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Trump says Merkel made 'catastrophic mistake' with refugee policy


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Trump says Merkel made 'catastrophic mistake' with refugee policy




U.S.President-elect Donald Trump walks with television personality Steve Harvey (R) and businessman Greg Calhoun after their meeting at Trump Tower in New York, U.S., January 13, 2017. REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton


LONDON/BERLIN (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said in a newspaper interview published on Sunday that German Chancellor Angela Merkel had made a "catastrophic mistake" with a policy that let a wave of more than one million migrants into her country.


In a joint interview with the Times of London and the German newspaper Bild, Trump also said the European Union had become "a vehicle for Germany" and predicted that more EU member states would vote to leave the bloc as Britain did last June.


"I think she made one very catastrophic mistake, and that was taking all of these illegals," Trump said of Merkel, who in August 2015 decided to keep Germany's borders open for refugees, mostly Muslims, fleeing war zones in the Middle East.


"And nobody even knows where they come from. So I think she made a catastrophic mistake, very bad mistake," Trump said, adding that he always had "great respect" for Merkel and that he still viewed her as one of the most important world leaders.

Merkel faces a tough re-election battle in September.


Trump, who takes office on Friday, campaigned for president on promises of banning Muslims from entering the United States or imposing more severe restrictions on migrants from countries or regions with high levels of militant Islamist activity.


Trump said Germany had only recently gotten a clear impression of the consequences of Merkel's migration policy, without elaborating.


Last month, a 24-year-old Tunisian failed asylum-seeker drove a truck into a Berlin Christmas market, killing 12 people, before fleeing to Italy, where he was shot dead by police.


The attacker, Anis Amri, came to Germany in July 2015 after having spent four years in jail in Italy. That means he entered Europe before Merkel's August 2015 border decision.


In the interview, Trump said British voters would not have approved leaving the European Union had Europe not been engulfed in a migrant crisis.


"I do believe this, if they (the EU countries) hadn't been forced to take in all of the refugees, so many ... I think that you wouldn't have a Brexit," Trump said.


"It probably could have worked out but this was the final straw, this was the final straw that broke the camel's back."


Turning to his family's German roots, Trump said he was proud to have had ancestors from Germany and that he loved Germany. Asked about character traits he would link to his German roots, Trump said he liked order and strength.


The United States is Germany's most important trading partner, and Trump's protectionist talk has unnerved business leaders and exporters in Europe's biggest economy.


In the interview, Trump said the United States will impose a border tax of 35 percent on cars that German carmaker BMW plans to build at a new plant in Mexico and export to the U.S. market.


(Reporting by Michael Nienaber; Editing by Will Dunham)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-01-16
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She has admitted it was a mistake. It was also illegal and in consideration of how difficult it can be for some people to get a Schengen visa legally, a b****y insult.

My ex wife's father told me that the worst thing that could happen to Europe would be the reunification of Germany. I may have been indignant at the time, how right he was.


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At times, I come to the conclusions that some of the TVF members will

make better PM and presidents that the real ones, as those members have

predicted and foreseen these stupid mistake and oversights on the part

of those PM and presidents.......

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10 minutes ago, cooked said:

She has admitted it was a mistake. It was also illegal and in consideration of how difficult it can be for some people to get a Schengen visa legally, a b****y insult.

My ex wife's father told me that the worst thing that could happen to Europe would be the reunification of Germany. I may have been indignant at the time, how right he was.


When somebody admits a mistake, they immediately stop doing the action they just dismissed as a mistake. Yet the European navies and NGO vessels of all shapes and sizes are this very second picking up every boat leaving North Africa they can find(which considering modern radar capabilities is 99.99% of them) and shuttling them to Europe and the land of no borders and mucho welfare. There are no crime/terror/mental health checks on these young male nu-Europeans. This is how I can say with certainty that Merkel and co are very much not doing this as a mistake, it is intentional.

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Oh Dear! More Trump foot in mouth syndrome. He should NOT make such comments about other leaders. Anyone might think he has been mentored in how to affect another leaders election chances. I wonder who mentored him .............hmmm who could it be?  I will have to use an anagram so intelligence agencies do not find out. It was    'I Trump Invalid'   (i think thats quite clever actually :giggle: ).


So first compare US Intel services to Nazi Germany then publicly slag off the German leader. Wait till he really is President. (this is the only time in my life I have been hoping for a near extinction event in the next 72 hours).

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33 minutes ago, ezzra said:

At times, I come to the conclusions that some of the TVF members will

make better PM and presidents that the real ones, as those members have

predicted and foreseen these stupid mistake and oversights on the part

of those PM and presidents.......

We already knew in the seventies that letting the muslims in , was a big mistake , but our "leaders" didn't think so .

And yes I would be a better PM or president ( or dictator) .


Trump is right again . It is a "catastrophic mistake" .... he only didn't mention it was intended to let them invade europe.

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Just now, Emster23 said:

Did Trump offer an alternative plan, a different way he would have handled it? Machine guns them at the borders? Sink them at sea? Probably okay with him as they are "losers"....

Your suggestions of violence are particularly offensive and unnecessary. To give an analogy of your folly, think of moths buzzing around a light bulb. Removing them you have 2 options, a)violently swat them with a tennis racket or B) turn off the light. Both would be effective but only one is violent. Back to the economic migrant issue, the simple solution is to stop offering them free houses and money for life for them and their family so long as they set foot on European soil(which is a huge attractant and has caused thousand of deaths in the stampede to reach this welfare utopia), ie turn off the light bulb. No need for silly talk like machine guns at the borders - although yes if it comes to it would be a realistic option if borders are to be protected from invaders.

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2 hours ago, TankerWeams said:

Your suggestions of violence are particularly offensive and unnecessary. To give an analogy of your folly, think of moths buzzing around a light bulb. Removing them you have 2 options, a)violently swat them with a tennis racket or B) turn off the light. Both would be effective but only one is violent. Back to the economic migrant issue, the simple solution is to stop offering them free houses and money for life for them and their family so long as they set foot on European soil(which is a huge attractant and has caused thousand of deaths in the stampede to reach this welfare utopia), ie turn off the light bulb. No need for silly talk like machine guns at the borders - although yes if it comes to it would be a realistic option if borders are to be protected from invaders.

His post was far less offensive than your moniker. So yet again the man that posts a humorous cartoon in another thread does not allow others to express their own humour, AND you actually get the Trumpeteers hitting 'Like' . You come out with all your blah and then the last line says this.



No need for silly talk like machine guns at the borders - although yes if it comes to it would be a realistic option if borders are to be protected from invaders.

Really really think about that line (along with all that hit liked) after your diatribe berating someone. Of course borders are to be protected from invaders and there has been an invasion, ergo according to your logic machine guns are required. So you turned a humorous quip by a poster into the real statement. Excellent!

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mr president donald trump is 100 % right , merkel abused her office by breaking the law and letting hundreds of thousand illegal muslim freeloaders into the country from safe countries like hungary. merkel acted to the  damage of germany and its native people. moreover with the muslim freeloaders terror, crime, sexual violence came and were increasing tremendously. thereto these illegal muslim  freeloaders are mainly young men between 25 to 35 years old illitrate, hence of no use to a developped country like germany . mainly they ar sucking social welfare as figures for hartz 4 ( sociall benefitts) 2015 345 000 syrrians, 293000 tuerks, 80.0000 afghans, 16.000 iraquis, 14700 somalians.



wbr roobaa01

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4 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Trump would sound so much better if he says something like, 'we should do all we can to help struggling Syrians but all the other opportunists should be turned around'.

You said it "other opportunists" I regard the Syrians as opportunists. Its no fun being under a hail of missiles from opposing sides but Londoners didnt turn and run in the Blitz in WW2 did they !.

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4 hours ago, Emster23 said:

Did Trump offer an alternative plan, a different way he would have handled it? Machine guns them at the borders? Sink them at sea? Probably okay with him as they are "losers"....

It's not Trump's job to tell Europe what to do, but he is right that they have done the wrong thing.

However, he could have suggested returning them to where they could safely reach the land they left, which would not have been hard, OR, taking them to a barren land where they could be kept safe, fed, sheltered and housed ( till they decided to go back home ). The Australians have proven the second option is viable and works in stopping more coming.

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36 minutes ago, smudger1951 said:

You said it "other opportunists" I regard the Syrians as opportunists. Its no fun being under a hail of missiles from opposing sides but Londoners didnt turn and run in the Blitz in WW2 did they !.


3.5 million UK civilians were evacuated from at risk areas during WW11. 




Cannot compare to the organisation efforts of HMG to minimise civilian casualities, to the disastrous state of affairs within the Syrian borders

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