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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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14 hours ago, Jingthing said:

It's not black and white.

Assuming the democrats take back the house in 2018, which they have good odds now to do but no certainty, it will be a combination of anti-trumpism combined with supporting the democratic party agenda, which I believe will now become clearly for universal health care. Which a slim majority of Americans already support. 

That would be good but with Wall St owned Chuck Schumer
as leader it is hard to see that happening. 




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Here we go.

The USA democracy is deeply at risk now. 





Toobin: Firing Comey grotesque abuse of power


CNN Senior Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin says President Trump firing FBI Director James Comey is a grotesque abuse of power. 





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All of Trump’s campaign statements just vanished from his website. So let’s remember them.


"The Trump campaign website went away this week. According to a news release, it's been replaced by a new site that the president's reelection campaign (yes, already) calls a one-stop shop for “fact-based information” that the mainstream media doesn't want you to know about."


"On donaldjtrump.com, you can check out never-before-seen rally photos, buy merchandise and get the real, unfiltered scoop on what your president is up to."


"One problem: The website revamp also appears to have vanished every single news release and public statement issued during President Trump's first campaign."



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42 minutes ago, mogandave said:

Indeed this is ground shaking. Impeachment in imminent.
That a US President would terminate a hard working public servant is appalling.
He has to go!!!!!


                    I'd like to agree that impeachment is imminent.  However, the reality is; Republicans control the House and Senate, so impeachment can't happen until those scoundrels are out.  Republican politicians put party loyalty above what's good for America and its people.  Scoundrels is much too nice a word to describe them.

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

                    I'd like to agree that impeachment is imminent.  However, the reality is; Republicans control the House and Senate, so impeachment can't happen until those scoundrels are out.  Republican politicians put party loyalty above what's good for America and its people.  Scoundrels is much too nice a word to describe them.

Yes the democrats will need to take the house first in 2018. Possible but not a sure thing. 

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2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Republican politicians put party loyalty above what's good for America and its people.  Scoundrels is much too nice a word to describe them.

I thought mass murders had been decided on? Do try to keep up.

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1 minute ago, mogandave said:


Given the size and strength of the resistance, I am certain the Democrats retake the house.


I don't share your confidence. I recently read the Georgia race where democrat Ossoff came really close to 50 percent to avoid a runoff is set to be the biggest money congressional contest in American history. If Ossoff doesn't win that, I'll have even less confidence. 

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I don't share your confidence. I recently read the Georgia race where democrat Ossoff came really close to 50 percent to avoid a runoff is set to be the biggest money congressional contest in American history. If Ossoff doesn't win that, I'll have even less confidence. 

He's weak, that's the only reason it's close.

I hear a report that Trump was involved in incest, I do not see him staying in office long.
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Lazy and corrupt like Nixon?

Yeah, sounds about right.



Trump is essentially “lazy and unwilling to do the hard work necessary to be a great leader,” said Bernstein. And all of this was known before he was even a political candidate.

Bernstein himself interviewed producers on Trump’s NBC reality TV show “The Apprentice” and discovered they “all had disdain for Trump, and [they] all said he bullied and was dismissive of others. But the real problem was that he didn’t do his work and was … unprepared. We’re now seeing the same kind of lack of regard for knowledge, preparation and learning. And it’s a hell of a lot more dangerous in the president of the United States than in a TV program.”





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4 hours ago, kevkev1888 said:

Yeah!  And I heard a report he is a Shape-Shifting Lizard. :cheesy:


I have seen no media reports that he is a shape shifting Lizard, do you have any links? The tube however,  has TV interviews and there are radio interviews that suggest strongly that Trump has a very unnatural sexual fixation on one of his offspring.

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7 hours ago, mogandave said:


He's weak, that's the only reason it's close.

I hear a report that Trump was involved in incest, I do not see him staying in office long.


No need to exaggerate. He's obviously strange  in the sexual department, evidenced by his "grabbing" and peeping Donald behavior at beauty pageants directed at underage girls, but there is no evidence that he has acted out incestuously.

The truth about trump will be bad enough to dump him. I doubt it will be about a sexual scandal. It will be about financial corruption, cover up of Russian connection, etc. 

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Good news for the resistance.

trump's approval ratings at the lowest yet.

35 percent.

Remember, folks, this is his "honeymoon" period.

This is the opposite of a normal presidency.

Hopefully his deservedly atrocious approval ratings will translate into the democrats taking over the house in 2018 and impeachment.



Disapproval of Trump at its highest yet

A Quinnipiac University poll shows the president's favorable rating at 35 percent, its lowest so far. Meanwhile, the percentage who strongly disapprove of him has reached a high of 51 percent.




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From the Trumpeteers favorite pollster, Quinnipiac:


Poll: Trump's approval rating sinks, near new record low as base support shrinks


"President Donald Trump's approval rating has once again neared a new record low, according to the latest Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday."


"Trump's approval rating, measured from May 4 until May 9 -- the day Trump fired FBI Director James Comey -- has fallen four percentage points since the last Quinnipiac poll from mid-April found he had a rating of 40 percent."


"There is no way to spin or sugarcoat these sagging numbers," the assistant director of the Quinnipiac Poll Tim Malloy said."



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Wyden puts 'hold' on nominee in push for Trump-Russia financial details


"I have stated repeatedly that we have to follow the money if we are going to get to the bottom of how Russia has attacked our democracy."
"That means thoroughly review any information that relates to financial connections between Russia and President Trump and his associates," Wyden said in a statement."
"The leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee sent a request earlier this month to the Treasury Department's financial crimes unit for similar information."





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Asked to describe Trump, America’s most common replies are ‘idiot’ and ‘incompetent’


"Quinnipiac University’s most recent poll mirrors past surveys from the organization in the era of Donald Trump: The president is not very popular."


"In this most recent survey, though, Quinnipiac included a less-common question than approval: “What is the first word that comes to mind when you think of Donald Trump?”


The most common responses, in order:

1. idiot, 39 times
2. incompetent, 31 times
3. liar, 30 times
4. leader, 25 times
5. unqualified, 25 times
6. president, 22 times
7. strong, 21 times
8. businessman, 18 times
9. ignorant, 16 times
10. egotistical, 15 times



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Trump campaign changes web privacy policy after questions from CBS News


"For roughly half a day Tuesday, anyone who visited President Donald Trump's newly-redesigned campaign website was tacitly agreeing to allow the campaign, its site and associated apps to collect their location information based on their proximity to "beacons," according to a privacy policy that was quickly altered after CBS News made inquiries."


"We may also collect other information based on your location and your Device's proximity to 'beacons' and other similar proximity systems, including, for example, the strength of the signal between the beacon and your Device and the duration that your Device is near the beacon," read the site's privacy policy at the time."


"Hours after CBS News emailed the Trump campaign's digital director, Brad Parscale, about its intended use of beacons, language referring to the devices was removed from the site."




They are watching you...

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5 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

I have seen no media reports that he is a shape shifting Lizard, do you have any links? The tube however,  has TV interviews and there are radio interviews that suggest strongly that Trump has a very unnatural sexual fixation on one of his offspring.

Well, if you are really interested feel free to search the tube yourself, you will find stuff on it.

So far as interviews go, you can find someone saying just about anything negative you want about Trump, it's open season and a free for all.

Edited by kevkev1888
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Reporter arrested 'for trying to ask Donald Trump's health secretary a question'

Dan Heyman says he was 'doing his job' with question over protection for domestic violence victims (sub-title)


The American Civil Liberties Union of West Virginia said Mr Heyman’s arrest was part of a “dangerous time” for freedom of the press, citing the President’s attacks on “fake news”.


“Mr Heyman’s arrest is a blatant attempt to chill an independent, free press,” a spokesperson said.


“What President Trump’s administration is forgetting, and what the Capitol Police forgot today, is that the government works for us. Today was a dark day for democracy.” 



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Another Watergate scandal is just around the corner,  and that's the best thing that could happen for Americans.  Get rid of the beast. 




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Good thing Trump is standing up for America unlike that weakling Obama

Washington has been the main critic of China’s efforts to build fortresses atop reefs, rocks and islands in the South China Sea. But the Trump administration, apparently wary of angering Beijing, recently decided to suspend patrols of islands and reefs claimed by China. “The South China Sea is now China’s lake,” said Carlyle A. Thayer, an emeritus professor at the University of New South Wales in Australia.


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Another Watergate scandal is just around the corner,  and that's the best thing that could happen for Americans.  Get rid of the beast. 




Potentially much worse than Watergate as Nixon respected US institutions much more than trump. It may not be possible to ever remove him / reverse the damage. I wouldn't rule out a trumpist coup with martial law to permanently destroy all US democratic institutions. Our democracy is much more fragile than we realized.


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So it's come to this. Hoping making noise will make a difference.




“There aren’t a lot of great options, but making noise is the only thing that is going to bring about change,” said Richard Ben-Veniste, who was a special prosecutor during Watergate and later served on the independent commission investigating the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. “The ‘Saturday Night Massacre’ really woke up the American public to the fact that something was going on, though the extent was not understood.”



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