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Thais skipping the line


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Was in Bangkok went to a fruit seller and ordered some sliced papaya.The seller put on his plastic glove and gets his knife out.then a fat thai lady comes up and start talking to the seller and pointing to some bananas.the guy then takes off his glove takes the bananas and starts weighing them and keep talking with her.i then just walked away and will never return.Does this sound familiar to anyone?

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Maybe the fat Thai lady is his best customer..or had placed the banana order before you arrived then gone off to buy other things

but (  logically )  he should have served you first as he had already started.


Sometimes if I'm feeling mischievous  I'll say rather loudly  in the direction of the Q jumper

   "thank you"   in a Tinglish accent    say it as  "tsang Q"  ( q jumper )   they normally look rather sheepish and sometimes even admit their error !

Edited by johng
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Before they introduced the roped Q's at the Banks ,it used to

be like a rugby scrum,trying to get your bank book in the tray.


Q jumping is something Thai people do,were you in a hurry,

you never got your Papaya,and the seller is not going to change

just because you walked away,this is Thailand,not the West.

regards worgeordie

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Don't make excuses for these rude Thais.

When it happens, and it happens a lot, it's racism.

You don't count as much.

If you live here, you just learn to accept it.

It's the fault of both the vendor and the jumping customer.

The jumping customer obviously but a decent vendor will shut them down and serve you first. 

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1 minute ago, sanemax said:


   Its nothing to do with racism, Thais sometimes queue jump , whoever is ahead of them .

It's more complicated than that. Thais may jump queues on other Thais but probably less so if they perceive that status of the Thai ahead of them to be higher than them. That's what I'm getting at. Foreigners ... low status. Can abuse without consequence. 

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22 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It's more complicated than that. Thais may jump queues on other Thais but probably less so if they perceive that status of the Thai ahead of them to be higher than them. That's what I'm getting at. Foreigners ... low status. Can abuse without consequence. 

I pretty much ignore it these days.  Or when someone cuts the line I smile, gesture them to go ahead of me and say mai mi pen ha.  If it bothers you here your head would explode waiting in lines in India.

Once I was in line behind two elderly woman.


This young guy comes up and cuts in front of this old lady elbowing his away from the counter.  I grabbed him by the back of his shirt pulled him back very hard and he fell on his butt on the ground.


I pointed to the counter and said that's not your spot.  Then pointed to him on the ground and said that's your spot.  He stood up yelling and pointing at me saying he was going to call the police.


I said good bring a few.  I'll give them a 1000 rupees each and we'll all kick the shit out of you.  He rushed off still yelling.  The nice old ladies just thanked me.


I wouldn't recommend trying that in Thailand...

Edited by joeyg
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Just now, Tagaa said:

Actually, Thai's are just rude and have no manners. There really is no excuse.


Chinese are worse & the Koreans may be the rudest people on the planet

Sorry i do not agree. In general they are not rude at all.i noticed most Thais  do not like upset others much but yes there is a small percentage with low moral and low attitude.and i just encountered one in the fruitshop then last week i encountered an aggresive crazzy farang in the condo elevator.

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2 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

Sorry i do not agree. In general they are not rude at all.i noticed most Thais  do not like upset others much but yes there is a small percentage with low moral and low attitude.and i just encountered one in the fruitshop then last week i encountered an aggresive crazzy farang in the condo elevator.

Yep I agree with you.  My experience is in general Thais are non confrontational.  When they do "blow" though it can get ugly fast.


Farangs are not a problem as I about completely avoid them now.


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I can only relate my experience. Sorry if you don't agree with my experiences.


I think I have a pretty good grasp as I have lived in 3 different geographic areas of LOS & have lived in Thailand, full time, for just a few months shy of 10 years. Thai's have no manners.


Thais are all smiley & pleasant when they want something or want you to buy something they are selling. You will get lots of smiles when you are a tourist. But get out of BKK, Pattaya or Phuket and, lets say, go up country. You will have a much different experience. Thai's are xenophobic. That's one reason we have to jump through all the stupid hoops at immigration.


You would think that, after 10 years,  I would qualify for some type of visa that didn't require yearly renewal and/or 90 check ins. Nope. They really don't want you here and hope you will leave. Don't forget to leave your money behind.


By the way, I agree with joeyg...I avoid farangs as well. I'm a quite happy farang quasi hermit.

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Had it happen a few times over the years. Sometimes the seller will tell the queue jumper to wait their turn. If they don't I just walk away. I could make a scene but you never know how it will end up if you do.


One time though, I was next in line in Jusco and this gangster looking Thai walks up and puts a can of coke on the belt in front of my groceries. I was just about to say something when he turns around and with a big smile and in perfect English says, excuse me sir but I have only one item and you have many, can I go first? I nearly burst out laughing but said no problem. Couldn't really refuse him :biggrin:

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3 minutes ago, Tagaa said:

I can only relate my experience. Sorry if you don't agree with my experiences.


I think I have a pretty good grasp as I have lived in 3 different geographic areas of LOS & have lived in Thailand, full time, for just a few months shy of 10 years. Thai's have no manners.


Thais are all smiley & pleasant when they want something or want you to buy something they are selling. You will get lots of smiles when you are a tourist. But get out of BKK, Pattaya or Phuket and, lets say, go up country. You will have a much different experience. Thai's are xenophobic. That's one reason we have to jump through all the stupid hoops at immigration.


You would think that, after 10 years,  I would qualify for some type of visa that didn't require yearly renewal and/or 90 check ins. Nope. They really don't want you here and hope you will leave. Don't forget to leave your money behind.


By the way, I agree with joeyg...I avoid farangs as well. I'm a quite happy farang quasi hermit.

No offense intended.  I've spent a lot of time up in Issan, Yasothan and Khon Kaen mostly and I've had mostly good experiences.  The only bad experience I had was when I went to the village of a money, grubbing crack whore (who I didn't know was a crack head at the time) and had to suffer through several days of her uncle trying to get money out of me for "growing vegetables" getting more chickens or other different schemes he had to part me from my cash.


Shame, no class ignorant, greedy people everywhere I guess.  Other than that I find Issan and Thailand very "chill."


I like the fact I live in a place where it's very clear that to most people I'm only a dollar sign and they couldn't give a rat's ass wether I live or die.


Stateside it's different because many people are very good about acting like they care.  Immigration is a snap though here in Chonburi.  Even better now that I've have definitely decided to return to the states at sometime in the future.  For now it's just party time.  No place better for that than Thailand.  I mean ya just can't take anything seriously here and it's all good.

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8 minutes ago, kkerry said:

Had it happen a few times over the years. Sometimes the seller will tell the queue jumper to wait their turn. If they don't I just walk away. I could make a scene but you never know how it will end up if you do.


One time though, I was next in line in Jusco and this gangster looking Thai walks up and puts a can of coke on the belt in front of my groceries. I was just about to say something when he turns around and with a big smile and in perfect English says, excuse me sir but I have only one item and you have many, can I go first? I nearly burst out laughing but said no problem. Couldn't really refuse him :biggrin:

He gave you an "offer you couldn't refuse." :unsure:

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Honestly, living in Pattaya, the majority of queue jumpers I deal with (most everyday) are Russians. :stoner:

I've posted about this phenom before and Russian cultural experts have explained that queues aren't respected there so from their POV trying to enforce them is deviant.

Edited by Jingthing
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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Honestly, living in Pattaya, the majority of queue jumpers I deal with (most everyday) are Russians. :stoner:

I've posted about this phenom before and Russian cultural experts have explained that queues aren't respected there so from their POV trying to enforce them is deviant.

Must say, been living here about 2 years, haven't experienced that phenomenon.  Maybe I'm keeping a good distance?  :goof:

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4 minutes ago, joeyg said:

No offense intended.

 Sorry joeyg, my comment was intended for Destiny1990. I meant no objection or disrespect for your comment. You posted before I could finish my reply.


Speaking of returning to the US, in the last 2 years I have 5 farang friends that have returned to the US for good. I think about it sometimes, but I really like the place where I live and doubt I could recreate it, in the US, for anything less than $500,000. Comfortable house on a pretty lake with a mountain view. So, I've made the decision to stay.


Now-a-days, I just give an insincere smile just like the Thai's do.

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10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Honestly, living in Pattaya, the majority of queue jumpers I deal with (most everyday) are Russians. :stoner:

I've posted about this phenom before and Russian cultural experts have explained that queues aren't respected there so from their POV trying to enforce them is deviant.


Been to London lately? if you have, you will have noticed bus queues are a thing of the past.

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Just now, Tagaa said:

 Sorry joeyg, my comment was intended for Destiny1990. I meant no objection or disrespect for your comment. You posted before I could finish my reply.


Speaking of returning to the US, in the last 2 years I have 5 farang friends that have returned to the US for good. I think about it sometimes, but I really like the place where I live and doubt I could recreate it, in the US, for anything less than $500,000. Comfortable house on a pretty lake with a mountain view. So, I've made the decision to stay.


Now-a-days, I just give an insincere smile just like the Thai's do.

No problem and no offense taken.  I'm thinking, as much as I do really like Thailand, that it's not a good place for a really old and feeble guy.  Having said that at the moment I'm still cranking out 60 to 75 pushups and having good work outs and thank God good health.


As old age really hits I'm thinking Thailand is not the place to be.  Right now it's "a gas" and I'm loving it.  Especially since I've put an expiration date on it!


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2 minutes ago, jayboy said:


Been to London lately? if you have, you will have noticed bus queues are a thing of the past.

Can you be a bit more specific.  I mean only one person can go through the door at a time right so how does it work?


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