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How much to have knee replaced in Chiang Mai?


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Hi, it appears that I'll be needing a knee replaced in Chiang Mai in the next few years. I have no insurance and will need to save adequate funds. If you've experienced a replacement, how much did it cost? Thanks, indeed.

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I have what I call my Sportster knee - first caused by kicking over my old Ironhead in my late teens. Coming back to haunt me know. Doctors in Canada recommended the same thing - knee replacement with a one year recovery period. No guarantees - so I did not have it. Pain comes and goes - if I walk for a long time, the ache returns. Interested in the massage therapy - have not tried this. Any other info appreciated.

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Dr. Charnakhlan {spelling} who is the guy by the river is one of the best around. Two years ago in a consulate with him says Rajevej 200,000 baht, C-pat 250,000 and Ram Hospital 300,000 the Dr. has privileges in all 3 . Typically the bone doesn't hurt but the variou other parts of the leg. As my Dr. back in the states says any problem sleeping no then think about the surgery

Edited by moe666
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Better to ask at the hospital.  Too many variables, and unless a TV member has had the exact same procedure recently, no valid info can be given.


For info, I had a complete replacement on 04JAN16, back to normal with just a little residual swelling (fluid) remaining.  Total cost in Melbourne, Australia was about A $32,000 before private health insurance, $2000 after.


It's the most painful thing you will ever experience (even more than a divorce settlement!!) and it goes for months without remission.

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I was quoted about 180K total, with an overnight stay in the hospital, by the Ortho Dr. by the river.  3 years ago.
This was for a total.  I went back to the states and was told by my doctor there that a partial replacement would suffice.
I didn't have it done, returned to CM and started weekly 2 hr thai massages.  Zero pain or medication needed now.
Go figure.

Great result, hope it continues for you and expect it will.
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I don't know if my experience is of any help.

Through exercise I developed a very painful right knee. I went to Ram and the Doc ordered an X Ray.

On checking he said I might need replacement 'Palatal' in say 5 years time or longer.

He gave me 2 injections of Cortisone, one above and one below area on inside of knee where I stated the pain was.

A course of Tablets and Pain gradually went away.

Couple of weeks later back to same problem.

I went to Ram saw a second Dr and X Ray and he said knee bones OK and put me on a more powerful Tablet.

Then I saw the Lady Physio who attends the Centre of the Universe swimming pool.


I have know Khun Noy for over 7 years. She had been away when I had my problem. She is on the 'Board' which assesses Masters Degree candidates at Mahidol Uni BKK.

I have over the years watched Noy work with recovering victims of heart attack, stroke, road traffic accident, old age and children.

She examined and explained that there are 4 Muscles that operate of the front of leg. She said the two on the inside where 'Detached' or not secure.

I booked Noy's services and at B400/hour consider her to excellent value.

It took about 3 months before I could walk as normal seeing Noy 5 times a week.



She is the best.

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3 hours ago, canthai55 said:

I have what I call my Sportster knee - first caused by kicking over my old Ironhead in my late teens. Coming back to haunt me know. Doctors in Canada recommended the same thing - knee replacement with a one year recovery period. No guarantees - so I did not have it. Pain comes and goes - if I walk for a long time, the ache returns. Interested in the massage therapy - have not tried this. Any other info appreciated.


Similar thing. Mine was caused my repetitive exercise and movements in sport - kicking in marital arts. On one knee the gap is virtually closed. When nerves get trapped I'm in real trouble. Other than that pain comes and goes and both knees are occasionally "crusty". Can't cycle anymore or run except in a gym. Have same issue in lower back but improved that nearly 20 years ago with a good chiropractor.


In UK they reckoned, at the time the success rate was 50/50. So I gave it a miss. Also interested in any other treatment.

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Just for pricing info, here in Bangkok  at Thonburi2 Hospital (the private hospital the wife and I have used for 8 years) they had a promotion going for all of 2016 regarding full knee replacement surgery which included 3 days in the hospital.  Bt150K.  


Really don't know if this was truly a promotional (discounted) price or their regular price they said was on promotion.   And to some sellers of product/service, a promotion is not really a sale/discounted price but just "promoting" a service/product.


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Had mine done in Blighty last march, walking on it the same day. No pain as such, you just know its there. Gets a bit lazy first thing in the morning when I get out of bed, but by the time I've walked the dog all's fine. No idea of the cost here, but good luck with it, which ever way you get it done.

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57 minutes ago, Pappap said:

Hi am starting to get a few twinges and some pain at times, played a lot of sport, still exercise, bike, golf etc but starting to have days when no can do....am 65 and was just wondering what age you others are?

Having started my leg problems with DVT in left leg  about 7yrs ago I cracked a bone in my same ankle about 2 yrs ago. I now have pains of fatibue in both legs and one Thigh.I will be 81 in June so medication and rest soon gets me up and about on the Chopper .tRY NOT TO WORRY ABOUT THESE THINGS AND JUST SWALLOW A COUPLE OF PILLSMust say though---the old Thai massage occasionally does help.I'm not ready to give my savings away yet---HaHa

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My wife had both knee replacements 3 yrs ago by Dr. Chanakarn.   Also, a good friend had both replaced by him just over a year ago.      Wife cost per knee was 155,000 at Rajevej Hosp.    So did my friend.   His cost was a tad bit more, I think he said 165,000.


My wife just had a hip replacement 8 days ago.   Same hospital but not Dr. Chanakarn.    This was an emergency situation and had to use the Ortho surgeon at Rajevej.    Dr. Chanakarn has his own clinic just over the river from the hospital.    He will however, do the surgery at any hospital you choose, which I'm sure would be much more expensive.


I compared the prices from my wife's knee surgery to the hip surgery.     Everything on the detailed list increased in price.    Needles, tubes, monitors per day charge, EVERYTHING.     So my guess that the cost would be near 175,000 - 180,000 baht.    Check the other hospitals, I'm sure you can't beat this price


Oh, here's his clinic phone number:    053204545    hours are 5:00 p.m. -  7:30 p.m. m-f, Sat 9-12 a.m.  Be sure to call first, he makes trips out of the country now and then to train/give speeches.


Hope all goes well for you.

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46 minutes ago, jimmym40 said:

My wife had both knee replacements 3 yrs ago by Dr. Chanakarn.   Also, a good friend had both replaced by him just over a year ago.      Wife cost per knee was 155,000 at Rajevej Hosp.    So did my friend.   His cost was a tad bit more, I think he said 165,000.


My wife just had a hip replacement 8 days ago.   Same hospital but not Dr. Chanakarn.    This was an emergency situation and had to use the Ortho surgeon at Rajevej.    Dr. Chanakarn has his own clinic just over the river from the hospital.    He will however, do the surgery at any hospital you choose, which I'm sure would be much more expensive.


I compared the prices from my wife's knee surgery to the hip surgery.     Everything on the detailed list increased in price.    Needles, tubes, monitors per day charge, EVERYTHING.     So my guess that the cost would be near 175,000 - 180,000 baht.    Check the other hospitals, I'm sure you can't beat this price


Oh, here's his clinic phone number:    053204545    hours are 5:00 p.m. -  7:30 p.m. m-f, Sat 9-12 a.m.  Be sure to call first, he makes trips out of the country now and then to train/give speeches.


Hope all goes well for you.

This is good news for me....It looks like a right hip is on the menu after a slip on some stairs at the hot springs about a year back....

Before that I was playing up to 300 sport games a year on a bad left knee that hurt less, more or less, the more I played.....

Because of the right hip about all I get now is some cycling & gym work....Maybe if I get that done  can get back out on the field....

I'm 69 now but this is the first time I've been forced to back off sports (except a right ankle - baseball/left ankle volleyball - both I got carried off)....Left ankle they said I'd not play again = didn't listen.....

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6 hours ago, canthai55 said:

I have what I call my Sportster knee - first caused by kicking over my old Ironhead in my late teens. Coming back to haunt me know. Doctors in Canada recommended the same thing - knee replacement with a one year recovery period. No guarantees - so I did not have it. Pain comes and goes - if I walk for a long time, the ache returns. Interested in the massage therapy - have not tried this. Any other info appreciated.


Try this first.


About twelve years ago I was having recurring pain in my knees. I finally gave in and went to a famed hospital in Bkk and spoke w/a specialist, who booked me for an operation the next day... My wife did not want me to go in and so I checked the internet and found this formula "Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation"... and actually mostly it was the ice that helped. 50% better in days and fine 2 weeks later... 

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9 hours ago, canthai55 said:

I have what I call my Sportster knee - first caused by kicking over my old Ironhead in my late teens. Coming back to haunt me know. Doctors in Canada recommended the same thing - knee replacement with a one year recovery period. No guarantees - so I did not have it. Pain comes and goes - if I walk for a long time, the ache returns. Interested in the massage therapy - have not tried this. Any other info appreciated.

Take glucosamine sulphate 1500 mg a day. It will rebuild the cartilage in your knee. But you will need to take it at least three months. It has certainly worked for me. Ice packs on your knee and ultrasound also help.

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4 hours ago, jimmym40 said:

My wife had both knee replacements 3 yrs ago by Dr. Chanakarn.   Also, a good friend had both replaced by him just over a year ago.      Wife cost per knee was 155,000 at Rajevej Hosp.    So did my friend.   His cost was a tad bit more, I think he said 165,000.


My wife just had a hip replacement 8 days ago.   Same hospital but not Dr. Chanakarn.    This was an emergency situation and had to use the Ortho surgeon at Rajevej.    Dr. Chanakarn has his own clinic just over the river from the hospital.    He will however, do the surgery at any hospital you choose, which I'm sure would be much more expensive.


I compared the prices from my wife's knee surgery to the hip surgery.     Everything on the detailed list increased in price.    Needles, tubes, monitors per day charge, EVERYTHING.     So my guess that the cost would be near 175,000 - 180,000 baht.    Check the other hospitals, I'm sure you can't beat this price


Oh, here's his clinic phone number:    053204545    hours are 5:00 p.m. -  7:30 p.m. m-f, Sat 9-12 a.m.  Be sure to call first, he makes trips out of the country now and then to train/give speeches.


Hope all goes well for you.

Great response to the mans ? thank you for that. Just thought I'd mention that those surgeries would cost the same in Dollars in the US as they do in baht here.

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Some observations on my part:


I have had a total knee replacement, and a partial.  In the US, cost was 80k dollars and 45 k dollars respectively.   As somebody mentioned, the recovery period is lengthy and painful, but it's worth it.  If you are willing to take pain meds, it's much easier.   For the total, after 2 years, it seemed like things leveled off, and did not improve further.  For the partial, it's now 16 months since the operation,  and there is still some pain and stiffness, although it's much stronger now, and I can hike and bike a lot, and even ran a few steps the other day.  


Nothing rebuilds cartilage, as far as I can tell.  I took glucosamine and chondoitrin for years, believing it would have a beneficial effect.  I was mistaken.  When the cartilage is gone, and you have bone on bone contact,   there is only one thing that will help, and that is surgery.   I lived on ibuprofen and ice packs for 20 years.  Lots of pain involved, and I put off the surgery for many years because of the fear of something going wrong, being unable to get around after the surgery,  being helpless, etc.  Looking back, I wish I'd had the surgeries a decade earlier. 


In my humble opinion, if someone claims that they needed a knee replacement, but fixed the problem with supplements, vitamins, massage, etc,   they did not really need a knee replacement.  


Before the total knee replacement, I had something called orthoscopic (sp) surgery, where they put you out , open up the knee, and trim away the loose/damaged cartilage.  In my case , this was worthless.   After the surgery, the doctor told me:  "boy , you must be pretty tough!  i don't know how you've been walking for the last few years, your knee is destroyed"  He told me, "now , it's just a matter of putting up with it until you can't bear it anymore, and then have a total knee replacement"


The better condition you are in before the operation, the faster and better will be your recovery. 


It is absolutely crucial to do all the physical therapy after the surgery.  





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Thanks for the input everyone! I'm 73 and both knees are going. However, several shots of cortisone in each knee have successfully masked the pain for months.  4 shots in my left knee 24 months past and still good. 3 shots in my right knee yesterday (first time) and hoping that too, will last. The doc says it could be up to 4-5 years before surgery is required. I hope he's right... 

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Sattaya  Rojanasthien, M.D.  has an excellent reputation and I know two people, one had a hip and the other a knee replacement. Both are doing really well and active exercise wise. His credentials and experience is probably the best out there regarding knees.

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I highly recommend the government hospital Maharaj/Suan Dok considering you're paying out of pocket.  I had surgery there 5 years ago (not knee though) and it was top-notch and affordable. Many of the physicians working at the private hospitals such as RAM also work at Suan Dok (not to be confused with the private, higher priced Sripat in the same complex) so why pay the premiums for a private hospital.  It just take patience and a Thai who can interpret for you although many of the doctors speak fluent or adequate English.  Although I don't have the figures for a knee replacement offhand (my wife is a candidate so I've looked them up in the past), you'll pay about 1/2 the price at Suan Dok as you will a private, for-profit hospital.  But ultimately it's up to you and what you're comfortable with.  Best of luck!

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22 hours ago, kenk24 said:


Try this first.


About twelve years ago I was having recurring pain in my knees. I finally gave in and went to a famed hospital in Bkk and spoke w/a specialist, who booked me for an operation the next day... My wife did not want me to go in and so I checked the internet and found this formula "Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation"... and actually mostly it was the ice that helped. 50% better in days and fine 2 weeks later... 

Thanks. When it acts up this is what I do. But provides only temporary relief. There is no rhyme or reason to it swelling and becoming sore. Heights of the Tides - Phases of the Moon - Alignment of the Planets - Do not have a clue. But will get surgery only when I can't walk anymore. Keep the knives in the drawer where they belong.

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Do we speak about the same issues? Knee pain is not like knee pain. Knee is a quite complex system of bones, cartilage, ligaments and muscles. Pain may result by pulling of this or that, damage of periosteum or cartilage around the bone or the entire meniscus.


In my case (age end of 60es) the main reason for knee pain was and still is to have carried too much weight thus the cartilage is irreversibly used (arthrosis). The knee produced liquid to compensate and the knee was swollen like a balloon (inflammation).


After having collected some information and good experiences from friends, I decided to go to Sripat (private sector of Suan Dok), although RAM was recommended in an other thread at TV. But RAM is definitely the most expensive and it seems they are again more keen than others to rise their annual figures of joint replacements. Rajavej was the most far from my home.


The doctor at Sripat explained the damage and made modest recommendation. Never pushing me to do a replacement. I do not want cortisone because 1) it help only temporarily and pains come back, 2) because success of injection is estimated at around 50%, and 3) because it destroys bones !! (read wikipedia). It is the very last medication in emergency case but not a good long term one. Ibuprofen or similar should not be taken regularly or during a long period as it would have quite heavy side effects (read wikipedia). The calm Sripat doctor sucked off the main part of the liquid and prescribed some anti-inflammatory pills which were replaced by other ones after a while. In addition, I take since more than a year a daily bag of Viatril-S Glucosamine sulphate which ease the cartilage issue at least (true healing is not possible for arthrosis).


The very first weeks I walked on sticks and got a wheel chair at the airports. I had to walk more carefully in general but now my neglected muscles feel more strong after some exercise. I am waiting the further development and when I feel it's time for a replacement I will get actual information about doctors and prices, and decide where I will do it -  here in CNX or in Europe. I have to pay it by my own anyway as the insurance I have does not cover orthopaedics.

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