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Govt approves 10 year visas for foreigners over 50 

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1 hour ago, Kerryd said:


They have reporters that are ThaiVisa members. No surprise. It is also suspected that organizations like Thai Immigration routinely read the threads posted here. What better way to gauge foreigner reactions or get an idea about just how many over-stayers there are in the country (or about how some people try to dodge around the rules). They (and khaosod and other media outlets) probably have members on all the main chat boards.




  I agree with you.....


“I have to spend 12,000 to 15,000 baht a year just to live with my family. I have to go through hundreds of paperwork a year, get letters from the German embassy, and travel to Bangkok for my work visa. All this just to live with my family, which is actually a basic human right under article 16 of the Universal Human Rights Declaration.”


    About 1,200 baht a month is quite a large amount of money to live with your family. 



   Source: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/business/2016/11/24/details-10-year-visas-meet-mixed-reactions/


Edited by lostinisaan
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24 minutes ago, Chip Allen said:

It is not that I can't get the visa I WANT, but that I do NOT qualify because my income does not meet the 100 thousand baht level and also   because my age prevents me from getting medical  coverage at a price I can afford. I did not move here so that I could spend money I do not have. Does that answer your question? I am 66 and I cannot spend 600 dollars a month on a crap insurance policy which does not cover pre-existing conditions (cancer and brain surgery in my case). Yes, the Thais are venal and simply do not want ANY foreigners here that do not meet their definition of "quality".


I am sorry to say that, but I got the feeling, they are exactly targeting people like you.


The initiative was kicked off by: "Ministry of Public Health reported that.."


 "Ministry of Public Health and Ministry of Tourism and Sports have reached an agreement, at the 5/2016 board meeting of Thailand Development and Promotion on Medical and Wellness Tourism"


.... And I learned recently that the amount, Governmental hospitals are spending on foreigners, from whom they cannot recover their cost, has increased tremendously. Do not know, if that's really true, though....

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1 hour ago, Naam said:

only paranoid Farangs come up with the idea "Thailand wants to kick out a certain category of foreigners".  :coffee1:


I disagree. I would consider your comment over-confidence, or perhaps even unrealistic.


There are levels not quite up to the level of clinical paranoia such as concerned, mildly concerned. That's where I fit. There's nothing in the news these days to make one feel over-confident about one's status here, hence 55 pages and over 1300 posts on this topic in under 48 hours. I think that must be a forum record.

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4 minutes ago, BernieOnTour said:


I am sorry to say that, but I got the feeling, they are exactly targeting people like you.


The initiative was kicked off by: "Ministry of Public Health reported that.."


 "Ministry of Public Health and Ministry of Tourism and Sports have reached an agreement, at the 5/2016 board meeting of Thailand Development and Promotion on Medical and Wellness Tourism"


.... And I learned recently that the amount, Governmental hospitals are spending on foreigners, from whom they cannot recover their cost, has increased tremendously. Do not know, if that's really true, though....



THAT problem would be very easy to solve, if they just ask for every applicant of a VISA that is not a "Visa exemption stay" to show proof of a valid insurance for their stay in Thailand. This is just an excuse imo

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Google ads around this topic are for real estate sales and investment opportunities. 


Which reminds me. I was planning on spending just over 2 mil in the new year on property ("up country") and probably a shiny new truck plus some other things. Now I'm going to have to explain to teerak that I may end up having to give up on that plan and just stay here. No new house. No new truck. Just a wad of cash in a fixed term deposit in the bank, of which I will only be able to access half of after one year and only then if I spend that half on property or medical costs ?

Meaning I have to leave the other 1.5 mil sitting in the bank indefinitely ? And have to top it up to 3 mil again when it's time to renew again ?


That isn't going to help the economy at all. Oh well, the interest on the money may be enough to keep teerak supplies with tissues to soak up all the crocodile tears that are sure to flow.


(I won't tell her that there is a possibility that I could be "grand-fathered" or that between announcement and implementation there could be all manner of amendments to the new rules. Best to let her broken dreams stay broken !)



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If I am not mistaken- any American 65 or over has Medicare coverage and any citizen of the Uk  has NHS coverage. That covers any medical requirement- Show the insurance card to Immigration if asked.  There are also other ways to get insurance coverage in Thailand via the internet. Google is your friend.

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20 minutes ago, BernieOnTour said:


I am sorry to say that, but I got the feeling, they are exactly targeting people like you.


The initiative was kicked off by: "Ministry of Public Health reported that.."


 "Ministry of Public Health and Ministry of Tourism and Sports have reached an agreement, at the 5/2016 board meeting of Thailand Development and Promotion on Medical and Wellness Tourism"


.... And I learned recently that the amount, Governmental hospitals are spending on foreigners, from whom they cannot recover their cost, has increased tremendously. Do not know, if that's really true, though....

When I had surgery on a life threatening condition, the Hospital made me pay over the odds, for the operation first, and I got a refund when I left the Hospital. I had no problem with that.

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If I am not mistaken- any American 65 or over has Medicare coverage and any citizen of the Uk  has NHS coverage. That covers any medical requirement- Show the insurance card to Immigration if asked.  There are also other ways to get insurance coverage in Thailand via the internet. Google is your friend.

Medicare is not good in Thailand. Again overly optimistic that they would not know that and that they would accept it.

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2 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

If I am not mistaken- any American 65 or over has Medicare coverage and any citizen of the Uk  has NHS coverage. That covers any medical requirement- Show the insurance card to Immigration if asked.  There are also other ways to get insurance coverage in Thailand via the internet. Google is your friend.


Medicare will not pay anything to a Thai hospital.

You must be in the US to use Medicare, don't know about UK.

From the announcment, seems more like they are looking for medical income here.

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6 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

If I am not mistaken- any American 65 or over has Medicare coverage and any citizen of the Uk  has NHS coverage. That covers any medical requirement- Show the insurance card to Immigration if asked.  There are also other ways to get insurance coverage in Thailand via the internet. Google is your friend.

The UK has stopped NHS treatment for expats, until they have gone back to the UK for several months, (3 or 6 depending on where you read),  before getting treatment.

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If I am not mistaken- any American 65 or over has Medicare coverage and any citizen of the Uk  has NHS coverage. That covers any medical requirement- Show the insurance card to Immigration if asked.  There are also other ways to get insurance coverage in Thailand via the internet. Google is your friend.

The insurance required is to cover care in a Thai hospital .What good is showing a card for cover in another country.
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2 minutes ago, tonyphinn said:

Do not really see any advantage,still report every 90 days still prove funds every year or am I reading it wrong >

You don't need to prove funds every year which is why they are increasing the cash in the bank from 800K to 3M.


I don't see many people going for this visa because of the compulsory insurance. Without the insurance clause it would be a great option for people with an actual income.

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there is nothing in the new proposed  requirements that states a medical insurance policy has to be valid Worldwide. They will have real problems trying to verify coverages; limits; and where it can be used.  This will most likely be ignored if it is a requirement at all. Thailand will know that Medicare and the NHS will treat their citizens at home and a person very ill can go home for treatment.  If they are going to offer a person a guarantee of staying in their country  for 10 years- they can afford the risk involved. Any time one of my Thai relatives has been treated they have to pay up on the spot or they don't get the treatment. 

Since we are talking about possibilities- it is possible they will allow a buy into the Thai Social Security System or waive the requirement as Malaysia does when a person is unable to get the coverage. The more complicated they make the requirment- will obviate anyone wanting this type of Visa. The purpose is supposedly to draw people in not exclude them because of bureaucracy.

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9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Another issue. I didn't see any mention of combo method here. If combo was OK an expat could have a monthly income of 80k and make up the rest with a bank account. But no mention of it.

One also has to wonder why the Thai government has also opened up lots of new Immigration offices, if it intends to get rid of a lot of foreigners....

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Here's how I read this:-

1)    Age requirement: Foreigner aged 50 or more who applies for Non-immigrant catergory O-A (Long Stay) from Thai Consulates in their countries


or foreigner who travels to Thailand with other types of visa and wishes to change to a Long Stay Visa.


Holder of this type of visa will be permitted to stay in Thailand for 5 years with multiple entry and granted for another 5-year extension with multiple entry.


No fancy changes underlining font size bs.

Simple, now do you get it.

Edited by tukkytuktuk
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6 minutes ago, MrMuddle said:

One also has to wonder why the Thai government has also opened up lots of new Immigration offices, if it intends to get rid of a lot of foreigners....


To keep unemployment at 0.7%

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5 minutes ago, MrMuddle said:

One also has to wonder why the Thai government has also opened up lots of new Immigration offices, if it intends to get rid of a lot of foreigners....

That "replacement" doesnt make sense, add also that this new VISA was FIRST planned to attract more expats.

26 october 2016:

Tourism Minister Talks Up 5-Year Visas



As the northern province is home to about 12,000 long-stay foreigners and a destination the government wants to promote as a medical hub, Kobkarn said her ministry would push the Immigration Bureau to loosen measures, such as dropping 90-day check-ins in favor of an annual system.

The population of long-staying residents is expected to grow 5 percent to 10 percent annually, she said.


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6 minutes ago, lkv said:


To keep unemployment at 0.7%


No idea how they do the unemployment figures here - in the village I live in, if there is drink available no one works, and if it isn't, they work until they have enough money to buy some ! 

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On 23/11/2016 at 11:50 AM, mettech said:

What are they thinking really??? Who of the foreigners that are living on government or companies ension would have 100k per month revenue and still go report every three months???

They will have to rethink this one am looking at Vietnam for future decision.


Have to rethink this one??


Sorry to tell you, but they don't have to do anything we want, and more importantly, they don't give a FF if people wanting to retire here don't meet the requirements.


Having said that, I think this is for now, being interpreted all wrong, but should be a huge wake up call for people to start planning ahead, as one day it will be exactly this!!

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I have only ever done the 800k in the bank method. What is actually requred to show income, and what income is recognized ? 

Do they recognise share dividends, rent from an overseas property etc?

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Many people are getting worked up again over nothing.  The latest announcement clearly states that there are 14 countries on the list.  They are the 14 countries, and only 14 countries for now, where residents can apply for this special visa type.  It's just a special visa type, nothing else.  If you meet the higher requirements, you have the opportunity to get a longer visa if you are from one of these countries.  That's all it is.  Thailand is not going to kick out all the other expats from all the other countries not on the list.  There will still be a visa type for them, likely the current one year one.  I barely qualify for the 10 year one but that doesn't mean I HAVE to use it--I may choose to keep doing the 1 year extension type as I only have to keep 800,000 in the bank and that frees me from doing the income verification thing--I have the income but I am lazy to sit all morning at the Embassy outreach. And, I don't have to verify my health insurance.  Have to weigh the pros and cons.  Recently Vietnam announced a special one-year multiple entry visa for $200 that is, I think, only  available for Americans.  They didn't eliminate visas for all the other countries.  Relax. 

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7 minutes ago, genobkk said:

Will the one year visa still be available? I was due to apply next year as I turn 50 and meet the requirements but do not meet requirements for new 10 year. :(

The cabinet meeting resolution says, "to extend period of stay for Long Stay Visa from 1 year to 10 years". It implies that the 1 year is changing to 10, but it's possible that they will keep the 1 year too. This is only the proposal and the full details won't be known until announced by the MFA.

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A Combination method would work


With the current requirements its 800k, or 65k per month, or a combination. 

600k in the bank and 16k income a month is equal to 800k. (round figures)


With the proposed requirements 3,000,000 or 100k per month. 

If they allow a combination method and I put my 800k (I already have it here) in the bank, I would then need 20k income per month, over 120 months (10 years) to make up 3,000,000. Or 40k income per month over 60 months (5 years) to make up 3,000,000.


My mum could even write me a note saying I get 20k a month pocket money, lol


Thoughts please, or have I got it completely wrong ?

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Your thoughts are correct- however, I am almost afraid to even suggest alternatives or provide an optimistic reading of what I believe will happen. There are people on this board who are ready to jump on any optimistic view or reading of this situation as it opposes their own pessimistic view. I think I will leave it at that- go ahead believe the worst if you want 

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