaced by a sane person, Pence, that unfortunately happens to be from the extremist far right wing that will kill social security and Medicare, among other horrors.  

The President cannot kill social security or medicare without the support of both houses of congress. Members of the house face re-election every two years and I personally doubt if more than a minority of Republicans (and zero Democrats) would vote for those types of proposals. The bigger threat is executive orders and short term policy changes (such as ignoring immigration laws), let's hope that Trump does not follow Obama's example.

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8 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


I see you are following the trend of editing others' posts.


Don't edit my posts.


I think you will find that a significant proportion of people posting on TVF actually live in Thailand. Whichever Podunk town you occupy provides you with no more voice than anyone else. It is also telling how quickly the Alt Right has moved along the path to fascism. Now we are hearing the Un American thing. Treason no less. Always good to hear the view from the militia types.


Verbally attacking other posters not engaged in this conversation is an act of cowardice and of a small mind. You are really reverting to type.

57% of visits from Thailand.  Most of those probably tourists. I'd think about 20% live in Thailand.

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1 minute ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


The numbers are irrelevant. On TVF, a posters location is entirely irrelevant.

You wrote, "I think you will find that a significant proportion of people posting on TVF actually live in Thailand."


I wrote, " 57% of visits from Thailand.  Most of those probably tourists. I'd think about 20% live in Thailand." To show you what I found/opinion.  



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28 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


I see you are following the trend of editing others' posts.


Don't edit my posts.


I think you will find that a significant proportion of people posting on TVF actually live in Thailand. Whichever Podunk town you occupy provides you with no more voice than anyone else. It is also telling how quickly the Alt Right has moved along the path to fascism. Now we are hearing the Un American thing. Treason no less. Always good to hear the view from the militia types.


Verbally attacking other posters not engaged in this conversation is an act of cowardice and of a small mind. You are really reverting to type.


We see you have been on this forum all of a month?

if you had been around a few years you would know we often cut out all but the part we are replying too.

it does not change the intent of your post.....it does save others having to read crap more than once

But if you want to whine even about this fine.....we will leave yours full drivel.


Yes of course goes without saying many on TVF live in Thailand....duh

But I brought it up as a point.....the point being paper patriots like you, JT , publicus

all like to imply various threats of force you have no intention nor balls for


Treason = the offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign. 2. a violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state. 


So yeah if the shoe fits....

1.if one is attempting to overthrow an elected govt.

2. Not my president?




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20 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


Who cares if their fears are irrational or not, the streets are ablaze, this is real and this is a direct result of Trumps campaign.  Now all we need is some of Trumps faithful NRA supporters to take the law into their own hands and we really will see a civil war, to neglect just how serious this situation is with a simplistic dismissal such as this being a phobic response potentially could be disastrous to the US.

LOL. This is just a lot of spoiled babies that were never told no in their lives upset because they didn't win.

Actually it's because the media ( that they are stupid enough to believe ) has been telling them that he is evil and she is the light of the world, and they are probably scared he will put them all in concentration camps, or start a nuke war with China.

Eventually even Dem city leaders are going to have to send in the national guard to sort them, if they don't get bored and go back to learning about "media studies" or whatever irrelevant subject they are hoping to graduate in.


Civil war 5555555

Who do you think would win that? A bunch of spoiled brats that never used a gun, or the gun lovin' rural people?


Did the US elect the right candidate? Time will tell, but they didn't elect the wrong one, for sure.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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21 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


It's been a week. Well past the use by date for crowing.


Not in all the many posts on the multiple threads have I heard anyone talk about changing the result. It is done and dusted. Get over it. The election result does not mean that critics are silenced and the fact that there is a massive atypical response demonstrates that the old fallacy of 'coming together' is not going to work this time. The right wing are scared of this so are starting to use the 'Un American' term.


Opposition is legitimate. Time to move on from the election. Most of us have and are working on proactive resistance to the coming nightmare.




LOL. Do you actually think anyone in the US takes any notice of Trump opponents on TVF, let alone Trump? Same goes for us supporters, of course, but it's fun seeing her supporters on here having a hissy fit because she lost.

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15 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. This is just a lot of spoiled babies that were never told no in their lives upset because they didn't win.

Actually it's because the media ( that they are stupid enough to believe ) has been telling them that he is evil and she is the light of the world, and they are probably scared he will put them all in concentration camps, or start a nuke war with China.

Eventually even Dem city leaders are going to have to send in the national guard to sort them, if they don't get bored and go back to learning about "media studies" or whatever irrelevant subject they are hoping to graduate in.


Civil war 5555555

Who do you think would win that? A bunch of spoiled brats that never used a gun, or the gun lovin' rural people?


Did the US elect the right candidate? Time will tell, but they didn't elect the wrong one, for sure.


They're eternal students, always enrolling and never graduating.  Watched a couple of them on television verbally harass a couple of middle aged people doing nothing but walking down the street. What a show!  The girl comes up and screams that there is going to be a revolution and as she turns tail to run when the police arrive, she shouts: "You're just a bunch of homophobes, you faggots."  These people are unhinged.  Like a lot of posts I've been reading on TVF lately.

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28 minutes ago, Dtrump said:

You wrote, "I think you will find that a significant proportion of people posting on TVF actually live in Thailand."


I wrote, " 57% of visits from Thailand.  Most of those probably tourists. I'd think about 20% live in Thailand." To show you what I found/opinion.  




Good. Thanks. Whatever.


If 57% of American nationals posting on Thai Visa are short term or fixed term visitors hen great. I was wrong in my assumption that most people posting on TVF are located here.


It has no impact on my core statement that a poster's location is irrelevant to what is being posted unless that post is about that poster's location.


Shall we continue this carousel ride?

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43 minutes ago, Dtrump said:

You wrote, "I think you will find that a significant proportion of people posting on TVF actually live in Thailand."


I wrote, " 57% of visits from Thailand.  Most of those probably tourists. I'd think about 20% live in Thailand." To show you what I found/opinion.  




The tone of the posts says a lot me thinks.  I cannot understand the attack dog mentality of those from the left.  It's either their way or the low way, I really cannot bring myself to saying the highway as it is definitely not applicable. :wai:

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28 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. Do you actually think anyone in the US takes any notice of Trump opponents on TVF, let alone Trump? Same goes for us supporters, of course, but it's fun seeing her supporters on here having a hissy fit because she lost.


And we're being told to get over it.  There's only one side that's slinging it and it ain't us conservatives. This is what happens in soccer,  :post-4641-1156693976: maybe a few should be handed out on here. :wai:

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1 hour ago, Ahab said:

The President cannot kill social security or medicare without the support of both houses of congress. Members of the house face re-election every two years and I personally doubt if more than a minority of Republicans (and zero Democrats) would vote for those types of proposals. The bigger threat is executive orders and short term policy changes (such as ignoring immigration laws), let's hope that Trump does not follow Obama's example.

 The long term tactics of Ryan, and you've got to admit Ryan is a formidable political force, is NOT to explicitly attack Medicare and Social Security, but instead through right wing small government / radical tax cuts / debt is the biggest issue policy simply STARVE those programs of funds. Then they can politically spin it saying there is NO CHOICE about it anymore. This is not a conspiracy theory. This tactic is well documented and public for anyone that has been paying attention. 

This is not what trump ran on but trump to get anything done has to "make deals" with a republican congress that mostly is not really trumpist. Ryan happens to be the majority leader of the house of representatives. So nobody knows how this will shake out but to suggest it is "impossible" for Medicare and Social Security to be trashed is simply not true.


Interestingly, trump's politics are radically different than Ryan's. trump is obviously supporting massively INCREASING the debt for his ambitious programs of infrastructure spending and military expansion. The democrats are likely to help trump with the infrastructure part of it ... but long run the tactic of Ryan, starve the government of funds to FORCE abandoning the new deal, is a powerful and possibly successful game. 

Edited by Jingthing
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3 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


And we're being told to get over it.  There's only one side that's slinging it and it ain't us conservatives. This is what happens in soccer,  :post-4641-1156693976: maybe a few should be handed out on here. :wai:


Who is us? Trump voters. Tell us, which polling station in Australia did you cast your vote?


I understand it takes some time for information to filter down through the overland telegraph but nobody is talking about Conservatism or Republicanism. When you get your dial up modem working, you may wish to check out the term Alt Right. That is the discussion now. Trump vowed to bring down the system. Well he is allowing the Alt Right to try and replace it. This is what patriots are fighting for and protesting about.


Your old man Australian conservatism is about as relevant as vegemite sandwiches are to haut cuisine.

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On ‎11‎/‎14‎/‎2016 at 11:17 PM, boomerangutang said:


          Rejoice and gloat to your heart's content.  But that doesn't change the fact that HRC was 6 to 9 % points ahead for weeks, until the 11th day before the election, when Comey and Guiliani released the false flag report about Weiner's questionable emails, which no one at the FBI had read at that point.  24 million votes were cast between that dirty trick / borderline illegal announcement, and the follow-up announcement where Comey said there was no dirt on HRC in any of those emails.

The polls were fake mate. The election shows that. Jeez, they even had Hilary winning the day before the election.


Get back to ABC, CNN and the rest of the sewage with 'experts" like Martha Raddatz (boo hoo hoo) and continue to live in fairy land.  

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9 hours ago, Publicus said:
10 hours ago, jaidam said:

 I would not blame Trump for ammending the constitution to scrap all future elections, just let him pass down the crown to his kids and then their kids. I mean if the left flat-out refuse to accept the results of a free and fair election, then what is the point in having any more of them. An expensive waste of time, and a distraction from good governance.


 Does that help you out with the crassness of your logic, that elections are awesome so long as my preffered candidate wins, and only then?


 The left must wise up, and wise up fast. Respect this election and let the 99.9% get back on with the art of living,loving and dying without this public display of hate and stupidity.


We over here accept Trump won the election. It is the Right that does not accept that we accept it. The sorehead angry right can't seem to get out of its own way, or to get past itself in this.


It is Potus-Elect Trump and his policies we reject outright and completely. It's a democracy so we can do that and we are doing that. The insistence of the Right Sector that we are acting to the contrary and in a self-contradiction are vacuous and specious. Or just plain dumb (if not dumb by design).


President Obama and HRC do not need Constitutionally or want to say to the protesting demonstrators to quit. The demonstrators do nothing wrong per se in demonstrating. OB and HRC know what is happening on the streets and they know the demonstrators are acting Constitutionally. (I'd already posted about violent leeches who attach to demonstrations).


The sorehead right persists obliviously in making false representations of the nature and the purposes of the demonstrations. We in the dissenting Popular Vote majority are not trying to nullify the election or its outcome. We will instead nullify virtually everything about President Trump's radical wildman policies. You can't expect otherwise from us. We know who we are and we have every right to do what we're doing. 


The right fears not whether we act Constitutionally, but rather the right fears what we are doing and where we are going with it prospectively. 


Trump won. Join the victory parade inauguration day Jan 20th. In the meantime and forward after Jan 20th, we'll be doing our Constitutional thing. Which is what we're doing presently. Youse guyz can read the First Amendment online at your pleasure. Do read it cause youse really really need to do that.


To be fair, Fox News, Breitbart and other Trump supporters like those on this forum were equally scathing and critical of the loud homophobic racist Tea Party Protesters who lynched and burned Obama effigies and stormed Town Hall meeting across America after Obama' s election victories (both electoral collage and popular btw, and done without divisive misogynistic hateful rhetoric).



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9 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Do not edit my posts.


It's okay to shorten posts to reply to a particular point. The rule is only against distorting the meaning by selective editing.


As to the topic in hand. It's just more bad-losership. Seems to be the new trend.

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9 hours ago, tropo said:

Good answer, but unfortunately I had to read the crap that Publicus spouted in your quote as I have him where he deserves to be - on ignore.:smile: (You only have to ignore a couple of members and these threads improve immeasurably).


Personally, I've never put anyone on ignore. I even adjusted my screen so that I only see the comment and not the poster because I don't want to, even subconsciously, prejudge the comment. Agreeable or not, I want to take in all points of view. One of the reasons (and there are many) for all the divisiveness is a refusal of each side to listen to the other. Listening, and then giving some consideration to, opposing views is hard but necessary.


We are all in the same little row boat and some mutual understanding and cooperation is necessary lest we keep going around in circles.


I also try to seek truth from facts and not internet memes or fake news stories.

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2 minutes ago, zaphod reborn said:


Trump is the swamp - full stop. :sad:

trump has basically already admitted his entire campaign was a deceptive hard sales pitch. Which anyone paying attention realized long ago. So of course he's not going to drain the swamp. He's going to get congress to vote in term limits for themselves or lobbying opportunities after they leave office? Yeah, right ... welcome to fantasy world.


Those rust belt dead industry jobs he promised to bring back, real quick with higher wages. Never going to happen. If you try to tell people the truth, that doesn't work, so go for the BIGGEST LIE possible just as other populist demagogues have done all through history.


The question now, is now that the trumpists have made the sale ... what did the American people actually get? Definitely not what was in the sales job.


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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

The question now, is now that the trumpists have made the sale ... what did the American people actually get? Definitely not what was in the sales job.



Probably ought let him start the job before you start calling him a failure. 

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8 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Who is us? Trump voters. Tell us, which polling station in Australia did you cast your vote?


I understand it takes some time for information to filter down through the overland telegraph but nobody is talking about Conservatism or Republicanism. When you get your dial up modem working, you may wish to check out the term Alt Right. That is the discussion now. Trump vowed to bring down the system. Well he is allowing the Alt Right to try and replace it. This is what patriots are fighting for and protesting about.


Your old man Australian conservatism is about as relevant as vegemite sandwiches are to haut cuisine.



A conservative is a conservative no matter what and we can have opinions opposing those of others.  If you had any intelligence, oh sorry for using two specific words in the one sentence is so unkind of me.  I cannot cast a vote as I am not a Yank nor am I in Australia.  I am able to have an opinion as to who I feel will not affect the relationships between the USA and my homeland and make any comment I wish in respect of the topic that is being discussed.


Maybe if you weren't such a smart aleck but that would be asking too much, however, are you able to tell me what gives you the given right to change the topic, it is not the alt right, so don't try to hijack these discussions so you can play  out your agenda.   Just for your benefit, here's the topic, " Did the US elect the right person as President?"  but then given your arrogance what else can be expected.  And yes, I am just as comfortable having a vegemite sandwich as I am eating Haut cuisine.  At least I can afford the latter. :wai:

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3 minutes ago, Rob13 said:


Probably ought let him start the job before you start calling him a failure. 

You realize he's already majorly walked back all of his core campaign promises?
Don't you think to the unfortunate people that actually believed those big lies, that can be seen as a failure before inauguration? 

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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

trump has basically already admitted his entire campaign was a deceptive hard sales pitch. Which anyone paying attention realized long ago. So of course he's not going to drain the swamp. He's going to get congress to vote in term limits for themselves or lobbying opportunities after they leave office? Yeah, right ... welcome to fantasy world.


Those rust belt dead industry jobs he promised to bring back, real quick with higher wages. Never going to happen. If you try to tell people the truth, that doesn't work, so go for the BIGGEST LIE possible just as other populist demagogues have done all through history.


The question now, is now that the trumpists have made the sale ... what did the American people actually get? Definitely not what was in the sales job.



The one election promise he will most likely try to push through is lowering of taxes. As soon as that happens someone needs to educate the people from the rust belt that all the promises the Big Orange One made are all lies, and that they need to revolt. What is going to be interesting is who will lead this revolt. 

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You realize he's already majorly walked back all of his core campaign promises?
Don't you think to the unfortunate people that actually believed those big lies, that can be seen as a failure before inauguration? 



You are making these assertions, so if you would kindly let everyone know what he has walked back on and how you know all this.  Thank you in anticipation.:wai:

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