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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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Historian Timothy Snyder: “It’s pretty much inevitable” that Trump will try to stage a coup and overthrow democracy


Yale historian and author of the new book "On Tyranny" says we may have one year left to save American democracy 



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trump on the latest efforts for trumpcare.

Is he lying, ignorant, or both?

Or is his tactic some new thing in the world, trumpist B.S. where the truth and facts are promoted as having no value?



An interview suggests Trump doesn't know what's in his health bill

Either the president doesn’t understand the proposal — or isn’t telling the truth about it.



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15 hours ago, iReason said:

he was really angry that he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War. He said, "There's no reason for this."


Whatever you say donald.:post-4641-1156694572:

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The Daily 202: Eight ways Trump got rolled in his first budget negotiation


THE BIG IDEA: Perhaps the best negotiators are not the people who tell everyone that they are the best negotiators.





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Trump's attack on Syria was 'after-dinner entertainment' says US commerce secretary

Wilbur Ross says Trump interrupted dessert to tell Xi Jinping about the strike and the ‘entertainment didn’t cost the president anything’ (sub-title)


"US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross has described the cruise missile attack on Syria “after-dinner entertainment” for guests dining at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club on 6 April, when the president decided to launch the strike."


"Ross, speaking at an economics conference in California on Monday, recounted the scene at the Florida estate when Trump interrupted dessert to inform Chinese President Xi Jinping that the US had attacked a Syrian airfield."


“Just as dessert was being served, the president explained to Mr Xi he had something he wanted to tell him, which was the launching of 59 missiles into Syria,” Ross said, according to Variety “It was in lieu of after-dinner entertainment.”



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Well worth reading, especially the embedded URL link to the reading of the 'Snake'.


Trump’s 100th-day speech may have been the most hate-filled in modern history





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1 hour ago, iReason said:

Trump's attack on Syria was 'after-dinner entertainment' says US commerce secretary

Wilbur Ross says Trump interrupted dessert to tell Xi Jinping about the strike and the ‘entertainment didn’t cost the president anything’ (sub-title)


"US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross has described the cruise missile attack on Syria “after-dinner entertainment” for guests dining at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club on 6 April, when the president decided to launch the strike."


"Ross, speaking at an economics conference in California on Monday, recounted the scene at the Florida estate when Trump interrupted dessert to inform Chinese President Xi Jinping that the US had attacked a Syrian airfield."


“Just as dessert was being served, the president explained to Mr Xi he had something he wanted to tell him, which was the launching of 59 missiles into Syria,” Ross said, according to Variety “It was in lieu of after-dinner entertainment.”



This is all going to end in tears and probably rivers of blood. All the US administration needs to add to their unprecedented level of incompetence would be the labour Government to be elected in the UK. The two allies could then pair up to be the coalition of the stupid.

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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

This is all going to end in tears and probably rivers of blood. All the US administration needs to add to their unprecedented level of incompetence would be the labour Government to be elected in the UK. The two allies could then pair up to be the coalition of the stupid.

from the link shared in post 1701 ( iReason)   https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/may/02/trumps-attack-on-syria-after-dinner-entertainment-wilbur-ross-commerce-secretary

"Trump told Fox Business in an interview last month. “We’re now having dessert—and we had the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that you’ve ever seen—and President Xi was enjoying it.”

 "The magazine reported that the audience laughed at Ross’ recollection of the evening. He added: “The thing was, it didn’t cost the president anything to have that entertainment.”


this is not only about  incompetence or stupidity IMO, it's about decency and vulgarity that fuel resentment against Americans in such occasions.      






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Caesar Trump should do it as a new name. They tended to be the type of rulers that were fond of a few deaths or executions as entertainment over Dinner.


There must be something in the rule book about bringing the office of President into disrepute. I remember how all the Trump supporters were saying how disgraceful it was that Hillary laughed when she stated that Gadaffi had been killed. Well how about a President that uses the launch of 59 tomahawks as an excuse for after dinner entertainment. It cost almost 100 million dollars and people were killed. How funny...........not!  It is the type of thing you would expect from Kim Jong.


Will he encourage some head of state to have sundowners when he launches a pre-emptive nuclear strike on North Korea. Maybe it would get his ratings up which is all he seems concerned about. This is NOT reality TV Mr President.


Something under the "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" act must be enough to take this scum bag down.



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Trump at his most dangerous


"Trump's first 100 days have been a lesson for him in what he can and cannot easily do."
"He's followed the authoritarian playbook in attacking those sectors of society that uphold the value of evidence (the judiciary, the press, researchers)."
"He's purged the bureaucracy; hired family members (who thumb their noses at conflicts of interest); bullied critics on Twitter; and incited a climate of hatred toward targeted groups (Muslims, Latinos, immigrants, and more)."
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President Trump Was 'Directly Involved' in Hunt for Tweeter of Inauguration Crowd Photo


"President Donald Trump was "directly involved" in the quest to find the staffer from the National Park Service who retweeted a comparative photo of his inauguration crowd with that of his predecessor, former President Barack Obama."


"On the day of Trump's inauguration, the official account of the National Park Service retweeted a photo showing a crowd for Obama's event, compared to a smaller crowd that had gathered for Trump's that day."


"According to a report from CBS News, who cited emails about the exchange released through the Freedom of Information Act, Trump contacted acting National Park Services director Mike Reynolds about the tweet."




A pathetic man-child.



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Trump’s Degradation of the Language


"Trumpian language is a thing unto itself: some manner of sophistry peppered with superlatives."


"It is a jumble of incomplete thoughts stitched together with arrogance and ignorance."


"Trump’s employment of reduced rhetoric is not without precedent and is in fact a well-documented tool of history’s strongmen."



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Donald Trump has said 213 false things in his first 100 days. Here are all of them

The Star’s running tally of the straight-up lies, exaggerations and deceptions the president of the United States of America has said, so far. (sub-title)


Top o' the list:


"About his 100-day Contract With The American Voter: “Somebody, yeah, somebody put out the concept of a hundred-day plan.”


"In fact: It was Trump himself who put out this plan. It even includes his signature."



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30 minutes ago, iReason said:

President Trump Was 'Directly Involved' in Hunt for Tweeter of Inauguration Crowd Photo


"President Donald Trump was "directly involved" in the quest to find the staffer from the National Park Service who retweeted a comparative photo of his inauguration crowd with that of his predecessor, former President Barack Obama."


"On the day of Trump's inauguration, the official account of the National Park Service retweeted a photo showing a crowd for Obama's event, compared to a smaller crowd that had gathered for Trump's that day."


"According to a report from CBS News, who cited emails about the exchange released through the Freedom of Information Act, Trump contacted acting National Park Services director Mike Reynolds about the tweet."




A pathetic man-child.



                        I used to reside in Wash. D.C.  Look at the photo with the Washington monument.  At 2 o'clock from the monument is a strip of whitish-blue.  That's by the Sylvan Theater.  Many cool things happen there.  


                    I was at the first-ever Earth Day there, which was also my 18th b'day (and my hero's John Muir's b'day). Chambers Brothers played at the end of a great day of speeches by Coretta King, Dick Gregory, Rennie Davis (of the Chicago 8) and several senators.   I fondly recall dancing with dozens of press corps people, in front of the stage, everyone having a great time.   The speaker cabinets were aimed toward the monument, and the loud sounds went up and over a knoll to the rear of the WH, where Tricky Dick Nixon was holed up in a dark soundproof room watching NFL re-runs on TV. 


                       That's what Trump will further devolve toward:   hiding away from everyone except his inner circle, who shower him with faux praise, and speak to him like he's a naughty little boy spoiled prince.  

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Wow 68 pages & 5 months later & your all still here whining?


But...the best part is your whining from a Military Junta country that you support whole heartily with your $$$


Funny that..but main thing your happy


Meanwhile back here in the US we are all doing fine thanks :thumbsup:

But really no need to whine we are moving along democratically as always in the  United States of America


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21 minutes ago, mania said:

Wow 68 pages & 5 months later & your all still here whining?


But...the best part is your whining from a Military Junta country that you support whole heartily with your $$$


Funny that..but main thing your happy


Meanwhile back here in the US we are all doing fine thanks :thumbsup:

But really no need to whine we are moving along democratically as always in the  United States of America


You should research that a bit.  The US reduced ties with Thailand after the coup. It's the law.


And many in the US are not doing fine.  Just heard from a friend who's having problems with his insurance due to this BS from Trump. 


So no. Not everybody in the US is doing fine.  Watch Kimmels video. 

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Scenarios for dumping the orange turkey, or maybe not.

Good read. 




The Constitution offers two main paths for removing a President from office. How feasible are they?

Law and history make clear that Trump’s most urgent risk is not getting ousted; it is getting hobbled by unpopularity and distrust. He is only the fifth U.S. President who failed to win the popular vote. Except George W. Bush, none of the others managed to win a second term. Less dramatic than the possibility of impeachment or removal via the Twenty-fifth Amendment is the distinct possibility that Trump will simply limp through a single term, incapacitated by opposition.





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3 hours ago, iReason said:

Trump’s Degradation of the Language


"Trumpian language is a thing unto itself: some manner of sophistry peppered with superlatives."


"It is a jumble of incomplete thoughts stitched together with arrogance and ignorance."


"Trump’s employment of reduced rhetoric is not without precedent and is in fact a well-documented tool of history’s strongmen."



But...but...but...he has the best words, he said it himself.

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1 hour ago, mania said:

Wow 68 pages & 5 months later & your all still here whining?

But...the best part is your whining from a Military Junta country that you support whole heartily with your $$$

Funny that..but main thing your happy

Meanwhile back here in the US we are all doing fine thanks :thumbsup:

But really no need to whine we are moving along democratically as always in the  United States of America

                    Are you begging Trump to stop winning so much?


                     Seriously though, as u know, Trump is a giant divider.  He's divided Americans a bunch more than HRC every would have.   Among those who are doing fine in the US are the 1% who are very rich.  Like Trump, they're jazzed about lessening their taxes - which is actually a joke, because when a person is that rich, he/she probably doesn't pay taxes - again like Trump.  


                          Those who are sorely annoyed by Trump being the prez, are people who are in a gray area re; immigration (example; teenage kids of immigrants, who have been going to school in the US for several years).  Some more of the types who are not content with the Dufus in Chief:   environmentalists, people who want to switch to solar and other alternative energy, LGBT, and those who don't particularly like the idea of an election heavily swayed by an adversarial country's secret service.  That's just a partial list.


                        Oh, many of the same folks who don't like Trump for the reasons listed above, are folks who would like to see the # nukes lessened ww to zero.  Trump thinks nukes are cool, and that the US should have the biggest arsenal and dictate to every other country how many they each should have.  What's wrong with that picture?   Especially when you consider that the US is the only country in world history which has used nukes as a weapon.



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5 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

                    Are you begging Trump to stop winning so much?


                     Seriously though, as u know, Trump is a giant divider.  He's divided Americans a bunch more than HRC every would have.   Among those who are doing fine in the US are the 1% who are very rich.  Like Trump, they're jazzed about lessening their taxes - which is actually a joke, because when a person is that rich, he/she probably doesn't pay taxes - again like Trump.  


                          Those who are sorely annoyed by Trump being the prez, are people who are in a gray area re; immigration (example; teenage kids of immigrants, who have been going to school in the US for several years).  Some more of the types who are not content with the Dufus in Chief:   environmentalists, people who want to switch to solar and other alternative energy, LGBT, and those who don't particularly like the idea of an election heavily swayed by an adversarial country's secret service.  That's just a partial list.


                        Oh, many of the same folks who don't like Trump for the reasons listed above, are folks who would like to see the # nukes lessened ww to zero.  Trump thinks nukes are cool, and that the US should have the biggest arsenal and dictate to every other country how many they each should have.  What's wrong with that picture?   Especially when you consider that the US is the only country in world history which has used nukes as a weapon.





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There are likely several other issues which could be added to the video about Trump's inevitable impeachment proceedings.


When Trump took the oath of office, he swore to uphold the laws of the land.  One of those laws was the ACA.  Trump has said, repeatedly, that he hopes ACA will fail.  One can assume he's doing all he can to see that law fail.  


Also, the video, though good, doesn't mention Trump's blatant nepotism.  


Trump has repeatedly and brazenly lied to Congress and the American people.  Is that not impeachable?  Probably not.  In other words, the Constitution infers it's ok for presidents to lie to citizens.

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

This should be interesting. She's going to contradict what the WH has been saying.


Sources: Former Acting AG Yates to contradict administration about Flynn at hearing




Lets hope she avoids any travel 'accidents' between now and next week.

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