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Trump accelerates controversial Keystone and Dakota pipelines


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Trump accelerates controversial Keystone and Dakota pipelines




WASHINGTON: -- Not one to shy away from a challenge, US President Donald Trump has signed executive orders to accelerate two controversial pipeline projects.


He also decreed that lines built in the US must be made of American steel.




There have been numerous objections to the Dakota and Keystone XL pipelines.


The latter was rejected by former President Barack Obama’s administration in 2015 amid environmental concerns. He said the project would not have lowered petrol prices, created long-term jobs or affected energy dependence.


In December, 2016, the US Army failed to approve the completion of the Dakota Access Pipeline.


Supported by Trump, it has been at the centre of months of protests by the Standing Rock Sioux tribe in North Dakota.


The Native Americans said a part of the line designed to run under a reservoir on the Missouri River could contaminate drinking water and run over sacred burial sites.


Bogus claims?


Trump claims the pipelines “will put a lot of steelworkers back to work.”


Critics disagree.


Greenpeace Executive Director Annie Leonard called the claim “bogus.”


“Instead of pushing bogus claims about the potential of pipelines to create jobs, Trump should focus his efforts on the clean energy sector, where America’s future lives,” she said.


“Renewable energy is not only the future, but also the only just economy for today,” she added.


“Keystone, the Dakota Access Pipeline, and fossil fuel infrastructure projects like them will only make billionaires richer and make the rest of us suffer.


“We will resist this with all our power and we will continue to build the future the world wants to see.”


-- © Copyright Euronews 2017-01-25
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6 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:


I said it's about time.

Obama was blocking Keystone. Now he's out of the way.

I didn't think any of that required backing.

From what I've read, it won't help jobs and it won't hurt the environment.  Seems Trump is doing this just to get back at Obama.  Which is totally ridiculous.


So, was asking if you had any info as to why this project should proceed?  Rather than just going after Obama's projects. 

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So, he (Trump) is putting Canadians back to work by routing their oil across the width of our country so they can ship it overseas and routing the pipeline through tribal lands so the white residents of Bismark don't have polluted drinking water in case of a spill, just the brown folks will. Making Canada great again! He's also removing funds used for birth control, cancer screenings, HIV screenings and prevention because the providers offer abortions also. Even though US law already does not allow that money to be used for abortions, they have cut off funding for other programs in spite. Rates of HIV infections and other STDs will start rising as will unintended pregnancies and death via cancers that could have been caught through proper screening. 

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Very dangerous man, I am sorry for American people ( and the rest of the world , because USA is the leader of the world ) to have a such man as president

thinking only of "give job to the American workers", without thinking of the consequences for the rest of the planet, is very short sight , especially for climate issues

I don't forget also  his anti abortion views ;   so old fashion in a highly technologically advanced country

Edited by Aforek
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2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

From what I've read, it won't help jobs and it won't hurt the environment.  Seems Trump is doing this just to get back at Obama.  Which is totally ridiculous.


So, was asking if you had any info as to why this project should proceed?  Rather than just going after Obama's projects. 

The pipeline will lessen the accidents on the railroads that transport oil. More oil is spilled in train wrecks than from pipelines. Pipelines are safer to transport the oil and that oil is going to get to a refinery somehow.

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35 minutes ago, IAMHERE said:

The pipeline will lessen the accidents on the railroads that transport oil. More oil is spilled in train wrecks than from pipelines. Pipelines are safer to transport the oil and that oil is going to get to a refinery somehow.

Agreed.  But one of the arguments is the oil is coming from fracking.  Something that's not good for the environment.  Again, from what I've read, there's no compelling argument for or against the pipeline.  Kind of a mixed bag.  If you can find an interesting article on this, please post it!


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3 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

From what I've read, it won't help jobs and it won't hurt the environment.  Seems Trump is doing this just to get back at Obama.  Which is totally ridiculous.


So, was asking if you had any info as to why this project should proceed?  Rather than just going after Obama's projects. 

My point of view is from the province that the oil originates. The oil industry is seriously in trouble because of market manipulations on the price of oil. Also our idiot Prime Minister has found a way to block the other two pipelines that were planned to get our oil to our own coastlines (although I hear there is some movement on that front). But everyone was at go for the keystone project except that Obama kept stalling, for like 7 years. Now he's gone, hurray!  Some of my friends might find some work.

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38 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Agreed.  But one of the arguments is the oil is coming from fracking.  Something that's not good for the environment.  Again, from what I've read, there's no compelling argument for or against the pipeline.  Kind of a mixed bag.  If you can find an interesting article on this, please post it!


It's not coming from fracking. It's worse. It's from tar sands. It uses a huge amount of water and is very polluting.

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9 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

My point of view is from the province that the oil originates. The oil industry is seriously in trouble because of market manipulations on the price of oil. Also our idiot Prime Minister has found a way to block the other two pipelines that were planned to get our oil to our own coastlines (although I hear there is some movement on that front). But everyone was at go for the keystone project except that Obama kept stalling, for like 7 years. Now he's gone, hurray!  Some of my friends might find some work.

Let me understand this.  Your PM blocked pipelines through Canadian territory but now wants to go through the US to get the oil out?  I'm no expert on this, but that sounds dodgy. 


I lived in Alaska for some years and remember the pipeline spills there.   Perhaps Obama was blocking this due to environmental issues?  If so, what's wrong with that?


Sorry for your friends, but they should be writing their PM. 

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11 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

My point of view is from the province that the oil originates. The oil industry is seriously in trouble because of market manipulations on the price of oil. Also our idiot Prime Minister has found a way to block the other two pipelines that were planned to get our oil to our own coastlines (although I hear there is some movement on that front). But everyone was at go for the keystone project except that Obama kept stalling, for like 7 years. Now he's gone, hurray!  Some of my friends might find some work.

More news from oppositeland. You are right in way. For about 40 years the price of oil has been manipulated. By an organization called OPEC and its allies. The price has mostly been kept artificially high. And it looks like they are having some success with that again.

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1 hour ago, IAMHERE said:

The pipeline will lessen the accidents on the railroads that transport oil. More oil is spilled in train wrecks than from pipelines. Pipelines are safer to transport the oil and that oil is going to get to a refinery somehow.

I beg to differ, when pipelines burst and it does happens more often than people think, its spills more oil compare to train wrecks. Yes it is safer to transfer it through pipelines, but I guess they need to minimize the environmental impact even more.


Trump talks about creating a new jobs during the construction of the pipeline, these are not sustainable jobs, these construction jobs are only for a year or two.

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7 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Let me understand this.  Your PM blocked pipelines through Canadian territory but now wants to go through the US to get the oil out?  I'm no expert on this, but that sounds dodgy. 


I lived in Alaska for some years and remember the pipeline spills there.   Perhaps Obama was blocking this due to environmental issues?  If so, what's wrong with that?


Sorry for your friends, but they should be writing their PM. 

I wouldn't be surprised to see our PM block Keystone either. He hates our province just like his father did. Despite the country taking their share of the oil profits in the form of transfer payments to the have-not provinces.

 He didn't think to block Keystone because Obama already did.

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5 hours ago, canuckamuck said:


I said it's about time.

Obama was blocking Keystone. Now he's out of the way.

I didn't think any of that required backing.

Why the hell would we want to do business with these people. We got the FTA then NAFTA shoved up our butts now after losing 100,000's or more jobs they want to renegotiate. Screw that and screw them! Build the approved pipeline to Van and have the tar sands refined there. Then sell to asia. I would willingly pay more taxes to build a fence to separate us from those lunatics.

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1 hour ago, canuckamuck said:

I wouldn't be surprised to see our PM block Keystone either. He hates our province just like his father did. Despite the country taking their share of the oil profits in the form of transfer payments to the have-not provinces.

 He didn't think to block Keystone because Obama already did.

Stop reading the Calgary Sun it makes brains mush. Your goofball Harpo was in for what? 9 years? Why didn't that useless tool get a pipeline built to tidewater? Because he was owned  by the Koch Bros who want the tar sands sent to their refineries on the Gulf coast. That's why. Alberta was the most corrupt province in our country when governed by the PC's.owned lock, stock & barrel by oil and gas corporations. The pee brains in that province gave all their resources away when had they gone along with the Petro Can plan we would be as well off as Norway. Try reading up on Stat Oil and the Norway Sovereign Wealth Fund.

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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Make Canada Great Again!

(Oops ...)



7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Make Canada Great Again!

(Oops ...)


Your president may end up doing that inadvertently. If the trade deals between us get ripped up I think our resource rich country would do much better dealing with asia and the EU. 


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3 minutes ago, pegman said:


Your president may end up doing that inadvertently. If the trade deals between us get ripped up I think our resource rich country would do much better dealing with asia and the EU. 


I don't doubt it and good luck to you. 

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4 hours ago, kamahele said:

So, he (Trump) is putting Canadians back to work by routing their oil across the width of our country so they can ship it overseas and routing the pipeline through tribal lands so the white residents of Bismark don't have polluted drinking water in case of a spill, just the brown folks will. Making Canada great again! He's also removing funds used for birth control, cancer screenings, HIV screenings and prevention because the providers offer abortions also. Even though US law already does not allow that money to be used for abortions, they have cut off funding for other programs in spite. Rates of HIV infections and other STDs will start rising as will unintended pregnancies and death via cancers that could have been caught through proper screening. 

Our oil was getting to market regardless of Keystone. Presently by existing pipelines and rail. By rail creates many more jobs than pipelines. Also an additional pipeline is to be built to our west coast so we can ship to asia. The whole Keystone saga was political BS. It had little to do with the environment. The largest foreign tar sands leaseholders are the Koch Bros. The largest refinery owners on the gulf coast are of course the Koch Bros. The Democrats made them use Warren Buffet's BN Rail to move the tar sand just to spite them. End of story.

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