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CNX Airport, 2nd floor, is it dangerous for kids?


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On the second floor of the airport near McD's and Burger King, there are seats next to a short wall (sorry, the proper term is escaping me) which would make it quite easy for a toddler to climb on the seats, and over the wall, and fall down to the first floor.  I'm not sure what a toddlers instincts are, but we all saw something similar happen at the Cincinatti Zoo in gorilla exhibit.  I realize the children don't have any animals enticing them, but it still would be frightening to see an accident of this kind.  If anyone has any connections at the airport and agrees with me on this point, share your thoughts. 

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Not assigning blame, after all people consciously choose to not live in a nanny state, but it is important to realize that indeed the nanny is NOT in, and you and other parents are on your own! 


Wot he says. One would have to be a somebody (Thai) to raise the issue and expect something done, and then you have the other billion things to contend with. Best to just keep a very good eye on your kids and hope that progression eventually irons the place out for everyone else.

Edited by daveAustin
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Outside the Nanny state. No safety standards, No accountability. It is not safe. I see building practices and setups that would never be allowed in most countries.  A popular bar around here is surrounded with 3  foot air drops to oblivion and deep water features with no railings but somehow most people survive drinking there without injury.


I know a guy who got over $100,000 from the Port of NY from slipping in a puddle of water. He WAS  injured but there are legions of Lawers waiting to help peoplesecure such judgements and in the end the costs are transferred to taxpayers.


How about personal responsibility and watching out for your kids?



Edited by Dipterocarp
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On 2017/1/16 at 8:25 AM, WinnieTheKhwai said:

I see this all the time.  Shopping malls too, with a balustrade that already isn't all that high, but then with a bench or seats in front of it.


When a kid goes over they'll find some hapless security guard on a no-money salary to blame. No, $%#%heads, you rich pr!¢#$ didn't bother with any kind of architectural security standards!


This is part of my usual answer when people ask if Thailand is safe; people tend to worry about crime, terrorism and what not but that's not it: it's basic safety standards in construction, fire safety, electrical, roads/traffic, swimming pools and other attractions,  that Westerners might not even think to be sub-standard (no-standard, actually) but that's one of the main things to be aware of.


The list is absolutely endless. For example, Rim Ping is a great super market, it even looks totally like a Western super market.   And yet they think this is just fine as an ornament in the meat products section. :)


Hey isn't that fun to play with, kids!  :)




And then traffic, school vans with no seatbelts, stray dogs.. it's absolutely endless.


Not assigning blame, after all people consciously choose to not live in a nanny state, but it is important to realize that indeed the nanny is NOT in, and you and other parents are on your own! 



where is the switch located? Can it be turn on by a kid? robotic hands and fingers are easily available now and kids love to have them. Imagination runs wild. Being a robotic , a transformer, what else.

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When we had a retail greenhouse/nursery business in the U.S., it always struck fear in our hearts to see a customer come in with a young child or two.  Kids very rarely found the place interesting and since it was on a 10 acre farm, where we lived, there were plenty of opportunities for them to wander off and get into trouble, since the retail area was just designated by being on a 4 acre section of gravel.  


With a small staff and greenhouses, it was impossible for us to watch kids, esp. if we had other customers shopping on the premises.  We put up signs about "It is your responsibility to watch your children" and asked parents to keep their children in their field of vision at all times and you won't believe how many parents were hostile to this concept; I guess they expected a small-family run operation to have a babysitter around.  When we finally did have a parent sue over a mishap that occurred when the mom wasn't watching the daughter, it was a silly little cut that most parents would have laughed off.  Instead our insurance company settled for $4000 and raised our rates.

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11 hours ago, hkt83100 said:

Sorry, but I don't understand the problem. YOU have kids, YOU take them somewhere, YOU watch for their safety. If YOU are not able to care for YOUR kids, YOU should not have kids.


This may sound harsh, but it is my opinion, and by no way I am trying to tell any parents how to educate/care for their kids. It is just a matter of responsibility.


That's it exactly!

Back to the OP mentioning the incident at Cincinatti Zoo..another glaring example of an irresponsible parent..she should have been charged for reckless endangerment or similar.

She very nearly lost the most precious thing a parent can have, by her own doing [IMO}


Also in response to the headline "is it dangerous for kids'? not at all, its not a designated childsafe area, its an area where there would not be any kids on their own anyway .

i've yet to see a child travelling alone at any airport in the world.

Edited by garryjohns
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Where in the original post did it say people shouldn't be responsible for their kids?  Where in the original post was I calling for major action?   You're twisting my words to mean something different, to turn it into a topic that is important to you..


Asking for people to be aware of a potential safety hazard, isn't asking parents not to be responsible for their kids.  A parent at the airport sitting on a seat with their child, with a million things on their mind,  might very well be unaware of the risk of a child climbing over a seat to their death.  Alerting parents to this inconspicuous safety hazard, isn't asking for a major change in the world.  I am not asking people to file a petition to sue the airport.  Furthermore, my post asks that if someone knows someone at the airport, and that they agree that the seats are located too near the overhang, that they consider doing something about it. 


And,  I am not saying that situation is the same as the Cincy Zoo, only that it is similar in that it would involve a child falling and likely dying.


Now, get ready for this... Are you ready?  I think parents should be responsible for their children!!  WHOA!!! WHOA!!! Wait, somehow, I can think that, and still agree with what was typed above!! Wow, how does that happen? 





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I agree with you, Larry- a public space has to be designed with a minimum standard of safety, and that includes railing heights.  Children have to be supervised, but not leashed- sometimes they run up ahead, sometimes curiosity gets the better of them, and sometimes a parent can be momentarily distracted, and a moment of distraction in a supposedly safe environment shouldn't lead to disaster.


When my kid is riding her bicycle, my attention is laser-focused on her- on her line, on potential traffic, whatever- she has 100% of whatever I can offer- when we're, say, on an upper floor of Central Featival, I give her a bit more freedom (as long as we're not near a staircase or escalator)- the railings are of proper spec, and she's not going to find any trouble that she can't extract herself from without incident (this isn't to say I let her run around and annoy people, but I let her explore the world a bit- kids have to learn to become their own people).


Expecting a place like an airport- which is crammed to capacity with families with small children most of the time- to have also enacted the most basic safety measures isn't out-of-line at all.  I watch and supervise my child, but I should also be afforded an environment where she has to work to find the danger, rather than having something dangerous essentially waiting for her to encounter it due to what might be my momentary distraction, or my simple failure to notice something- visiting the airport shouldn't require the same precautions as a legitimately risky activity.  


Yes, kids need to be watched by their parents, but places where children can reasonably be expected to visit also need to be designed accordingly.

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2 hours ago, NancyL said:

I'm sorry, but kids shouldn't be climbing around and standing on chairs.  And this is the only way they'd fall over the railing in question.  Parents should teach their children from an early age not to stand on furniture in public places. They should be considerate of the people who are going to sit on the furniture after them.



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20 hours ago, NancyL said:

I'm sorry, but kids shouldn't be climbing around and standing on chairs.  And this is the only way they'd fall over the railing in question.  Parents should teach their children from an early age not to stand on furniture in public places. They should be considerate of the people who are going to sit on the furniture after them.


It must have been interesting in driver's ed class when the teacher told you to stop the car when a ball rolls across the street...

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I was mowing my lawn today on my ride on, when some kid was pushing his friend around on a wheeled chair.  One of the kids was standing up on the chair!!  The were in front of me on my driveway when I was making a turn.  After reading NancyL's post, I decided to just run right over them and chew them up with the blades of the mower!  Why on EARTH would I veer around these kids who would COST ME extra GAS!, when a. They're ON MY PROPERTY b. they haven't been properly trained like pets not to stand on furniture!!!    Sure, they were both great kids, they always treated me respectfully, but this kind of a break from proper behavior can't be appeased!!

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11 minutes ago, LarryBird said:

I was mowing my lawn today on my ride on, when some kid was pushing his friend around on a wheeled chair.  One of the kids was standing up on the chair!!  The were in front of me on my driveway when I was making a turn.  After reading NancyL's post, I decided to just run right over them and chew them up with the blades of the mower!  Why on EARTH would I veer around these kids who would COST ME extra GAS!, when a. They're ON MY PROPERTY b. they haven't been properly trained like pets not to stand on furniture!!!    Sure, they were both great kids, they always treated me respectfully, but this kind of a break from proper behavior can't be appeased!!

The above is a totally unreasonable comparison to your origional post.

When we as adults have children we are responsible for there actions like it or not. The attitude well he/she is a kid what do you expect is fine when in the confines of your homes If you let your kids climb and jump around there fine that's your choice. But to let kids jump around play near railings ect in a public place is irresponsible if you spot a danger when out then it's your responsibility to keep your child safe.

It's called being a parent. This old saying you can't watch them all the time is IMHO rubish that's your job.

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1 hour ago, LarryBird said:

I was mowing my lawn today on my ride on, when some kid was pushing his friend around on a wheeled chair.  One of the kids was standing up on the chair!!  The were in front of me on my driveway when I was making a turn.  After reading NancyL's post, I decided to just run right over them and chew them up with the blades of the mower!  Why on EARTH would I veer around these kids who would COST ME extra GAS!, when a. They're ON MY PROPERTY b. they haven't been properly trained like pets not to stand on furniture!!!    Sure, they were both great kids, they always treated me respectfully, but this kind of a break from proper behavior can't be appeased!!

                               w                        download (6).jpg

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3 hours ago, Deepinthailand said:

The above is a totally unreasonable comparison to your origional post.

When we as adults have children we are responsible for there actions like it or not. The attitude well he/she is a kid what do you expect is fine when in the confines of your homes If you let your kids climb and jump around there fine that's your choice. But to let kids jump around play near railings ect in a public place is irresponsible if you spot a danger when out then it's your responsibility to keep your child safe.

It's called being a parent. This old saying you can't watch them all the time is IMHO rubish that's your job.


Keep trying.  I crushed the lame arguments like I said I was going to , and now you have your back against the wall, defenseless.  So, go ahead and use words like 'rubbish' to try and make your side seem more rational.  Now, go back to your 3 Chang's that your sharing with your farang buddies, talking about the same things you talked about the day before. 

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5 hours ago, LarryBird said:


Keep trying.  I crushed the lame arguments like I said I was going to , and now you have your back against the wall, defenseless.  So, go ahead and use words like 'rubbish' to try and make your side seem more rational.  Now, go back to your 3 Chang's that your sharing with your farang buddies, talking about the same things you talked about the day before. 

Oh dear another one who can't debate without throwing totally unfounded insult around when his opinion and silly lame comparisons are challenged. 

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Generally, more accidents occur when going to and going from the airport, than occur within the airport.

When I was a child, if I did something wrong (eg stand on furniture), someone in authority (parent, elder sibling, prefect, teacher) would correct me.

Nowadays, some children have an Entitled complex and do whatever they feel like, and parents are too busy to teach them proper manners.

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