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Outrage and fear fuel continuing anti-Trump protests


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5 hours ago, Ahab said:

Alex Jones is a complete kook.

But he is spot-on with his analysis of the political landscape. 

BTW, is this all the sore losers have now?  Disclaimer:  A non-trolling post, boys 


Liberals Create List of “Fake” News Websites Including: Breitbart, Infowars, Zerohedge, Twitchy, The Blaze

CATEGORY 1: Below is a list of fake, false, or regularly misleading websites that are shared on Facebook and social media. Some of these websites may rely on “outrage” by using distorted headlines and decontextualized or dubious information in order to generate likes, shares, and profits. These websites are categorized with the number 1 next to them.


See the rest here:  http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/11/breaking-media-list-fake-news-websites-includes-breitbart-infowars-zerohedge-twitchy-blaze/


That''s why y'all on the Left seem to believe that Trump's transition team is in "disarray" while it really is ticking along real fine! 

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9 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

They seem to have forgotten about the Huffington Post, Salon, Slate, alter Nut and numerous fake news websites by liberals.

Salon has to be about the worst right now.  Have you taken a look at the outrageous stuff they've posted recently!  Beyond the bounds! :smile:

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28 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Salon has to be about the worst right now.  Have you taken a look at the outrageous stuff they've posted recently!  Beyond the bounds! :smile:


Agreed. I actually like some of he liberal publications for some of the articles, but the political stuff is junk. Last time I looked, it was wall to wall politics. 

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15 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I think it's time after all these years, BM, to induct you into my ignore list. Congrats!


Congrats Boon Mee you have been added to a long list of noble posters who have had the honor of causing  brain implosion with use of facts over fantasy.

Congratulations....Good Job .... :thumbsup:

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1 hour ago, mania said:


Congrats Boon Mee you have been added to a long list of noble posters who have had the honor of causing  brain implosion with use of facts over fantasy.

Congratulations....Good Job .... :thumbsup:


Does anyone ever get off this list….for good behaviour? 

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        Do your own study, re; veracity of news reported, if you want.  Someone did, and they found Trump fans published fake news much more often than liberals.  There's even a bunch of youngsters in Macedonia who have been posting Trump-supporting garbage on FB and other popular sites.  Note:  posters get paid if their posts get over 50,000 views on Youtube (and there are similar payment schedules on FB and other sites).


       Think about it.  Young internet-savvy folks, particularly in poor countries where wages can be as low as $10/day if they're lucky to get any work at all.  .....find out they can make $1,000+ per week by generating popular posts on multi-billion dollar valued US-based web sites.    They quickly find out that Trump fans love to gobble up any news which props up Trump (by denigrating his opponents).  


        For example: concoct a news-looking post which says Bill Clinton has six illegitimate half-black kids from boom booming at New Orleans cat houses in the 1980's and 90's. Add a few fuzzy photos, .....and VOILA, ....Trump fans will retweet it, re-direct it, and swear the next day that it's absolutely true.  They read it online at a news site!!!!



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9 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

        Do your own study, re; veracity of news reported, if you want.  Someone did, and they found Trump fans published fake news much more often than liberals.  


If you are going to make such claims, please include a link to a credible source. This sounds like the kind of dishonest nonsense the MSM publised during the election to rig it for HILLARY. 

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U are right ;

anti trump people here  are blind;

they never heard about Soros Fund Management or Open Society Foundations or USAction ..

People who protest are paid


That ad is supposedly on Craigslist.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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23 hours ago, Ahab said:

As someone who works in the environmental compliance business, I believe there are many reforms needed in the endangered species act (among others acts). Now some out there will say that without all the environmental regulations the USA would be just like China (polluted and dirty).   Could it be possible that there is a middle ground between the nonsensical regulations that we currently have and becoming as polluted as China. Anyone that says these regulations are just fine as they are currently written and enforced has absolutely no knowledge of the depth (and cost)  of the problem.


         Show me any set of rules about anything, and I can likely find problems with some of the regulations.  Re; the environment:  there's been an overall trend, since the EPA was designated, to try and do some good re; cleaning things up and trying to keep some species from going extinct.  The river which runs through Detroit once caught on fire, due to fossil fuels dumped into it which floated on its surface.   Very often, environmental formulas clash with business plans.  


        Before the Grand Canyon was declared a National Park, there was a powerful politician/businessman in Wash. D.C. who wanted to have the entire canyon open for miners.  If he and his business pals had their way, there would be smokestacks, open pit mining, and runaway pollution there now. 


       There are thousands of stories of how environmental guidelines have helped make the US a better place,  and give an assist to endangered species of plants and animals.   Saving the condor is just one of many. Saving the lynxes, bison and wolves are other stories.  


         An anti-environmentalist like Abell (who Trump will likely appoint) to head the EPA, is like a sustained fart in the face of environmentalism.  Trump didn't even know the term EPA.  He kept calling the agency 'the Protect the Environment Agency' (PEA?).   Trump is to environmental husbandry what a hog butcher is to vegetarianism.

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2 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

It is on Craigslist and there has been reporting on similar offers elsewhere.




Once again you've posted a link to a fake news website. Samples from their homepage include 'Donald Trump Tweets Photo's of his P*nis' and 'Obama to ban National Anthem'.


You really need to do better

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52 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

        Do your own study, re; veracity of news reported, if you want.  Someone did, and they found Trump fans published fake news much more often than liberals.  There's even a bunch of youngsters in Macedonia who have been posting Trump-supporting garbage on FB and other popular sites.  Note:  posters get paid if their posts get over 50,000 views on Youtube (and there are similar payment schedules on FB and other sites).


       Think about it.  Young internet-savvy folks, particularly in poor countries where wages can be as low as $10/day if they're lucky to get any work at all.  .....find out they can make $1,000+ per week by generating popular posts on multi-billion dollar valued US-based web sites.    They quickly find out that Trump fans love to gobble up any news which props up Trump (by denigrating his opponents).  


        For example: concoct a news-looking post which says Bill Clinton has six illegitimate half-black kids from boom booming at New Orleans cat houses in the 1980's and 90's. Add a few fuzzy photos, .....and VOILA, ....Trump fans will retweet it, re-direct it, and swear the next day that it's absolutely true.  They read it online at a news site!!!!




Whilst I fully endorse your point, I do feel that you chose a poor example.


In Bill Clintons case your supposition is entirely possible!


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On ‎16‎.‎11‎.‎2016 at 10:09 AM, JAG said:

I'm not an American, but I very much share your concerns.


One point though, the "sensible people" (if that is how they should be labelled), actually outvoted the "rednecks". The whole business of the popular vote going one way and the electoral college vote going the other way is a constitutional anomaly which very much needs to be addressed. I'm sure that the men who drafted the constitution and instituted the concept of an electoral college never intended that it should countermand the popular vote. That anomaly if nothing else gives four years worth of legitimacy to these protests.

Perhaps you should do some research before believing such .......................

The electoral college was set up precisely to counter the popular vote. The clever men could see a day when the loony lefties that inhabit the cities would outnumber ALL the citizens in the rest of the country, and be able to vote in presidents that supported their agenda. They took sensible precautions to prevent such.

Anyway, it can't be changed without amending the constitution, and the rest of the country will not allow that.

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45 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

We also suppose all those busses lined up full of fake protesters were in essence akin to the fake Moon Landings too? :post-4641-1156694572:


39 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

OK, that one has been disproved although it is interesting don't you think that the majority of those protesters (had to come from somewhere) never registered to vote?


You and your buddies clearly seem to make up things to fit your Alt-right propaganda. All protesters are fake and/or paid?! All protesters never registered?! Can you share with us some proof of this BS?

One must be really narrow-minded if one cannot comprehend that about half of the Americans are really upset about the election results. 

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15 hours ago, CWMcMurray said:





You could be right or you could be wrong... Only time will tell

I in no way think everyone should close there eyes or follow along with everything and anything Trump thinks up...

All I am saying is that if he moves in that direction it is a good thing

We will just need to watch his actions once he gets into office

If bad, then the minority should be vocal and active .. But if he does propose any things that are good and most can agree on or if he does make some compromises then that is a good thing

I am willing to wait and see what he does and then judge him on his actions rather than just his words

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect



I'm trying not to respond directly to trolls, but the hysteria of some anti Trumpists is surely a wonder to behold.

No doubt when Trump is president and starts to do things, even good things will be twisted and distorted to look bad.

It does occur to me that if a Dem president is elected next, it will be payback time for the GOP. Is there any hope for a united America again? Perhaps the answer really is for the west coast to secede from the union. Then they can take in all the loony lefties and leave the US to get on with their vision in peace.

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7 minutes ago, DriveByTrucker said:



You and your buddies clearly seem to make up things to fit your Alt-right propaganda. All protesters are fake and/or paid?! All protesters never registered?! Can you share with us some proof of this BS?

One must be really narrow-minded if one cannot comprehend that about half of the Americans are really upset about the election results. 

And, about half of Americans are really happy about the election results. Guess what- they won.

I'm sure Canada in winter is a great place for those that really can't live with Trump as POTUS :smile:

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8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Perhaps you should do some research before believing such .......................

The electoral college was set up precisely to counter the popular vote. The clever men could see a day when the loony lefties that inhabit the cities would outnumber ALL the citizens in the rest of the country, and be able to vote in presidents that supported their agenda. They took sensible precautions to prevent such.

Anyway, it can't be changed without amending the constitution, and the rest of the country will not allow that.


Right....in the late 1780s the electoral college was introduced by the clever men (the alt-right i assume) to prevent all these loony lefties who lived in the cities to outvote the rest of the country. hahahaha

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12 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Perhaps you should do some research before believing such .......................

The electoral college was set up precisely to counter the popular vote. The clever men could see a day when the loony lefties that inhabit the cities would outnumber ALL the citizens in the rest of the country, and be able to vote in presidents that supported their agenda. They took sensible precautions to prevent such.

Anyway, it can't be changed without amending the constitution, and the rest of the country will not allow that.

Well said!  You have well described the framers' intent in a succinct manner and avoided all the confusing legalese I've seen elsewhere. Thanks. 

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

And, about half of Americans are really happy about the election results. Guess what- they won.

I'm sure Canada in winter is a great place for those that really can't live with Trump as POTUS :smile:


Canada winter/summer is indeed a much better place to be than the US with or without Trump; social security, healthcare, better infrastructure, multicultural society, environmentally conscious....

You overestimate that half of the Americans are really happy with the election results, especially since Trump has started retracting the promises he made during his campaign. I am looking forward to the day (most likely in the very near future), where his core voters notice the lies and join the street protests.


When are you leaving back to Trumpland?

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