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Putin: Russia 'will not expel anyone' in US diplomatic row


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Putin: Russia 'will not expel anyone' in US diplomatic row




President Putin has said Moscow “will not expel anyone” in response to Washington’s expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats over alleged cyber hacking to interfere with the US election.


“We will not resort to irresponsible ‘kitchen’ diplomacy,” the Russian leader added in a statement released by the Kremlin, saying Moscow would seek to “restore Russian-US relations based on the policies of the Trump administration”. He regretted that the Obama administration was ending its term in an “unfriendly” and “provocative” manner.



Earlier on Friday the Russian foreign minister said he was recommending that 35 American diplomats be expelled in a tit-for-tat move with Washington.

Sergei Lavrov accused the US administration of acting without any proof against Moscow. Allegations that Russia had interfered in the US election campaign were groundless, he said.


Following the US move to kick out 35 Russian diplomats, Lavrov said “we cannot leave such steps unanswered”.


The foreign minister said he had asked President Putin to declare 31 US embassy staff in Moscow “persona non grata”, as well as four consulate staff in St Petersburg.


But reports then quickly emerged quoting Vladimir Putin saying no-one would be expelled in response to the US sanctions. The president went further, inviting the children of American diplomats to New Year parties at the Kremlin.


The Kremlin had said on Thursday that Moscow would retaliate “appropriately” to the expulsion from the US of 35 diplomats following allegations of Russian cyber interference in last month’s US elections.


Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said the Obama administration was ending its term in “anti-Russia death throes”.


President Obama’s move on Thursday expelling Russian diplomats from Washington and San Francisco came after US intelligence officials blamed Moscow for hacking intended to damage the Democrats’ electoral chances.


The latest US sanctions include the closure of two Russian compounds in Maryland and New York – used for intelligence gathering – in response to US claims of harassment against American diplomats in Moscow.


Writing after Obama’s order on Thursday and before the Russian response, US President-elect Donald Trump said – without mentioning Russia directly – that it was “time for our country to move on to bigger and better things”, adding that he would meet with intelligence leaders next week.


The FBI and Department of Homeland Security’s report published on Thursday gave details of Russian operations which it said targeted the US election and government bodies.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-12-31
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4 minutes ago, retarius said:

Putin keeps making politicians in the West, especially Obama, look like idiots.

Putin can do what he wants.  He backs up his actions with propaganda to the masses.  No checks and balances.


Leaders in the West can't get away with this.  Luckily, there are checks and balances.  Putin might have gone a bit too far on this one.  We'll see how this plays out.  But sentiments are growing in the West to fight back.  Not something we want, but might need.

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3 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Putin can do what he wants.  He backs up his actions with propaganda to the masses.  No checks and balances.


Leaders in the West can't get away with this.  Luckily, there are checks and balances.  Putin might have gone a bit too far on this one.  We'll see how this plays out.  But sentiments are growing in the West to fight back.  Not something we want, but might need.


No Craig, he backs up his words with actions and that is what makes him such an effective leaders. And, are you seriously telling me that Western governments don't do propaganda? Pull the other one it's got bells on.

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5 minutes ago, retarius said:


No Craig, he backs up his words with actions and that is what makes him such an effective leaders. And, are you seriously telling me that Western governments don't do propaganda? Pull the other one it's got bells on.

Never said Western governments don't do propaganda.  But it's well known Russian's are masters at this.  No denying that.


As I said, it's easier for Putin to do what he wants.  He runs the country with an iron glove.  Can't do that in the West.  Need approval from too many others.  I'm sure you'll agree with that.

Edited by craigt3365
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40 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Leaders in the West can't get away with this.  Luckily, there are checks and balances. 


Yes indeed. Luckily there are people who hack into the DNC and show the world all the dirty little secrets that the politicians don't want you to know about.


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3 minutes ago, JetsetBkk said:


Yes indeed. Luckily there are people who hack into the DNC and show the world all the dirty little secrets that the politicians don't want you to know about.


There would have to be thousands of hacks across hundreds of countries to accomplish that!  One small hack is just a drop in the bucket.  And who's to determine what's worth showing to the public and what's not?

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4 hours ago, rooster59 said:

“We will not resort to irresponsible ‘kitchen’ diplomacy,”

It would just interefer with Putin's grooming Trump as his middle-finger puppet. And indeed Trump immediately responded with praise for Putin.

Make America Great - buy Exxon stock!

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2 minutes ago, Beats56 said:

Good for Putin not responding to Obama. Obama is making a last stand to undermine Trump. Left sore losers are pulling at straws.


More like Trump making sure his election doesn't get overturned.  A remote possibility, but still a possibility.  No wonder he's trying to ignore all this.





Even if electors turn faithless, members of Congress can formally protest elector votes, and have them thrown out, when they officially count the ballots in a joint session on January 6.


"One of my legal colleagues suggests that the joint session is the 'break glass in case of emergency' — it's the last line of defense against an election that may have been corrupted in some way," Neale said.




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Those "sore losers" have serious Republican congressional support.

Senators McCain and Graham intend to introduce a bill in the new Congress after January 3rd to impose stronger sanctions than what Obama imposed.

Regarding Omaba's sanctions against Russia, McCain said, “The retaliatory measures announced by the Obama Administration today are long overdue. But ultimately, they are a small price for Russia to pay for its brazen attack on American democracy."  http://www.mccain.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/press-releases?ID=DFAE6FFD-976A-468C-B53B-15D548E46BD7



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23 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

More like Trump making sure his election doesn't get overturned.  A remote possibility, but still a possibility.  No wonder he's trying to ignore all this.






Overturned for what? Someone, and still not proved who, releasing information that showed Hilary and the DNC conspired against Bernie Sanders?



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Khun obama is acting like a nasty little child and is going to do as much damage as he can while in office. Never have I seen such disgraceful behaviour from an outgoing president in an obvious attempt to make things as difficult as possible for his successor. I also believe that he will continue this childish tirade long after he has been given the bum,s rush, and if it is proven that his birth certificate is a forgery he should be thrown in jail !

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26 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Overturned for what? Someone, and still not proved who, releasing information that showed Hilary and the DNC conspired against Bernie Sanders?



I'm trying to find this article I read a few weeks ago.  There's some sort of policy where if 2 members of congress, one from each party, submit a petition that the president-elect isn't suitable, the process can be halted.  I've searched and can't find it.  It seems to be referred to as a "break the glass" policy.  Designed to be used if problems are found with regards to the election process.  Which, so far, might be able to be proven.  Especially if they've got more info that's not been disclosed yet.  As you know, this is not just about the hack, it's about a foreign power potentially influencing the election.  Serious stuff.





Even if electors turn faithless, members of Congress can formally protest elector votes, and have them thrown out, when they officially count the ballots in a joint session on January 6.


"One of my legal colleagues suggests that the joint session is the 'break glass in case of emergency' — it's the last line of defense against an election that may have been corrupted in some way," Neale said.



I'll try to find the other article that lays it out in more detail.

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11 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

Khun obama is acting like a nasty little child and is going to do as much damage as he can while in office. Never have I seen such disgraceful behaviour from an outgoing president in an obvious attempt to make things as difficult as possible for his successor. I also believe that he will continue this childish tirade long after he has been given the bum,s rush, and if it is proven that his birth certificate is a forgery he should be thrown in jail !

You're missing the forest for the trees.  This isn't about doing damage.  It's about protecting national security.  I'm amazed people are attacking Obama for this. Incredible.


Obama is one of the smartest presidents we've had.  Maybe not the best, but he's far from childish.  As for the birth certificate, are you serious? LOL

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4 hours ago, Grubster said:

I think many may be surprised with Trumps relations with Russia when he is in office. I don't think they will be very warm at all, but we shall see.

Ah yes the clash of 2 king size egos. Makes one wonder what the fall out will be?? I hope not the nuclear kind. 

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

You're missing the forest for the trees.  This isn't about doing damage.  It's about protecting national security.  I'm amazed people are attacking Obama for this. Incredible.


Obama is one of the smartest presidents we've had.  Maybe not the best, but he's far from childish.  As for the birth certificate, are you serious? LOL

You forgot this one.  - A Washington restaurant is reeling from menacing calls and online abuse after a fake story: that Hillary Clinton abuses children there. ... James Alefantis, owner of a local pizza restaurantcalled Comet Ping Pong, noticed an ... kidnapping, molesting and trafficking children in the restaurant's back rooms.

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Despite the finger pointing from Obama, the hacks from whoever were nothing to do with national security. They were on a political party web site and an advisor who stupidly was phished into revealing his password - kids stuff.


All Obama is doing is escalating hacks on his pals into a major cold war spat with a country that he should be working with, not against.


IMO the hacks were far more likely Julian Assange's retribution for Clinton's long standing efforts to get her claws into him.


No doubt I'll have the usual propagandist on my tail for this.:smile:

Edited by khunken
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10 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Putin can do what he wants.  He backs up his actions with propaganda to the masses.  No checks and balances.


Leaders in the West can't get away with this.  Luckily, there are checks and balances.  Putin might have gone a bit too far on this one.  We'll see how this plays out.  But sentiments are growing in the West to fight back.  Not something we want, but might need.


Hiding behind the skirts of the soft cock diplomacy? Putin has just <deleted> over Obama again.  DT has played a straight bat by not buying into failed BO failed politics.  BTW,  Putin knows this. Apologies if you don't. Simples really!  

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14 hours ago, khunken said:

Despite the finger pointing from Obama, the hacks from whoever were nothing to do with national security. They were on a political party web site and an advisor who stupidly was phished into revealing his password - kids stuff.


All Obama is doing is escalating hacks on his pals into a major cold war spat with a country that he should be working with, not against.


IMO the hacks were far more likely Julian Assange's retribution for Clinton's long standing efforts to get her claws into him.


No doubt I'll have the usual propagandist on my tail for this.:smile:

It's not Obama that's doing the finger pointing.  It's 17 intelligence organizations, including the FBI and the CIA who have said Russia did the hack.  With the potential intent to influence the elections.  If that's not national security, then I don't know what it.  I think you'd sing a different tune if it happened in your country.


Propaganda is saying Julian Assange did this. LOL

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12 hours ago, tharae said:


Hiding behind the skirts of the soft cock diplomacy? Putin has just <deleted> over Obama again.  DT has played a straight bat by not buying into failed BO failed politics.  BTW,  Putin knows this. Apologies if you don't. Simples really!  

You seem to have missed the point.  This isn't about failed politics.  Simple, really!

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23 hours ago, JetsetBkk said:


Yes indeed. Luckily there are people who hack into the DNC and show the world all the dirty little secrets that the politicians don't want you to know about.

I'm sure that you are aware that GOP and Trump organization were likewise hacked.


It's a smart move from Russia not to release those informations to the public as they know Trump would sell his Slovenian (Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) wife to hide the truth. Russians know that Trump doesn't care about anyone else but himself. That's why he is such a perfect person to be controlled by the damaging information.


But hey, Russia is a great country. Who knows, maybe the USA under Russian control will become great again? The rest of us, might come to visit USA with a stockings, plastic bags and jeans, the way people earlier visited Soviet Union.. A pair of jeans would pay one a week of luxury. 


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17 hours ago, dunroaming said:

And Trump tweets his praise for Putin saying he is smart.  Unfortunately he simply cannot see that he is being groomed by Putin, that's another favour he now owes Russia.  Putin is smart and Trump simply isn't. 

Its called tit for tat tweeting. Trump do doubt admires Putin for the tight control he has over the population. He is hopping some of that rubs off on him. 

Edited by elgordo38
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