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Netanyahu in hot water over US embassy and wall


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Netanyahu in hot water over US embassy and wall

Catherine Hardy




JERUSAELM: -- The Israeli Prime Minister has voiced his support for moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem.


Benjamin Netanyahu spoke up after the head of the Republicans Overseas Israel Branch gave an interview to the Haaretz newspaper in which he said new US President Donald Trump was “proceeding cautiously because of concerns raised by Israeli officials.”


Trump and Netanyahu are due to meet in Washington early next month.


What Netanyahu said

“I want to take the opportunity to make it unequivocally clear that our position has always been, and remains so now and at all times, that the US embassy should be here, in Jerusalem.”


“Jerusalem is Israel’s capital and it is right and proper that all of the foreign embassies, and not only the American embassy, move here. I believe that, in time, most of them will come to Jerusalem.”


However, Israeli officials have said they do not want a US embassy move rushed.


Political commentators have noted that its relocation would damage the stronger relations Israel has been quietly building with the Sunni Muslim world.

What Trump said


Trump’s team spoke often during the recent US presidential campaign about shifting the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

The city is Israel’s self-proclaimed capital and a holy city at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

However, a week ago, Trump’s press secretary Sean Spicer lowered expectations of an imminent announcement.


What the Palestinians say


The move would spark anger in the Arab world.


Palestinian officials say relocating the embassy would kill off any prospects for peace.


The Palestinians want East Jerusalem – which Israel captured in a 1967 war and annexed in a move not recognised internationally – to be the capital of a state they seek to create in the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

What the international community says


The international community says Jerusalem’s final status should be determined via direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.


Talks collapsed in 2014.


Are there any embassies in Jerusalem?


Not currently, no.


Costa Rica and El Salvador were there until a few years ago, but they are now in Tel Aviv.


Tweet controversy


Netanyahu sent a tweet in support of President Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall along the US border with Mexico.


It was retweeted 40,000 times. There has been a backlash at home and abroad.


The tweet was sent from his personal account shortly before the Jewish sabbath officially ended on Saturday.


“President Trump is right. I built a wall along Israel’s southern border. It stopped all illegal immigration. Great success. Great idea.”

Netanyahu was referring to a steel fence Israel has built along its border with Egypt.


It is meant to keep out migrants fleeing conflicts in Africa, including Somalis, Sudanese and Eritreans.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2017-01-30
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Jerusalem is not mentioned EVEN ONCE in the Quran, while it is mentioned

over 400 times in the Holly bible,

The Palestinians are so full of themselves that they will not even consider

the possibility of a future Jerusalem being the capitol city of two nations....


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47 minutes ago, miamiman123 said:

"The Palestinians are so full of themselves"?? Indeed? 


Indeed !!! otherwise what do you call a nation and it's leaders who teaches it's

children to kill other nation's people? while they themselves are living in ivory

towers sucking on donation money?.....

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3 hours ago, ezzra said:


Jerusalem is not mentioned EVEN ONCE in the Quran, while it is mentioned

over 400 times in the Holly bible,

The Palestinians are so full of themselves that they will not even consider

the possibility of a future Jerusalem being the capitol city of two nations....




Edited by BeamMeUpScotty
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4 hours ago, ezzra said:


Jerusalem is not mentioned EVEN ONCE in the Quran, while it is mentioned

over 400 times in the Holly bible,

The Palestinians are so full of themselves that they will not even consider

the possibility of a future Jerusalem being the capitol city of two nations....


Does it matter that it is mentioned in the bible, that was then and this is now

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5 hours ago, ezzra said:


Jerusalem is not mentioned EVEN ONCE in the Quran, while it is mentioned

over 400 times in the Holly bible,

The Palestinians are so full of themselves that they will not even consider

the possibility of a future Jerusalem being the capitol city of two nations....


If you take any hundres of years old religious papers as an evidence you can at the same time call "war". Some people will never learn. Middle age attitudes of religious wars should be over in all parts of the world!

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The move seems unnecessarily inflammatory.  What positive outcome does this achieve? The US is clearly the worlds staunchest supporter of Israel, a fact known by all.  Moving the embassy to Jerusalem will of course upset the Arab world and what benefit it provides to the US is beyond me.  It certainly will geenerate more Arab and Muslim animosity toward the US.  Does the great satan really need more of that for zero gain?

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8 minutes ago, chilli42 said:

The move seems unnecessarily inflammatory.  What positive outcome does this achieve? The US is clearly the worlds staunchest supporter of Israel, a fact known by all.  Moving the embassy to Jerusalem will of course upset the Arab world and what benefit it provides to the US is beyond me.  It certainly will geenerate more Arab and Muslim animosity toward the US.  Does the great satan really need more of that for zero gain?


Even many israelis don't agree with the embassy move, its just political and makes it super inconvenient and will cause more problems in the future. 

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24 minutes ago, hhinhh said:

If you take any hundres of years old religious papers as an evidence you can at the same time call "war". Some people will never learn. Middle age attitudes of religious wars should be over in all parts of the world!

I believe that there have been more than 2000 religions in the history of humankind, and even today, there are about 200 active gods around. Even though most of them are extremely wise and powerful, none of them seems to be able to bring peace to us...

Edited by Sapporillo
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Mohamed... a warlord / prophet sent to expand Islam, saw Jerusalem,  at the far reaches of his "influence" , and what... laid fair claim to it?. Ok... whatever, but their holy city is Mecca... mohammeds birthplace....unattainable to non Muslims.


jeruselum, christs birthplace....is meanwhile the christians holy city, hundreds of years before the rise of a new religion called Islam... but open to all, even Muslims, even if it is a Johnny come lately adherence to a god


but now they want two holy cities... ease up, ones enough, unless it impedes military expansionism.... obvious really.

Edited by farcanell
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10 hours ago, ezzra said:


Jerusalem is not mentioned EVEN ONCE in the Quran, while it is mentioned

over 400 times in the Holly bible,....


Yawn, not this troll bait yet again.

And not all Palestinians who support a separate state are Muslims either - some are Christians. Just like some members of the Israeli armed forces are Muslim - oh, you did not know? Hmmm. Things in that part of the world are a little more complex than why a city was or was not mentioned in eh Quran.

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Trump continues to stay one step ahead ....


"While the American public's attention was focused on the thousands of families whose lives were disrupted and even put at risk by Trump's ban on Muslims entering the USA, the US Director of National Intelligence and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff were removed from the list of permanent attendees in the President's National Security Council. They were replaced with white nationalist Trump advisor Steve Bannon."



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2 minutes ago, chilli42 said:

Trump continues to stay one step ahead ....


"While the American public's attention was focused on the thousands of families whose lives were disrupted and even put at risk by Trump's ban on Muslims entering the USA, the US Director of National Intelligence and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff were removed from the list of permanent attendees in the President's National Security Council. They were replaced with white nationalist Trump advisor Steve Bannon."



I was sure that this was going to prove to be fake news.  But it's not.


Maybe Trump is trying to put The Onion out of business?

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6 hours ago, ezzra said:


Jerusalem is not mentioned EVEN ONCE in the Quran, while it is mentioned

over 400 times in the Holly bible,

The Palestinians are so full of themselves that they will not even consider

the possibility of a future Jerusalem being the capitol city of two nations....


You're wrong....Bible & Quran....check the Facts and dont tell some Tales.

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You'd think wonderboy would keep his gob shut and not turn the ire of an inflamed muslim world in his country's direction.

But the repulsive individual can't help himself, and of course Trump put his foot in his mouth bringing it up to get the Jewish vote.



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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Netanyahu sent a tweet in support of President Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall along the US border with Mexico.

From one wall builder to another. Not just the walls in their home countries but the political walls they are constructing around the world. So much for a global community. 

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2 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

I was sure that this was going to prove to be fake news.  But it's not.


Maybe Trump is trying to put The Onion out of business?

I bet Bannon has a copy of 'that' Russian video, or something similar. There can be no other reason for the slime ball's rise to power.

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9 hours ago, ezzra said:


Jerusalem is not mentioned EVEN ONCE in the Quran, while it is mentioned

over 400 times in the Holly bible,

The Palestinians are so full of themselves that they will not even consider

the possibility of a future Jerusalem being the capitol city of two nations....


you think those are valid reasons why the US embassy should be in el-Quds? :coffee1:

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3 hours ago, Golden Brown said:

Obviously not a christian! Probably a muslim!

yes a christian but if you know your biblical history you will know that there have been many translations of the bible over the centuries, many mistakes in translation have crept in and the earlier books of the old testament are a mishmash of earlier works joined together with the sons of adam and eve(the first people on earth?) finding wives from another city and the story of noah a  copy from the much earlier story of gilgamesh from sumeria

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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You're totally wrong. Have you seen Palestinian propaganda for their children, the racist Jew hating messages? They are BRAINWASHED .


Pushing lies isn't going to help your cause. 

Well I wonder why ....



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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You're totally wrong. Have you seen Palestinian propaganda for their children, the racist Jew hating messages? They are BRAINWASHED .


Pushing lies isn't going to help your cause. 


I am still baffled by people who blindly believe what the Israeli propaganda machine tells them and who are feverishly defending this fascist occupying regime.



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21 minutes ago, DriveByTrucker said:


I am still baffled by people who blindly believe what the Israeli propaganda machine tells them and who are feverishly defending this fascist occupying regime.



You're not talking about what I think and since you're playing so dishonestly, waste of time ... IGNORE LIST. 

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Just now, DriveByTrucker said:

Read up or dream on man.....

Basically : Fascists have a one party state with no opposition or elections and the leader is a dictator .

    Israel has various Political parties, i.e. an opposition , and they also have regular elections, which makes Israels Likud, NOT a fascist Government 

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