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Outrage and fear fuel continuing anti-Trump protests


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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

This is the game apologists for Bannon are playing. Like it can't be proven 100 percent he's a hater in his heart, so it supposedly doesn't matter that he's a major leader of an explicitly WHITE SUPREMACIST political movement (ALT RIGHT) and that he published Breitbart many many disgusting hate bait click articles. Not OK. Not normal. There is a large segment of decent Americans that will NEVER accept the alt right ascendancy as normal. But again, the KKK and Nazis party about this. 



So now the word of a comedian are a substitute for facts. Calling someone a white supremacist or supporter of the KKK is not a form of proof. I am conservative, I normally vote Republican and before yesterday I had never heard of the "alt right" movement. Seems like a bunch of smearing with no firm information.


Oh and the stupid frog thing is not a secret racist symbol of the right. No one had ever heard of it until it was brought up in the press. 

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7 minutes ago, Ahab said:

So now the word of a comedian are a substitute for facts. Calling someone a white supremacist or supporter of the KKK is not a form of proof. I am conservative, I normally vote Republican and before yesterday I had never heard of the "alt right" movement. Seems like a bunch of smearing with no firm information.


Oh and the stupid frog thing is not a secret racist symbol of the right. No one had ever heard of it until it was brought up in the press. 


So how big is the KKK you ask? It is estimated to have between 5,000 and 8,000 members. There are high schools in America larger than that.

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16 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

All these actions by Americans are supportive of immigration because by the looks of it there will be no one in america capable to lead in the next generation.. With new generation holding on to teddy bears and playing with play doh. America will need immigrants to take over because they will be the only ones in america with a grasp of reality.


lovelomsak opines; "there will be no one in america capable to lead in the next generation.. "


        What a brain-dead comment.  There are thousands of young Americans who are more-than-capable to lead.  In contrast, we have a 70 year old man in charge, who has gone bankrupt five times and who is reviled by 70% of Americans.  How did he get elected?   Three of the top ten reasons:  massive media coverage (worth billions, if he'd paid for it), lying, and dirty tricks.

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20 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


      I am American, and I'm extremely concerned that rednecks outvoted sensible people, and the current leaders are dangerous morons.  


what will it take for you to understand that hillary lost because she too was flawed in the eyes of the people?

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As expected, the news about Trump will be a bummer every day.  Now Trump is gearing up to appoint an anti-environmentalist as EPA head (Environmental Protection Agency).  It's like letting a ravenous fox loose in the hen house.   Jot down this name:  Ebell.  He will be a walking talking disaster for every US environmental improvement of the past 50 years.  He not only disses GW, he also wants to weaken the Endangered Species Act.   And he claims 97% of climate scientists don't know what they're doing, even though Ebell himself has no science education on his resume.



Note:  polls show over 2/3 of Florida voters favor dynamic action to slow global warming.   Yet a slight majority of FL voters voted for Trump.    On HRC's last day campaigning in Florida, she got on stage with Nobel Prize winner Al Gore, and they spoke eloquently about the dire need to to slow GW.  Florida is the state which will get hit the hardest re; rising seas.  Already, seaside FL cities are having their storm sewers backing up with sea water, even on regular (non high-tide) days.    Yet, in their mass stupidity, Trump voters voted against doing the right things about GW.    Perhaps we should just sit back from higher ground, and point at Floridians and say, "You get what you voted for.  Enjoy paddling your rowboats around Miami.  Oh, and don't buy any property on the ground floor, ha ha ha."

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20 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


      I am American, and I'm extremely concerned that rednecks outvoted sensible people, and the current leaders are dangerous morons.  Guiliani, Carson, Trump, Palin, Christie, .....those are some seriously flawed people.  I admit the younger folks demonstrating now aren't going to change policy, and certainly aren't going to get Trump to quit.  But they are venting their frustrations.  240 years ago Americans vented their frustrations against a callous ruling clique, and that sparked the Revolutionary war.   If Trump and his buddies were alive then, they would have all sided with the royalists.  I'm 100% sure of that.


       I've met lots of younger Americans in recent years and, with few exceptions, they're deep thinking, lovely folks who really care for their country and the natural environment.  They detest Trump and what he stands for, and I concur.


Some of Trump's foreign policy advisers, .....a crass and dangerous bunch of bumblers

I'm not an American, but I very much share your concerns.


One point though, the "sensible people" (if that is how they should be labelled), actually outvoted the "rednecks". The whole business of the popular vote going one way and the electoral college vote going the other way is a constitutional anomaly which very much needs to be addressed. I'm sure that the men who drafted the constitution and instituted the concept of an electoral college never intended that it should countermand the popular vote. That anomaly if nothing else gives four years worth of legitimacy to these protests.

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3 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

As expected, the news about Trump will be a bummer every day.  Now Trump is gearing up to appoint an anti-environmentalist as EPA head (Environmental Protection Agency).  It's like letting a ravenous fox loose in the hen house.   Jot down this name:  Ebell.  He will be a walking talking disaster for every US environmental improvement of the past 50 years.  He not only disses GW, he also wants to weaken the Endangered Species Act.   And he claims 97% of climate scientists don't know what they're doing, even though Ebell himself has no science education on his resume.



Note:  polls show over 2/3 of Florida voters favor dynamic action to slow global warming.   Yet a slight majority of FL voters voted for Trump.    On HRC's last day campaigning in Florida, she got on stage with Nobel Prize winner Al Gore, and they spoke eloquently about the dire need to to slow GW.  Florida is the state which will get hit the hardest re; rising seas.  Already, seaside FL cities are having their storm sewers backing up with sea water, even on regular (non high-tide) days.    Yet, in their mass stupidity, Trump voters voted against doing the right things about GW.    Perhaps we should just sit back from higher ground, and point at Floridians and say, "You get what you voted for.  Enjoy paddling your rowboats around Miami.  Oh, and don't buy any property on the ground floor, ha ha ha."


Appointing this creep is what Trump meant with draining the swamp.....

Edited by DriveByTrucker
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5 minutes ago, DriveByTrucker said:


Appointing this creep is what Trump meant with draining the swamp.....

Hmm, sounds like something you find under a large flat stone at the bottom of the swamp when you have drained it.....

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16 minutes ago, JAG said:

I'm not an American, but I very much share your concerns.


One point though, the "sensible people" (if that is how they should be labelled), actually outvoted the "rednecks". The whole business of the popular vote going one way and the electoral college vote going the other way is a constitutional anomaly which very much needs to be addressed. I'm sure that the men who drafted the constitution and instituted the concept of an electoral college never intended that it should countermand the popular vote. That anomaly if nothing else gives four years worth of legitimacy to these protests.


Here are some pros and cons of the Electoral College:



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22 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

As expected, the news about Trump will be a bummer every day.  Now Trump is gearing up to appoint an anti-environmentalist as EPA head (Environmental Protection Agency).  It's like letting a ravenous fox loose in the hen house.   Jot down this name:  Ebell.  He will be a walking talking disaster for every US environmental improvement of the past 50 years.  He not only disses GW, he also wants to weaken the Endangered Species Act.   And he claims 97% of climate scientists don't know what they're doing, even though Ebell himself has no science education on his resume.



Note:  polls show over 2/3 of Florida voters favor dynamic action to slow global warming.   Yet a slight majority of FL voters voted for Trump.    On HRC's last day campaigning in Florida, she got on stage with Nobel Prize winner Al Gore, and they spoke eloquently about the dire need to to slow GW.  Florida is the state which will get hit the hardest re; rising seas.  Already, seaside FL cities are having their storm sewers backing up with sea water, even on regular (non high-tide) days.    Yet, in their mass stupidity, Trump voters voted against doing the right things about GW.    Perhaps we should just sit back from higher ground, and point at Floridians and say, "You get what you voted for.  Enjoy paddling your rowboats around Miami.  Oh, and don't buy any property on the ground floor, ha ha ha."

As someone who works in the environmental compliance business, I believe there are many reforms needed in the endangered species act (among others acts). Now some out there will say that without all the environmental regulations the USA would be just like China (polluted and dirty).   Could it be possible that there is a middle ground between the nonsensical regulations that we currently have and becoming as polluted as China. Anyone that says these regulations are just fine as they are currently written and enforced has absolutely no knowledge of the depth (and cost)  of the problem.

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Supporters of crooked hillary have to shoulder a lot of the blame.


The Donald clearly said Im a winner, I win….and everyone laughed. They underestimated the guy and started talking nonsense about his business record.


Well, he won.


He might not have if crooked hillary wasn't so reviled as a corrupt candidate with no policies that stood out.


Trump laid out some basic principles which he will now try to fulfil based on political realities…all candidates make promises that don't always execute exactly as presented.


Sadly, a lot of republicans went full anti Trump and now they cant be trusted to hold office in his administration…so he has to pick from a slightly more limited pool.


That guy Rubio might have been useful but he ruled himself out with his irrational venom towards trump….many others same same.


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 In your opinion. That doesn't mean your opinion reflects the reality.
I watched his campaign closely. It WAS about all those things.
Now elected, he picks a man who ran a white supremacist, Islamophobic, misogynistic, antisemitic, and homophobic website to be his MOST IMPORTANT adviser ... there in the oval office with him when he makes all important decisions.
Again, this is not to assert that all trump voters are racists, etc. HOWEVER, they all did support a campaign based on all those forms of disgusting hatred.
"Donald Trump ran a campaign of racist demagoguery against Muslim Americans, Hispanic immigrants, and black protesters. He indulged the worst instincts of the American psyche and winked to the stream of white nationalists and anti-Semites who backed his bid for the White House. Millions of Americans voted for this campaign, thus elevating white nationalism and white reaction to the Oval Office.
Millions of Americans are justifiably afraid of what they’ll face under a Trump administration. If any group demands our support and sympathy, it’s these people, not the Americans who backed Trump and his threat of state-sanctioned violence against Hispanic immigrants and Muslim Americans. All the solicitude, outrage, and moral telepathy being deployed in defense of Trump supporters—who voted for a racist who promised racist outcomes—is perverse, bordering on abhorrent."

(Software issue, can not use quote tool)

You are going to love the two front runners for Secretary of State then. John Bolton and Rudi Giuliani. 555

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2 hours ago, Ahab said:

So now the word of a comedian are a substitute for facts. Calling someone a white supremacist or supporter of the KKK is not a form of proof. I am conservative, I normally vote Republican and before yesterday I had never heard of the "alt right" movement. Seems like a bunch of smearing with no firm information.


Oh and the stupid frog thing is not a secret racist symbol of the right. No one had ever heard of it until it was brought up in the press. 


The "alt right" moniker is more loosely defined than the impression given on these topics and in the current media reports. Most of these references convey a more coherent, organized framework than what's actually out there. I think some of the regular posters are actually on board, without being aware of the label.




For a short history of Pepe the Frog, read here:




As for Bannon and Breitbart.com - I think "alt right" actually captures it well. There's less coherence and an underlying ideology to the website and materials published, compared to what people think. As for Breitbart.com as a whole being clearly anti-Semitic? Doubt it could be clearly demonstrated, especially considering they had quite a few prominent Jewish contributors. The thing with Breitbart is that many of the materials posts are hateful and abusive toward groups, individuals and organizations perceived as holding opposing ideas. And since Breitbart.com is a bit of market square when it comes to ideas, there's anger and hate spewed in many a direction. To which degree Bannon himself manifests these issues would probably involve getting into endless arguments and deflections over the things he wrote and said. Even if one wishes to dismiss these, there still being a certain level of responsibility associated with heading such a website.


For me, one other interesting angle is that if anything Bannon was vehemently "anti-establishment". In fact, extremely so. Getting that involved in Trump's campaign, and accepting a job at the White House, playing along with the likes of Priebus and Ryan, is somewhat of a cop out. Of course, one can always believe that he is a pragmatist, but then what was his firebrand style up to now? Some can say he plays a Trojan Horse, but what does that say about Trump?


I don't know if he's the incarnate evil people claim, but he sure is poor choice if the president elect means to act in a unifying role.




Stephen Bannon and Breitbart News, in Their Words



10 of Breitbart's most incendiary headlines



Upheaval at Breitbart News as Workers Resign and Accusations Fly


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The framers of the US Constitution chose to add the additional safeguard of the Electoral College to prevent the possibility that a demagogue could emerge who could sway the minds of a large bloc of the populace...whose potential popular vote could alter what the founders considered to be the prevailing American ethos. They understood that the Union was a sum of the different states, and each state should carry equal weight in choosing a president.  A demagogue could overwhelm the popular vote but in doing so, be restricted to an unrepresentative swath of the nation while the remainder of their fellow citizens were not mesmerized by that candidate's chicanery and rhetoric. 


The creation of the College has stood the test of time since 1804.  In many ways, the framer's prescience so long ago was brilliant. In 2016, Trump has been reviled as a demagogue by the leftists and entitlement grabbers, but it's rather quixotic that he won the Electoral vote as well as nearly matching Clinton in the popular vote.  It looks very much now like it was the long-time prevaricator Hillary Clinton who was the real demagogue all along, all too willing to continue our slide into the socialist abyss ushered in under Obama.  


Perhaps Mr. Trump is not the neo-Nazi that so many of you have vehemently painted him to be, often using inflammatory remarks in this forum.  Please give the man a chance, he might just cause you naysayers to eat your own words.  

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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

Supporters of crooked hillary have to shoulder a lot of the blame.


The Donald clearly said Im a winner, I win….and everyone laughed. They underestimated the guy and started talking nonsense about his business record.


Well, he won.


He might not have if crooked hillary wasn't so reviled as a corrupt candidate with no policies that stood out.


Trump laid out some basic principles which he will now try to fulfil based on political realities…all candidates make promises that don't always execute exactly as presented.


Sadly, a lot of republicans went full anti Trump and now they cant be trusted to hold office in his administration…so he has to pick from a slightly more limited pool.


That guy Rubio might have been useful but he ruled himself out with his irrational venom towards trump….many others same same.


Check out this recent news...says quite a lot about what was going on in Hillary's camp:



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3 minutes ago, Fore Man said:

Check out this recent news...says quite a lot about what was going on in Hillary's camp:




Whatever one thinks of his public policies or private life you can't say Bill Clinton doesn't have impeccable political instincts.

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People really
Shouldn't be that scared... Since elected , keep seeing signs that Trump is heading towards the middle...

Now instead of a 'great big wall'.. It's a wall that may be a fence in some parts or a 'virtual wall in others'

Instead of deport all illegals.. It's lets just focus on those who have committed other crimes and we'll talk about the rest later once
Borders are secured and the criminals have been deported..

Rather throw Obammacare in the trash and do some thing else... He is saying, what ever will replace Obamma care would need to keep clauses for not exempting previous conditions and allow kids
To stay under parents plans until 26...

Even Bernie believes there are some areas that he can work with Trump on..

So he is shifting and you had To know he would... So no, I'm not really
Scared about the next 4 years

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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14 minutes ago, CWMcMurray said:

People really
Shouldn't be that scared... Since elected , keep seeing signs that Trump is heading towards the middle...

Now instead of a 'great big wall'.. It's a wall that may be a fence in some parts or a 'virtual wall in others'

Instead of deport all illegals.. It's lets just focus on those who have committed other crimes and we'll talk about the rest later once
Borders are secured and the criminals have been deported..

Rather throw Obammacare in the trash and do some thing else... He is saying, what ever will replace Obamma care would need to keep clauses for not exempting previous conditions and allow kids
To stay under parents plans until 26...

Even Bernie believes there are some areas that he can work with Trump on..

So he is shifting and you had To know he would... So no, I'm not really
Scared about the next 4 years

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Very, very naive.

He needs to make deals now with Ryan and what Ryan wants in return is to completely dismantle the New Deal (social security and Medicare). 

Don't people realize that trump lies more than any other presidential candidate in history? Now elected, people are dim enough to believe anything out of his mouth? He changes what he says constantly. Now you assume he's going to remain moderating because of what he says on one day that totally contradicts what he's said other days? Based on what? Wishful thinking is all. It's a TACTIC to put people to sleep.


This new government needs to be watched closely and proactively more than ever. Don't give a destructive force like trumpism any kind of "give him a chance" honeymoon. He does NOT deserve it. 


What power do people have when they see what's going down? Not much anymore but one thing they do have is the power of protest and public disapproval. trump craves people to like him. He knows he's the most unpopular president to ever be elected in American history. But he still has plenty of people. Imagine how that plenty of people will be degraded when more of those people realize what's really happening that is actually going to hurt them and their families. 


Naive people say, don't worry, there is a limit to how bad this can be. There are always checks and balances. Uh oh. Not so much. Here's your checks and balances with trump:


"How Bannon flattered and coaxed Trump on policies key to the alt-right"



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38 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Give him a chance. Sure to copy from John Oliver if you found out a plane you were in was piloted by a wombat you would have no choice but to give the wombat a chance but still you'd know the plane was going down.


The good news is you have a 100% wrong track record....So it is a good bet

he will be the best pilot you ever had :thumbsup:


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On 11/14/2016 at 11:42 PM, Fore Man said:

Your definitely smoking something...there is an underground, paid system in place to place violence-prone activists to heighten the generally peacegul street protests.


U are right ;

anti trump people here  are blind;

they never heard about Soros Fund Management or Open Society Foundations or USAction ..

People who protest are paid


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