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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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1 minute ago, kevkev1888 said:

So where is the actual EVIDENCE? If ANYONE had actually found ANYTHING of any substance it would have come out by now.

And still there is nothing,

The FBI are still conducting their investigation - 9 months now, wow! there is obviously nothing there to investigate ! They will 'come clean' when the T's are crossed and the I's are dotted.


Just check out the interactive graphics of the connections in the Trump administration to the Russians at the Washington Post. Only the mentally incapable can conclude that no collusion exists. And then of course we have the next bomb shell, Eric Prince, founder of Black Water, brother of Betsy Davos and contributor of 10M USD to Trumps campaigns just happens to have been discovered arranging a covert (not) meeting in the Seychelles with Russians to discuss a back door communication system between Trump and Putin. It is all going to come out in the wash. You support a traitor, how does it feel?

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1 hour ago, Peterw42 said:

I watched fox news today and saw some very clever editing, they played her answering another question and said it was a response to Nunes allegations. People see what they want to see.


Actually, if you look at the original broadcast, that is how it was originally aired. 

So if it was edited it was on the original broadcast and not later by Fox.

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Errr? In what way are my comments on here in any way able to shut down the investigation?

You're implying if there is no smoking gun yet that there never will be. But nobody knows that so it's a silly thing to assert. I've heard the same BS line trumpeted countless times on Fox news. Yes I watch it because it's good to know what trump is watching.
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About the quite real concern that trump may do (and/or exploit) his very own Reichstag "terrorism" event. 


I think the danger is very, very real -- but I'm less than optimistic that Americans will ever really "be ready" if it comes.


If nothing else, the article is worth a read for those that don't know the history of how Putin had his own Russian version of the Reichstag. I knew about that but I reckon most Americans don't.





How Modern Tyrants Use Terror Management to Consolidate Power

Be ready for an American Reichstag fire when it comes.

James Madison nicely made the point that tyranny arises “on some favorable emergency.” For tyrants, the lesson of the Reichstag fire is that one moment of shock enables an eternity of submission. For us, the lesson is that our natural fear and grief must not enable the destruction of our institutions. After the Reichstag fire, political theorist Hannah Arendt wrote that “I was no longer of the opinion that one can simply be a bystander.” Courage does not mean not fearing, or not grieving. It does mean recognizing and resisting terror management right away, from the moment of the attack, precisely when it seems most difficult to do so.






Edited by Jingthing
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For a little accuracy on the allegations concerning  Susan Rice which are clearly utter rubbish. Throughout this interview Rice uses exactly the type of professional language one would expect from a Senior Government Official (Ex).



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On 4/4/2017 at 9:05 AM, Andaman Al said:

Click on this link at the Washington post to see the graphics and links of the Trump Administration to the Russians. It is breath taking.





If you believe anything the Washington Post publishes about Trump, or anybody on the right of politics, you'll believe in the tooth fairy!!!


How much did the fairy leave you last time??

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10 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:



If you believe anything the Washington Post publishes about Trump, or anybody on the right of politics, you'll believe in the tooth fairy!!!


How much did the fairy leave you last time??

The Washington Post is a reputable media site.  Like all sites, they have a bias.  But they are honest. 

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Maybe Susan Rice did something, and it's possible the DNC and/or Obama was wiretapping, thing is though trump still has alot of unexplained connections with Putin and Russia which he  has blatantly lied about, he still needs investigated. It's not a case of investigating Rice instead of trump, the wiretapping is a completely different case entirely. 

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8 minutes ago, Rob13 said:

Maybe Susan Rice did something, and it's possible the DNC and/or Obama was wiretapping, thing is though trump still has alot of unexplained connections with Putin and Russia which he  has blatantly lied about, he still needs investigated. It's not a case of investigating Rice instead of trump, the wiretapping is a completely different case entirely. 

Well put.  Trump and his team are trying to get attention away from their Russia problems.  Luckily, too many are investigating it and it won't go away.  Too many dots have already been connected.  Whether they result in anything is the question.  But the connections are there.


More dots:



Trump campaign adviser Carter Page targeted for recruitment by Russian spies


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12 hours ago, kevkev1888 said:

Wot no story on Susan Rice?

I wonder why.

                  Dems on the House Intelligence committee want to interview Ms Rice.  Reps are blocking it, as they're blocking everything else - in order to stymie truth coming out.  The reason:  Ms Rice has data on Trump and his associates which is incriminating.  Does that answer your question?


                   Here is part of what Rice has on Trump.   She told Trump, officially, that Flynn was promising the Russkies the US would lift sanctions BEFORE he was in an official capacity. BEFORE Trump was inaugurated.  In other words, he was breaking the law by representing the US government as a private citizen.  Trump knew it, and also knew Flynn had lied to Pence about it, YET TRUMP DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO DISCIPLINE FLYNN FOR NEARLY 3 WEEKS !   Both Pence and Trump knew Flynn was a paid foreign agent (for Turkey and possibly also for Russia) before and during the time Flynn was in the administration AND IN ATTENDANCE AT TOP SECURITY MEETINGS. 


               Even if Trump and Pence did nothing else wrong, they should both be booted out of office forthwith for what I articulated in the paragraph above.   Perhaps repeatedly lying to Americans is allowed for a prez and vice-prez, but last time I checked, it's against the law to allow a paid foreign agent (of an adversary!) in on top security meetings.  


                   Whether Pence and Trump are more stupid than treasonous is debatable, but both have heaping tablespoons of both ugly traits.

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22 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

A couple of Trump tweets that flew under the radar. 

Hmmm posting fake Trump tweets in the News section. Great idea!

BTW a couple would be 2, you seem to have posted a few.

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22 minutes ago, kevkev1888 said:

Hmmm posting fake Trump tweets in the News section. Great idea!

BTW a couple would be 2, you seem to have posted a few.



Are they fake ? or fake because they say what you dont want to hear.

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14 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:



Are they fake ? or fake because they say what you dont want to hear.

Fake or not. He rarely tells the truth. Not worth paying attention to.  Actually.  Best if ignored! LOL

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3 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Fake or not. He rarely tells the truth. Not worth paying attention to.  Actually.  Best if ignored! LOL

Yes thats right, but I do find the whole Orwellian aspect very scary, put out a tweet then delete it, it never happend. There is no official record kept, its not official government correspondence etc. fake or not, nobody has a clue. Anything a government official says should  be recorded and archived.

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15 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Fake or not. He rarely tells the truth. Not worth paying attention to.  Actually.  Best if ignored! LOL


I used to follow the POTUS twitter feed under Obama but I made sure to unfollow as soon as it was in the hands of the current waste of space POTUS. I have no time for that kind of stupidity.

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34 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:



Are they fake ? or fake because they say what you dont want to hear.

Well as soon as I look at them I believed they were fake. All of them contain way more than the maximum number of characters allowed on twitter. That is why they 'flew under the radar'. Careful, don't give Trumpsters an excuse to say you are peddling fake news. 

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Has anyone given any thought to think out of the box? Why would the Russians want Trump to win the election? Hillary is the one who gave Russia the uranium and took huge amounts of money from them.

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19 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

                    I have increasing respect for Olbermann.  He's not only brave - to speak the truth so directly, but he's miles ahead of any Congressional committee re; intelligence gathering and connecting the dots.   He's probably also ahead of the FBI.  Republican Comey is dragging his feet re; the investigation.  He only elicits info (grudgingly) that all of us, who watch people like Olbermann and Maddow, have known for months.  


              Comey is not the man for the investigative job.  He's too much in Trump's corner.   Americans need an independent investigator with a mind (and courage) to match Olbermann's.   The opposite of Nunes on the House side, who is doing everything he can to stymie the investigation.  It must be massively frustrating for Schiff and other Dems on the House Intel Committee to have a ding dong like Nunes in charge.  It would be like trying to motor a boat across a lake, while the captain keeps pouring sand into the gas tank.


           If the truth hurts too much, don't watch, don't listen, don't be aware.  For some people (Trump fans in particular), ignorance is bliss.   Meanwhile, the majority of Americans (and lots of non-Americans) are concerned that a bunch of treasonous people have taken over the White House.  We not only want them out of there a.s.a.p., we want everyone who has broken laws to pay penalties - be it large fines, or long prison sentences, or both.




Not discounting Olbermann's report (which is well worth paying attention to), he is in no way "ahead" of any official investigation. In fact, quite a bit of what appears in the clip is actually based on undisclosed intelligence sources. As a journalist, Olbermann is not bound by the same regulations relevant to intelligence services and other official investigative committees. That's why he's able to air some stories, whereas official channels need to exercise greater care.


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2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Well as soon as I look at them I believed they were fake. All of them contain way more than the maximum number of characters allowed on twitter. 


not to mention they were a little too coherent to be real.

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1 minute ago, Gary A said:

Has anyone given any thought to think out of the box? Why would the Russians want Trump to win the election? Hillary is the one who gave Russia the uranium and took huge amounts of money from them.


Donald Trump repeats his Mostly False claim about Hillary Clinton, Russia and uranium



In a nuclear claim, Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton 'gave up' one-fifth of U.S. uranium to Russia




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From your links;


PolitiFact National rated it Mostly False -- mainly because there is no evidence of a quid pro quo.


I interpret that as there is no proof that Hillary took the huge amount of money in exchange for the uranium. They do not dispute that Russia got the uranium or that Hillary took the money. Is this correct?

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17 minutes ago, Gary A said:

From your links;


PolitiFact National rated it Mostly False -- mainly because there is no evidence of a quid pro quo.


I interpret that as there is no proof that Hillary took the huge amount of money in exchange for the uranium. They do not dispute that Russia got the uranium or that Hillary took the money. Is this correct?


I interpret it as you making a clear statement in attempt to deflect and derail the topic, while the links provided do not support it.

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1 minute ago, Morch said:


I interpret it as you making a clear statement in attempt to deflect and derail the topic, while the links provided do not support it.


Suit yourself. I don't pay attention to fake news nor do I believe politicians from either party. It is always a CYA situation. Truth has little to do with any situation.

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12 minutes ago, Morch said:


I interpret it as you making a clear statement in attempt to deflect and derail the topic, while the links provided do not support it.

In addition, the topic here is not about Hillary Clinton.


Next ...

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Unfit for the job.

But we already knew that.





The Trump presidency is in a hole

The Americans who voted for Mr Trump either overlooked his bombast, or they saw in him a tycoon with the self-belief to transform Washington. Although this presidency is still young, that already seems an error of judgment. His policies, from health-care reform to immigration, have been poor—they do not even pass the narrow test that they benefit Trump voters. Most worrying for America and the world is how fast the businessman in the Oval Office is proving unfit for the job.


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2 hours ago, Gary A said:

From your links;


PolitiFact National rated it Mostly False -- mainly because there is no evidence of a quid pro quo.


I interpret that as there is no proof that Hillary took the huge amount of money in exchange for the uranium. They do not dispute that Russia got the uranium or that Hillary took the money. Is this correct?

Trump is simply lying and doing whatever he can to whip up the emotions of the 15000 retards that go along to his rallies.



Clinton was secretary of state at the time, but she didn’t have the power to approve or reject the deal. The State Department was only one of nine federal agencies that signed off on the deal, and only President Barack Obama had the power to veto it. 

It was a share in a Toronto based mining company that has holdings in Wyoming that can mine Uranium. Listening to Trump you would think Clinton sold off Nukes and made personal money from it.


The Russians do not even have an export licence to export Uranium outside the USA so everything Trump said was just complete and utter lies. And this man is the President.


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