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Online appeal to help Russian kids in coma following Pattaya accident

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Horrible accident AGAIN involving MAD bus drivers speeding and absolutely no respect for life.
Bus driver should lose his license and job - prosecuted and jailed.
Bus-companies in Thailand should have solid insurance coverage to pay for shit like this.
Poor kids - I hope they will be fine. Both of them. 

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The kids were 100% in the right......great.......they are in the:

- right immense pain

- right hospital

- right struggling to stay alive

- right facing the rest of their lives being disabled


and the bus driver is in the:

- wrong position of getting a fine for dangerous driving

- wrong sentence (if any) of 2 years in prison


Those busdrivers are a real pain and they even manage to perform F1 acts with other tourbuses......I've been on the verge of stopping one of them more than once and drag the buffalo from the wheel and kick his ass. 


Of course the authorities will take action. 


As for the compensation......there is something like a tourist emergency funds covered by Pattaya City Hall....let's hope they jump in. 



3 hours ago, Henryford said:

Agreed very sad but crazy to let children ride a bike alone. It says at the top they were licenced but how can they be at 16/14. So they were driving illegally. They certainly can't have had any experience on the road.

it's true there are these questions but kids will be kids and this is not the time... dig in your pockets just a little and do some good today. We can't help all those hurt on the roads but we CAN help these two.


I don't understand why anybody in Thailand still drives without ANY insurance at all.

I have a PA-Insurance which pay for every accident 2,000,000 Baht (reduced to 50% in case of a motorcycle accident) and I pay for the PA-Insurance 4,500 Baht/Year.
A sum which everybody can afford to pay.
As I joined that PA-Insurance before the age of 60, I can keep that insurance until the age of 75.

The PA-insurance does not cut the claims onpre-existing conditions as it is an ACCIDENT insurance.

Sorry, but if you can afford the gas for a motorcycle, you can afford also a PA-Insurance.

21 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Insurance companies are notorious for trying to get out of paying anything

That is simply untrue, insurance companies will pay out for genuine claims without drama but will limit their payout to that specified in the policy.  They obviously investigate spurious claims for fraud as there is almost an industry devoted to that.

7 hours ago, Henryford said:

Agreed very sad but crazy to let children ride a bike alone. It says at the top they were licenced but how can they be at 16/14. So they were driving illegally. They certainly can't have had any experience on the road.

Min age for a motorbike licence is 15, there isn't a minimum age to be a passenger.  So they were not riding illegally.  


Are you advocating that licence holders are not allowed on the roads until they have experience of driving on the roads?  How would that fine scheme work?  Do you remember the first time that you drove on the roads, when you had no experience of driving on the roads?


Anyone have a sense of how legit the person is collecting the 'aid' money?  I am always suspicious of this kind of thing.  The need is real enough but just concerned that money donated actually goes to help pay the bills for the kids. 


Unfortunately a post containing links to the fundraiser for these kids has had to be removed as it violates the Forum Rules:


22) Members are forbidden to ask for or accept donations, gifts or commissions from other members, any charities must contact support for approval before joining to be approved. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/contact

If however you re-read the entire thread you will find clues to a certain FB site.


If any member wishes to act as a guarantor for this fundraiser, please contact Forum Admin as per the above.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

On 3/2/2017 at 0:13 AM, mrmicbkktxl said:

Just curious,anybody can confirm this is all real?????Masha Zhigunova  or https://www.facebook.com/masha.jigounova

I have no idea why a russian girl should get a workpermit to work in a Thai hospital,almost impossible.If she is worried to much,why no updates,no nothing.Where are the parents of the kids?and,and.....


It seems you are quite uninformed. All major hospitals in Thailand have foreigners that work in the International relations departments.  They provide services such as translation (and some of the translators are trained in medical and surgical terminology in both Thai and other languages such as Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Russian, etc.), they deal with foreign insurance companies, correspond with medical professionals in other countries, etc. They have work permits...



On March 1, 2560 BE at 0:23 PM, johng said:

Yes horrible to watch,  I use this junction almost everyday  the traffic on the North/South Sukhumvit is very fast  like a racing track

they  even like to race to the red light slamming on the brakes at the last second

Notice in the video that the white SUV stops momentarily then carries on across too !

The kids are lucky to even be alive, bus company insurance should be footing the bill.

I think the SUV went through to try and assist the kids.

On 3/1/2017 at 11:48 AM, Wallander4 said:

Buscompany have to pay hospitalbills etc. but not gonna happen since its just foreigners that got hurt ...

i agree it should be down to the bus company or the bus companies insurance right?????????????????

On 3/2/2017 at 0:13 AM, mrmicbkktxl said:

Just curious,anybody can confirm this is all real?????Masha Zhigunova  or https://www.facebook.com/masha.jigounova

I have no idea why a russian girl should get a workpermit to work in a Thai hospital,almost impossible.If she is worried to much,why no updates,no nothing.Where are the parents of the kids?and,and.....


One of my friends is Russian and has been working at various hospitals here for years.  I've also got several other friends who work at the international hospitals, helping out foreigners.  It's not that hard to get a work permit for these big hospitals.

On 3/1/2017 at 5:13 PM, Bangkok Barry said:

Thanks. Insurance companies are notorious for trying to get out of paying anything, so to actually support someone breaking the law and guilty of causing serious injury very much surprises me. If it's true.

You are correct that insurance companies try to avoid paying claims. Would not be surprised if the bus driver comes up with some defense but the video is powerful evidence against him. A decent lawyer wins this case and gets financial recovery for the kids and their parent. Hope the best for the kids as insurance and/or bus company money will never fully compensate them or their family. 


I recognize that FaceBook is not considered as an official or reliable news source, but for those that are interested in the current condition of the kids the following information was posted by Masha:



Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

22 minutes ago, Wake Up said:

You are correct that insurance companies try to avoid paying claims.

You are very wrong.  Insurers do not try to avoid paying out genuine claims; the premiums that they collect from those that do not make claims amount to such huge figures that it would be financial suicide to do what you suggest they do.

17 minutes ago, Jai Dee said:

I recognize that FaceBook is not considered as an official or reliable news source, but for those that are interested in the current condition of the kids the following information was posted by Masha:



...wasn't that on the 28th?  Nothing since.

5 minutes ago, gdgbb said:

...wasn't that on the 28th?  Nothing since.

Masha said 1 hour ago that there was no further update to this post.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

10 minutes ago, Jai Dee said:

Masha said 1 hour ago that there was no further update to this post.

Yes, that's sort of the point I was making!


It's odd that someone asking for total strangers to donate our money posts no updates on the children's condition.  No photos of their father visiting them either, in fact, no mention of him at all since the first one.  Most of us would be there with our children 24 hours a day in the circumstances.  There's a lot of odd things about this.

25 minutes ago, Jai Dee said:

Masha said 1 hour ago that there was no further update to this post.

Thanks for the updates.  Best wishes for a speedy recovery for this kids.

Yes, that's sort of the point I was making!


It's odd that someone asking for total strangers to donate our money posts no updates on the children's condition.  No photos of their father visiting them either, in fact, no mention of him at all since the first one.  Most of us would be there with our children 24 hours a day in the circumstances.  There's a lot of odd things about this.

She has updated daily in the original post on facebook, nothing strange about that. Also she put up a fundraiser page now , instead of transfering money to her bank account you can use the fundraiser site. She is real and she is working in this hospital.

6 minutes ago, balo said:

She has updated daily in the original post on facebook, nothing strange about that. Also she put up a fundraiser page now , instead of transfering money to her bank account you can use the fundraiser site. She is real and she is working in this hospital.

Not in the FB that's linked on this thread she hasn't.   No update on the children's condition, it's the same as the original post. 


Maybe I'm wrong, if so I'd appreciate someone's copy and pasting the updated part so that I can offer my apologies for not being able to see it.


Posting about a fundraiser isn't an update on the children for those who may have contributed, it's another request for more money.


I didn't say that she wasn't real, neither did I say that she doesn't work at the hospital.

7 minutes ago, gdgbb said:

Maybe I'm wrong, if so I'd appreciate someone's copy and pasting the updated part so that I can offer my apologies for not being able to see it.


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

13 minutes ago, Jai Dee said:


Yes, Ive seen that and that information has been there for a few days.

28 minutes ago, gdgbb said:

Yes, Ive seen that and that information has been there for a few days.

See the reply by Masha above?

That was posted 1 hour ago.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


In case it hasn't been mentioned, 


BJP Elite Academy/Ecole française de Pattaya – 163/30 Permsub Garden Resort, Moo 6
Soi Siam Country Club, Pornprapanimit – 13, Nongprue, Banglamung,
Chon Buri 20150, Thaïlande

Tél : 033 673 602 – 038 114 612
086 553 5067 (thaï)
[email protected]

will be doing something on the 8th of March from 10am.





On ‎2017‎-‎03‎-‎01 at 11:45 AM, craigt3365 said:

<Deleted!> <deleted>.  He should be put in jail.  He was headed north and ran the light at Huay Yai.  Way late.  And way fast.  The scooter was going across the road headed to the beach and was absolutely creamed by the bus.  Amazing they are still alive. 


It's in the video here:

I'm sickened....


Not to blame the kids on the motorcycle by any means while assuming the Bus was running a red light, as it sure looks like it did.

But.. everywhere in the world and here in Thailand, all the more so, each person should be practising DEFENSIVE driving every second while they are driving.

The young driver on the bike should have been looking to the left and looking to the right to confirm if every motor vehicle supposed to stop at the red light was stopping or coming to a stop BEFORE proceeding through the intersection when the light turns green.

This is standard, sensible and logical defensive driving habits that obviously NEED to be practised by everyone and practised all the time.

Just because the light turns green does not insure that it is safe to move ahead and does not ensure all motor vehicles that are supposed to stop for the red light have stopped or they are coming to a stop.

Again, not to blame the kids on the motorcycle, but Damn...had they just looked to their left and looked for just the sort of thing being discussed and pointed out then they would not be where they are now.

When I used to drive, when at an intersection and waiting for the light to turn green, I was always in the habit of looking to the left and looking to the right when the light turned green while  2 times in my life I watched other vehicles run a red light and would have slammed into me 1 time as I was the first car at the intersection and the other time the car up ahead of me must of also been looking for trouble as that car did not just immediately GO when the light turned green ...but had the driver just accelerated forward without looking...... then ...WHAM...just like you see in the video and a fairly common type of motor vehicle accident all over the world.....and all the more common here in Thailand.

The driver of the bus is an A-Hole  for his reckless driving conduct and probably has run many a red light before and never had an accident, which would most likely embolden the moron to do it again whenever he judges it is OK to do so...such as seen in the video. 

Meantime the kids did not have the driving experience and or the defensive driving foresight to consider other vehicles can and will often run a red light while many Thai drivers have the attitude and mentality that says : YOU and everyone else should be watching for me and aware of such dangerous or reckless driving conduct and give way for your own safety.





Hey guys - I am not 100% completely in on the story, but my two kids are schoolmates of Daniel and Katia.

Seeing this accident on video gets me shocked to my bones. And YES - the two kids are lucky to be alive.

I hope the bus driver will be punished accordingly - but that does not help the kids at present.

There are many discussions why letting the kids drive in Thailand. And YES - it is a question. But answer it yourself: Their father is taking care of them alone. So I guess that answers the question - they have a license to drive and they do it out of necessity I guess. Yes - a trained driver might have seen the danger - but ... can we always say we would ??? No blame on the kids. The had worn helmets  and had a license.

Now regarding the insurances - as I heard they are paying a part - heard a number of 380,000 THB - and I guess some of you have seen that this was used up in only 2 days in ICU.

For all guys who have a heart and kids themselves - help with the fundraiser ... if you don't trust the internet - donate to the school - that has been holding a fundraiser on Wednesday March 8. And I guess they will also do it 100% for Daniel and Katia after tomorrow.

Below are the school address and phone numbers.

I was able to support my kids with doing good things (baking cakes and cookies to sell and submit a few paintings (25+/-) from my company that got sold in the auction on Wednesday) plus some cash, but again - every action counts.

As a father of 2 kids I urge all of you to do something for Daniel and Katia. 

Thank you very very much.

Screen Shot 2017-03-09 at 20.54.50.png

4 minutes ago, HEKA01 said:

Hey guys - I am not 100% completely in on the story, but my two kids are schoolmates of Daniel and Katia.

Seeing this accident on video gets me shocked to my bones. And YES - the two kids are lucky to be alive.

I hope the bus driver will be punished accordingly - but that does not help the kids at present.

There are many discussions why letting the kids drive in Thailand. And YES - it is a question. But answer it yourself: Their father is taking care of them alone. So I guess that answers the question - they have a license to drive and they do it out of necessity I guess. Yes - a trained driver might have seen the danger - but ... can we always say we would ??? No blame on the kids. The had worn helmets  and had a license.

Now regarding the insurances - as I heard they are paying a part - heard a number of 380,000 THB - and I guess some of you have seen that this was used up in only 2 days in ICU.

For all guys who have a heart and kids themselves - help with the fundraiser ... if you don't trust the internet - donate to the school - that has been holding a fundraiser on Wednesday March 8. And I guess they will also do it 100% for Daniel and Katia after tomorrow.

Below are the school address and phone numbers.

I was able to support my kids with doing good things (baking cakes and cookies to sell and submit a few paintings (25+/-) from my company that got sold in the auction on Wednesday) plus some cash, but again - every action counts.

As a father of 2 kids I urge all of you to do something for Daniel and Katia. 

Thank you very very much.

Screen Shot 2017-03-09 at 20.54.50.png

My son also attended BJP and knows them both. He is the same age as Daniel. I posted on this on Day one.

While I think it an outrage that in circumstances like this, the insurance doesn't cover the bill COMPLETELY, or failing that the Bus Company who must be liable, I agree with your post.

Come on folks. This is two kids who were wiped out in a disgraceful act of driving. The school is on Siam Country club, Soi 13, and in the Permsub Village just under a kilometre in on the right.

If you only donate one thing this year, this would be worthy.

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