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What can I do to make Thailand great again?


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You know the famous sentence by JFK. Or Trump.

So what can I do for Thailand.? I want do something big and important for Thailand so when I pass away, everybody will remember me forever.

Only problem, I have no idea what to do? Actually thailand do more for me than the reverse.

Seriously, we are here profiting of the cheap system but what do we do for Thailand?

The only problem is if I want do something really great for Thailand, they would think I work illegaly here .

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The world is improved one life at a time.  


Live your life as best you can, as an example for those around you.    If any of them are emulating your behavior, you may as well give them something positive to aspire to. 


Smile at everyone, even if you don't feel like it.  Pick up some litter. Follow the Golden Rule.  Tiny acts of kindness, not the grand stuff.


Or, you can become a cranky old foreigner, live to polish barstools with your butt and show your contempt for every last one of the bastards.  


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You just said that Thailand do more for you than reverse. How can you then be of the position that you need to make it great again.
Something that does more to you than you fell you are doeing for it, can not nedd improvement. Just a big contradiction.

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I'll tell you what to do (for myself more than Thailand). Pay for a long running "Television Road Safety Campaign"  pointing out 4 principle "Rules of the Road" that it appears the majority of the Thai people never heard of..... 

No. 1...Give the right of way to people who have it (on the roads). 

No. 2....Stop using Fog lights when there is no fog. 

No. 3...All motorcyclists must wear helmets (including Farangs). 

No. 4....All road vehicles must have proper lighting (preferably switched on at night time). 

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live by the rules of good conduct, lead by example...


if you can do great with doing good, then do it.... ( mai pood... tam )


Here my wife and me, presenting our "work" to improve the life for the farmers...


My wife holding Thailands Green design award 2016


Doing good in Thailand always gets positive response from the Thai people...


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You do not have to work illegally here.

You can:

  • Find a job
  • Get a legal work permit based on that job
  • Pay Thai taxes on your legal income
  • Learn the Thai language
  • And even work to the goal of permanent residency.

It is a lot of work but it is possible.

I knew one American  who did it, even  becoming a professer at a University up in Chiang Mai and teaching there.

He passed away a few years ago but was a respected Professer who was awarded permanent resisdency for his conribution to Thailand as a Univversity teacher who taught Bussiness law at a graduate level to Thai students in Thai.

But he was a very unusual person who accomplished all this only after he retired as a Corporate lawyer in the U.S. for  a multi-million dollar fortune 500 internationally known corporation.

Few like him will ever be again.




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Seriously, we are here profiting of the cheap system but what do we do for Thailand?


Speak for yourself! I've put more into this country than the bulk of the natives, thank you. Profiting off a cheap system would be something like getting free money off the state, which as far as I'm aware, none of us do. I pay for everything. Maybe you're being kept with free housing, food and whatnot? And, last time I looked, Thailand certainly isn't cheap anymore. I know you're just wanting to 'give back' etc and apologies for the semi-lecture, but I would also be careful of belittling superiority complexes and 'generosity of spirit' being misconstrued. The country is doing fine, it is no longer third world and doesn't need your help. If you wanted to do something, donate to charity (not the temple), or move on; believe it is already overpopulated. :wink:   

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2 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

find a single mum and support her kids. this seems to be the approach of most expats i have seen here trying to make a difference. oh and dont expect anyone to be great full but of course a good deed is its own reward.


One doesn't have to get that involved. For the neophyte, the old "barfine my sister me" should work well enough.

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