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Video: Impatient driver goes for gap that wasn't there and pays the penalty


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5 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

Until there are severe civil and criminal penalties enforced Thais have no fear for their actions and mandatory consequences....


the part i don't get is their inability to value their own life let alone others...


the gov needs to address that question of why not....

They have statues and amulets in the vehicle designed to stop this from happeningand to keep them alive when it does. Govt needs to tell thim this doesn't work.

Whole industry of Buddha stuff at threat, when they realise they have been wasting their money though.

Edited by darksidedog
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3 hours ago, KMartinHandyman said:

Looks like he refused to slow down and allow the taxi to merge. Instead he tried to go around the taxi and got boxed.

He had the lane, it's the taxi who has to merge safely.

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3 hours ago, animalmagic said:

I agree that the blue pickup was driving in an irresponsible manner, however the taxi driver did not appear to make any attempt to ensure the lane was clear before moving from his own lane to join the highway.  It is the responsibility of the driver joining the highway to ensure that they can do so safely and without endangering other vehicles travelling at higher speed than themselves.  From simple observation the taxi appears t simply pull into the next lane to the right as quickly as possible before the end of the feeder lane.


Agreed.  The entering cars must yield to the main road.  Jumping your car in front of a speeding vehicle to get ahead of them or try to slow them down is a mistake.  For all you know the speeding car is an unmarked emergency vehicle, a person rushing to a hospital or someone drunk or high.  I drive fast but if someone is going faster than me and coming up from behind I get out of the way quick.  If I was driving that taxi this never would have happened.  

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4 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

Until there are severe civil and criminal penalties enforced Thais have no fear for their actions and mandatory consequences....


the part i don't get is their inability to value their own life let alone others...


the gov needs to address that question of why not....

The blue pickup was cut off, however you could see it coming and he should of backed off.

The government has never addressed the driving problems here, the mentality of me first ,get out off my way even if I kill you and the occupants of my vehicle is beyond comprehension.

The biggest fear when driving highways here is getting taken out from an idiot that can't wait to pass you.

I try to always get out of their way, and keep left , let them pass.


I think that because of the Save Face attitude that the government won't mount a much needed TV campaign, that and  of course Mr MONEY.

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From what I can see the taxi had nowhere to go because its lane was merging, the blue pick-up could see the merging taxi early enough and had just to slow down a bit, instead it carried on speeding forcing its way through the traffic. IMO the pick-up is 100% in the wrong.

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6 hours ago, AlexRich said:

Incredible footage ... the guy in the blue truck was diving too fast and not only endangered himself but other people. Luckily, the other drivers did not pay a price for his recklessness and stupidity. 

They are both at fault because they are both Thais I think that says it all.

The taxi should have slowed down and checked for oncoming traffic and give way to oncoming traffic iit looks like the taxi hit the pickup on its rear end sending the truck into a spin.

The pickup was wrong for speeding and overtaking on the inside and must o=f seen the taxi pulling into the trucks lane but wasn't prepared to give way. Both are idiots.

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18 minutes ago, little mary sunshine said:

No sympathy for the passengers....they chose to ride with

this idiot...I am sure he drove like this before...

You are cold and heartless in my opinion.


You would look very foolish if the passengers were the driver's children under the age of reason.  The passengers could have been blind, autistic, retarded, or were not aware of the driver's habits and just entered the vehicle moments before.  


The driver could have had a stroke or a heart attack that caused the accident. If the proximate cause of the accident was a medical condition, the driver could not be held legally liable in the  absence of negligence.


Your response is dark, evil and thoughtless in my opinion.  

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More often than not these crazy drivers forget they are in a motor vehicle and not riding there motor bike. When they remember its to late !! Oh shit I didn't fit through the gap.

I'm convinced that this is the biggest reason for their erratic driving and disregard of any speed limits.

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I agree with other posters here that although the pick-up was driving too fast for the traffic conditions the Taxi should have given way and let the idiot go by. So it applies in this case that clearly two wrongs don't make a right.

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This absolute goombah, super freak, man child moron got what was coming to him. Hope he was driving alone, and nobody else was injured by this brainless worm. What, he could not slow down, when he saw that the traffic was merging, and there was nowhere for him to go? What was he thinking, that the traffic would just move aside, due to the size of his vehicle, or his self importance? A five second delay, and none of this would have happened. One can only hope he will not be in a position to ever drive again, and terrorize the nation's highways. Hard to feel any sympathy for him. I just hope his entire family was not in that vehicle. 


As I stated before, traffic safety needs to be addressed and improved here, in a dramatic and drastic manner. This will not happen. And the question is why it will not happen. And the answer is complete and total apathy on the part of the government, and the police. Nobody cares. Sure, they jabber alot after some horrific accidents. But, will they do anything? Do they ever do anything? No. They are not serious about this problem, at all. More jawboning, from the master himself. If he was serious about protecting his people, he would have done it from day one. The RTP are not interested in traffic safety, and the government has no interest in public safety. And the carnage continues, and Thailand continues it's place as number two in the world (after war torn Libya) for road deaths per capita. At least they are number two in something! There are a hundred things that could be done to protect the people, and prevent more accidents. Start with law enforcement, and the enforcing of laws that are already on the books. Serious fines for speeding, impounding of vehicles, with serious fines for drunk driving, long prison terms for manslaughter, caused by drivers who carelessly mow people down, regardless of how influential or connected, or wealthy they are. Incease the penalties severely for fleeing the scene of an accident. I do not think there is currently any penalty for that. And how about a really novel idea? Have the highway police actually patrol the highway, instead of playing cards in the office. The only time I ever see them is after an accident. There is a concept known as a deterrent, which is virtually unknown in this country.


You make obnoxious behavior, dangerous behavior, drunk driving, and careless driving on the highways punishable, and people will think twice about doing it. Every single time I am on the highways I see people doing things they would never even consider doing in California, as the consequences are simply too high. Here they know they can get away with almost anything. Start with 10,000 baht fines for a first offense or reckless driving. A second offense of 100,000 baht. A third offense and your vehicle is confiscated permanently, without compensation. And two years in prison, mandatory. Word would get around. Quickly. People would be afraid of the authorities, as they should be. 


They all know Little P. and the highway police are not serious people. And he and his people bear total, and absolute responsibility for the continued carnage. It rests squarely on his very small shoulders. Nothing is being done, despite the constant rhetoric. 

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1 minute ago, TKDfella said:

I agree with other posters here that although the pick-up was driving too fast for the traffic conditions the Taxi should have given way and let the idiot go by. So it applies in this case that clearly two wrongs don't make a right.


Wrong. The taxi driver was completely within his rights. This moron came up on him, and though it might have been smart to make way for him, it was not something he had any obligation to do, on any level. The total and complete responsibility rests with the driver of the pickup, and he paid the ultimate price, maybe. 

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1 hour ago, Thaijack2014 said:

To me it looks that the taxi coming up to the lane was wrong. He just came up into the lane, the blue car was already driving. He should have slowed down, not the other one. The blue car couldn't go to the right as there were some cars driving. He's the victim in my opinion!

Correct. The taxi is at fault. The Blue car was in his lane and tried to avoid the taxi swinging in from his left but could not evade it as another car was to his right. The Taxi should have slowed to merge - instead it looks like he speeded up.


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I think it really looks like the driver in the Blue pickup actually tried to force the issue and almost nudge the taxi out of its wrong manouvre. Being bigger and 'invincible'. A case of I'm not giving way and neither am I. Very serious consequencies for such vehicular bullying. 

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8 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


Wrong. The taxi driver was completely within his rights. This moron came up on him, and though it might have been smart to make way for him, it was not something he had any obligation to do, on any level. The total and complete responsibility rests with the driver of the pickup, and he paid the ultimate price, maybe. 

So you would rather be right and in hospital and /or have smashed vehicle than slow a little and have a better chance of being safe? Something wrong with your logic.

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Comes down to tougher and more educational, logical driving test and hazard awareness. As a recent new driver here for my work, no matter how many allowances I make for other people's mistakes, I still feel like I could be wiped out of the game anytime by others. Saw immediate aftermath of 3 accidents coming back from Kanchanaburi at weekend-all pick ups I'd seen undertaking and overtaking recklessly. Hope incremental enforcement of traffic laws speeds up soon

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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The taxi driver was in the left lane when the blue pick up driver squeezed right. If the pickup had not swerved but collided into the rear of the taxi it would still be the the pick up's fault. Point being, the mitigating speed caused the accident and merger to be dangerous. The blue car could better anticipate the taxi than the taxi the pickup's speed. It did not look as though the pick up addressed the taxi's slower speed in any event, and disastrously choose to lane split. 


Very sorry for all in the pick up regardless.

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Right of way or not, the blue truck driver is an idiot and typical of some very aggressive Thai drivers. They weave through traffic trying to get ahead of everybody because they are so important. While he had the right of way, he also had a responsibility not to ram the taxi which is clearly what he did. From the video, it looked to me that the taxi was partially in the lane at least and i could see his turn signal. It was also clear that the truck driver had plenty of time to slow down but chose not to.

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1 hour ago, little mary sunshine said:

No sympathy for the passengers....they chose to ride with

this idiot...I am sure he drove like this before...

Sure, like kids can choose their parents or work colleagues will know if you snore or not. 


LMS, that was a really crass post

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4 hours ago, animalmagic said:

I agree that the blue pickup was driving in an irresponsible manner, however the taxi driver did not appear to make any attempt to ensure the lane was clear before moving from his own lane to join the highway.  It is the responsibility of the driver joining the highway to ensure that they can do so safely and without endangering other vehicles travelling at higher speed than themselves.  From simple observation the taxi appears t simply pull into the next lane to the right as quickly as possible before the end of the feeder lane.

It is always the responsibility of the "overtaking" driver, no matter which lane you're in. The pickup clearly did not "want" the taxi to get in it's way and even looks like it tried to nudge it sideways. The blue pick up could have slowed down instead of the bambardier approach to I'm bigger than you.  

The taxi driver was also doing what a lot of drivers do in Thailand. Everything is OK as long as you do it slowly or gradually in the traffic. This looks like the taxi doing the lane entry gradually, would assume the pick up would let him. We all experience the car entering a 90kmh highway slowly in front of a wall of speeding traffic haven't we? If you do it slowly everything is OK. Isn't it? That I think is a Thai thing. I haven't seen it anywhere else.

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at least all these videos of pickup trucks in Thailand getting instantly launched airborne and flipping over many times in mid air help people understand that a vehicle with a high ground clearance and with a high center of gravity may not be safer than a passenger vehicle in a collision.


and again we see Thai drivers racing to beat the other guy out, when all they have to do is take their foot off the accelerator.

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4 hours ago, KMartinHandyman said:

Looks like he refused to slow down and allow the taxi to merge. Instead he tried to go around the taxi and got boxed.

Agree, doesn't look like he tried to squeeze into any gap, he just didn't want to allow the emerging car into the lane he was in & ended up clashing, only thing is he came off second best!!

He learnt a hard lesson, feel sorry for his passengers though!

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A Friend crashed into a parked car (don't ask) and part of his explanation was the car was illegally parked, so it was not his fault.

 This excuse is similar to blaming the taxi because the pickup was apparently speeding. The fact as pointed out but questioned by some was that the pickup was occupying a lane, and the taxi moved into that lane and caused the collision. Lack of awareness by the pickup driver was a factor, as is lack of driver training, lack of policing, lack of courtesy........

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