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‘Millionaire Pretty’ Who Hit 8 Cars High On Meth: Police


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8 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

The OP photo is undoubtedly one of the worst of Zomy.
She should settle any damage quickly,
She should get a punishment for driving without driving license, under Meth influence, 8 cars crashed and people injured,
she should urgently change her hairdresser.


I think Zomy is a misspelling, should be Zombie!  :post-4641-1156693976:

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12 hours ago, hanuman2543 said:

They can test her hair for drug use. How far back depends on the length of the hairs. That will even work when all metabolites left her body long ago. Standard drug test will show the use of meth approximately one week after the last use.


Of course they can detect drugs in the system, but can they state without reasonable doubt that she was impaired at the time of the accident?

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The stupid thing is that precidents have been set by the courts for traffic accidents by certian people, now they hve to try to justfiy other ruling's that don't follow this precident.

So not so long ago  young (hi-so) had  traffic accident and killed 9 people, she walks free with 40 hours comunity work.

Then there's the Merc hi-so that killed 2 Uni students currently in the courts.

So this pelican hi-so smashed 8 cars and some injury's but no one killed so, what 500 baht fine?

She needs to get the same lwer as the young lady that killed 9 people and walked...


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12 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

 “She contested the reckless driving, too. She said it wasn’t her fault, she said some cars were blocking her way.”


You've got to love the gall of this idiot. She was on a busy road and cars were in her way. OK then...................... :passifier:

Says so much doesn't it, she's hi-so at least in her own opinion anyway and others got in her way !

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So what is happening here?


On the one hand there have been warnings saying that it is inadvisable to consume hash before coming to Thailand because getting caught in a dug test could land you with severe penalties.


But in this case we have a brainless bimbo with meth in her system, which I thought carried a mandatory spell in monkey house, and she does not appear to be charged for drug abuse.


Apropos they should also test the blood of those celebs occupying toilets in Chiang Mai.

Edited by 12DrinkMore
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13 hours ago, amykat said:

She has an expensive car like that and hasn't even bothered to get a driver's license? I suppose that means she isn't insured ..or she pays for insurance ...as she has financed her car, but will get no payments from them due to this lapse in judgement??

She forgot to put driver's licence on her shopping list...

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11 hours ago, merlin2002 said:

No doubt, tomorrow we will read in the news that she will be following the standard Thai modus operandi of shaven head, temple visit, in a veiled act of contrition..


I don't think the last part will happen. She accused other cars of being in the way, so it was their fault and not hers. She has nothing to be contrite about. In her mind, anyway.


Anyway, driving under the influence of illegal drugs, and having no license and therefore no insurance,  plus reckless driving should be enough to - oh, raise her fine to 10,000 baht which will be halved because she admitted to not having a license and that will be suspended because she was of previous good character (hadn't been caught before).

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15 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

It's okay! She's high society just like Sek from Loso. A slap on the wrist and a small fine. Meanwhile, Briton Lance Whitmore and Australian Jake Mastroianni are given 50 years each in Thai prison for selling meth. The Thai justice system is a joke.

I think that falls under taking away jobs that could go to Thai's?


They just removed all police from Chiangmai giving them 24 hours to leave following the Generals son who got beaten by hi-so security. I guess the 500 baht fine is out of the question? (CCTV cameras were missing curtesy of the PD; I guess)

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20 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

Maybe she should be called "Zombie" instead of Zomy!!!
Pay a fine or shave your head & go to the Wat seems to be the latest options..
I wonder which one she'll opt for?


Neither. She'll accept a brand new BMW from the district commander instead.

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well that's obvious , "brake failure" if bus drivers can get away with it and killing innocent passengers most weeks of the year, she should read Thai visa and get a few tips, still a bit late now, probably can't read either, no driving licence, should be a 3 year ban for starters

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16 hours ago, Don Mega said:

if she needs a shoulder to cry on mine is available.



she can kiss my butt  (in a happy kinda way :smile: )



but, really - she needs to change her 'short' name:     to Zomby

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4 hours ago, chrisinth said:


Of course they can detect drugs in the system, but can they state without reasonable doubt that she was impaired at the time of the accident?

How do you explain her behaviour? Meth works in really small amounts ( maybe 30-50mg you will feel already), so I am sure she was impaired. And in Th it is not about if you are impaired, it is enough for criminal prosecution if they can proof that drugs are or had been in your system.

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