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Two men arrested after Canadian tourist attacked with machete

Jonathan Fairfield

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14 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

Message to most people. Do not flaunt your wealth. Especially trinkets of gold and other small volume but high wealth objects. Wear bling. You can hand that over quite easily to low life criminals who probably don't know the difference 

Why even wear "bling"? All it does is attract the wrong kind of attention. Who needs to wear jewelry in public places anyway?

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3 minutes ago, impulse said:


But that doesn't change the fact that killing someone defending yourself in Thailand puts you at a crazy high risk of wishing you hadn't.  


For years and years.

Well if anyone attacks me and I don't have the chance to run, I will just let them kill me. but it is all unlikely as IMO. Thailand is one of the safest places

to walk about in when your sober and minding your own business and not out and about in a tourist location in the early hours of the morning.

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Feel sorry for the wives of those members that don't seem to have any balls in their drawers. Has it not crossed your minds that the guy was simply reacting to his wife being attacked and probably couldn't give a F about the chain? One has the hindsight and comfort of time (i.e. being sat in their armchair to muse over this); someone jumps you in the street, you have neither. I am sure the Canadian would have happily handed over the friggging chain had he that hindsight. Get over yourselves.

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9 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

Well if anyone attacks me and I don't have the chance to run, I will just let them kill me. but it is all unlikely as IMO. Thailand is one of the safest places

to walk about in when your sober and minding your own business and not out and about in a tourist location in the early hours of the morning.


I'll just had over whatever goodies they demand.  I've got nothing on me that's worth a trip to the hospital, the morgue or a Thai prison.


And like a lot of other scenarios, knowing the consequences of the different alternatives is the first step in preparing for eventualities- like getting robbed on the street.  Because I can't think of a single scenario where being unprepared works in my favor when stuff like that happens.


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9 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

Message to most people, LOM is no longer a tourist destination sadly



Nothing to do with Thailand specifically. This kind of sh*t happens all over the world, and much much worse in many places. In Italy there were cases where they cut off old ladies' fingers to get the ring... And don't get me started on Mexico or South America!

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13 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

Feel sorry for the wives of those members that don't seem to have any balls in their drawers. Has it not crossed your minds that the guy was simply reacting to his wife being attacked and probably couldn't give a F about the chain? One has the hindsight and comfort of time (i.e. being sat in their armchair to muse over this); someone jumps you in the street, you have neither. I am sure the Canadian would have happily handed over the friggging chain had he that hindsight. Get over yourselves.

  Have you considered that his actions probably put his wife in more danger?


Edit:  BTW, I'm not judging the guy.  I wasn't there, I have no complete idea what the circumstances were, and no clue what I would have done in his shoes.


I read these threads to see if there are common links, contributing causal factors, and the consequences of the response.  That includes some discussion by the Monday morning quarterbacks.


Here, I see 2 common causal factors:  1) They were out in the wee hours. 2) The bling.  I'm not faulting anyone on either.  To each his own.  But I'm less likely to be out in the wee hours or to wear bling after reading a string of these stories.

Edited by impulse
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12 hours ago, tropo said:

There's only one reasonable course of action for a 68-year-old, unarmed man to take in this situation... Give them the gold and send them on their way. Result: they lose 20k baht and sustain no injuries.


He was foolish.

We know after the fact that they were going for the necklace.  He didn't know that as it was happening. All he knew was armed men are attacking his girlfriend. Maybe it's a kidnapping or assassins.  He didn't have time to think.  His fight or flight instincts took over and he fought rather than leave his girlfriend alone.  That's not foolish in my opinion.  It only seems that way to us now because we have the luxury of knowing what he couldn't have known.

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16 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

The weapon being held by one of the two suspects (assailants) is, I believe, more like one of those Thai made "Samurai swords" available at Thai night markets nationwide.

A machete is a larger, heavier tool/weapon as shown here:


I hope Mr Sullivan and his partner Ms King recover fast and also hope the next time these two animals, now in custody, appear in court, they are given harsher sentences than before. Rotten b astards.


There are a variety of Thai style large knives available at night markets, fresh markets and we get a guy selling them from a hand cart too.


They are not "Samurai swords" and nothing like the swords carried by Samurais.


Any bladed weapon, sword, large knife, axe, machete or similar implement will give a very nasty result if the wielder so desires. Many Thais seem to carry these large Thai style short swords/long knives. They are cheap but maybe not particularly good steel.

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34 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

Feel sorry for the wives of those members that don't seem to have any balls in their drawers. Has it not crossed your minds that the guy was simply reacting to his wife being attacked and probably couldn't give a F about the chain? One has the hindsight and comfort of time (i.e. being sat in their armchair to muse over this); someone jumps you in the street, you have neither. I am sure the Canadian would have happily handed over the friggging chain had he that hindsight. Get over yourselves.


Most people react in an unpredictable manner to situations. Had they threatened and demanded the necklace he might have frozen and just let them have it. Actually attacking his wife maybe meant he instinctively reacted to protect her, which many would do. Your're right - this happens quickly and no time to think, analyze and then act taking all risks into account.


Every genuine martial arts instructor I've trained with over the years - Korean, Japanese, Chinese. Indian, Malaysian and British have all said the same thing: best defense against bladed weapon is to run and hope you run faster! Those who advocate fighting are not real.

That's fine but again, you react and that reaction maybe to engage, especially if your loved one(s) are threatened.


Many police forces advise not to resist and give up your valuables.


I can almost guarantee that despite years of training and teaching, that if someone jumped out and grabbed at Mrs. BB, or the kids, I'd be in like a shot. Probably wouldn't end well, but instinct is a powerful drive.

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14 hours ago, ocddave said:

Since when is protecting yourself murder?!

In a perfect world yes, but...... Since when did you have any real contact or understanding the way the law works here for non-Thais?  Including a foreigner getting a gun licence (it did used to be occasionally possible) and then carrying it and protecting your self by killing two Thais with said gun?

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3 hours ago, Trexpat said:

How about the Austalian tourist who had an accident with his young wife on jet Skis, she died and he got charged with her murder. Not sure what if anything happened to the Jet Ski Rental guys. That was this month!!!!!

Wow ... when did he get charged with her murder?  And why did this not hit the headlines?  When he was charged with "reckless driving causing death" it was all over the news, but with such a dramatic upgrading of the charges, not a murmur.  I blame all these false news sites.

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2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

I am assuming that the two thieves would have put something in writing guaranteeing the couple that no harm would come to either of them, if they handed over the gold.


I would have gone all in to protect my wife, fark the chain, I don't think the Canadian was worried about the farken chain, more for his wife safety with a guy wielding a machete and her on the ground, things don't sink in as quick as everyone thinks when your in that situation, its like, is this really happening, your trying to make sense of it, and your wife screaming for you to help.


One way to get over your fear is to face fear and if I died in the process trying to protect her, so be it, as for killing them, one would try his best not too because of Thai law, that is, if it went your way, but if the machete ended up being lodged in ones a$$, (one would hope), well one could try and argue self defence, and try his best to not spend time in the Hilton.


Be interesting to see if the engineer who shot that guy for parking him in, gets life or if high soc gets off again ?


It's hard to see from the poor quality video exactly what is going on. I'm working on the assumption that grabbing her chain is what started it all off.


Addressing your opening sarcastic remark: Fighting back was a written guarantee he would be harmed.

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3 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

I'm sure if this was happening to your Mrs you would just stand back and say, oh dear, oh my, you would have to be what some refer to a "dog with his tail between his legs" total respect for the Canadian for manning up for his wife, at least he is man in my eyes, I would rather go down defending my Mrs than standing back like you and your followers who gave you the like.

I thought it was pretty obvious that I was being sarcastic about the previous post.

If you had read the next few posts it would have been even more clear.



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slightly different but same principle. Sailing from Med to India (through the Red Sea) I almost expected to be boarded. I therefore prepared with sacrifciial USD and Scotch.

Maybe a similar approach needs to be taken elsewhere?

Keep your money in the bank and your valuables somewhere safe. Carry a little bit of cash in case challenged.

Access to cash is easy with ATMs everywhere

In fact it was various officials who wanted 'gifts' and I was never boarded by unofficial pirates


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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:

I can almost guarantee that despite years of training and teaching, that if someone jumped out and grabbed at Mrs. BB, or the kids, I'd be in like a shot. Probably wouldn't end well, but instinct is a powerful drive.


It's a shame to hear that all that training could be a liability. I can see how it can build overconfidence.

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18 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

The weapon being held by one of the two suspects (assailants) is, I believe, more like one of those Thai made "Samurai swords" available at Thai night markets nationwide.

A machete is a larger, heavier tool/weapon as shown here:


I hope Mr Sullivan and his partner Ms King recover fast and also hope the next time these two animals, now in custody, appear in court, they are given harsher sentences than before. Rotten b astards.

Sure it is a katana not a machete.


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18 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

In summary...

The two thieves could have killed him but, quite reasonably, only used the minimum force necessary to achieve their aim.

However, the Canadian was foolish to inflame the situation by coming to the aid of his girlfriend, causing the escalation of an otherwise amicable transaction.

Damn Canadians - always causing trouble!


The lowlife scroats should have their previous amnesty revoked and resume their sentances in addition to whatever they're given this time. 

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2 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

I thought it was pretty obvious that I was being sarcastic about the previous post.

If you had read the next few posts it would have been even more clear.



My humble apologies legs, I didn't read into your sarcasm, replied and shut off the post as too many critics were having a go at him, suffice to say I now read your further replies and could't agree with you more. Cheers

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