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TrueVisions May Stop Showing HBO, Cinemax Sunday


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6 minutes ago, GreasyFingers said:


Up in the mountains at Khao Kho, Phetchabun province


I wish you luck.


read this



I had to use a 2 metre dish for a reliable reception using ASTRO and a mate in Buriram needed a 10 foot dish!


And you are higher up !!





Edited by MJCM
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HBO Asia broadcasting on TrueVisions Since 1993 when TrueVisions was formally known as IBC and UBC. HBO Singature, HBO Family and HBO Hits launched on July 2007. HBO HD Asia launched on April 2010. HBO Asia Standard Definition upgraded to High Definition on April 2013. Now on January 2017, TrueVisions will drop all HBO Channels and replaced by Warner TV, Paramount Channel, Sony Channel, Fox Action Movies, Celestial Classic Movies and Food Network.


Warner TV: Airs series and movies from Warner Bros.

Paramount Channel: Airs Movies from Paramount Pictures.

Sony Channel: Airs Series from america and movies from Sony Pictures (Columbia Pictures, Tristar Pictures, Screen Gems)

Fox Action Movies: Airs action movies from 20th Century Fox, Sony Pictures.

Celestial Classic Movies: Airs Classic Chinese Movies.

Food Network: Airs cooking shows.

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10 hours ago, captspectre said:

I can only hope so! want to see them bankrupt and a "NEW" more professional company  created.

Yes thats all good....but then they employ the same staff at the new Company, and the circle starts again.

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3 hours ago, pkspeaker said:

I think ultimately, especially when the Thai consumer is concerned, the only reason people pay 1600 or 2200/month is for the sport.. services like True exist to serve the Thai customer that can give a rats ass about these stupid 'movie' channels.. why would anyone want a channell that plays mostly bad movies, often in repetition, at times you cannot control AND edit's naughty parts out to boot-often ruining the film?  in this day i age there are many services where you can simply select which movie you would like to see and when.. 'HBO' is so early 80's it's ridiculous, these channes are completly useless and I could cre less if they AX them, I can't beleive there are so many people on this thread that will cancell because they loose HBO's CRAPPY ass movies when they can get all those movies and much more streamed over the internet.  Thai people NEVER watch those channells and Thai people are 99% of True customers and they're all watching EPL.  2200 a month for HBO! cmon people get with the times and just stream whatever movie you want and that way you might even see a good one! name one HBO/Cinemax movie that doesn't suck.  Oh i'm so gonna miss that edited version of 'first blood' or 'demolition man'  yea like havn't seen that garbage 20 years ago  GOOd RIDDENCE to HBO!


You make a lot of claims here about what Thais watch and what percentage of True customers are Thai. What is the source of your claims, or are you talking out of your arse?

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5 hours ago, richthai said:

Good points being raised.  Time to use the internet for streaming movies at much lower cost and greater flexibility.  


What is the recommended streaming service?  Netflix?  Other?



I use Netflix + Amazon Prime (I want my Grand Tour), and IFlix (at 1000 baht/year it's almost silly not to).

Netflix & Amazon Prime stream for me in HD quality (the diagnostics screen reports this).  No VPN required, purely legit/local access even on a weak True Online access that laughs at the thought of connecting outside Thailand.


The *ONLY* thing that combo misses for me is live news.  So I augment with CNBC/CNN news feeds I can get online.


Wish I could find a *good* local source for CNBC, but sadly I pull from Europe for this (via VPN).


(I don't care personally for HBO, and can happily wait for a season to be done then watch it all in one go).


Even with their full catalog, the only thing True tempted me with is live News (I don't watch sports).  Once someone starts streaming all the news in glorious HD to Thailand, I'll be an extra happy camper :)

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Today I returned the router. Supposed to be getting 50mb but never above 7. Cancelled the phone sim package as well. Have to pay both until Jan 9, so looks like a 2-week notice period. So that's me gone for a triple package facility. But, but, I am keeping the TV facility for now. Why? Well bottom line is that I want access to real HD and quite frankly, the Sophon signal just isn't good enough if one has a decent TV. Hanging on by my fingernails but would be silly (for me) ditching NFL access now and let's see if the  new channels are up to anything. Oh, and I need my CNBC fix, not that that is in HD.

Edited by SheungWan
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6 hours ago, Pib said:


We'll, since they are ....new & exciting pay tv channels...how can anyone complain.   This is great!   


And here I thought TrueVisions was just boning us....I feel so ashamed now thinking what I did about True.   :tongue:


And from my phone call today with TrueVisions I think the rep also used the "new and exciting" phrase.  Surely the script they must respond with when communicating with customers.


Reminds me of a few years ago when True were still proudly proclaiming themselves as the "King Of Sports" despite losing the rights to screen EPL games to CTH and serving up a diet of pretty nondescript sport in place of the EPL soccer!


6 hours ago, Pib said:

I called today and got a 30% discount for 3 months.   This gives me time to see what the new channels look like and True time to maybe come  up with some more replacement channels or maybe offer new/permanent reduced prices.   Another TV poster got 30% for 6 months by calling yesterday/Sunday.


So it looks like one has to barter for a discount from them, then, just like haggling over the price of an item at a market here?


3 hours ago, Pib said:

Sorry if already mentioned in an early post but below TrueVisions News webpage is hyping the new channels....gives some example movies/shows on the channels, which  True plans get which channels, etc.


Can't wait for the Food Network channel and their show called "Cake Wars."




Won't this new Food Network channel be in direct competition with the TLC channel which appears to have a predominantly "foodie" schedule and was (unfortunately IMHO) one of the Discovery channels which True did manage to hang on to following the DMAX/EVE/Turbo cull a couple of months ago?

Edited by OJAS
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On 12/26/2016 at 0:43 PM, keith101 said:

what's needed is Foxtel in Thailand to show the locals how to run a satellite/cable tv business properly and provide the customers with what they want .


Yeah right, lets have pay tv for 120$ a month and have every 19-minute sitcom interrupted THREE TIMES by ads and stretched to 30 minutes. Might as well watch free TV then.

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Some contributors have been really been sticking it to HBO, but I think there is one jewel in the HBO crown which is the innovative Red By HBO channel. There are a few of us around who are thoroughly hooked on East Asian movies all the way from Kurosawa through Park Chan-wook. So OK,  maybe what we would have preferred might have been an E.Asian Cinemax tilted towards the action stuff rather then the more mushy fare and the movies in their original language rather than dubbed in Thai, but still this movie channel was/is a step in the right direction. I will be hoping that we can still get access to Red in 2017. Not happy with True. http://redbyhbo.com/

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15 hours ago, Pib said:

I called today and got a 30% discount for 3 months.   This gives me time to see what the new channels look like and True time to maybe come  up with some more replacement channels or maybe offer new/permanent reduced prices.   Another TV poster got 30% for 6 months by calling yesterday/Sunday.

If you read the message scrolling on your True Visions picture, on your TV set, you will see that True only states that these replacement channels will appear sometime in the new year. This indicates that the new service will not start on 1st January 2017 at 00.01hrs.

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Can someone clarify exactly what channels will disappear? Is it the 4 HBO channels from 223-226? Cinemax and Red are not HBO, right?


I don't watch that many movies, I pay over the top for this junk just for the EPL, but to wipe out all of HBO is simply outrageous, feel a bit sorry for the people who like their movies...I can also see why so many people hate this company..

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9 minutes ago, Pat in Pattaya said:

Can someone clarify exactly what channels will disappear? Is it the 4 HBO channels from 223-226? Cinemax and Red are not HBO, right?


I don't watch that many movies, I pay over the top for this junk just for the EPL, but to wipe out all of HBO is simply outrageous, feel a bit sorry for the people who like their movies...I can also see why so many people hate this company..


Red is from HBO, so they are going to remove / replace the following channels:

HBO, Cinemax, HBO Signature, HBO Family, HBO Hits and Red by HBO.


From here:




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8 minutes ago, Pat in Pattaya said:

Can someone clarify exactly what channels will disappear? Is it the 4 HBO channels from 223-226? Cinemax and Red are not HBO, right?


I don't watch that many movies, I pay over the top for this junk just for the EPL, but to wipe out all of HBO is simply outrageous, feel a bit sorry for the people who like their movies...I can also see why so many people hate this company..

The 6 channels listed in earlier posts in this thread:


Cinemax, HBO,  HBO Signature, HBO Family, HBO Hits, and Red by HBO. 



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37 minutes ago, Pib said:

The 6 channels listed in earlier posts in this thread:


Cinemax, HBO,  HBO Signature, HBO Family, HBO Hits, and Red by HBO. 



Can someone clarify exactly what channels will disappear? Is it the 4 HBO channels from 223-226? Cinemax and Red are not HBO, right?


I don't watch that many movies, I pay over the top for this junk just for the EPL, but to wipe out all of HBO is simply outrageous, feel a bit sorry for the people who like their movies...I can also see why so many people hate this company..

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On 12/27/2016 at 7:08 AM, captspectre said:

I can only hope so! want to see them bankrupt and a "NEW" more professional company  created.

+1!!!!!  We quit them years ago due to very poor or non existent service. Called for service many times. When their idiot kid "techs" arrived. It was always not True problem. And we were always given many reasons why it was our fault. Then our Mooban head told us as True had bribed the developer to only allow True cable in. No other service available except to buy our own dish. I am not in country long enough annually to chase that option.


Look at what True/7-11 just did by eliminating AIS from 7-11's. They wanted a bigger commission and AI
said. Another example of the incessant greed evidenced by so many of the super wealthy hi-so family corporations here.


All about the haves having more and have nots having less. Sad really.

Edited by catinthehat
spelling mistake
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OK, so I called True about getting the discount on my Platinum package. They only offered me 15% for 3 months - only supervisor can do more. Told them where to stick it and hung up. Called again a bit later and spoke to a different person, this time not asking for discount but to cancel the contract completely. After declining the sales pitch about trying the "wonderful" new channels for a month and then deciding, I said I wanted to cancel now. Gave all the details, ID card etc. After that, support person offered me 50% discount for 3 months to stay. If after the 3 months I am still not happy, can call them again and get another 3 months discount! Accepted as 3 months should be enough time to fully investigate the alternatives to this True-ly appalling company :smile:

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21 hours ago, tomazbodner said:

There are still people out in the sticks that don't have reliable or fast enough internet to stream.


I also don't believe 99% of the Thai subscribers only care about sports. Some proportion of them definitely, that's the crowd that moved over to CTH, but from what was reported in the media, the number of CTH subscribers was not higher than a decent sized town. If people really only cared about sports, CTH would have been the biggest cable operator right now, growing subscriber base so much their sales people couldn't cope with demand. That's not exactly what has happened, is it...


19 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


You make a lot of claims here about what Thais watch and what percentage of True customers are Thai. What is the source of your claims, or are you talking out of your arse?

And what % of True customers are in the 'sticks' AND are interested in HBO's crappy movies that are EDITED?  True can't satisfy everyone all the time.. The internet in pattaya or huahin is just as good as bangkoks.  2ndly, can I have more info on this CTH thing?  True has NFL, EPL+Champions Leage, MLB,NBA, ALL Tennis 250,500,1000 and Grandslams, F1.. i'm probably missing some other stuff, Can I get ALL That from this CTH thing?  I though the whole point is that True monopolizes these things.  Historically I have seen these True Dishes all over shanty towns, Thai peasants that can't afford proper housing will have a Dish-AND don't tell me their watching that HBO crap.  In addition to the streaming they have these movies on DVDs all over the country.. I REPEAT-you do not need these stupid HBO channels to watch any movie you want, WHEN you want.  Then theres stuff like DISCOVERY, yea sure-that's all on youtube, so many documentary/educational on youtube.. You don't need that either..

The SPORTS is where the money is and TRUE knows that, that's why monopolizing sports is there mission.


As far as what % of True customers are Thai, look at the demographics.. there is probably no more than 100,000 foreigners living in Thailand permanently,(the rest are just in and out-guest houses, hotels-not TV subscribers.. and only a fraction of those have an interest in HBO, id say a very SMALL fraction since as I have already established-your pretty much out to lunch if you rely on HBO for your movie needs..AND  I have never known a Thai person who has an interest in HBO-they don't speak the language and they don't wanna read subtitles and they like movies in their own language and many like Korean.  Thai people are a different culture, they don't get alot of these lame HBO flicks like "The Girls" , or "Divorce"


OH BTW HBO is currently playing JURASSIC WORLD again  GRRR! They play it EVERYDAY!  Don't they think that we would have seen it by now?  like we kept missing it the other 500 times they played that insanly shitty movie. 

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37 minutes ago, pkspeaker said:


And what % of True customers are in the 'sticks' AND are interested in HBO's crappy movies that are EDITED?  True can't satisfy everyone all the time.. The internet in pattaya or huahin is just as good as bangkoks.  2ndly, can I have more info on this CTH thing?  True has NFL, EPL+Champions Leage, MLB,NBA, ALL Tennis 250,500,1000 and Grandslams, F1.. i'm probably missing some other stuff, Can I get ALL That from this CTH thing?  I though the whole point is that True monopolizes these things.  Historically I have seen these True Dishes all over shanty towns, Thai peasants that can't afford proper housing will have a Dish-AND don't tell me their watching that HBO crap.  In addition to the streaming they have these movies on DVDs all over the country.. I REPEAT-you do not need these stupid HBO channels to watch any movie you want, WHEN you want.  Then theres stuff like DISCOVERY, yea sure-that's all on youtube, so many documentary/educational on youtube.. You don't need that either..

The SPORTS is where the money is and TRUE knows that, that's why monopolizing sports is there mission.


As far as what % of True customers are Thai, look at the demographics.. there is probably no more than 100,000 foreigners living in Thailand permanently,(the rest are just in and out-guest houses, hotels-not TV subscribers.. and only a fraction of those have an interest in HBO, id say a very SMALL fraction since as I have already established-your pretty much out to lunch if you rely on HBO for your movie needs..AND  I have never known a Thai person who has an interest in HBO-they don't speak the language and they don't wanna read subtitles and they like movies in their own language and many like Korean.  Thai people are a different culture, they don't get alot of these lame HBO flicks like "The Girls" , or "Divorce"


OH BTW HBO is currently playing JURASSIC WORLD again  GRRR! They play it EVERYDAY!  Don't they think that we would have seen it by now?  like we kept missing it the other 500 times they played that insanly shitty movie. 


Agree that sports is the most important content. Yes, you can download the movies but then you are making and planning a way of watching a movie, but a lot of people just enjoy flicking through to see if there are any decent films on, or when cimbing into bed and watch the end of a film with the missus etc, it's not always just about methodical planning. Are you a robot and why the anger?

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23 minutes ago, Nesnaitsirk said:

Install kodi on your laptop. No need for cable

Sent from my SM-P355 using Thaivisa Connect mobile app


As a Kodi user on raspberryPi I feel it's only a matter of time before these internet portals are blocked at the IP level.


Dont believe it? On the "other news website" there's an article about how the NTBC has asked ISPs to block 32 streaming sites. (Yes, of course you can still use VPN, but now we're talking more advanced techniques)

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I live in yasothon and my family are very upset at yet more stations being denied us. Fyi there are a great deal of English speaking people in Issan who All subscribe for movie and education channels now no longer available. True will lose out here as people WILL cancel now as @ 2300 baht pm it is no longer value for money !

Sent from my SM-J120H using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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apologies for the anger, it was jurassic world that pushed me over the edge.. there's a guy in it that want's to steal monster eggs for military purposes, and of cource he gets eaten by monsters.. like that wasn't done fifty times in the 80's and in the original jurrasic park movie.

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3 minutes ago, yasorab said:

I live in yasothon and my family are very upset at yet more stations being denied us. Fyi there are a great deal of English speaking people in Issan who All subscribe for movie and education channels now no longer available. True will lose out here as people WILL cancel now as @ 2300 baht pm it is no longer value for money !

Sent from my SM-J120H using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

well the edu channels arn't goin anywhere, you'll still get Discovery, History, etc.  AND you'll get movie channels, they are just changing to different ones, they are adding a True movies channel and Fox movies isn't being cut, that's the one that is playing the Star Wars movie and I have also seen "Pusuit of Happiness" on it, which was very good..also TCM and AMC are still going to be there..all of this fuss is just about HBO1,2,3,RED,and Cinemax.

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I'm so happy I dropped True years ago. It used to cost me around 2,000 baht a month, there was nothing worth watching , I now watch all the US channels I want including HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, Discovery and many more for free using IPTV. Nowadays they should be more careful canceling channels customers enjoy watching because once those people find out they can get it all for free, it's bye, bye True Morons...

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1 hour ago, frawal said:

I'm so happy I dropped True years ago. It used to cost me around 2,000 baht a month, there was nothing worth watching , I now watch all the US channels I want including HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, Discovery and many more for free using IPTV. Nowadays they should be more careful canceling channels customers enjoy watching because once those people find out they can get it all for free, it's bye, bye True Morons...

which IPTV service you use, and does it have Sport?

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