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Police appeal for help in case of murdered Brit

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2 hours ago, peterrabbit said:

There is something very wrong with all this.


Surely a murderer who is planning to assassinate someone in broad daylight doesn't hire a motorcycle using their real IDs, then use it to make their escape without any attempt to alter the bike so it can't be traced by its number plate! They might as well had advertised it on Facebook! Absolutely zero attempt to cover their tracks, in fact a total opposite with a red carpet trail straight to their door.


Nobody can be that stupid !


If this is connected to the 'boiler room boys' then it would not be the first time that an unhappy ex employee had been 'fitted up'.


Well, yes they can be "that stupid" .   Most criminals get caught because they are not   the brilliant masterminds some may think.  I know , I've delt with them for 25 years.  Example:  I signed a search warrant once for the apartment of an armed robbery suspect. He had just robbed a fast food restaurant where he had briefly been employed a year prior.  The manager recognized him and gave the police his employment application. He " the suspect" was counting the money spread out on the floor when he police arrived.  His first words were " How did you know ?

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12 minutes ago, kiwikeith said:

One of them is chubby, and I think their may be some CCTV, that will surface hopefully.

The one supposed to be south African has a Spanish sounding name, the plot thickens.


7 hours ago, Raymonddiaz said:

the shooter looks like Thai. I might be wrong but it was my impression when I watched the video of the murder

The Registration number of the bike is different from the original report too.

It was firstly 7992 now 1ขล7994

So is this bike the one used in the murder and they got the number wrong?

Or is it a stolen bike that has been found and the renters did the off to avoid having to pay for a new one?

I mean renting a bike in your own name for a murder really isn't bright.


Another source reported that Kenway was arrested last September and deported for allegedly using Thailand as a base to sell stocks to foreigners. - Nation

I hope Kenway's assets are frozen until his victims can claim back some of their lost savings. 

8 hours ago, ffaarraanngg said:

Ive just seen them on the bike on stickboys website... these people could not have been more useless if they tried presuming not getting caught was their intention.

Yes... a hilarious buffoonish look indeed.


but... that kind of blends in with a lot of scooter riders around here, I often sit somewhere, just for the laugh.


that said, herein we also critised people who commit a crime, then hang around for days / weeks/ months to get caught.... at least these guys had the sense to get outta dodge asap (still hope they are caught... just saying)

1 hour ago, vivasamui said:

Another source reported that Kenway was arrested last September and deported for allegedly using Thailand as a base to sell stocks to foreigners. - Nation

I hope Kenway's assets are frozen until his victims can claim back some of their lost savings. 


AFAIK none of his satisfied "web design" customers seem to have come online talking about his excellent service, trustworthiness, reasonable prices and what an all round great bloke he was. 


Maybe I've missed them.




Maybe they were really dumb. In the video the guy in black slinks out from the side of a car parked behind and follows the victim who was only a short distance from his car. I ask why he never shot him as he was getting into the car as he was quite close to him? What if the victim had automatically locked the door as it closed, he would have had trouble yanking it open. Sounds silly but I do that sometimes when in certain situations, and with what we know now about the victim it seems crazy he didn't go everywhere with a bodyguard after all they are very inexpensive in Thailand. He must have thought he was untouchable.


Spain has some links with bad guys here.

Shane Looker linked to Spain, the body in the suitcase  suspect never seen since.


The Spanish man cut up and thrown in the river in Bangkok.


Now another horrible murder with links to Spain.

Spain the hiding place for villains , you never know who your sitting next to in LOS or anywhere these days.

8 hours ago, The man from udon said:

Obviously the rip off has ripped off the rip offs and they weren't happy about it.there  is 10s of millions of baht in property,cars that have been paid for with money from old people's retirement savings leaving some suicidal.its only a matter of time and we will find out what they've all been up to.as for web designer,yeah I know one and he's got a rented house and top of the range scooter.the police are only interested as its all over the world media and involves big money.if I was shot up here in the jungle of udon thani I might make it into the local news for a day.these boiler room boys have and still are ruining lives of hard working people who have saved all their lives.no RIP from me on this one.cant wait to find out what mr goodie two shoes and his cronies have been up to.i know you can be murdered here for giving someone a bad hair cut but not for designing a bad website for 2 international hit men.live fast,die fast...

Totally agree with the above post.


As all TV members know, An average, run of the mill IT website developer doesn't go buying, multiple houses and cars in such a short space of time in Thailand, as a foreigner, unless up to unsavory business. Your average web designer is usually chasing business from dawn till dusk in this competitive industry. I know by the amount that used to approach me when I had a business in Pattaya some 15 years ago.


A shiver goes down the spine as soon as ' boiler rooms ' gets mentioned. His behaviour suggests somebody wanting to be a ' man about town ' No discretion here with Porsche Cayenne and Mercedes parked outside the door. Millions and millions of pounds and Dollars are cheated out of old peoples retirement and pension funds by these boiler room gangs on a weekly basis, protected by a country with officials who use the law to protect them.


In the photo does he honestly look like an IT geek who stays in every night working on his websites? or a Jack the lad with the obligatory ' tough guy ' chest and shoulder tattoos of a  seasoned '  Ex Marbella now Ex Pattaya chancer! ' with all the trappings of "in your face " new found wealth.


Boiler room guys have been working under and protected by very senior police figures in Thailand for years. When the walls come tumbling down, the Police, who will have been highly active in the ' counting department ' of this guys venture, will fade away into the background promising an investigation that never materialises. In Thailand there are TWO highly organized groups, and they are in uniform, that make serious money on a daily basis and is for the most part, untouchable. The foreigners are just ' here today, gone tomorrow '


Just looking at it sensibly, an IT guy working on legitimate web development and this man do not fit in the same sentence.


Now, it is coming out, the IT developer he is due in court for employing numbers of illegals, no work permit himself, then we have alleged hit men running off to Cambodia, Boiler rooms, online gambling sites, A 10 million baht house and four other houses,


We have all been in the wrong job,  I am going to retrain as a web developer!


4 Property's own by him , 4 Children, Sports Car's in Thailand, Divorced, possibly boiler room activities. Illegal employees, no work permit, 39 years young, only a web designer, somebody surprised.

Just now, lungnorm said:

Did you not see the CCTV ? definitely not Thai. Ferang for sure.

Yes ive seen it after i made that comment. But every time there is such an incident they always blame some other nationality ... a case of the boy who cried wolf.

Just now, ffaarraanngg said:

Yes ive seen it after i made that comment. But every time there is such an incident they always blame some other nationality ... a case of the boy who cried wolf.

Sure he had black hair but so has one of the suspects re facebook pics.

4 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

So he was not mostly active  into the charity branche?

I give a few baht here and there for the half dozen temples around where I live.so does that say I help charities.if I give 20 bricks to help build a school then I've helped build a school? 


Thailand is not always a nice place, and for those involved, in illegal activities, where they have made enemies it should be avoided


I think another thread recently suggested a person could be eliminated for as little as three thousand Bhatt


Personally I am very happy here, but stay well away from some of these dubious people


God bless his family, on the face of it he was probably not blameless, and had definitely upset somebody !

11 hours ago, manarak said:

Some things that have been reported:


- the victim lived in Marbella, Spain, before coming to Thailand 7 years ago

- the "brit" Miles Dicken Turner lives in Spain, I found he has a construction company in Barcelona named "Renewable Media" where he is the sole shareholder

- the "south african" has been reported to also be Portuguese (neighboring Spain)

- the victim has been reported to have a son who lives in Spain

- Turner has been reported to have entered Thailand for the first time on November 25 at the Suvernabhumi Airport and left Thailand on November 26. He re-entered Thailand on January 19 through an immigration checkpoint in Trat and left Thailand again via the same Trat checkpoint on January 24

- Bonito has been reported to have entered Thailand for the first time on January 19 through the Trat border checkpoint and left the kingdom via the Trat checkpoint on January 24

- the victims company, "arcanus solutions" features contact numbers in Thailand and Spain, the Spanish number is a Marbella number

- the victim's associate in arcanus solutions, Carlos Del Puerto, also comes from Marbella, Spain.


the more I think about it, the more I believe this murder has nothing to do with Thailand



...the main question is, who is the most interested  beneficiant of this murder ????


30 minutes ago, al007 said:

Thailand is not always a nice place, and for those involved, in illegal activities, where they have made enemies it should be avoided


I think another thread recently suggested a person could be eliminated for as little as three thousand Bhatt


Personally I am very happy here, but stay well away from some of these dubious people


God bless his family, on the face of it he was probably not blameless, and had definitely upset somebody !

You think these 2 clowns cost as much as 3000bht?

2 minutes ago, ffaarraanngg said:

You think these 2 clowns cost as much as 3000bht?

Apologies my stupidity is outstanding

14 minutes ago, thetruth revealer said:

...the main question is, who is the most interested  beneficiant of this murder ????


Find out who did it and why then the motive will be clear.

23 minutes ago, thetruth revealer said:

...the main question is, who is the most interested  beneficiant of this murder ????


Many foreigner lives in TH and have been criminal at home as well. The most ridicules also, his wife, as well his family stated they have no idea why there son or husband was a target. But seeing and enjoying all his luxury live and never think where all this money comes from. Closing the eye's and enjoy it. 

7 hours ago, Thomas Hannah said:

Never heard of a farang doing this before.Remember the body in the suit case.Never mentioned again on here.He was a runner to cambodia.I spoke to some people in England.He was ex SAS and he was being stitched up for the crime.We will wait and see what happens.You can never trust what news you are fed in thailand.If they have gone to cambodia.Why use the border crossings.Things dont make sense here.If you are going to kill someone.why hire a bike that can be traced back to you.And a room that puts you in the location.Fake passports maybe.This will be interesting this case.nobody could be that dumb.

On the contrary, people can most certainly be that dumb. There are any number of TV shows currently on offer that can attest to that. Or just talk to a police officer in almost any country in the world about how dumb some criminals can be.

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