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American arrested on charges of sex with a minor in Udon after being caught at home with 17 year old


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4 hours ago, webfact said:

A concerned member of the public called the Udon cops

or just a jealous denouncer who can or must not have this sort of fun anymore in his/her poor life?


And, by the way, they raised the legal age for consensual sex to 18 years by changing the law on the QT, some years ago

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Just now, YeahSiam said:


That's like a veterinarian saying he's a neurosurgeon because he's operated on a beagle.


Well, there seems to be a difference in age between prostitutes and others about whether sex would be OK or not.


The first thing to sort out is whether the girl was a prostitute or not to know what age limit applies, don't you think? And to determine whether she is a prostitute would need further examination.

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8 minutes ago, maoro2013 said:

The first thing to sort out is whether the girl was a prostitute or not to know what age limit applies, don't you think? And to determine whether she is a prostitute would need further examination.



She says she was paid for her services. The Korean's going to need OJ's lawyers to  argue what was meant by 'services'.

Edited by Rob13
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1 minute ago, maoro2013 said:

Well, there seems to be a difference in age between prostitutes and others about whether sex would be OK or not.


The first thing to sort out is whether the girl was a prostitute or not to know what age limit applies, don't you think? And to determine whether she is a prostitute would need further examination.

Mate, I wouldn't hire you in your own country.

The guy's caught stones deep in a 17 year old with videos of other underage girls running on a computer and cash on the table but you're saying she isn't a prostitute

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Just now, YeahSiam said:

Mate, I wouldn't hire you in your own country.

The guy's caught stones deep in a 17 year old with videos of other underage girls running on a computer and cash on the table but you're saying she isn't a prostitute

How do you know?

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His real problem is that he is American and Americans are charged by federal laws on the 18 year old consensual US laws no matter what country they committed the act in so if convicted or not here he will be charged in America and be sent to federal prison where he will not be very lonely.  


Plus trump will call him a pig and throw the book at him.  Should have stuck with the Korean passport on this one. 

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38 minutes ago, maoro2013 said:

Does being paid for 'services' make the girl a prostitute, the payments may have been gratis. The word 'services' is also suspect without further evidence, maybe they just enjoyed each other.


In my experience in third world countries, the expatriate gives the girl 'bus money' or something akin, but not sure that this makes them prostitutes, the reason being the expatriate is usually far wealthier than the girl involved and wants to give something to the girl who has virtually nothing.


I would think that the police would need to make a case that the girls livliehood depended on sex for money in order to call her a prostitute and thereforeadjust the age limit.

As soon as money changes hands,she/he is a pro.

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1 hour ago, oxo1947 said:

Not legal in America---where you can join the Army at 17 and learn to kill people---but don't try to buy a Cigarette,,,

I am not sure, but this guy could  possibly be up for their Double wammy  type law, that allows them to charge you again when you return to  America even through you have had your punishment in another country.

Wrong again. Age of consent in New York is 17.  Also, a person who under 16 but older than 13 can consent to sex with a person who is not older by more than 4 years

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3 hours ago, ezzra said:

Never mind that almost all the 17 years old girls in Thailand are actively engaged in sexual activities at a much younger age, while posting their sexual escaped on social media for all the world to see, and many are with kids and have been married and dumped by boyfriend, but don't let the facts distract you from the reality that in Thailand a 17 years old woman is considered a minor still and in need of the government protection.....




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7 minutes ago, YeahSiam said:

Can someone else take over with this legal genius??

I think  in this case there is this Idea that at 17 the girl is mature enough,  others say pedo , neither is correct , natural law of the country dictates 18 end of story regardless whether in Nigeria , Australia , Uk or Lapland the law say's 16,  in Thailand  the law states 18. get it..............................................:coffee1:.

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I once saw a full page article in The Pattaya Mail written by my own lawyer stating that the lowest legal age was 16 years old ! This sounds like harassment, possibly extortion , by the police, and the guy should get himself a decent lawyer. The age for working in a bar was 18 years old, and as far as I can tell this guy has committed no crime, though as we all know in this country, if the police want to get you they will :(

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It's a grey area. If he were a Thai, 16. As he is a foreigner(American/Korean) 18.

That is just the way it is. The UN/Americans push 18 as the age of consent around

the world. At least for foreigners. :coffee1: 

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10 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

I once saw a full page article in The Pattaya Mail written by my own lawyer stating that the lowest legal age was 16 years old ! This sounds like harassment, possibly extortion , by the police, and the guy should get himself a decent lawyer. The age for working in a bar was 18 years old, and as far as I can tell this guy has committed no crime, though as we all know in this country, if the police want to get you they will :(

What on earth are you on?

How can you say he's committed no crime when there is evidence of him engaged in sexual acts with girls as young as 15 right there on his computer?

Even if the courts find no case to answer with the 17 year old, they've got him bang to rights on the computer videos.

Having sex with a 15 year old without parental consent is a crime here, jack.


Maybe read and understand the article before posting

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What many Americans do not know, if that US law relates to all Americans, anywhere in the world, regardless of local law. Most are not prosecuted for having sex with a 17 year old. But, 16 and under, and you run the risk of throwing away your life. The US regularly dispatches assistant DA's, and they fly here with great enthusiasm, and escort Americans back to the US in handcuffs. No evidence is required during the trial, other than a deposition of the girl involved. The feds will throw many millions of dollars at your prosecution, and unless you have 3 million US to spend on  defense counsel, more than likely you will end up spending 10 years in a federal penitentiary. 


The US authorities are completely obsessed with these kinds of crimes. They have a real stick up their butt. 

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1 hour ago, louse1953 said:

Well that means you have sympathy for pedo's,sad.

oh you think a 17 year old is a child?  pathetic and naive understanding of what a pedophile IS  and certainly no conception  of the reality but I'm sure you find 'comfort' in your piety  

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3 hours ago, starky said:

Your taking the piss aren't ya? Some 17 year old from wheredafukaburi having sex with someone round her age and then choosing to post something on social media is world's away from some near 60 year old sleeping with a minor with the intent to make porn for commercial release. Also, yes, not just in Thailand but everywhere in the world a 17 year old should be considered if not legally a minor and deserves government protection. Fycks sake anyway that would defend this <deleted> or thinks it's Ok should probably have a pretty hard look at themselves as well. 


You should take a hard look at yourself. Where is your proof of him posting on social media. Get the facts straight before posting slanderous comments.

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5 hours ago, Thechook said:

So is under 18 a minor in Thailand?  I thought 16 was the age of consent, guess I was wrong.

I thought as a thai and thai can marry with parents permission at 14 then is 14 not the age for contested sex. For the trolls i do not agree with 14 years old still a baby. Uk is 16 and Holland is 12 ding dong. But if money changes hands then i not know if uk is 18 or 21. USA in many states can not drink until 21 but can drive a car at 15. Crazy world we live in

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3 minutes ago, sandgroper2 said:

You should take a hard look at yourself. Where is your proof of him posting on social media. Get the facts straight before posting slanderous comments.

Shouldn't you read and understand the sentence before getting bent out of shape.

Go on, read it again.........slowly

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