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C'mon, Cut It Out Please!


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Hi folks, I have a little problem that I hope someone might be able to help with in Chiang Mai.


I've got this lump in my mouth, on the inside of my right cheek. It's actually been there for a few years now because it's never really bothered me. I just knew it was there, that's all. I think it came about once after a potato chip cut me and caused a blister that never went down. So why am I writing?


Well, the last few months it keeps going hard periodically, and really aches when it does that. It's especially bad first thing in the mornings. It hasn't changed shape or gotten any bigger, it just goes from squidgy to hard, and then back again an hour or so later. There's probably more gunk trying to get in, I don't know.  I doubt it would take more than 30 seconds to cut out or drain, but I'm worried about paying too much, and here's why. I asked a dentist about it once and they agreed that it's a simple procedure. But they also said that an oral surgeon in a hospital has to remove it, and then send the bloody thing of for analysis. From what I can work out, it's a bag of fluid, so there won’t be anything to send for screening.


Just the thought of involving a consultation, cancer surgeon, hospitals and labs for a minor complaint is enough to keep me away. So the reason for writing is does anyone know of a doctor who would be happy to remove or drain a lump inside the mouth? I mean, it's not cancer, it's not serious, it just aches a bit now— that's all.


Thanks in advance,



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How much is your life worth? 5,000 baht? If you have no value and are worthless, don't bother  taking care of this properly.


How do you know it's not cancer?  The only way to determine  this is by tissue examination by a qualified pathologist. Maybe it's a cyst. Do you know for certain? Some cysts can have deadly consequences and can return worse than before.


Are you aware that some cancers are  slow growing? Ever hear of  human papilloma virus (HPV)? HPV 16 is the variant implicated in oral cancer, and  it's a serious problem amongst males.  Pleae educate yourself and have this treated in accordance with the protocols. There is a valid reason why there is a pathology exam and signoff. 

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If you come for advice in this forum that means you're bothered by it right?

look, no one like doctors, hospitals and all sorts of procedures done to us,

but there isn't any other way, so bite the bullit and get a proffessioanl

look at that ASAP....

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My kid brother ignored a lump in his mouth for too long.  He had a great deal of the inside of his mouth removed two years ago and he now is "eating" through a plastic tube that extends from his side into his stomach.


See a doctor.  Even if you think the odds of cancer are remote, it's not worth the consequences to bet against it.


Do you smoke? Definitely see a doctor!

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Sounds very much like a small stone blocking or partially blocking the parotid salivary duct. As saliva is produced in the parotid gland, it cannot pass through the duct and it will back up and cause a swelling, gradually as the saliva passes out, the lump will go down until the next time.


An oral surgeon should be able to remove this in a relatively simple procedure under local anaesthetic, if it is indeed a salivary stone.



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An oral surgeon is not a "cancer surgeon" -- they can operate on oral cancers but they also operate on many non-cancerous lesions as well, big and small. seeing one in no way implies a major expensive operation.


Follow the advice given and let an oral surgeon do this. I doubt it is only a fluid-filled cyst as that would have ruptured and disappeared by now. Salivary stone is indeed a possibility. Whether biopsy is indicated depends on what it proves to be; if there is a solid mass of any size then biopsy is essential.


My advice is to stop second-guessing the doctors who have examined you and heed their advice. Surgery in that part of the body is more complex than you believe. I certainly would not let anyone other than an oral surgeon try to remove an oral mass in me.


You are likely looking at either an out-patient procedure or one night stay in hospital.



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Thank you for the replies guys, I appreciate all your comments.

For reference, I'm not totally ignorant on cancer issues, but in this case I can remember cutting the inside of my mouth. This is what I think caused the lump. In other words, it’s not some mysterious growth that came up slowly from nowhere. Looking at photos and reading up on these things, it looks like something called a Mucosal Fibroma. It's because a trained professional can remove it quickly and easily that I asked for advice here—wanting to avoid the hospital experience if possible, if anyone has any suggestions.



PS - haven't smoked for about 17 years now HeyBruce ;)

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Regardless of whether it is done inpatient or outpatient, and regardless of whether it is a fibroma, salivary stone or whatever, it needs to be removed by an oral surgeon and these are usually attached to hospitals.


In Thailand most out-patient care is delivered in hospital OPD departments as well. Going to a hospital does not have the same connotations it does in the West. People go to hospitals for very simple and minor outpatient procedures all the time.  Most doctors do not have their own private surgeries but rather avail of the outpatient centers in hospitals, which makes a lot of sense since it gives them access to lab and imaging services and the whole administrative support system for record-keeping, billing etc.

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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Stubby,


You are risking your health by not getting a medical evaluation of this immediately.


Chiang Mai has a world-class ENT doctor/professor, Dr. Rat; pm me for contact details if you need to. I am a lower tongue cancer survivor, no recurrence for ten years. I received excellent treatment here (chemo, radiation).


to your health, ~o:37;

Chiang Mai

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