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Video: Aussie pensioner sets fire to his house in Surat after row with his Thai girlfriend


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1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

What's the basis for the allegation that the GF stole the guy's money?


I saw one early poster allege that. But I didn't see any source or attribution for that claim.

The Aussie told so to a Thai man very clearly in the video!

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3 hours ago, Phuketboy said:

If this is in-fact the same guy, it sounds like this situation is getting real.  For the TVF sluths, who do you think would have done this, the property owner in revenge? The family or friends of the girlfriend to shut him up?  



The latter on your list!

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7 hours ago, Kerryd said:

The "root" of the problem was that she apparently got ahold of his ATM card and emptied almost 500,000 baht from his account.


(And yes, it's not that hard for someone to do as I found out after my dad's girlfriend had been draining his account of 20,000 a day until he died and then, even though I had his bank book, ATM card and passport, was able to get a new bank book and continue draining his account for 2 weeks days after he died and even scooped a small interest payment that came in 6 weeks later ! I was out of the country working and didn't find out until I got back and by then she was long gone of course. When I asked at the bank how it was possible for her to do this all I got was a shrug and "not my problem" kind of look.)

Where's the proof or at least the article your reading saying this

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3 hours ago, Phuketboy said:

He is not the victim.  He would have been if he hadn't set fire and damaged someone else property.  The victim here is the person who owns the house he was renting (What did they do?).  One thoughtless act could well see him charged and jailed for arson.  If it was one of my properties he would definitely be paying for damage  one way or another.  Not hard to find out who stole his money.  To steal that much here you either need to be going to the ATM on a regular basis or go into a branch.  Cameras at ATM machines, cameras in the bank, ID needed to take money out of the bank if in a branch etc etc.  There will be a money trail.  

A money trail, do you think that the bank or the police will help you. If you do,you are mistaken.

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Did not know that such daily incidents also happen down South.

The women cannot get enough and bring in their externally fathered Toms and Sheilas and wonder then, why things to tits up. A 65 year old Aussie certainly will not stand any rannygazoo by some Millenians or even younger buggers just hanging around and burning his nerves and money. 

So he took matters into his own hands and started by burning his own money ;-) 

Next please! 

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7 hours ago, z42 said:

It's frustrating that the story posted seems to completely gloss over the allegation that either the girlfriend (or someone close to her) basically stole 480,000 baht of this guy's money.
I think it is too hard to pre judge this guy too much. Yeah sure he looks a complete fool on the surface, but when you look a little closer it could be that his life savings, or at least a good chunk thereof has been stolen from him. Now there is almost no recourse for him, he is too old to work & earn it back, and actually retrieving the money through the courts I'd guess would be an equally costly, stressful, and arduous venture for a man of his age, and knowing how the justice system operates here, a complete gamble at best.

I don't for a second condone arson or property destruction. But I can feel a degree of sympathy for a man who probably now feels he is at rock bottom. Some of the comments on the video TV had of this incident on their facebook page were disgusting. Kicking a man when he's down is as immoral as it gets imo. Remember, this could very well happen to any of us living here, and while the going is good it is very easy to lose sight of that fact, and be blinded by it.


 + 1       morons on TV need get a life ,  leave the guy alone,  i would have done much much worse than him,  scumbags in this country dont care one iota about the farang

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For those who don't know the history ...

He survived an assassination attempt in 2015, who do you think tried to kill him ?

Now her 2 sons have moved into their rented house, they are arguing all the time.

Now her ( the GF ) and her ex-boyfriend have milked or stolen 480,000 approx from his bank account.

It appears this guy is living in hell and what he did to the sofa ect is wrong and won't help his problem,oonly make it worse.

In reality, it's probably a new bed, sofa, repair and repaint the house.

Now she's the f*'ker who has allegedly been cheating and stealing.

I can now understand the history and his going 'bisirk'


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12 minutes ago, steven100 said:

For those who don't know the history ...

He survived an assassination attempt in 2015, who do you think tried to kill him ?

Now her 2 sons have moved into their rented house, they are arguing all the time.

Now her ( the GF ) and her ex-boyfriend have milked or stolen 480,000 approx from his bank account.

It appears this guy is living in hell and what he did to the sofa ect is wrong and won't help his problem,oonly make it worse.

In reality, it's probably a new bed, sofa, repair and repaint the house.

Now she's the f*'ker who has allegedly been cheating and stealing.

I can now understand the history and his going 'bisirk'


Where is all this coming from? Aleged or fact. Or is it tv posters made up story to shift the blame. Someone post a link to this bizarre story of assassination attempt and being fleeced.

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1 hour ago, sanemax said:

I just find it quite monotonous people keep saying the same thing in every thread, "Oh look, hes finger pointing" Yes, I know, I can see it too

I talked about an revenged fingerpointing its pretty original observation.u just to lame person to admit it

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20 minutes ago, steven100 said:

For those who don't know the history ...

He survived an assassination attempt in 2015, who do you think tried to kill him ?

Now her 2 sons have moved into their rented house, they are arguing all the time.

Now her ( the GF ) and her ex-boyfriend have milked or stolen 480,000 approx from his bank account.

It appears this guy is living in hell and what he did to the sofa ect is wrong and won't help his problem,oonly make it worse.

In reality, it's probably a new bed, sofa, repair and repaint the house.

Now she's the f*'ker who has allegedly been cheating and stealing.

I can now understand the history and his going 'bisirk'


I'd be pretty annoyed too.

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1 minute ago, Destiny1990 said:

I talked about an revenged fingerpointing its pretty original observation.u just to lame person to admit it

I find any mention of the word "finger pointing " to be monotonous on TV threads .

Its people either pointing out finger pointing or the lack of finger pointing .

Just like the usual "Brown envelope not thick enough " comments

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The Ossie was complaining that his Thai girlfriend was giving her boyfriend his money. Stupid old man, what does he expect? She`s young enough to be his daughter, does he really believe she stayed with him for his charm and good looks? These men deserve all they get. 

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I feel sorry for Thailand and the Thais in general that they have to deal with all the human filth coming to their country. Of all the farang in Thailand there is a disproportionate amount of complete idiots. 


I would be annoyed if I were Thai. I almost feel like apologising for 'my people'.

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3 hours ago, Aussieroaming said:

Yeah, too bad about the fact that this scumbag torched a rental property that doesnt belong to him. Has he got the cash to make good the repairs to the landlord? Sure this could happen to other people but would the other people torch smeone elses investment. Send him back to the penal colony

He burnt a sofa.... could have been his ( more likely hers... hence torching it).... if not.... ones coming with cheap rentals are probably worth 25 baht.... as this one appears to be, judging by the post fire skeleton


So.... what you do know is that he caused some minor paint damage.... no biggy.... a day's work to clean and repaint.... I've seen many a party that required longer to clean up after. 


yall need a chill pill.... or a few beers... the home owner won't be put out beyond his bond retention... no way, just inconvenienced (at most.... woody will probably fix it himself)


so... victim?..... I don't think he was pulling his wife beater up to show his tatts... more likely the camera didn't pick up injuries he sustained by others ( wife and her kids???).... he has been fleeced by someone he trusted (all too common, unfortunately, and the worst kind of betrayal).... he's alone on Australias national day ( sort of like getting kicked in the nuts), got depressed... probably (lol... I know.... did) got drunk. Then torched a sofa.


me... I would prefer to be the landlord, than him... poor bugger.... hope his hangover isn't to bad.


How about that trump bloke... gunna start a war, I hear.



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19 minutes ago, Chip Allen said:

Smart. I'm mad, so I'll destroy my own property. Makes sense.

Indeed... smart... your allowed to destroy your own property, and it can be therapeutic, just like running around without any cloths on, according to an article yesterday.... but illegal, like destroying other people's property.... so he done right (or rather, could have done worse)


how far is the fall fall from atop your high horse?

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Another very sad story illustrating the mismatch of farang riff riff retirees shacked up with uneducated bar girls. They can hardly communicate with each other and each sees in the other a projection of their own imagination. She sees a rich farang (aren't they all?), unlike the philandering motor cycle taxi driver that deserted her and the kids, who is going to support her, her children from her previous liaisons and the rest of her extended family in fine style. He sees a sweet, submissive Asian woman, unlike the feminist Sheila that divorced him back home, who is going to care of him for love without asking anything except basic board and lodging in return. It depends who cracks first. In this case she did and helped herself to the money that her family had probably been pushing her to get from the stingy farang. Then he cracked when reality set in.

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