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Trump's national security adviser Flynn trying to survive crisis


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Trump's national security adviser Flynn trying to survive crisis

By Steve Holland




U.S. National Security Advisor Michael Flynn boards Air Force One at West Palm Beach International airport in West Palm Beach, Florida U.S., February 12, 2017. REUTERS/Carlos Barria


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump's national security adviser, Michael Flynn, is struggling to get past a controversy over his contacts with Russian officials before Trump took office, conversations that officials said have raised concerns within the White House.


Top White House officials have been reviewing over the weekend Flynn's contacts with the Russians and whether he discussed the possibility of lifting U.S. sanctions on Russia once Trump took office, which could potentially be in violation of a law banning private citizens from engaging in foreign policy.


Flynn is a retired U.S. army general and former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. An early supporter of Trump, he has been a leading advocate to improve U.S. relations with Russia.


Flynn had initially denied discussing sanctions with the Russians in the weeks before Trump took office Jan. 20 and Vice President Mike Pence went before the television cameras to repeat the denial and defend Flynn.


When a Washington Post report emerged last week quoting officials saying the subject of sanctions had in fact come up, Flynn left open the possibility that he had discussed sanctions but could not remember with 100 percent certainty, an administration official said.


A second administration official, also speaking on condition of anonymity, stressed that Pence made his comments based on a conversation with Flynn. Pence is said to be troubled by the possibility of being misled.


Flynn has apologised to Pence and others over the incident, the first official said.


A third official said the uproar prompted White House chief of staff Reince Priebus to review the matter with other top officials as Trump played host to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe over the weekend in Florida.


The White House did not respond to a request for comment.


There was no indication from transcripts of Flynn's conversations that he had promised to lift the sanctions but rather he made more general comments about hoping for better U.S.-Russian relations with Trump, the third official said.


Trump has yet to weigh in on the subject, promising to reporters on Friday that he would look into it. Reporters are expected to ask him about Flynn at a press conference with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Monday.


There was a sense among some officials that while Flynn was on thin ice, he did not appear to be in imminent danger of losing his position, the third official said.


Even so, there were no loud voices speaking up for him. Trump senior policy adviser Stephen Miller was asked on NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday whether Trump had confidence in Flynn.


“It’s not for me to tell you what’s in the president’s mind,” Miller said.


(Reporting By Steve Holland; Editing by Mary Milliken)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-02-13
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This isn't the first time he's done something stupid like this. In 2010 the military considered putting him on trial for sharing classified information with unauthorized foreigners. And those foreigners were Muslims.


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The scandal over Mike Flynn's secret talks with the Russians, explained


two big outstanding questions:

  1. Did Flynn lie to Pence about sanctions, or did Pence knowingly lie to the American public?
  2. Did Flynn lie to FBI investigators, too?




National security adviser Flynn discussed sanctions with Russian ambassador, despite denials, officials say

"Flynn’s contacts with the ambassador attracted attention within the Obama administration because of the timing. U.S. intelligence agencies were then concluding that Russia had waged a cyber campaign designed in part to help elect Trump; his senior adviser on national security matters was discussing the potential consequences for Moscow, officials said."








Edited by Opl
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12 minutes ago, Opl said:


The scandal over Mike Flynn's secret talks with the Russians, explained


two big outstanding questions:

  1. Did Flynn lie to Pence about sanctions, or did Pence knowingly lie to the American public?
  2. Did Flynn lie to FBI investigators, too?




National security adviser Flynn discussed sanctions with Russian ambassador, despite denials, officials say

"Flynn’s contacts with the ambassador attracted attention within the Obama administration because of the timing. U.S. intelligence agencies were then concluding that Russia had waged a cyber campaign designed in part to help elect Trump; his senior adviser on national security matters was discussing the potential consequences for Moscow, officials said."









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        Even without the news of him talking with the Russkies (and pledging policy?) as a private citizen....Flynn is a nutjob.  Not surprising, when you look at the sorts of ding-dongs Trump puts forth for top positions.   Flynn said he saw signs along roads in Texas, written in Arabic, telling Muslim extremists (who supposedly snuck across the border from Mexico) .....where to go to find safe houses.  


       Funny, or perhaps not, that no one, except right wing conspiracy theorists, have seen such signs on Texas roads, or anywhere else.  Proof, if any were needed, that our mentally incompetent prez will choose mentally incompetent people.

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2 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

Doesn´t the American government know that CIA listen in on russian an other countrys ambassads? The know what has been said between Flynn and the russian ambassador.

Yup. Now we just need someone to leak the transcript and watch the fireworks inside Congress.  AND of course there is the matter that these communications were going on during the campaign! The other point to note is that now these discussions have been corroborated from the initial report they were in from the retired MI6 operative (whom everybody except the Trump team said was credible), what are the chances of the more 'salacious' incidents in the report actually being real? I would wager 100%.

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" Flynn left open the possibility that he had discussed sanctions but could not remember with 100 percent certainty,  "


aha - the Oliver North defence......didn't do too much damage to North

Maybe Flynn will become a Fox News contributor too...

Edited by bangon04
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And now this.  He's taking national security way too lightly.  Wasn't that a big complaint of his against "Crooked Hillary".  Wow...how the tables have turned.




President Trump and his top aides coordinated their response to North Korea’s missile test on Saturday night in full view of diners at Mr. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida — a remarkable, public display of presidential activity that is almost always conducted in highly secure settings.


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“It’s not for me to tell you what’s in the president’s mind,” Miller said.

Or like Conway more or less said "Don't listen to his words. Listen to his heart" Eh?

Flynn should do a Steve Martin "I forgot. I forgot Russia is not our nearest and dearest ally. And I forgot what I said". (don't ask CIA, as they do know what he said).

 Never seen so many self inflicted crises in such a short time frame. Guess when you combine arrogance, stupidity and incompetence, these things can happen.

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I realize that the dates of my military service hark back to the era of having only three channels on the TV and still using rotary dial phones. However, at that time, giving any sort of comfort to your enemy was considered treason, and unless my reading is off, the Constitution still considers such actions treasonous. I would posit that we still consider Russia an enemy, else why do we still have nuclear warheads targeted at them?


A conversation of this type and magnitude is not engaged in by an underling without the full knowledge and consent, if not initiation, of those at the very top, given the inherent risks involved. While I admit that this is pure speculation, I believe that Trump et al were fully aware that this call took place, and were also aware of everything that was discussed, the quid pro quo being Russia's involvement in helping Trump's campaign. The magnitude of stupidity involved is mind-boggling, considering that every one of the players should have been fully aware of the ubiquitous eavesdropping of our intelligence community on calls to and from the Russian embassy. The intelligence agencies have a complete transcript of what was said and know full well what promises were or were not made. I suspect Flynn has lost a few pounds since this has come to light, given that he is likely sweating bullets, especially if he lied to the FBI. As more of this is made public and develops into a full-blown scandal, look for Flynn to be thrown to the wolves, Trump and his cohorts insisting that Flynn went off the reservation on his own. The question will be, how loyal will Flynn remain at that point? Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to make some more popcorn.

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15 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

        Even without the news of him talking with the Russkies (and pledging policy?) as a private citizen....Flynn is a nutjob.  Not surprising, when you look at the sorts of ding-dongs Trump puts forth for top positions.   Flynn said he saw signs along roads in Texas, written in Arabic, telling Muslim extremists (who supposedly snuck across the border from Mexico) .....where to go to find safe houses.  


       Funny, or perhaps not, that no one, except right wing conspiracy theorists, have seen such signs on Texas roads, or anywhere else.  Proof, if any were needed, that our mentally incompetent prez will choose mentally incompetent people.

Then add to that the fact that he said that 1.6 billion people were inflicted with the "vicious cancer of Islam", it's would be hard to imagine how this guy could get a top cabinet position... until you look at the rest of Trump's cabinet and then it becomes clear.

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5 minutes ago, Opl said:

Michael Flynn has resigned

I can't find a good link yet, but have seen tweets from bloggers this has happened!  Democracy works!  Trump must me very upset while he walks around the White House in his robe. LOL


One more setback, and seems to be more to come.

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This was a smart and capable man.  He knew exactly what he was doing.  The question that keeps coming back is why would he have had these conversations with the Russians and on who's behalf.  It's inconceivable that he did this because he had nothing better to do/

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8 minutes ago, chilli42 said:

This was a smart and capable man.  He knew exactly what he was doing.  The question that keeps coming back is why would he have had these conversations with the Russians and on who's behalf.  It's inconceivable that he did this because he had nothing better to do/

He may have been smart but capable?  In 2010 the army was considering prosecuting him for divulging classified information to unauthorized Afghanis. (Lock him up, Lock him up???)  He was fired for mismanagement from his post as Director of Defense Intelligence that he held in the Obama administration. And apparently people who worked with him coined the term Flynn Facts which I guess would now be labeled as a sub-category of Alternate Facts.

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23 minutes ago, chilli42 said:

This was a smart and capable man.  He knew exactly what he was doing.  The question that keeps coming back is why would he have had these conversations with the Russians and on who's behalf.  It's inconceivable that he did this because he had nothing better to do/

Everything you have written suggests that he was not anywhere near smart at all.

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