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Police conclude foreign diver slit own throat


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Police conclude foreign diver ‘in great spirit’ slit own throat


PATTAYA:--Police have ruled that a foreign scuba diver found with his throat slit off Koh Larn died of a suicide after obtaining a supposed goodbye message sent electronically to his wife.


American Frank Thomas Kech, 52, was found tied to a concrete pile about 500 meters off Samae Beach on the resort island Dec. 16. A backpack was found near the body.


Police initially could not identify the man and suspected he may have died of foul play. However, his wife Koi, who was in the South at the time, produced for police a note sent to her via the Line messaging app that appeared to be a goodbye letter from her husband.


In the message, he said it was “time to fulfill my life dream of moving on” and says goodbye, adding that he transferred money to her bank account for her to move on and “find someone who can make your dreams come true”.


The supposed suicide victim wrote he was leaving “in great mind, body and spirit”.


Read more: http://www.pattayamail.com/news/police-conclude-foreign-diver-great-spirit-slit-throat-159686


PATTAYA MAIL 2016-12-30

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So he tied himself to a pole?


What about this for a suggestion;


Some one else tied him to the pole, then cut his throat.


They took his phone and cards and sent the message and transferred the money via ATM.


Wife was suitably far away when it happened. Perfect alibi.


Does this make more sense or am I just unnaturally suspicious when living here.

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While it is possible to cut your own throat (literally, according to the research I just did) it is a rare way to go.


In a diving suit, with a backpack, tied to a pole in a salt water location ?


It sounds a lot more like he went out on a diving trip, met an unfortunate (pre-arranged ?) fate and was tied to the pole to ensure the body would be found (for insurance and alibi purposes) with the perpetrators long gone. They should be checking if he had a life insurance policy (follow the money) and check the wife's phone/messaging service to see if there's a trail of messages arranging the whole affair.


And if you don't think that's possible, recall a few years back when a Canadian was murdered in his bed in Ranong. Police checked the wife's phone and found messages to her Thai boyfriend and his uncle, arranging to have the uncle come to the house where she'd leave the front door unlocked so he could come in and shoot her husband while he slept. This apparently happened shortly after the husband had told the wife about the Life Insurance policy his company had taken out for him (while he was working in the O&G industry on the African coast). I guess she thought she'd get a million dollars as soon as he died, regardless of how it happened.


Never be worth more dead than you are alive.

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30 minutes ago, thequietman said:

So he tied himself to a pole?


What about this for a suggestion;


Some one else tied him to the pole, then cut his throat.


They took his phone and cards and sent the message and transferred the money via ATM.


Wife was suitably far away when it happened. Perfect alibi.


Does this make more sense or am I just unnaturally suspicious when living here.

u tink too mush................but collectly, more than likely

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Slitting your own throat? what happened to jumping off a tall building?  or starting a fight with a bunch of locals guarantee to have your skull bashed in..  something not right here, either the local cops have no interests is solving the puzzle or simply there's no money in it for them...

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As soon as you read "Police conclude... " blah blah blah in Thailand you know something is up. I mean what a bunch of ******s. Not even they are that stoopid, which all points to going the suicide route so it doesn't give the country 'bad image' and tourists don't worry. F*** a doodle do, IT'S THE WIFE!!!!!

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49 minutes ago, mercman24 said:

i dont suppose the keystone cops have found the knife for prints, as obviously the knife was at the scene, no tooooo much trouble, nice one wife

You don't think, obviously, the knife was underwater?



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1 hour ago, Rimmer said:

Police initially could not identify the man and suspected he may have died of foul play. However, his wife Koi, who was in the South at the time, produced for police a note sent to her via the Line messaging app that appeared to be a goodbye letter from her husband.


In the message, he said it was “time to fulfill my life dream of moving on” and says goodbye, adding that he transferred money to her bank account for her to move on and “find someone who can make your dreams come true”.

Yeah, right...

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Preparations and planning carried out by someone bent on suicide can often appear bizarre or irrational - an indication of the person's mindset. Any experienced investigator could tell you of similar strange circumstances in many cases.  If you can accept that a determined person can cut their own throat in such a way to ensure death follows, then other strange actions can also be accepted.  Sending an explanation (and money!) to the wife is just as considerate as performing fatal self-mutilation underwater, out of sight in order to avoid causing offence to anybody. I'm not saying the wife wouldn't be under suspicion however. On the surface the whole scenario is just too neat.

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Even by the gutter standards of the RTP this is way way beyond plausible, and a huge insult to the deceased and all who loved him.

Almost evetuthing related to this whole disgracefully tragic incident is a huge red flag with an extra bright flashing beacon on top.

This man's family surely can't or shouldn't accept this farcical conclusion. If this is the standard of policing Thailand is comfortable with I am pleased the tourists are staying away. Simply awful

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I generally prefer to refrain from commenting on active police investigations, but this one is amazing.  

Whilst I  agree that cutting one's own throat is a possible method of suicide, it is far from the most popular or effective.  The outcome is not guaranteed as many individuals lose their nerve as they start to cut; even cutting your own wrists is seemingly less popular these days.  One other factor is that  a person committing suicide tends to make preparations in respect of their personal appearance with the normal choices being naked or properly dressed.  Suicide jumpers for example tend to take their shoes off and leave them neatly at the roof's edge.

It is highly strange for a suicide to dress up in scuba gear, tie themself to a pier and cut their own throat.  This leads to the conclusion that someone wanted the body found (insurance or other purposes), not necessarily the suicide.

Another point of interest is the 'suicide' note which starts by proclaiming what a wonderful wife he had.  It seems quite a good way to deflect attention from the general suspicion on the wife when a husband is murdered; a large number of murders are carried out by, or on the orders of, the spouse or someone they know well.  In fact , the general tone of the note does not give any indication of emotional stress or mental anguish as the suicide wrestles with the knowledge that their actions may adversely affect ones close to them.  It does not in any way suggest suicide, and the normal interpretation of 'moving on' would be him leaving to CONTINUE life in another direction.

I do not have sufficient information or investigative clues to point the finger at anyone, but as an investigating officer I most certainly would not be submitting this to my bosses in the police force.

On the other hand, my wife, on being told the facts and circumstances as written here and the details of the Line message, seems to pretty certain she knows who did it.

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2 hours ago, thequietman said:

So he tied himself to a pole?


What about this for a suggestion;


Some one else tied him to the pole, then cut his throat.


They took his phone and cards and sent the message and transferred the money via ATM.


Wife was suitably far away when it happened. Perfect alibi.


Does this make more sense or am I just unnaturally suspicious when living here.


This makes more sense than anything else I've read.

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never read so much rot and rubbish he never sent the alleged text it was the person who slit his throat after getting the relevant bank password and pin to allow the killer to transfer money to the killers girlfriend's bank account, and no I wasn't there but my theory could be as good as the policeman who signed off the case closed paperwork  

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you need to be in  a very dark place to slit your own throat, indeed i seen a friend do it years ago in front of my eyes but he was chronic alcoholic , also he would not have written he was in good mind body & soul.


this is bullshit and smacks of murder ,        get the wife in for interagation,      did he leave her much money / estate  ?    how much was transfered ? 


 i dont believe these thai cops one bit , not when they come off with shit like this.

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2 hours ago, thequietman said:

So he tied himself to a pole?


What about this for a suggestion;


Some one else tied him to the pole, then cut his throat.


They took his phone and cards and sent the message and transferred the money via ATM.


Wife was suitably far away when it happened. Perfect alibi.


Does this make more sense or am I just unnaturally suspicious when living here.


makes perfect sense to me,    not many witnesses around a mile offshore.    no forensic evidence at all after 2 days.  


 haul the wife in  !!

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2 hours ago, thequietman said:

So he tied himself to a pole?


What about this for a suggestion;


Some one else tied him to the pole, then cut his throat.


They took his phone and cards and sent the message and transferred the money via ATM.


Wife was suitably far away when it happened. Perfect alibi.


Does this make more sense or am I just unnaturally suspicious when living here.

Sounds good to me Colombo!


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