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Only in Thailand: Three Police Officers Injured When Their Pickup Collides with Train


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Medals will be bestowed: for exemplary conduct in the face of a superior force by being valiantly swept away, for injuries received by being stupid, for actually doing something that was somewhat entertaining... and for the commander of the trio a special commendation for his role in selecting and training the heroes


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5 minutes ago, Get Real said:

I am amazed about how many people that doesn´t read all the information about something, and after that make a strange comment. This could have happened to anybody, and is not anything that is making the police stupid or bad in any way. This happens because no barriers at the crossing has been set up, like it should be. If the road was there when the rail was buildt then it´s the railway company´s responsibility, and if the road is buildt after the railway it´s the road departments responsibility. It has nothing to do with anything from stupidity and brain cells to amazing Thailand. Luckily no one died this time.

Many RR crossings around the world have no barriers or lights.  That's why your taught to stop, listen, and look both ways before crossing.  I do believe it's the law?

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12 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Many RR crossings around the world have no barriers or lights.  That's why your taught to stop, listen, and look both ways before crossing.  I do believe it's the law?

You are right. Off course it´s the law, (or maybe not the law, just common sense). I don´t think there is any law against people that hurt them selfs.
However it is almost a law based regulation that it should be barriers at crossings like this.

Now that is not really the point with my last comment. The point was basically that it was Thai people and especially the police this time that everybody here like to make a joke out of.
If it had been a car with farangs or tourists, there would have been a lot of talk why there was no barriers and that everybody was wrong in that way. Just the story all the time here.

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2 hours ago, fruitman said:

Nope it's the trains fault, it should have stopped for them.

Expect charges of negligent train driving to be laid against the train driver. That should get them off the hook and probably earn them some extra money if he tries to buy his way out of the charge.

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Since it's too much effort for a Thai to look left and right when going through an intersection, going across a train crossing, etc., this accident is completely understandable in the mysterious universe of Thailand.

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59 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Many RR crossings around the world have no barriers or lights.  That's why your taught to stop, listen, and look both ways before crossing.  I do believe it's the law?


Oh... Thais do listen and look both ways...


What they don't do, is to STOP first! It's build into their genes. There were no brakes on buffaloes...

Edited by trogers
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One might expect or accept a Thai citizen having their vehicle stuck by a train at a railway crossing but today three “police officers”

Considering that police officers are thai citizens by definition....but that's being pedantic now, ain't it?


Well then, another try. I wasn't expecting anything from the police to begin with, what's with the assumption or rather insinuation that the police is somehow smarter than the rest of the nation or somehow more law abiding or at leeeeeeeeast more careful..... I lol'd.

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13 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

Obviously the BIB aren't to blame here.. the train must have been 20 seconds early or they would have crossed safely (according to the schedule) no need to look when crossing ??

It can be quite possible and very frightening to drive over a crossing here before one sees it. This happened to me whilst driving from the West coast to Suratthani, i drove over a crossing before i had seen it at Ban Na Deom, i saw no signs and was across before i knew it !

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