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Uni girl propositioned for sex - but cops do nothing


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3 hours ago, puukao said:

in farangland it can be assault without even touching the victim.  and kidnapping if he doesn't let her leave.


but in LOS, i just bought a 43 inch SmartPhone to show everyone porn (which i thought was illegal to see here, anyhow) and then hold a sign, "which pretty girls want to do the same?"


of course my sign will be in Thai, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and maybe English; however, English was my 93th language I acquired after the accident.  


Looking at porn isn't illegal here.

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7 hours ago, fruitman said:


So i can also go out and show every hot girl a pornmovie on my notebook to see if she wants to do that with me? If no i don't do anything illegal and if yes i'm lucky.


There have been reports of guys arrested after they pull out their penis. I'm sure the penalty was small.

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So the police have cured him for trying that again with a student next time it might be a jr school student sick desperate pervert should have just stuck him in the cells regardless  just for being a perv and showing students porn.

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The man left and she locked the doors but then he reappeared at the driver's side and this time turned on a sex movie on his mobile phone and said: "Let's do that together"


Begs the question, if she was in her car with the doors locked why didn't she drive away, why would she get out of a secured car to walk out in the open with him in tow??
She should have started the car, drove away or at least sat with the horn blasting to attract attention...then drive away!

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6 hours ago, misterphil said:

She should keep a knife in her car and stab the dirty perv. 

In America yes here hmm could back fire on her. Just the comments from the police when she filed the complaint was a bit of a eye opener. One thing the BIB  are good at is gauging opportunity. Her face is blocked out but the shorts hmm. 

Edited by elgordo38
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3 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

This (in any other normal country) would blatantly be a case of sexual harassment. But in Thailand it is not.The comment about waiting for something to happen,is laughable.Would they be more happy to do something if she was raped,or raped and murdered?When will the male ego,realise that women are not chattels to be used as they see fit?My wife is quite a stunner even at 45.When she was younger she was beautiful.Her take on this post,is,that she always carried a kraft knife in her bag,She quite honestly told me that if this guy had not given up,and even if he laid a hand on her,she would have gutted him like a fish.


Well done for her!.

My Mrs still carries a  small knife in the voluminous handbag Just in case of unpleasant Thai men ! Her two daughters both at uni in BKK do likewise under instruction.

It would have been amusing if the bloke had done the samething to my Mrs only he would have probably have  had to call the police.

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Well harassment would or possessing pornography would be a start but if no crime is committed then invent one to charge him with.  Shouldn't be a problem for the BIB.  While they let incidents like this go it just encourages the perverts to push things further.

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5 hours ago, Saastrajaa said:


Spoken like a privileged member of society (male) who has never felt sexually threatened in public.  Bully for you, big boy.


Edited by hobz
i got upset
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Hmmmm; The victims Photo, Name, Car, Routine & Location are willfully exposed.


What else don't the authorities/media understand when it comes to anonymity, confidentiality & basic victim support? 

Edited by evadgib
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8 hours ago, hobz said:

Except for showing the video the man did nothing wrong. You have the right to ask a person to have sex. And they have the right to decline.


Do you have the right to open her car door and try to get into the car without being invited?  To repeat the request despite being rebuffed a few times to the point where the girl is seeking help from a stranger?  

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5 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

This (in any other normal country) would blatantly be a case of sexual harassment. But in Thailand it is not.The comment about waiting for something to happen,is laughable.Would they be more happy to do something if she was raped,or raped and murdered?When will the male ego,realise that women are not chattels to be used as they see fit?My wife is quite a stunner even at 45.When she was younger she was beautiful.Her take on this post,is,that she always carried a kraft knife in her bag,She quite honestly told me that if this guy had not given up,and even if he laid a hand on her,she would have gutted him like a fish.


But it's not any other country.  The police can't arrest someone if there is no law prohibiting something.  Everybody wants to blame this on the cops but the cops simply enforce the law.  If no law has been broken, there is nothing for them to do.  


Now, one might argue that based on our western standards this is obviously criminal behavior.  Really?  I can't speak for the rest of Farangland but stalking laws are only about 20 or so years old.  The US, 1990.  Australia 1994.  Japan 2000.  


And in most cases, the laws happened after some horrific incident which outraged the community.  Run of the mill stalking someone was legal until then.  


So let's get off our high horses acting like Thais are some sort of heathen race.  


In the US, women didn't get the right to vote until 1920.  Blacks were not protected in their right to vote until 1965.  This isn't ancient history folks.  There are still people living today born when women and blacks couldn't vote in the pillar of democracy (or so Americans like to think).  


What the heck makes people think that a misogynistic, patriarchal developing nation in which leaders openly, and seriously talk about things like ghosts and good luck symbols is going to be so enlightened?  


The other missing component in all of this is a strong women's movement.  Believe me, it wasn't men pushing for these anti-stalking laws.  It was women.  Women who had been kidnapped, raped, killed, and tortured.  Society finally woke up because women demanded protections under the law.  


Thailand is so far away from empowering women that it's silly to even ask why stalking is not taken seriously in Thailand.  


I'm not defending stalking.  I'm just saying, pointing the finger at the police or at Thai society is like being that arrogant imbecile who quits smoking after 20 years and then starts complaining that people who smoke have a filthy habit.  


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In most jurisdictions the police are required to file an "information report" even when no crime has been committed...a policy the Thais could easily implement. That way there is at least a case number and a record of relevant facts.  And typically in a case like this, a supervisor or prosecutor would be the one responsible for determining if a crime was committed unless the case is much more trivial.

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22 minutes ago, davo2003 said:

In most jurisdictions the police are required to file an "information report" even when no crime has been committed...a policy the Thais could easily implement. That way there is at least a case number and a record of relevant facts.  And typically in a case like this, a supervisor or prosecutor would be the one responsible for determining if a crime was committed unless the case is much more trivial.


I don't think you're accurate in terms of how the law works, at least in the US.  The police do not determine if a crime was committed.  A jury or a judge does that.  Police are only there to determine whether or not probable cause to make an arrest exists.


And, this may come as a shock but in the US unless you are suspected of a crime, you don't have to speak to the police at all.  If the police stop you on the street you can ask them if you are being legally detained which they have to have probable cause for.  If they do not have probable cause you are free to leave and-or refuse to answer any questions, including your name.  


How would that "information report" help?  Complainant claims 27 year old male of average weight and average height was stalking her.  Attempted to question identified individual but he said his name was "Mickey Mouse" and told me to go F myself.  Lacking probable cause, suspect was allowed to leave.  





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51 minutes ago, digibum said:


I don't think you're accurate in terms of how the law works, at least in the US.  The police do not determine if a crime was committed.  A jury or a judge does that.  Police are only there to determine whether or not probable cause to make an arrest exists.


And, this may come as a shock but in the US unless you are suspected of a crime, you don't have to speak to the police at all.  If the police stop you on the street you can ask them if you are being legally detained which they have to have probable cause for.  If they do not have probable cause you are free to leave and-or refuse to answer any questions, including your name.  


How would that "information report" help?  Complainant claims 27 year old male of average weight and average height was stalking her.  Attempted to question identified individual but he said his name was "Mickey Mouse" and told me to go F myself.  Lacking probable cause, suspect was allowed to leave.  






In the US that is true for anything except "terrorism," which is a blank check that the authorities can cash at any time.  

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3 hours ago, wealthychef said:


Do you have the right to open her car door and try to get into the car without being invited?  To repeat the request despite being rebuffed a few times to the point where the girl is seeking help from a stranger?  


I don't know.   That's the point.  Is there a law that prevents someone from opening your car door and trying to get inside?  If he didn't actually get in her car, what exact law did he break?  Especially in the age of Uber and ride sharing.  Should we arrest everyone who mistakenly opens a car door?  


So if I seek help from a stranger because some tailor on Sukhumvit won't leave me alone even though he knows I live right down the block and have told him I don't need a suit every single day for the last 5 years, should he be arrested (well, technically, he should be be given the death penalty for annoying me but I mean if this happened to someone else)?  What specific law is being broken?  How is harassment defined under Thai law?  


Seems like a lot of wanna-be legal experts here who don't even know the laws in their own country and want to assume what the laws are or should be in Thailand.  



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43 minutes ago, digibum said:


I don't know.   That's the point.  Is there a law that prevents someone from opening your car door and trying to get inside?  If he didn't actually get in her car, what exact law did he break?  Especially in the age of Uber and ride sharing.  Should we arrest everyone who mistakenly opens a car door?  


So if I seek help from a stranger because some tailor on Sukhumvit won't leave me alone even though he knows I live right down the block and have told him I don't need a suit every single day for the last 5 years, should he be arrested (well, technically, he should be be given the death penalty for annoying me but I mean if this happened to someone else)?  What specific law is being broken?  How is harassment defined under Thai law?  


Seems like a lot of wanna-be legal experts here who don't even know the laws in their own country and want to assume what the laws are or should be in Thailand.  




Good questions.  It's hard to know how the law even *should* be written to protect both the women who might be harassed and the men who might be falsely accused here.  

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1 hour ago, jacko45k said:

Of course this sex pest is a crime waiting to happen, but God forbid that the police be proactive and prevent crime.


Yeah, if they would just arrest people before they committed crimes, that would be great, nah?  


All they need are some precogs.  



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