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Thai police arrest Czech man wanted for infecting people with HIV


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4 minutes ago, Lex Talionis said:

Typical farang behavior. Peter Pans emotionally, they are like children, only giving a shit about their own lecherous desires.  The country would be well served if they were all purged and sent back to infect their own kindred.



Typical non Thai behaviour?


Don't think so.


All nationalities/cultures/whatevers have individuals like this.

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55 minutes ago, seancbk said:

This is data taken from multiple studies and published by the CDC.

What people have to also remember (and perhaps I should have pointed out) is that stats like this are based on a normal distribution.   There will always be what we call the outliers (those events that don't match the statistics.

So yes the numbers are accurate, but that doesn't mean you should ignore the risks.   I was just trying to point out that the risk isn't 100% on each potential exposure (as some people on here seem to believe).


I do a calculation :

my country 11 mil people

= 1 mil gay = 500.000 male gay, = 300.000 sex active (18-60 y)

lets say 180.000 have out of relationship contacts in a year, 150.000 with intercorse

50.000 do unprotected, the chance they do with a hiv infected not treated man is 10 % (if i may believe you 0.04 %) so thats 5000 people

if they have the chance 1/2500 to be infected = 2 people a year, so why statistics say average 750 gay men a year in my country ?  750/5000 = 15 % not 0.04 %



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5 hours ago, johncat1 said:

The only thing the Thai police are interested in is his overstay. So nothing will be done about his deliberate act of spreading HIV, which is actually attempted murder

Also how many of these known 16 partners have had sex with others and infected them   

Will the police charge him with having sex with a 15 year old child ? 

The article doesn't talk about 16 people or a 15 year old boy. 

Where is that information? ?

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8 minutes ago, greenchair said:

The article doesn't talk about 16 people or a 15 year old boy. 

Where is that information? ?

Police in Phuket have arrested a Czech man who was the subject of an international arrest warrant wanted for knowingly infecting at least 15 men and a 15 year old boy with HIV.


The OP started with this line

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15 minutes ago, Incobart said:

I do a calculation :

my country 11 mil people

= 1 mil gay = 500.000 male gay, = 300.000 sex active (18-60 y)

lets say 180.000 have out of relationship contacts in a year, 150.000 with intercorse

50.000 do unprotected, the chance they do with a hiv infected not treated man is 10 % (if i may believe you 0.04 %) so thats 5000 people

if they have the chance 1/2500 to be infected = 2 people a year, so why statistics say average 750 gay men a year in my country ?  750/5000 = 15 % not 0.04 %




Because the stats I listed are for straight sex and do not include anal sex.

The risk for anal sex is higher and the risk for gay sex is higher too as typically gay men engage in a lot more sex with more partners.


I was only interested in the risk for a straight man catching HIV from plain vaginal sex.  


Basically it is quite hard for a straight man to catch HIV from a woman if only having vaginal sex.



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That is a reason I am a one  man women. That HIV scares the heck out of me. Yes I had opportunities with other girls but I passed on it. Not worth the risk condom or not. 

You roll the dice and take your chances. 


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Anyone who knows they have a fatal or permanent STD should be required by law to  disclose that to partners

prior to hooking up with them under penalty of Attempted Murder or Felony Assault.


Better yet why doesn't everybody begin by going to the Hospital together for a round of tests, make a date out of it .

Then agree to stay exclusive until no longer interested. STDs eliminated immediately.


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6 minutes ago, Dipterocarp said:

Then agree to stay exclusive until no longer interested. STDs eliminated immediately.


Then you also assume your partner is honest, and your partner assumes that you are honest. Now let's talk about the real world not your fantasy world

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Multiple issues here.

First of all, anyone out there having casual sex does indeed have a responsibility to assume their partner MIGHT be HIV positive and thus it is their personal responsibility to have safer sex regardless of what their partner says about their status. 

Sex with underage ... illegal of course, age of consent varies in different nations. Separate issue.

Responsibility of people with HIV.

Laws on this vary depending on nation.

So there is legal aspect and there is also the moral/ethical aspect. 

It is certainly not illegal for foreigners with HIV to enter or live in Thailand, or have sex in Thailand.

I don't think the Thai government gets involved with the issues of HIV plus people informing partners.

Moral issues.

An HIV plus person SHOULD inform all partners. 

But that doesn't always happen and likely is not a legal problem in most nations. 

Does an HIV have an obligation to inform partners even if they are using safer sex practices? Perhaps an ethical GREY area. 

If an HIV plus person has unprotected sex without informing, yes that is horrible (but not always illegal) but again, the other partner should protect themself.

If an HIV person not only has unprotected sex without informing status but goes even further to intentionally infect partners, well that SHOULD be illegal everywhere. But isn't. How could they do that? Intentionally cause breaks in skin, and then getting fluids in, for example. 


In the case of this accused Czech, I don't see any details about exactly what actions he took to INTENTIONALLY infect people. Was it more than the actually quite common thing of HIV plus people having unprotected sex with uninformed partners or were his actions more aggressive than that? 


I suppose (if true) just the fact of being very promiscuous and repeatedly having unprotected sex without informing status could be seen as aggressively trying to infect people, though, again, not necessarily illegal. 

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Its something that will never stop.No man who likes having sex with either women or men is freely going to admit it to their partner, not  when there are many short time partners to be had here,even though it is the decent thing to do.Many,knowing that they are positive, would be able to have unprotected sex without thought for the other person,knowing that the virus takes time to present itself and they would be long gone by that time.Lets face it,how many men have come here,got pissed up and had unprotected sex with a partner or however many.These irresponsible men have gone home and are sweating that the virus may present itself in the future.Some could be married,or in long time relationships by now.Then the partner,one day visits the clinic and has to come home and tell their partner the bad news.These people are innocent receivers of this virus,and could have a death sentence thrust upon them through no fault of their own.I know that with todays modern medicine can prolong the lives of HIV pos people to great lengths.And i think in the future that a register may be put together for people have infected other's knowingly.But that is in real world and its a long way off,but i see the Uk and The USA being originators of this.

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Timing is everything.

Guess Thai Immigration does not check for outstanding international warrants at points of entry into Thailand.

Wonder how many people he infected in Thailand since his arrival?

Difficult to believe that with the high HIV rate in Thailand, knowingly infecting people is not an intentional manslaughter type crime.

Whoops, got to prove someone was infected first.

Aw shit, thinking like a farang again, sorry!


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The charges on this man sound bad but I don't see any actual details about this case published here, so don't really understand why people are rushing to judgment about him. Let the Czech justice system do that. 


Particularly the "knowingly infect" part of the charges. What exactly did he do? Did he only have unprotected sex without informing HIV status? Nothing more aggressive than that? That is not unusual and not sure the jails are big enough if that's the only charge.

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9 hours ago, Kerryd said:

All they are going to do is extradite him back to Czechoslovakia ?!?!?!?!


Hmmm, a quick search reveals that apparently Thailand has few (if any) laws regarding intentionally spreading HIV to unsuspecting partners. If he'd kept his visa current it seems there's nothing they could do !

Calm down people:
"Czech man who was the subject of an international arrest warrant"
He was wanted internationally. The people he infected may not have been in Thailand. 

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30 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

The charges on this man sound bad but I don't see any actual details about this case published here, so don't really understand why people are rushing to judgment about him. Let the Czech justice system do that. 


Particularly the "knowingly infect" part of the charges. What exactly did he do? Did he only have unprotected sex without informing HIV status? Nothing more aggressive than that? That is not unusual and not sure the jails are big enough if that's the only charge.

" Did he only have unprotected sex without informing HIV status? Nothing more aggressive than that?"

Is that not enough? It's like shooting a poisoned arrow into someone!

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5 hours ago, sambum said:
" Did he only have unprotected sex without informing HIV status? Nothing more aggressive than that?"

Is that not enough? It's like shooting a poisoned arrow into someone!

I'm sure that isn't illegal in Thailand and most other nations. Not sure about Czech Rep. Definitely ethically wrong. But again people having sex have a responsibility to protect themselves too. Probably most don't even ask casual partners about their status. Dampens the mood.

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9 hours ago, lemonjelly said:

How could  anyone know if he's HIV positive or not, surely that info is confidential? 

I read somewhere that he was wanted in Czechoslovakia for spreading HIV not here in Thailand. So the police got the info from Interpol 

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To add, an HIV plus person having unprotected sex with someone and failing to inform of status is obviously ethically wrong (if not always illegal) but it really isn't the same as murder for a number of reasons:


-- the chances of any one sex encounter with an HIV plus person are not that high (though that's obviously increased based on type of sex act)

-- the other partner is not totally innocent if they fail to take actions themselves to get information and/or insist on safe sex practices

-- HIV, although a very serious disease, is now a treatable chronic condition meaning that a significant percentage of HIV plus people will die of something else


So if that is the same as murder, would people say driving passengers at high speed without seat belts is also the same as murder? How about parents that feed their kids diets that are likely to lead to diabetes, cancer, and heart disease? Also murder? 

How about a restaurant that fails to mention when a menu item has peanuts in it? That dish will kill some people. Also murder? 

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

I'm sure that isn't illegal in Thailand and most other nations. Not sure about Czech Rep. Definitely ethically wrong. But again people having sex have a responsibility to protect themselves too. Probably most don't even ask casual partners about their status. Dampens the mood.

I didn't say that it was illegal. 


28 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

To add, an HIV plus person having unprotected sex with someone and failing to inform of status is obviously ethically wrong (if not always illegal) but it really isn't the same as murder for a number of reasons:


-- the chances of any one sex encounter with an HIV plus person are not that high (though that's obviously increased based on type of sex act)

-- the other partner is not totally innocent if they fail to take actions themselves to get information and/or insist on safe sex practices

-- HIV, although a very serious disease, is now a treatable chronic condition meaning that a significant percentage of HIV plus people will die of something else


So if that is the same as murder, would people say driving passengers at high speed without seat belts is also the same as murder? How about parents that feed their kids diets that are likely to lead to diabetes, cancer, and heart disease? Also murder? 


"How about parents that feed their kids diets that are likely to lead to diabetes, cancer, and heart disease?"

I bet McDonalds and Burger King don't get much business from you, then! (Me neither -  to be honest, I've seen TV programmes about their food - no thanks!)


"So if that is the same as murder, would people say driving passengers at high speed without seat belts is also the same as murder?"


It is illegal to drive a car, or be a front seat passenger without wearing a seat belt, (In the UK anyway, and I assume most Western countries.) and the onus is on the individual i.e. if you are involved in a serious accident and you (as a driver or passenger) weren't wearing a seat belt - no claim for damages!


However, in both comparisons that you quote, there is a vast difference between them and deliberately infecting somebody with a life threatening disease! 

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