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Intellectual Whore


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First of all, I hope you get treated well on this topic, and I'm sure you will get treated like the lady you obviously are by the Thaivisa members.

All I can say is I'm sorry to hear of your treatment by these ignorant people, some of them probably coming back sitting on their their barstools all day. The next moron that makes any improper suggestions to you, just give them a hard slap across the face, I doubt if you will get into any trouble, and good luck with your retirement here in Thailand.

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10 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


I'm not sure where it is, but it is my understanding that there is a forum here on TV, especially for women, that may be just the place she is looking for. I doubt if well traveled women will cut her much more slack than she has experienced here though. 


It's a sad indictment of the state of this forum if the only way a woman can have a reasonable discussion is in a place where men are excluded.

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On 1/13/2017 at 10:01 PM, kalbo123 said:

Could it be that these Western men  that want to talk with you are just trying to be nice?


Trying to be nice????? If what the OP has said is true, and I believe it is, you think they are trying to be nice? How ridiculous can you get. IMO no man should approach a loan lady in the street  except to genuinely ask for directions, and only if there are no men around. The same applies to working girls also, as she may not be a working girl.

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6 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


It's a sad indictment of the state of this forum if the only way a woman can have a reasonable discussion is in a place where men are excluded.


Don't get me wrong. I think she can have a perfectly reasonable discussion here, but I don't think the OP is really going to take any of the information onboard unless she hears it from another woman, and probably not then either. 

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22 minutes ago, lungnorm said:

What do you expect. You are living in a place that no matter where you go there you will encounter men from many different countries. These men are basically all dirty old men and are in Thailand to have sex with younger women maybe they marry them but its still the reason they are there. Most all have beer huge bellies and man boobs. They also have left or divorced their ageing overweight wives. So with all that said, most of the male ferangs living in Thailand will have super ego's as they have sex with many young Thai ladies. They think they are supermen, so when they see you they are reminded of what they left behind at home and your presence is a gentle reminder to their concience. 



Another fine example of non judgemental non stereotyping happy types dwelling here.. 

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Speaking as an American...every legal procedure and policy is designed to benefit women over men...alimony, child custody, property division during divorce, hiring practices by private and public companies, promotion criteria, salaries, grievance procedures, etc., etc....


and men are getting tired of it...the perception that women try to perpetuate is that men come to Thailand because they have been rejected by women in their home country, or cannot deal with "independent and strong" women...the truth is that far more of us are simply tired of the bullsh!t from women who expect to be supported, but offer only resentment at imagined slights...


an argument that EVERY man has had...his wife/gf wants to be supported...but he is constantly harped on because he spends so much time at work...so the wife/gf finds another fellow, and takes all the goods that the husband/bf purchased for her while he was working...sound familiar?

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4 minutes ago, hdkane said:

Speaking as an American...every legal procedure and policy is designed to benefit women over men...alimony, child custody, property division during divorce, hiring practices by private and public companies, promotion criteria, salaries, grievance procedures, etc., etc....


and men are getting tired of it...the perception that women try to perpetuate is that men come to Thailand because they have been rejected by women in their home country, or cannot deal with "independent and strong" women...the truth is that far more of us are simply tired of the bullsh!t from women who expect to be supported, but offer only resentment at imagined slights...


an argument that EVERY man has had...his wife/gf wants to be supported...but he is constantly harped on because he spends so much time at work...so the wife/gf finds another fellow, and takes all the goods that the husband/bf purchased for her while he was working...sound familiar?


Nope. My wife has never expected me to support her. 

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28 minutes ago, lungnorm said:

So with all that said, most of the male ferangs living in Thailand will have super ego's as they have sex with many young Thai ladies. 


Actually, most of them just feel lucky. The weirdos that you are describing are just a fraudulent stereotype and are really few and far between.

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I am amazed you got six pages of responses on this subject. I do notice a lot of the "men" on here are attacking you. They may well be the same morons who told you this country is for them and not you.

also some men seem threatened by your intelligence.....but those same men would be threatened by anybody with a brain bigger than theirs. Personally I find intelligence in a woman very sexy....that is why I am with my Thai wife.

there is a lot of farang men who have had an intelligence bypass, and some on here who had a humour bypass. So take what they say with a pinch of salt.

And how dare you say that you are attractive and help others......555

Morons of the World Unite.

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1 minute ago, Mansell said:

I am amazed you got six pages of responses on this subject. I do notice a lot of the "men" on here are attacking you. They may well be the same morons who told you this country is for them and not you.

also some men seem threatened by your intelligence.....but those same men would be threatened by anybody with a brain bigger than theirs. Personally I find intelligence in a woman very sexy....that is why I am with my Thai wife.

there is a lot of farang men who have had an intelligence bypass, and some on here who had a humour bypass. So take what they say with a pinch of salt.

And how dare you say that you are attractive and help others......555

Morons of the World Unite.


Yep. Smart women are hot.

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15 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


I believe you've quoted one of Nancy's posts in bold above, in responding to my call for all of us to treat and judge each other as individuals, and stop broad-brushing disdain for people posters don't even know.


I don't have any problem with Nancy's post above. She's speaking of her real personal experiences with particular people.


And I don't disagree with her comment that "some men are cads no matter where they live." Just as I don't disagree with the notion expressed by some men here that some women they've known are "harpies" and such.


But it's an entirely different and unsupportable matter to start broad-brushing those kinds of negative stereotypes against entire populations/segments of people, especially people that you don't actually know. Like some of the very negative characterizations made in this thread by some people against western female expats at large here.


That's the difference between the two things.




Re your response in bold above, please see snippets from female posters on this thread.



Let's face it, girls, older farang men don't come here for the weather, the food or the laid-back lifestyle, they arrive looking for their lost youth as regards their long-since faded attraction for the opposite sex. The sight of an intelligent farang woman is like a red rag to a bull, revealing misogynism second only to that of the USA's appalling president elect! 


OK, I'm being verbally provocative …..



You men have nothing in common with Thai women and neither do I


What I did NOT know ...men here hate Western women.  Thai women run the show.  Thai women do not allow friendships with other women.


Many of you seem to project your own feelings and thoughts on to us. Some of you didn't have much money and status in your old life and you couldn't get lovely young women, so you were jealous of men who could.  Now you come here and feel for the first time, that you have money and status


No difference because these were posted by women?



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40 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


It's a sad indictment of the state of this forum if the only way a woman can have a reasonable discussion is in a place where men are excluded.


Don't you think the Op is capable of fending for herself?  Are you her big, strong protector?

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11 minutes ago, Mansell said:

Personally I find intelligence in a woman very sexy....that is why I am with my Thai wife.



Me too! The OP claims that Thai women are only good for cooking, cleaning and providing sexual favors. She thinks that men are starving for the intellectual outlet she provides, yet she hasn't shown even a little bit of intelligence in this thread as yet.

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1 minute ago, rijb said:


Don't you think the Op is capable of fending for herself?  Are you her big, strong protector?


Why would you assume that from anything I've said? The op seems like an intelligent woman, likely more than a match for many of the men we've seen posting here. I think she came looking for a discussion, not a fight.

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I know about the hostility towards falang women among resident falang men in Thailand and although some/many/all of these men have issues with former falang wives who apparently fleeced them in divorces I never understood their attitude towards all falang women. And I am a man who has spent plenty of time in various places in Thailand.


Your labelling yourself in the eyes of these men as an intellectual whore I just don't understand at all. Yes, I understand that some falang men in Thailand miss intellectual conversation as they get very little from their Thai partners or their falang drinking/golfing buddies. They will naturally latch onto someone who has good conversational skills and who is interesting, whether female or male. This may of course mean that they will block out anyone who might be interested in you sexually but I am sure that someone with your well-honed social skills would be able to manage that. 


The question you have to ask yourself is what you really want in Thailand. Thailand no longer has the monopoly in SE Asia on retirement opportunities although its retirement visa is probably more straightforward than the others. The fact is that Thailand is not for everyone, male or female. And there are many kinds of Thailand - there is the kind you find in Chiang Mai, or the islands like Samui, or Isaan towns like Khon Kaen - all are quite different.


But chances are that most of the foreigners you will meet will be men and most men will either have Thai partners or will be sex-pats (although that is less likely in Chiang Mai, I guess). Perhaps you are looking for something that just does not exist, which is a single male expat. 


But, as I said, Thailand does not have a monopoly on retirement in SE Asia anymore and therefore you can always decamp to another country nearby. In these neighbouring countries, there are other Western females and none of this hostility. But prepared for plenty of men and women who will want to be your friend if you are interesting!


If you want to persevere with Chiang Mai, perhaps it is the case that you are just not meeting the right kind of falang  Perhaps you should look around at the volunteering side of things. Also, when I lived in Chiang Mai, there used to be a place called the Writer's Club which seemed to attract a more educated kind of bar fly. There are plenty of foreigners who just do not do the bar thing any more or prefer not to get into it with the usual falang scene. Sometimes a sports club like a tennis club brings them out.



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From what you are saying it seems that you may have the problem Just because someone chats you up does not mean he is being an intellectual whore


It could mean he is just looking for a friend  to talk with. You seem very selfish about and view western men as having a grudge  with you 


I do not think some of them are hostel to you just because you are a woman It would seem its the way you come across which is clear in your posting


Not to nice a woman  It is not normal to want to cut yourself off from the opposite sex as you say you are doing because there are not too many prospects for a woman of your age here . Sounds like this is what you want because you do not like men too much You did this yourself


Think about it 

Edited by realenglish1
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Thanks for sharing. I think you answered your own question in your "iI realize I may bring up the ire of Western men" but not all. I'm here from an investment and now I have a Thai wife who is University educated, beautiful and a successful business person. Commonly known here as a 'HiSo' however we are not from 'High Society'. It seems if you are successful here, and Thai you get this label from most.


I tend not to live in Countries that hate me, my race, Nationality etc. However, I'm pretty sure most Thai's aren't too keen on me, white, western and successful (and someone who got one of their beautiful women). I tend not to 'chat' with them and don't get into any sort of 'large' transactions with them, them being Thai Men. As for you, it might be time to ask 'why Thailand? what do you want from this place? What do you expect from (Expat) Men as far as 'attitude towards you'


With all due respect to our readers (if they have gotten this far in my post) and having lived and worked in other parts of Asia Thailand hardly attracts the 'cream of the crop' as far as Expats go. There is a very different 'type' of Expat here than in China, Singapore, Malaysia etc It's far easier to stay here even with the 'Good guys in, Bad guys out' Immigration policy we see time and time again rejects, drug addicts, criminals and trouble makers from all Countries converge on Thailand. 


As I have said many times about living in Asia "Lower the bar" of expectation. It's not going to be what it was like where you come from and Men, many western men's true colors shine when they come to live here. All the stuff they were suppressed from 'at home' by political correctness, sexual and cultural 'norms' tend to explode here. I have seen men I know, good men move to Thailand and lose it ;-) even the shirt off their backs.  There are a lot of bitter old (Expat) men here. I might be one of them ;-) - Again, thanks for sharing.

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Why would you assume that from anything I've said? The op seems like an intelligent woman, likely more than a match for many of the men we've seen posting here. I think she came looking for a discussion, not a fight.

She has not shown much intelligence here, confused, inconsistent, racist, more drama than thought but give her credit for running for cover when she was caught with her pants down.
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2 minutes ago, Bill97 said:

She has not shown much intelligence here, confused, inconsistent, racist, more drama than thought but give her credit for running for cover when she was caught with her pants down.


She's shown more than most of the men addressing her in a patronising manner have.

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11 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


She's shown more than most of the men addressing her in a patronising manner have.


She's shown nothing but the fact that she is a racist and a liar and when she gets caught out switches directions and "surprise" discovers that all of her problems are the fault of others. I wish people like this would hang a sign on themselves, so I wouldn't waste a hello on them and possibly get sucked into their next drama.


edit: Oh, and then she runs away to leave others to fight her battle for her. That's pretty chickenshit if you ask me.

Edited by lannarebirth
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3 minutes ago, sharktooth said:

Maybe that is cos most men that have posted are simply taking the piss???


Online it is difficult to know if someone "is taking the piss" or not.

But a lot of people have come forth with more than the one liners. Whatever your viewpoint it does at least provide a topic of conversation that is a little more detailed than the norm on here.


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5 minutes ago, sharktooth said:

Maybe that is cos most men that have posted are simply taking the piss???


I think it's more of an example of the Dunning-Kruger effect in action. Some of the advice rather patronising given by those who appear to consider themselves her intellectual superior is cringeworthy.

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4 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


She's shown nothing but the fact that she is a racist and a liar and when she gets caught out switches directions and "surprise" discovers that all of her problems are the fault of others. I wish people like this would hang a sign on themselves, so I wouldn't waste a hello on them and possibly get sucked into their next drama.


I don't think she is quite as bad as that but I have met a couple and the nickname is "The Vortex"

I should add that the 2 people I am thinking of were not expats but tourists.

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