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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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Allegation of Trump Administration threats.


Scarborough says he has proof of White House threats earlier this year -- he replied to Trump and said "I have texts from your top aides and phone records." And an NBC News spokesman told CNN that Scarborough kept several executives apprised of the alleged threats "contemporaneously." This may bolster Scarborough's stunning claim.



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10 hours ago, mesquite said:

Another fine media site. LOL.  NOT.  From their website. 



We’re led by Mike LaChance, who also writes for Legal Insurrection. He has previously written for Gateway Pundit, Breitbart and others.

Fake news websites at their worst.  Yet people still read this junk.  And believe it! LOL


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More).


Bias: Extreme Right, Propaganda

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Maybe we got the fuel for an impeachment? 





Scarborough, Brzezinski say White House used National Enquirer as threat


MSNBC hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski say President Trump and his White House used the possibility of a hit piece in the National Enquirer to threaten them and change their news coverage.


But Scarborough says he has proof of White House threats earlier this year -- he replied to Trump and said "I have texts from your top aides and phone records."


"We got a call that, 'Hey, the National Enquirer is going to run a negative story against you guys...' And they said, 'If you call the president up, and you apologize for your coverage, then he will pick up the phone and basically spike this story," Scarborough said.



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trump worked on the same principal's as the  Islam Isis b/s and fear to the unintelligent all the time hiding bad business deals and bankrupt many times  and put people in hardship as the usa and world banks woke up to his cons he turned to the conman of Russia for money wake up you hillbilly's 





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This is why you lost the election. 

The sneering, pompous, condescending attitude to 'stupid' ordinary people.


This is the attitude of the Hillary supporters, looking down their long noses at the unwashed, hillbilly masses. 


Its the attitude of CNN, BBC and other networks, lost in the echo-chamber of superiority and fake intelligence.

This is why so many working class people voted against the Socialists.


This message is why you lost the election.



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This is why you lost the election. 

The sneering, pompous, condescending attitude to 'stupid' ordinary people.
This is the attitude of the Hillary supporters, looking down their long noses at the unwashed, hillbilly masses. 
Its the attitude of CNN, BBC and other networks, lost in the echo-chamber of superiority and fake intelligence.

This is why so many working class people voted against the Socialists.
This message is why you lost the election.

Long noses?
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Malignant presidency!

In medicine what action is taken in such dire situations?




Bernstein: We are in the midst of a 'malignant presidency'



"The Trump presidency, he said, "is not functioning partly because of his character. It's not functioning partly because of his attacks on the press, which is totally moving the needle that the American people ... are watching. ... But it's really not functioning because the character and capabilities of this President are called into grave question in a way that those who know him best are raising serious concerns about.""





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10 hours ago, toast1 said:

This is why you lost the election. 

The sneering, pompous, condescending attitude to 'stupid' ordinary people.


This is the attitude of the Hillary supporters, looking down their long noses at the unwashed, hillbilly masses. 


Its the attitude of CNN, BBC and other networks, lost in the echo-chamber of superiority and fake intelligence.

This is why so many working class people voted against the Socialists.


This message is why you lost the election.



And you fell for all of Trump's lies.  He played you like a fool.  Along with many others.  Lies and propaganda is why Trump won.

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On 6/30/2017 at 11:59 AM, mesquite said:

Excellent play by President Trump.  While the press and resistance members are whining about the tweet,  he gets the job done.


If you don't think these tweets are cheese in the maze, look at what Trump did today while the fake news media was focused on PsychoJoe & Yoko singing "Give MSNBC a Chance":


*got a new sugar deal with Mexico


*imposed sanctions on China for unfair economic banking practices


*held an energy roundtable


*DEFINED THE "CLOSE FAMILY" under the USSC approved vetting very tightly, excluding grandparents, nephews, etc. HUGE!


*Saw the House pass two important immigration bills.


Did you hear of any of this? No. Media is totally focused on fake news about the tweets . . . which is exactly how Trump wants it. He knows coverage of these, no matter how good for America, will not be positive. So let them all take effect.


On 6/30/2017 at 1:00 PM, simple1 said:

From a quick check doesn't seem that your claims reflect any meaningful reality e.g. The China matter is just a sanction on two individuals and a Chinese bank for dealings with N.K.- this is a major achievement??? - LOL


The so called Muslim ban, is not in fact a ban and in any case is a watered down version of original proposal - oh and guess what, it's a fact Pakistanis and Saudis planned and carried out more terror attacks in the US than any other nationality yet are not on the named country list?????.


Finally if you believe Trump's social media messaging is actually planned strategic deception - :cheesy:

You and the rest of the resistance members still don't have a clue as to what has happened and what is going on now. 

Edited by mesquite
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4 minutes ago, mesquite said:

You and the rest of the resistance members still don't have a clue as to what has happened and what is going on now. 

Luckily, we know full well what has happened.  A liar has become president and duped many Americans.  Based on your last link, you seem to have fallen into that crowd.  As the saying goes "hook, line and sinker".


Interesting article here:





The dangers of blaming social media for America's problems


"People say 'I hate this kind of content that goes viral,' but there's an addictive quality to it," she told Stelter. It's ultimately up to the users to reflect on the ways they behave within the platforms to break that cycle.

In other words, search out better media sites. LOL.  It's good to have friends with alternative points of view.

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2 minutes ago, mesquite said:

You and the rest of the resistance members still don't have a clue as to what has happened and what is going on now. 

Given the conspiracy sources you link too, you believe you have knowledge of empirical truth???

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1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

And if they release the data they have on the calls/text messages to them from Trump's staff, we might have an obstruction of justice charge!  No wonder Trump's so upset.  He hates anybody who's got dirt on him.  Like this....FAKE news! LOL

Don't worry, Trump will never win the nomination, will never win the general election, will lose the election due to the recount, will lose the election due to the emotional appeal to the electoral college, will be impeached starting by the end of June....etc etc. and now your wishful thinking.


What will really happen:  Trump will be out of office on January 20, 2025 and not a day before (assuming no assassination).

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6 minutes ago, mesquite said:

Don't worry, Trump will never win the nomination, will never win the general election, will lose the election due to the recount, will lose the election due to the emotional appeal to the electoral college, will be impeached starting by the end of June....etc etc. and now your wishful thinking.


What will really happen:  Trump will be out of office on January 20, 2025 and not a day before (assuming no assassination).

Ah, must be nice to live in never never land.  All your dreams come true. LOL.  Luckily, Trump will never be re elected.  Even the Republicans are going after him now.  With approval ratings so low...never happen.  Though Trump supporters can still dream.  And tell each other "Hey, Trump won the election!". LOL

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27 minutes ago, mesquite said:

Don't worry, Trump will never win the nomination, will never win the general election, will lose the election due to the recount, will lose the election due to the emotional appeal to the electoral college, will be impeached starting by the end of June....etc etc. and now your wishful thinking.


What will really happen:  Trump will be out of office on January 20, 2025 and not a day before (assuming no assassination).

Well that is because nobody could possibly have legislated for the moronic stupidity of under half of the voters. There won't be a second time! Trump will have a heart attack before his first term is up and the statistics would indicate it will probably be on a golf course or watching Fox and Friends, as the two activities account for most of his time. Trump will make history alright, as the most despised President ever to take office.

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>Well that is because nobody could possibly have legislated for the moronic stupidity of under half of the voters.


This is why you lost the election.


For people who never stop talking about how amazingly intelligent, superior and wonderful they are - Socialist are incredibly stupid when it comes to looking at their own failings.


In their fantasy world, they are the superior elite, looking down on the stupid electorate.


This is why they lost.


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So, Pattaya James, you found a political cartoon that puts down Obama, Dems and liberals in general.  Good for you.   If you like looking at political cartoons, you'll find that over 90% are anti-Trump and anti-right wing.  I enjoy pol.cartoons from all sides.  Actually, it's good to see pol.cartoons which lampoon liberals, because it gives a window into what right-wingers are thinking.  For the same reason, I like it when Trump tweets - because it shows what he's thinking.  It's a lot better than having an adversary who doesn't show his hand.   Call it 'poker mentality' if you like. 


Come to think of it, Trump would be the worst poker player.  Not only would he cheat, but he couldn't help himself from getting all emotional about every hand he was dealt.  If a good hand, he would exclaim to everyone, "I have the best cards. No one has ever had better cards than me.  I'm so happy.  I'm going to make lots and lots of money.  Oh boy."


If he was dealt a bad hand, he would scream like a baby, "You see.  The dealer voted for Obama.  The dealer and the casino hate me, that's why I have lousy cards.  I hate them ten times worse.  I will make sure you all lose your jobs.  The whole system is rigged.  I want a new set of cards."

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3 minutes ago, toast1 said:

>Well that is because nobody could possibly have legislated for the moronic stupidity of under half of the voters.


This is why you lost the election.


For people who never stop talking about how amazingly intelligent, superior and wonderful they are - Socialist are incredibly stupid when it comes to looking at their own failings.


In their fantasy world, they are the superior elite, looking down on the stupid electorate.


This is why they lost.


I didn't lose any election, I had no horse in the race. I am not a Dem or a liberal or a socialist, but I AM capable of forming an opinion on people that would vote a lying, cheating, sociopathic, pathological liar into power and then try and defend him on his frequent displays of disgraceful man baby behaviour.

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7 minutes ago, toast1 said:

>Well that is because nobody could possibly have legislated for the moronic stupidity of under half of the voters.


This is why you lost the election.


For people who never stop talking about how amazingly intelligent, superior and wonderful they are - Socialist are incredibly stupid when it comes to looking at their own failings.


In their fantasy world, they are the superior elite, looking down on the stupid electorate.


This is why they lost.


Do you realize that you are talking about the majority of voters? So the majority is elitist?

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Just a reminder, this thread is about the anti-Trump resistance.   Continued deflection and trolling will get you suspended.   There are plenty of other topics in the forum.  


You have been warned.  

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6 minutes ago, toast1 said:

>Well that is because nobody could possibly have legislated for the moronic stupidity of under half of the voters. This is why you lost the election.

For people who never stop talking about how amazingly intelligent, superior and wonderful they are - Socialist are incredibly stupid when it comes to looking at their own failings.

In their fantasy world, they are the superior elite, looking down on the stupid electorate. This is why they lost.

                                        Even right-wingers admit elections in the US are controlled by big money.  Anyhow, I voted for Bernie in the primaries and for Stein in November.  So yes, you could say I lost.  Let's not forget, though, who won the most votes ....by nearly 3 million.  


                 Even by his own reckoning, Trump cheated to win.  In an elementary school sports event, if a competitor is caught cheating, that person is disqualified.  For the highest office in the land, it's 'mai pen rai.'    Same for lying.   Lying is something parents teach their kids not to do.  A kid can get kicked out of school for telling a lie.  Yet, for the top political jobs in America, lying is expected and encouraged.  If proof were needed, listen to the cheering thousands at Trump rallies.   Every time he tells a big lie, his fans go crazy with adoration.  The more and bigger lies he tells, the more insanely popular he becomes with his base.  

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29 minutes ago, toast1 said:

>Well that is because nobody could possibly have legislated for the moronic stupidity of under half of the voters.


This is why you lost the election.


For people who never stop talking about how amazingly intelligent, superior and wonderful they are - Socialist are incredibly stupid when it comes to looking at their own failings.


In their fantasy world, they are the superior elite, looking down on the stupid electorate.


This is why they lost.


No socialist ran, with the possible exeption of Berne Sanders who was turfed out by his own party. What are you talking about? 

Edited by baboon
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6 minutes ago, baboon said:

No socialist ran, with the possible exeption of Berne Sanders who was turfed out. What are you talking about? 

We're all trying to figure out what toast1 is talking about! LOL

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4 hours ago, mesquite said:


You and the rest of the resistance members still don't have a clue as to what has happened and what is going on now. 

Well, I think you are the one without a clue! You defend this moron want to be POTUS all the time! So let me ask you a very simple question;

When you was growing up, did you respect your mother,  sister, other familie members? 

Did your parents teach you that you have to show respect and treat people like you want to be treated?

I'm sure the answer is yes.

So why are you so pro Trump? The same person that talks bad about everybody he ever met, because they don't agree with him. This person that post a fake TIME magazine cover on his wall of fame! Btw, good one comming from somebody that screams fake news more than once a day!

This clown doesn't show any respect for anybody, the office of the president or the USA, the country he swore to in his acceptance speach.

But don't you worry your pretty little head, just keep dreaming.

And please tell me, what I did n't know what's going on, please respond with details and links. 

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18 hours ago, toast1 said:

This is why you lost the election. 

The sneering, pompous, condescending attitude to 'stupid' ordinary people.


This is the attitude of the Hillary supporters, looking down their long noses at the unwashed, hillbilly masses. 


Its the attitude of CNN, BBC and other networks, lost in the echo-chamber of superiority and fake intelligence.

This is why so many working class people voted against the Socialists.


This message is why you lost the election.

Actually "echo-chamber of superiority and fake intelligence" describes the fools of Fox News better than any other major news outlet.

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