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Stepfather knocks 5 year old to the ground and kicks him - because he couldn't count 1-10


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I reread your post.You say that your wife never had a boy friend and came straight out of University and found you.You do not give your wifes age,or yours.(is she a trophy wife?)or how and where she found you.Was this an online romance? How can you be sure that she never had a boyfriend?The only way of real proof would be too delicate for these pages,but i think you know what i mean.I would think that her family were glad of the pairing of you both.Saying that and all things being equal,it must have cost you a lot of money to secure one such as she.These sort of brides are well sort after by the wealthy ferang society that inhabit these shores.Maybe her parents instilled it into her to look for such a match,with the idea that it would benefit them as much as you.I dont know how long you have been here or where you live,but the 2 line post that you made was clearly a statement of your success,instead of having to kiss a lot of frogs.

In saying that,i hope you are content,and happy in your marriage,long may it last.I congratulate you,you are among the minority.

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2 minutes ago, madusa said:

This man is very sick. He needs help. No good beating him up. The young boy will never like to do maths ever again I guess.

Of course the guy needs help, two black eyes and a rearranged nose...That's how brain dead learn.....They don't want that again.....

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On 18/11/2016 at 10:01 PM, transam said:

Of course the guy needs help, two black eyes and a rearranged nose...That's how brain dead learn.....They don't want that again.....

The man beat the kid and you beat the man badly, at the police station the police didn't like your attitude, you started using 4 letter words the police didn't like it, they beat you blue black. So when is this beating going to stop?

That's not the end yet. You went home your missus laughed at you , you had a couple of beer and then things turn ugly, you beat your missus. Your missus called her secret Thai lover to beat you when you go to the bar to drink more beer.

Chain reaction they called it. Are you still there transam?

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4 minutes ago, madusa said:

The man beat the kid and you beat the man badly, at the police station the police didn't like your attitude, you started using 4 letter words the police didn't like it, they beat you blue black. So when is this beating going to stop?

That's not the end yet. You went home your missus laughed at you , you had a couple of beer and then things turn ugly, you beat your missus. Your missus called her secret Thai lover to beat you when you go to the bar to drink more beer.

Chain reaction they called it. Are you still there transam?

I am always here...If I beat up a kid you or anyone can whack me......You do gooders make me sick...

Us humans are just animals on this planet, what do other animals do with shit.....The boss takes them out, sends them on their way.....The animal world out there do not have a psychiatrists field to send them too.....Do you think humans are special....?

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3 hours ago, Canceraid said:

Typical Thai men...they either beat woman and children or other another single male but in a group.......guys with small dicks !


How many Thai men do you know and how many of them beat their wife or children?


Generalisations are meaningless.


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1 minute ago, billd766 said:


How many Thai men do you know and how many of them beat their wife or children?


Generalisations are meaningless.


My wife was beaten by her hi-so ex husband with a Leo bottle because she was beautiful and did not like men looking at here.......Took her 6 years to divorce the shit because of his position in the local society ...

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4 minutes ago, transam said:

My wife was beaten by her hi-so ex husband with a Leo bottle because she was beautiful and did not like men looking at here.......Took her 6 years to divorce the shit because of his position in the local society ...

Can't have been that hi so if he was drinking Leo

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The slap/whack was bad enough, but that kick was absolutely one of the most disgusting acts of violence I've ever seen! 

Not even animals treat they young like that. 


I generally don't condone violence of any kind, but I'd turn a blind eye to a group of lads giving him a thrashing. 

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On 18/11/2016 at 5:27 PM, Johnniey said:

Why the need to call them Thais? This is not a racial issue. :(


22 hours ago, ThaiFelix said:

I think we all know what he means  (well, except for you).

 Exactly my point, we know they are Thais and it is not surprising. Someone who treats Thais as equals would have said "people".

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Most of the Thai dogs are strange. Even if they are barking with anger, if someone shouts it "Pay" it goes away. Then barking from a safe distance. 

Some people are even braver and  very strong whenever they want to kick a woman from her back, attack an old man or a family if they are forming a group of three or more or just hitting another man. Some man can kick a weak kid.

All of them are very, very sorry and  small in the police station.....


This kid is not wrong, it reads something. Maybe he was frightened or really cannot count until 10. But with this father ....?

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"five-year-old learning disabled stepson "


OMG..... this bastard cannot even understand that the poor guy has a learning problem. He is well dressed, his mother should definitely take care of him and this idiot ........ Very sad

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On 18/11/2016 at 4:18 AM, CockneyGit said:

Put this pr*ck in a car park with me for 5 minutes and I will GUARANTEE he won't do anything like this again!



Unfortunately Thai culture is based on cowardice and kicking weak people in violent situations, coupled with the fact that most Thai men are spoilt by their parents and allowed to get away with anything they please. Dysfunctional people, dysfunctional culture.

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On 18/11/2016 at 8:13 AM, JaseTheBass said:

No child deserves that - never - and that is unquestionable.


But, it would be good to hear something contructive from the TV peanut brigade rather than violence against a man who obviously has issues and he,  as well as his family, would probably benefit more from being given help to deal with his demons which would hopefully allow the child to be reared in a loving environment.

Certainly better than any so-called advice from the PC brigade. What would you do, give him some councelling or perhaps hit him with a leaflet campaign? Unfortunately, there is only one language animals like this understand. You have to fight fire with fire and make him lose face as much as possible.

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12 hours ago, Honthy said:

Most of the Thai dogs are strange. Even if they are barking with anger, if someone shouts it "Pay" it goes away. Then barking from a safe distance. 

Some people are even braver and  very strong whenever they want to kick a woman from her back, attack an old man or a family if they are forming a group of three or more or just hitting another man. Some man can kick a weak kid.

All of them are very, very sorry and  small in the police station.....


This kid is not wrong, it reads something. Maybe he was frightened or really cannot count until 10. But with this father ....?



He has a learning disability and needs all the help that he can get.


As the father of a 12 year old sun with my Thai wife I personally believe that part of my job as his Dad is to help him through his life for as long as I can. That includes any schoolwork, home work etc. I also help him and our neighbours 2 daughters aged 11 and 8 with their English reading and pronunciation.


I am the past, my wife and my neighbours are the present and the children are the future not only of Thailand but of the world.


They should be protected, fed and nurtured not set upon my some moronic cretin who has soi dog sh1t between his ears pretending to be a brain cell. (My apologies to soi dogs.)


That said however I am a white western male and I was brought up differently to many Thai "men". The good news is that not all Thai men are like him, The majority are normal people but we hear, and WILL hear more and more about the worst of them because of the social media.


IMHO the tide is slowly turning in Thailand for the better but it will take several decades or more before Thailand will become great again.



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Deplorable, sickening, heartbreaking, tear jerking, INFURIATING! Poor little guy obediently trying to do his best and this <deleted> MONSTER cold cocks him and then STOMPS him while he is down. This piece of shit better get caught and put in prison for a LONG time or gonna have to gather up The Mob For Justice Against Cruelty and Violence To Children. :post-4641-1156693976:

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On ‎19‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 0:00 PM, Khon Kaen Dave said:


I reread your post.You say that your wife never had a boy friend and came straight out of University and found you.You do not give your wifes age,or yours.(is she a trophy wife?)or how and where she found you.Was this an online romance? How can you be sure that she never had a boyfriend?The only way of real proof would be too delicate for these pages,but i think you know what i mean.I would think that her family were glad of the pairing of you both.Saying that and all things being equal,it must have cost you a lot of money to secure one such as she.These sort of brides are well sort after by the wealthy ferang society that inhabit these shores.Maybe her parents instilled it into her to look for such a match,with the idea that it would benefit them as much as you.I dont know how long you have been here or where you live,but the 2 line post that you made was clearly a statement of your success,instead of having to kiss a lot of frogs.

In saying that,i hope you are content,and happy in your marriage,long may it last.I congratulate you,you are among the minority.


Edited by Artisi
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I reread my post and i notice that i have spaced every word.My use of comma's and the like is how i choose to use them and as you are not the grammar or spelling police,i suggest that you reread my post and point out to me where i have failed to space.There is a unwritten rule about people that like to let other posterswhere their typing errors faults lie.I suggest you get the book titled,'Good etiquette when answering  op's on Thai Visa'.I think you are full of BS about the wife,if you actuallu have one,because,if all youv'e got is to come back at me with my typing errors then you are a very sad case.Beaten up at school,were you? went bald at an early age maybe? maybe a little under 5" 7' tall? No friends? i wonder why. Still,its good to have people like you in  the forum,we lack complete idiots.In the mean time i am sure that others who read my post didn't have the problems you had reading it.

So,in parting i would say thatihopeyourearholesturnto arseholesand you shitalloveryourshoulders.

Have a good day:cheesy::kiss01:



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1 hour ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:


I reread my post and i notice that i have spaced every word.My use of comma's and the like is how i choose to use them and as you are not the grammar or spelling police,i suggest that you reread my post and point out to me where i have failed to space.There is a unwritten rule about people that like to let other posterswhere their typing errors faults lie.I suggest you get the book titled,'Good etiquette when answering  op's on Thai Visa'.I think you are full of BS about the wife,if you actuallu have one,because,if all youv'e got is to come back at me with my typing errors then you are a very sad case.Beaten up at school,were you? went bald at an early age maybe? maybe a little under 5" 7' tall? No friends? i wonder why. Still,its good to have people like you in  the forum,we lack complete idiots.In the mean time i am sure that others who read my post didn't have the problems you had reading it.

So,in parting i would say thatihopeyourearholesturnto arseholesand you shitalloveryourshoulders.

Have a good day:cheesy::kiss01:



Sad case - having to laugh at your own pathetic jokes and by the way, I was commenting on your typing style not an assault on your character - but guess you got a big kick out of the dribble you posted. 

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