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Watch out! Drones flying around / monitoring Condos


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I am at my weekend retreat place right now in Pattaya. High floor unit of a Condo, balcony doors open as it is cool and no Mozzies, lights fully on inside my place. Nobody usually can peek inside. No human, that is. Suddenly seeing a small enlightened spot on the sky, seems slowly moving. Very sure it was a drone. I have a buddy who owns a drone and goes "droning" virtually every weekend, and I accompanied him a few times, so I know how that thing looks like when it is flying in darkness. Maybe 50 Meters away from the Condo, a bit above my floor level, slowly moving. It's a kinda scary thought that even at a high floor you nowadays have to close the curtains if you do not want to be watched / spied on by whoever it might be. And those cameras employed on those drones are incredible.

I closed the curtain and watched the object through a small slit, it eventually disappeared after another 2 minutes, flying over the roof to the other side of my building. I wouldn't have been able to spot it during daylight hours. So always be aware that someone out there is watching you for whatever reason. It can be a perv, your local immigration office, the CIA, your wife which you think is in her home town when in fact she wants to find out if you spend some quality time with your suspected GIG and who else. No more walking naked inside your place. Reality of 2017. Don't like it....

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If you are worried about who's watching you then you are far from being free as a bird. 

I have never understood why people buy into this lame stuff. Yes it is true that there are certain people on this planet who are so afraid and so paranoid that they think they must watch everything and everybody like the <deleted> governments etc

I have never bothered with that. The intentions of others, especially low life beings have absolutely no effect on me. 

I am too busy living my life, I have no time for idiots. 

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Paranoia? Delusions? OP needs to cut back on whatever he is drinking/smoking......of course it could be Martians....in that case don't get paranoid, try to communicate with them......maybe that star trek hand signal or a Mork and Mindy NanoNano and see what they come back with...

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There is a bunch of regulations re flying drones around here. A prof I know wanted one for research purposes and even then had to jump through hoops. You just can't stick a high res cam on one and go peeping in people's windows. Well, if the laws are enforced that is.


But if you are worried buy a drone jammer. Unless it's military grade the signal is the weak link and can easily be taken out.

Edited by The Dancer
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It is a favored tool of gumshoes, second story men and the paparazzi.  If you are a person who is subject to the such harassment, invest in a sling shot.  They are most likely legal for foreigners to own, or buy your own drone and defend your privacy. 

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5 minutes ago, oldcarguy said:

and when you miss with the sling shot , where is it going to land ?


I think an RF signal would work a lot better , I am sure there is something on google telling you what frequencies they use, 2.4 ghz  or 5.8 ghz

from jammer-store.com

And when you jam the signal were is the drone going to land?

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3 minutes ago, thesetat2013 said:

If they want to see me in bed with a lady, who cares. If you by a jammer because you worry such drivel, who cares where it lands. 

Unless of course said drone when jammed at the 14th floor makes its way down and smacks you just as your entering the building.  But then again you won't care at that stage?

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11 hours ago, KittenKong said:


A few drones wont stop me. And I pity the b*stard who has to review the cam footage.


Me too.  I was tanning my balls inside my gated home a few weeks ago and a drone came over and was apparently admiring me.  Enjoy I say! I don't even look in mirrors anymore.

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We seem to have a combo of people in the know, people completely in the dark and likely a bunch of old dudes with flasher tendencies who don't mind being spied on. The type of droner doing this kind of thing isn't the type the average, decent person would want to mix with. Be it robbers checking out potential marks or perves uploading your ugly secret sex for the world to see; these folks are sados. But then again it could just be kids messing about or all of the above. Regardless, I'm with the shoot em down club. :wink:

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2 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

Regardless, I'm with the shoot em down club. 


I'd be in that club, too.  If only the cure didn't have more negative consequences than the problem.  


Getting your privacy violated sucks.  Getting banged up for owning and/or using an illegal weapon would suck worse and much longer.  And maybe from across the pond if it resulted in deportation.


I know most of the discussion is tongue in cheek, but there's always some newbies who don't know that.  I'd hate to read about one of them who (quite easily) found an illegal BB gun at the local market and got himself in trouble...

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1 hour ago, oldcarguy said:

and when you miss with the sling shot , where is it going to land ?


I think an RF signal would work a lot better , I am sure there is something on google telling you what frequencies they use, 2.4 ghz  or 5.8 ghz

from jammer-store.com


Yes, but if you transmit enough power to jam the drone, you may be violating whatever the Thai version of the USA FCC or other RF regulatory agency is.  If you can tune to the exact frequency the drone uses, than you would probably be OK.  I assume the Drone command links have some sort of low level encryption or command packet ID check so that one drone doesn't interfere with another Drone that uses the same general RF Frequency.  I work on the Global Hawk and X47B large UAVs and they in general can't interfere with other vehicles, barring total bandwidth or channel saturation.  I don't know much about the small individual personal use drones that are out there

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18 minutes ago, impulse said:


I'd be in that club, too.  If only the cure didn't have more negative consequences than the problem.  


Getting your privacy violated sucks.  Getting banged up for owning and/or using an illegal weapon would suck worse and much longer.  And maybe from across the pond if it resulted in deportation.


I know most of the discussion is tongue in cheek, but there's always some newbies who don't know that.  I'd hate to read about one of them who (quite easily) found an illegal BB gun at the local market and got himself in trouble...

And there are some well publicized instances here in the USA where one guy took out his gun or shotgun and blasted his neighbor's drone that he believed was spying on his backyard and peeping at his wife and daughter

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