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Stepfather knocks 5 year old to the ground and kicks him - because he couldn't count 1-10


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5 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

Spot on! She didn't seem to move a muscle, not a scintilla of emotion or anger. Oh look, he's just smashed a small child to the ground and kicked him like a dog. Simply amazing and pathetic.

Actually, most Thais would have been horrified if the man was kicking a Thai dog, and the BIB would be out in force looking for the perp, especially if it was a farang kicking a Thai dog.  A five year old Thai boy???  Not so much concern.

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Just now, connda said:

Actually, most Thais would have been horrified if the man was kicking a Thai dog, and the BIB would be out in force looking for the perp, especially if it was a farang kicking a Thai dog.  A five year old Thai boy???  Not so much concern.

What load of codswallop. Are you trying to be funny or something? 

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4 minutes ago, connda said:

Actually, most Thais would have been horrified if the man was kicking a Thai dog, and the BIB would be out in force looking for the perp, especially if it was a farang kicking a Thai dog.  A five year old Thai boy???  Not so much concern.


You must live in a different Thailand to the one I lived in.

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2 hours ago, DM07 said:

What the #$%@?

What the ACTUAL #$%@?


None of the usual suspects here yet?

"I got beaten by my teachers, my father, mt grandfather and the neighbors aaaaaaall the time and it didn't do me bad!"

or the "The little brat deserves it! Probably was provoking dad and actually can very well count to 100!"

You say it's the kids fault. My God man, you're as bad as the man hitting his son!

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I like the way the Thais came to the childs aid.


They also didn't retaliate and beat the heck out of this pathetic excuse for a stepfather.

Instead, they showed the child there is a way apart from violence.

Poor, poor kid. What damage have these two men done to this little fella for the future?

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Original father (deliberate small letters) left mother because child had a cleft lip (easily corrected surgically). Step father assumed, as it was not his child he could do what he wanted and he did. So many broken Thai families mainly due to negligent fathers. Plant the seed and move on to the next girl needing attention. The problem is that there is no social shame in Thai society and such men are treated as 'real' men when, in fact, they are social scum, likely raised in a similar environment. So  sad but without it I would not have found the best woman who ever entered my life for these past 30+ years.

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One should think that this type of behavior belongs to the western Victoria era when beatings were the norm this type of action by a stepfather will not encourage the youngster to count nor will it in future years encourage the boy to even like his step father  but it might encourage the RTP top prefer charges then again maybe the army should step in.......................................:coffee1:.

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2 hours ago, realenglish1 said:

I have a very good Idea since it was in a car park area. Lock him in a parked car right in the sun for a couple of hours


Then check back on him in 2 hours See if he is ok 


don't forget to hogtie the a-hole! i mean, what the hell was that! put that guy in the slammer for a month to get a taste of what awaits him should he touch any child ever again.

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2 minutes ago, harleyclarkey said:


Because they happened to be Thai.


Grow up.

You are unaware of the power of words.

If this were a vdo in the UK, would you have said, "I like the way the Brits came to the child's aid"?

I know your type, having worked with people like you here for over 3 decades. It is Thailand for Christ's sake, no need to call people Thais. One guy at work today said, when talking about his commute, "at the traffic lights, I was turning right when a "Thai" pulled out in front of me". It wrong, racist, uncalled for and says a lot about the people who say it, often sub-consciously.

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Consider why people in 3rd world countries where there is no social welfare system (i.e. retirement) have children.

They are an investment in a person's old age economic security.

In 3rd world countries with high infant mortality rates, the more children the more security.

If a poor family goes into debt so deep they can not pay, they can always sell their children.

It is not easy being a child / investment / commodity in a 3rd world country.

This is not the first time I have seen children treated badly in Thailand.

Many children seem to be looked on as a necessary inconvenience, (or source of income if one parent is a farang).

This is demonstrated by a culture / society where grandparents in villages are left raising children, without parental contact/affection/guidance, while parents going off to work in cities is the norm.

I think I have spoken and generalized too much?

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And the Thai stepdad managed to give a five year old a good kicking all on his own how brave is he and did not need to call on five mates to back him up just in case the little chap got the better of him; hopefully he will get his just desert’s in a few years’ time if evil stepdad is still around hope stepson will give him a proper kicking one that he won’t forget ever.  

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I share the outrage of all.

Outrage at the big, hard lad that knocked the kid to the ground.

I share the urge to give this animal (well, he may have the biological ingredients of a human but he's not a real man hitting kids is he?) the kicking he deserves.

I admire how quick people were on the scene and take care and protect the little lad from further violence. Whether the little lad would learn that violence is not the answer by those intervening showing such restraint is a different issue and none that anyone here could say for certain.

However, if this happened back where I am from the bloke would have been attacked by both men and women acting purely on the viciousness of the assault. I accept maybe not a great lesson for the kid but the extreme violence would have initiated an extreme reaction.

So were the locals here in the Land of Smiles right to show restraint?

There will be sound and just arguments both ways - especially as such summary justice may see the little lad subject to more of the same or, heaven forbid, worse at home.

I hope the police deal with him to the extent that he watches his ways with the kid in the future.

I also hope (as would happen back where I am from) he is a marked man and decked at every opportunity when he dares show his face in the locality.

Sorry if that upsets some - but you hit a defenceless kid like that you have to pay...........


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59 minutes ago, Johnniey said:

You are unaware of the power of words.

If this were a vdo in the UK, would you have said, "I like the way the Brits came to the child's aid"?

I know your type, having worked with people like you here for over 3 decades. It is Thailand for Christ's sake, no need to call people Thais. One guy at work today said, when talking about his commute, "at the traffic lights, I was turning right when a "Thai" pulled out in front of me". It wrong, racist, uncalled for and says a lot about the people who say it, often sub-consciously.

Utter crap. Not racist whatsoever. Only in your PC mind.

If a person is from Thailand they are - by definition - Thai.

As per your quote "would you have said, "I like the way Brits came to a child's aid"?" - why????? If the VIDEO clearly states that THAI  people come to the aid  of the child what is FACTUALLY wrong with that????

Get a grip. Get a life man. There's a kid getting knocked all over by an adult and you're whinging about stuff like this???


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9 hours ago, rkidlad said:

I'm glad there wasn't a mob attack on this guy. I just think mob attacks set an awful precedent and more violence isn't the solution. In saying that, if he had been mobbed, you'd have heard no complaints from me at all. In fact, if I'd been there, I would have gone for him. 


This act was purely despicable. It's stuck in my head. I don't know how anyone could do that to a child. It sickens me. I wish the people around him had formed a line instead of rubbing his arm. Form a line and call the police straight away. 


This man needs to be in prison right now. That poor kid isn't only physically hurt, but emotionally scarred too. I hope to read the kid is away from this man and people do something nice for him. 


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Sadly this is one young boy that can claim that he went to the school of "Hard Knocks".


This is most likely a common family set up where the Stepfather/Boyfriend stays at home and does nothing apart from take the kid to and from school while the mother is out supporting them. Hope for the boys safety the mother will rid herself of this loser.

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Do  you know why a mob  attack is the fairest and quickest sure punishment??????

Because it will  come from no where else. Same as Thai teachers beating up on their students. And then its covered up or goes away.


Sick lawless society where it will all continue until the punishment fits the crime. People here know they can get away with literally anything. Even murder.

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Just makes you wonder how many of these savages are stomping little kids and not getting filmed and put online.


Don't know about mob attack but I reckon in Australia someone would have dropped that SOB.

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2 hours ago, harleyclarkey said:


I like the way the Thais came to the childs aid.


They also didn't retaliate and beat the heck out of this pathetic excuse for a stepfather.

Instead, they showed the child there is a way apart from violence.

Poor, poor kid. What damage have these two men done to this little fella for the future?


Yes, some of the falangness in this thread, specifically those who are suggesting that more violence is the solution could do with some thainess in their lives.

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