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Guest upset after wedded couple return her 200 baht cash gift


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7 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

Fair play for outing these pair of morons. The cost to actually attend weddings is a lot so they should be thankful she turned up. Hate that when you spend a wad attending a wedding and 3-4 years later they divorce. 

They probably divorced because of all the arguments over just whose family invited the guest that spent his wad over the wedding party.

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Just now, ballpoint said:

They probably divorced because of all the arguments over just whose family invited the guest that spent his wad over the wedding party.

To be honest it was a great wedding and a lovely couple and I thought it was worth it having known them, 2 kids already and 4 years later it's over. The other wedding I blew a wad was my sisters but that lads got no chance of unshackling and I feel for the lad but what can you do. Family!

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In most countries when you get married you want to spend your big day with the family and friends and you get a few pressies nice lovely day, nice people, good friends and Fun.



Gold Silver and Mur to pay for the bride lets start at 1 mill. (ladyboy 5 mill), then invite guests you know who have money to give away, count the cash make a list sh>> day as all wrapped up in one thing MONEY, no love no fun just money.


What does it say to you about Thailand, and that's without the other crap going on.


If i could find one I would like to study a thai brain


200B was all they could afford at the time, as not all thais are corrupt, many work harder than anyone in Europe in sh-- conditions for disgusting low pay they did the right thing out the scum who have no respect. But I guess I do not have to worry about the dam draconian computer law designed to protect the rich, famous, politicians and army.


That is one thing the Shins are responsible for, dam idiot taksen? for passing that law

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I'd reply saying 'don't bother returning it, you ungrateful b*st*rd, stick it up your ar*e'.
Never liked the 'named envelope' thing at weddings here, all about face again. 

The named envelope is for the couple to record and give back the same amount, if not more, on that guest wedding comes their turn. It's for the couple to send a thank you note after the wedding.
When you have 500-1000 guests at the wedding, it's almost impossible to remember and recognize everyone.

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4 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

I agree, but the attention seeking "oh poor, poor me, I'm so wounded and offended" dimwit who posted it in the first place get's no sympathy from me.


They don't like your gift...@*£% 'em and get on with your life.


Don't post it all over FB, that's just as vindictive as the wedded couple's response.

+1 never a truer word said

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Gold Silver and Mur to pay for the bride lets start at 1 mill. (ladyboy 5 mill), then invite guests you know who have money to give away, count the cash make a list sh>> day as all wrapped up in one thing MONEY, no love no fun just money.

Not sure who you hang out with but my in-law gave every bit of that million back to us to start our family, and more actually.

The cost of wedding was about 700 per head back when I got married 15 years ago. Getting 1,000 envelope from a couple is losing money, not making money. And you give back to them on their wedding so no, it's not all about money.

And, what's the difference between other cultures Gift Registry? Isn't that all about the money too? Buy me this, buy me that? Same shit.

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4 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Its always about money. If they had any class they would have said thanks, we appreciate it. The culture here is so riddled with money, what they can get and how much. I have no sympathy for the  couple. How fickle people are. The whole ceremony about marriage and what they will get really irritates me. You sow what you reap.

People that rely and misure everythink with money shouldn't be called even people. Unfortunately here are the majority...They are so poor inside that the only things they got is money.

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50 minutes ago, djayz said:

+1 never a truer word said

Completely disagree she has enough self respect to realise it's the thought that counts and she ain't embarrassed about the value which says a lot,  the fact she blasted it on Fb reinforces that and wIill make others think twice about showing a lack of gratitude in future.

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10 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

Completely disagree she has enough self respect to realise it's the thought that counts and she ain't embarrassed about the value which says a lot,  the fact she blasted it on Fb reinforces that and wIill make others think twice about showing a lack of gratitude in future.

Completely disagree. 


It's just narsacistic bleating. 


No sympathy for either party in this pathetic little tale. 


FB, the last refuge of the pathetic. 

Edited by Bluespunk
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1 minute ago, Rc2702 said:

Completely disagree she has enough self respect to realise it's the thought that counts and she ain't embarrassed about the value which says a lot,  the fact she blasted it on Fb reinforces that and wIill make others think twice about showing a lack of gratitude in future.

I understand/respect the fact that she may not be able to afford to give more - there's nothing wrong with that. Poverty isn't anything to be ashamed of... 

But plastering it over social media sites is, in my opinion, pointless. 

Just becaust it's posted on FB doesn't mean that people who lack social skills (can't show gratitude, etc.) will make changes. Never. 

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1 minute ago, djayz said:

I understand/respect the fact that she may not be able to afford to give more - there's nothing wrong with that. Poverty isn't anything to be ashamed of... 

But plastering it over social media sites is, in my opinion, pointless. 

Just becaust it's posted on FB doesn't mean that people who lack social skills (can't show gratitude, etc.) will make changes. Never. 

I doubt she meant to blast it out there but it went viral and she likely did not expect that but I'm pleased she did it. Shows she ain't embarressed about the matter although the intention of these ungrateful people was clear hers was likely not. 

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2 hours ago, ChadSmavatkul said:

The cost of wedding was about 700 per head back when I got married 15 years ago.

I think I paid about 10,000 Baht for my bride and the wedding 38 years ago.  Mostly for food and imported (tax -free) booze for about 100 people.  It was a a sit-down dinner, although it was held in my mother-in-law's garage.  We had tons of food and booze left over.

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6 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Its always about money. If they had any class they would have said thanks, we appreciate it. The culture here is so riddled with money, what they can get and how much. I have no sympathy for the  couple. How fickle people are. The whole ceremony about marriage and what they will get really irritates me. You sow what you reap.

I have cousins both in England and in America. Many of these cousins although come from working class backgrounds like me, believe they are some kind of high society people, stuck up and and think they are doing us a favour by acknowledging we exist and that we should be honoured if they friend us on facebook.


When their children get married, a few weeks prior the wedding they actually send out detailed lists with the invitations describing what expensive gifts the guests must give as wedding presents. They even give brand names and none of these gifts are valued under £300. So as far as I am concerned, they can shove their gifts where the sun don`t shine.


But I must admit, unless someone is very poor, giving only 200 baht as a wedding gift is a bit of an insult, although the bride and groom went well over the top with their feelings.

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Wedding cost can often be more than a down payment on a house....in the us and here.  Kind of absurd..totally commercialized way worse than Christmas.  Just about the richest guy I've known married his gf from college on the steps of a courthouse and then they went to Lake Louise for a week.  Saved them a ton of headaches.  

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54 minutes ago, Damrongsak said:

I think I paid about 10,000 Baht for my bride and the wedding 38 years ago.  Mostly for food and imported (tax -free) booze for about 100 people.  It was a a sit-down dinner, although it was held in my mother-in-law's garage.  We had tons of food and booze left over.

10000 baht for a bride. Bargain there selling em for 200k online.

Edited by Rc2702
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42 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

I have cousins both in England and in America. Many of these cousins although come from working class backgrounds like me, believe they are some kind of high society people, stuck up and and think they are doing us a favour by acknowledging we exist and that we should be honoured if they friend us on facebook.


When their children get married, a few weeks prior the wedding they actually send out detailed lists with the invitations describing what expensive gifts the guests must give as wedding presents. They even give brand names and none of these gifts are valued under £300. So as far as I am concerned, they can shove their gifts where the sun don`t shine.


But I must admit, unless someone is very poor, giving only 200 baht as a wedding gift is a bit of an insult, although the bride and groom went well over the top with their feelings.

I hear ya my sister thinks she's lady muck and has the gall to try and dictate what trainers I get her kid. She should be grateful I even get her kids presents. This year for christmas I told ally family to forget buying me anything as I was not buying for them as I got a lad on the way in feb so as far as I'm concermed those "great uncle you are" days are over. 



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3 hours ago, ChadSmavatkul said:


The named envelope is for the couple to record and give back the same amount, if not more, on that guest wedding comes their turn. It's for the couple to send a thank you note after the wedding.
When you have 500-1000 guests at the wedding, it's almost impossible to remember and recognize everyone.


I know what it is supposed to be for, I have been here long enough.

However, it is also used, as in this case, by some couples, to judge people as either 'good people' or 'minge bags' depending on how much they donate.

A better system, that I have witnessed, is blank envelopes, and sign a book.

Most people give amounts relative to their disposable income, not to achieve 'Brownie points'.

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It has been pretty well documented that large contingent of the fringe will come out of the woodwork for an open bar, let alone BBQ.  It really seems like a losing proposition.  The statistics on household debt speak for themselves.  Buying your own home so that you may later have money for quality stocks is the most common path to financial security in the US.  

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11 hours ago, AlexRich said:


Some people bring their girlfriends to a wedding reception ... I don't think they are honour bound to pay anything as she doesn't know the couple? 


Even if you are pissed, why make a fuss? A wedding celebration has to be more than just what you get financially from guests? Well, at least I'd hope it was.




I do agree that it's very impolite they made a fuss and couples, normally, give for them both BUT 200 baht is very keeniow unless it's a village wedding where even 100 would be welcomed and maybe appropriate from the village's poorest members but it appears this was not the case but your point is well founded

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Aaah. Thai weddings. At my wedding some guests refused to leave envelopes (as I was told by Aunt who was keeping check on these things :rolleyes: ), because we didn't walk to their table. We greeted everyone at the door and walked to nobody's table, because by the time everyone had arrived we went on stage for 5 min and then went back to the entrance to say thank you to everyone (including the people walking out with unopened bottles of booze) classy B)

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13 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Ah, that Facebook thing again...more and more it is becoming the source of so much of the bitterness, vindictiveness and petty revenge that poisons the lives of so many people.

Better known in Thailand as LossofFacebook.

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Wedding gift                                              Baht 200

Rented suit                                                Baht 600

Motocy taxi to wedding                          Baht   60

Selfies & food photos for Facebook     Priceless

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I make it a point to not attend weddings, birthdays, anniversaries etc of any thais except that of immediate family. I try to have as little thai and farang friends as possible in thailand except business clients etc. But when it comes to having Asian friends  from Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, China, India, Indonesia, Vietnam....I have tons of them and love attending their functions or inviting them to mine as they know how to reciprocate hospitality and are not stingy or calculative contrary to the misconceptions of many lower strata farangs.

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12 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

ah the old 'I helped out so gave less'  defence.. I smell BS

If you say so.. I really would have thought you to be the more considerate type given your views.  Personally I take into account people's finances and don't see a wedding as something I have to make money from. 


When I invite people for a birthday celebration I don't count on getting my money that i spend on food and alcohol back, did not expect that back in the Netherlands don't expect it here. I invite people because i like them not because how much they can contribute. 

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