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Three Thai youths gang raped 12 year old girl after Facebook chat


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A suggestion:


Why not get rid of the Thai soaps and bring in shows that have morals and show how to properly live.


Boys and girls need to be taught respect for themselves and each other.


While it is not heard as much in western society it is still an issue.


Girls develop faster now than they did, Boys are ot equipped to have the brain power on their shoulders.  They hear the fantasy and .  crap.There needs to be more education in school.  Girls need to learn that while their friend that they grew up with from 5 - 11 can change and has thoughts that are not the same.


Hormones and a lack of morality taught by the parents is a huge issue all over the world.


Just listen to the music that the kids grow up with.



I feel for the girl but where were her friends and parents to help her.


Punishment for the boys is simple work details and education.  For the adult I can think of a few things but the best would be to put him in a women's prison for unsupervised activities.



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2 hours ago, Lupatria said:

There is an interesting read here: RAPE CULTURE IN THAILAND https://undertheropes.com/2016/04/01/rape-culture-in-thailand/

Rape Culture defines the ways in which sexual violence is trivialized and normalized. It involves victims being blamed, shamed and encouraged to hide their abuse. It can be present in media and institutions as well as general societal practices.

After reading the whole article and all the many, many attachments I came to think about it like this:

The focus of the issue keeps on coming back to Thai television and the how Thai TV industry and Thai based movie industry commonly includes rape scenes as a routine part of the low grade drama that they keep on spewing out.

The author, directly or indirectly, continually points out just how influential this reality is such that a lot of men and all too many women actually mimic what they see on TV while both parties in actual rape cases are said to be role modeling, in a manner of speaking, what they have seen on TV and watched in the Movies....as a matter of routine.


If that is the case, why then are all the Thai actresses agreeing to play the part of a women being raped ......again and again and again as you see the same actresses ( who are huge role models and a inspiration to millions of Thai girls and Thai Women) role acting in the same or similar rape scenes in a variety of Thai soaps and movies and widespread throughout the nation.


Seeing as this is far more of a women's concern because it portrays violence and sexual abuse against females then you would be inclined to believe they, the actresses themselves,  should or could or would refuse to partake in acting scenes where they are portraying females being belittled and abused and eventually raped in such scenes portrayed  over and over and over again to the point of "ad nauseam" and in effect, they are a big part of the problem and can not absolve themselves of any complicity in fortifying the rape culture mentality that is so pervasive in Thailand....

AND...the male actors also should not partake and also refuse to portray rape roles and in effect support the position of the women actresses. 

Actually the male actors should be the ones initiating this new anti rape mentality...right?

I know the reasons already...no need to answer...but still, the point is,  the numerous popular and or famous Thai actresses should refuse to partake in rape scenes and sexual abuse scenes and scenes where women are degraded in various manners as that type of public defiance would really go a long  way to create awareness amongst the public.

They could form an actresses union, so to speak, with strong legal representation and have it written into their contracts they will not partake in TV based or Movie based story lines that depict women being abused or sexually coerced or raped.

It could be done ..but most likely will never happen here in Thailand...but still it would be a very useful means and ways of turning the tide concerning the rape culture mentality that is exemplified on Thai TV and Thai movies.

Just saying...Just suggesting...Just being creative...lol


Edited by gemguy
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Typical blame the boys...please boys are boys with the hormones in their body...slight temptations and opportunity...and what do u expect....first...what are the parents of the girl...a 12 year old doing?????Allowing a 12 year old to chat with strange guys and to go out with them....tells you a lot about her home and also herself and her morals. Posting this thread on Pantip site...Thai males should see what all these TV members are posting about them and also in other threads on TV!

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3 minutes ago, Canceraid said:

Typical blame the boys...please boys are boys with the hormones in their body...slight temptations and opportunity...and what do u expect....first...what are the parents of the girl...a 12 year old doing?????Allowing a 12 year old to chat with strange guys and to go out with them....tells you a lot about her home and also herself and her morals. Posting this thread on Pantip site...Thai males should see what all these TV members are posting about them and also in other threads on TV!



 How can you blame the parents? Blame yourself for your post, please. Girls go to school, girls go to 7 Eleven, girls go to meet girl friends, girls are not prisoners of war, Mr. Canceraid. 

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So sorry the girl had to go thru' this expirience..But for once the police are not smiling & being jovial with the accused like has now become the norm in press-photos of this nature.

(Smiling MiB + smiling perps = daddy's on his way to the police station with a fistfull of cash very soon..TiT)

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45 minutes ago, Canceraid said:

Typical blame the boys...please boys are boys with the hormones in their body...slight temptations and opportunity...and what do u expect....first...what are the parents of the girl...a 12 year old doing?????Allowing a 12 year old to chat with strange guys and to go out with them....tells you a lot about her home and also herself and her morals. Posting this thread on Pantip site...Thai males should see what all these TV members are posting about them and also in other threads on TV!

"tells you a lot about her home and also herself and her morals."


 That particular sentence says everything about you and tells us nothing good. 


Unless you are making a very poor attempt at sarcasm, your post is beyond contempt. 

Edited by Bluespunk
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1 hour ago, lostinisaan said:


"God blessed" all the people 12 years ago when the Tsunami hit Thailand and other countries with death. 




When I mention such things to someone I know who has her imaginary friend she tells me that that kind of thing is the work of the devil. Easy cop-out, isn't it. I want to keep the friend so didn't ask what happened to the "God is all powerful' part.


On the subject of why actresses play the rape victim, them thinking of the possible the consequences is a step too far for them, and if a little light did go off in their head and they said such scenes were wrong then the company filming the crap would simply fire her and get another to take the part. The blame doesn't lie with the actresses, it lies with the writers, producers and tv companies.

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A post containing a link to Bangkok Post has been removed:


26) The Bangkok Post and Phuketwan do not allow quotes from their news articles or other material to appear on Thaivisa.com. Neither do they allow links to their publications. Posts from members containing quotes from or links to Bangkok Post or Phuketwan publications will be deleted from the forum.


An offensive post has been removed as well. 

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23 hours ago, Briggsy said:

In the Thai school syllabus (Prathom 6, I think) it explicitly states that girls should never go to secluded places with boys, no matter how nicely they ask, how many times they ask and how much emotional blackmail is applied. The point is repeated over and over.


Don't worry, I am not in any way victim blaming, just stating that this type of behaviour from boys is so well known that it is explicitly laid out in the primary school syllabus and warnings given. Perhaps it relates to a sense of entitlement instilled in boys here, don't know.

The little emperor syndrome will do it every time.  Mummy always comes to the court case to plead that her darling boy would never do such things.

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11 hours ago, gemguy said:

After reading the whole article and all the many, many attachments I came to think about it like this:

The focus of the issue keeps on coming back to Thai television and the how Thai TV industry and Thai based movie industry commonly includes rape scenes as a routine part of the low grade drama that they keep on spewing out.

The author, directly or indirectly, continually points out just how influential this reality is such that a lot of men and all too many women actually mimic what they see on TV while both parties in actual rape cases are said to be role modeling, in a manner of speaking, what they have seen on TV and watched in the Movies....as a matter of routine.


If that is the case, why then are all the Thai actresses agreeing to play the part of a women being raped ......again and again and again as you see the same actresses ( who are huge role models and a inspiration to millions of Thai girls and Thai Women) role acting in the same or similar rape scenes in a variety of Thai soaps and movies and widespread throughout the nation.


Seeing as this is far more of a women's concern because it portrays violence and sexual abuse against females then you would be inclined to believe they, the actresses themselves,  should or could or would refuse to partake in acting scenes where they are portraying females being belittled and abused and eventually raped in such scenes portrayed  over and over and over again to the point of "ad nauseam" and in effect, they are a big part of the problem and can not absolve themselves of any complicity in fortifying the rape culture mentality that is so pervasive in Thailand....

AND...the male actors also should not partake and also refuse to portray rape roles and in effect support the position of the women actresses. 

Actually the male actors should be the ones initiating this new anti rape mentality...right?

I know the reasons already...no need to answer...but still, the point is,  the numerous popular and or famous Thai actresses should refuse to partake in rape scenes and sexual abuse scenes and scenes where women are degraded in various manners as that type of public defiance would really go a long  way to create awareness amongst the public.

They could form an actresses union, so to speak, with strong legal representation and have it written into their contracts they will not partake in TV based or Movie based story lines that depict women being abused or sexually coerced or raped.

It could be done ..but most likely will never happen here in Thailand...but still it would be a very useful means and ways of turning the tide concerning the rape culture mentality that is exemplified on Thai TV and Thai movies.

Just saying...Just suggesting...Just being creative...lol


This is not just about Thailand. The media has a huge influence. People believe what they read in newspapers and watch on TV. In England many people believe that soap operas are real life. And now the Internet where kids can gain easy access to violent videos, porn and X rated films. Back in the 1970s the film Clockwork Orange violence and rape scenes were mimicked by young thugs for years afterwards.


If you are asking; why do these Thai actresses take on the roles of rape and abuse victims in the soap operas? Then we could ask; why do some women participate in sick and perverted porn movies? I can tell you. It`s all about fame and money, moral principles don`t come into this. A typical example, there was a Chinese soap powder advert that caused a stir showing a Chinese woman putting a black man into a washing machine and he comes out white. The public opinions were that this ad was racist and portrayed being black as a bad thing, but still, it was a black man who willingly played the part.


When I watch a play or film with scenes of rape and violence, it doesn`t make me want to go out and rape someone because I am normal. The problems lie with those who are of unbalanced minds that can be triggered off by the media by becoming confused between reality and fantasy, so in actuality censorship is catering for them and for these reasons everyone could be restricted in what is considered unsuitable viewing. I do believe there has to be some kind of censorship but I don`t agree that everything should be only shown in goodness and light because the real world is simply not like that and therefore the chances of some media influencing some viewers in a bad way is a risk that has to be taken.



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12 hours ago, Canceraid said:

Allowing a 12 year old to chat with strange guys and to go out with them....tells you a lot about her home and also herself and her morals. P


Oh come on , FB is integrated in her phone , it happens all over the world , no parent can protect their daughters 100% from chatting with other boys. 

That's the main problem with modern technology . It can't be stopped unless someone is pulling the plug. All her friends is on FB, including boys.



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Two weeks ago a 12 year old friend of my daughter was found in a 19 year old boys house having sex. They had been in a facebook relationship for four weeks, there is some suggestion that the boy had groomed her.


The police have been involved at the moment there suggestion is marriage and 30,000 paid to the girls mother.


This would be the third time a young girl from our village has been married off following sex with a older man. I find it all very worrying having a 12 year old daughter myself.


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18 hours ago, gemguy said:

After reading the whole article and all the many, many attachments I came to think about it like this:

The focus of the issue keeps on coming back to Thai television and the how Thai TV industry and Thai based movie industry commonly includes rape scenes as a routine part of the low grade drama that they keep on spewing out.

The author, directly or indirectly, continually points out just how influential this reality is such that a lot of men and all too many women actually mimic what they see on TV while both parties in actual rape cases are said to be role modeling, in a manner of speaking, what they have seen on TV and watched in the Movies....as a matter of routine.


If that is the case, why then are all the Thai actresses agreeing to play the part of a women being raped ......again and again and again as you see the same actresses ( who are huge role models and a inspiration to millions of Thai girls and Thai Women) role acting in the same or similar rape scenes in a variety of Thai soaps and movies and widespread throughout the nation.


Seeing as this is far more of a women's concern because it portrays violence and sexual abuse against females then you would be inclined to believe they, the actresses themselves,  should or could or would refuse to partake in acting scenes where they are portraying females being belittled and abused and eventually raped in such scenes portrayed  over and over and over again to the point of "ad nauseam" and in effect, they are a big part of the problem and can not absolve themselves of any complicity in fortifying the rape culture mentality that is so pervasive in Thailand....

AND...the male actors also should not partake and also refuse to portray rape roles and in effect support the position of the women actresses. 

Actually the male actors should be the ones initiating this new anti rape mentality...right?

I know the reasons already...no need to answer...but still, the point is,  the numerous popular and or famous Thai actresses should refuse to partake in rape scenes and sexual abuse scenes and scenes where women are degraded in various manners as that type of public defiance would really go a long  way to create awareness amongst the public.

They could form an actresses union, so to speak, with strong legal representation and have it written into their contracts they will not partake in TV based or Movie based story lines that depict women being abused or sexually coerced or raped.

It could be done ..but most likely will never happen here in Thailand...but still it would be a very useful means and ways of turning the tide concerning the rape culture mentality that is exemplified on Thai TV and Thai movies.

Just saying...Just suggesting...Just being creative...lol


I agree. However, that is a matter of education and we all know how this is imparted here.

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Thailand has draconian censorship laws


But they allow horrendous violence and rape on their TV soaps, MADNESS and STUPIDITY, I personally will not watch the violence, and especially Thai women getting mad !!


It is well known these programs influence the young and especially, the lower intelligence levels


Start by stopping all of this and cleaning up TV

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20 hours ago, mick220675 said:

Two weeks ago a 12 year old friend of my daughter was found in a 19 year old boys house having sex. They had been in a facebook relationship for four weeks, there is some suggestion that the boy had groomed her.


The police have been involved at the moment there suggestion is marriage and 30,000 paid to the girls mother.


This would be the third time a young girl from our village has been married off following sex with a older man. I find it all very worrying having a 12 year old daughter myself.


Boggles the mind that police suggest marriage as a punishment to the pedophile. From what a poster said, the law forbids sex with a girl under 15 years. I guess saving face trumps again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Shocking behaviour I blame the boy’s parents for not teaching them such a simple thing as right from wrong, a few years detention in a youth offenders institute might teach them, and as this is Thailand this will probably be the last we here of this story the poor girl / child will just be left to get on with her life.  

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21 minutes ago, madusa said:

10, 15, 20 years from now?  They became seasoned rapists they go for Farang women because after watching so much Farang Porno videos they think all Farang women want sex badly.

I believe in Thailand they have come to a point where the average Thais don't consider rape a serious crime any more. Of course they don't go around shouting "Rape is ok, no need to make a big fuss". It's a sort of a quiet consent among the people.  Once the Society accept it as part of their social norm, that's it, it will happen more often. Of course if  a Farang asks a Thai this question, the Thai will answer, "oh, rape is a serious crime, no joke." - but that is not an honest answer of course. You as a Farang will never get an honest answer from them. They aren't stupid you know.

Especially when they see Farang women walking around with half their tits exposed, they would think it's the Farang women who are the cock teaser.  And it's the Farang women who are at fault.

 Farang women can avoid rape by using their brains. Don't Farang women know the testosterone in the blood of young Thai men are running 24 hours a day? They need a piece of string to tie it down, haven't you heard of that?



Falang, falang, falang, falang, falang, falang, falang is all I got out of that piece. 

The issue is about two very young boys and one slightly older lad raping a girl... 

There was no mention of falang in the original story. Why you dragged falang into it is mystery to me. 

I've read some of your previous posts here and quite frankly I don't know why I expected this post to be any better. I started reading your reply with very low expectations and I still ended up disappointed. 

Edited by djayz
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On 25/12/2016 at 0:09 PM, Krataiboy said:


A pediatrician at a prestigious private hospital in Hua Hin advised me to put my daughter on Gardasil to protect her from becoming infected with a cancer causing virus during sexual intercourse.


I nearly fell off my chair. My kid is nine years old.


When I expressed my incredulity at his suggestion, the physician said, "Well, you know Thai boys".


'Nuff said.


HPV vaccine is recommended from age 9 to 26, most countries giving it between ages of 11 and 12.

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On 12/25/2016 at 10:02 AM, djayz said:

If this is what these boys are capable of at the tender ages of 14, 15 and 21, I hate to think what they'll be doing in 10, 15, 20 years from now. 


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20 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


HPV vaccine is recommended from age 9 to 26, most countries giving it between ages of 11 and 12.


Most countries do not "give" HPV vaccine. A relatively small number do, the shots are very expensive and only last around eight years. Also, they do not protect against all HPV viruses and other cancer-causing agents. If women have annual PaP smears, the benefits of HPV are pretty marginal, which is an important consideration as there is an ongoing debate about the vaccines' side effects. I think we need more time to prove the drug's efficacy and harmlessness before even considering it for our children.

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