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Video: Impatient driver goes for gap that wasn't there and pays the penalty


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3 hours ago, dazzz said:

Very strange to me . I watched the video a few times and without a doubt it is the taxi drivers fault.The pickup was in his lane , did not move and was hit by the taxi joining his lane . Are you all blind or dont know how to drive. 
Better you say sorry for all the names you called the driver of the pickup as you are all wrong

If the pickup driver was speeding, I say if, then he was also in the wrong.

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Highway Code and land traffic act in easily available on the internet.


i think it says overtaking on left is cool for fools if the road is divided... but why bother looking to make sure, as no one seems to bother with the laws, and they may lull you into a false sense of security (or death)

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 I ...like many others here will make a few assumptions here with no facts to base them on . 


Most likely the taxi was driving at around the legal speed ..  he HAD NO CHOICE but to merge into the lane on the main highway......He assumed that traffic in that lane on the highway would be travelling at or around the legal speed....if so he would/should have no trouble merging into that traffic flow.


Unfortunately the blue pick up was obviously travelling well above the speed limit.....in what in many countries is known as the " low speed lane".......the pick up didnt try to slow down to allow room for the taxi to merge..and found his only escape route  ( to the next lane on the right ) was also blocked.


What no-one seems to mention or consider ....if you consider the very start of the video ...........the camera car moves to the middle lane ...possibly because he saw the pick up coming up behind him at high speed .

After the pick up goes past the camera car it moves back to the left.


Some blame could be placed on the camera car because if it had stayed in the left lane the pick up would have had to have slowed down or move to the right where there was already slower traffic at the start of the video which just might have prevented the blue pick up from continuing its  Kamakazi   drive.

Edited by novo58
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15 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

A lot would depend on what speed the pick up was doing, but yes, the taxi was clearly at fault.

Look again. If the truck had not been speeding how would it have maintained the velocity to break and then go flying over the wall? The taxi managed to stop reasonably quickly on the road and under control. 


I can't see anything sudden from the taxi, which was running out of ramp road - he had nowhere else to go and should not be forced to break hard and possibly cause another accident at the merge point. If there is anything sudden that I can't see then it might have been a driver reaction after realizing that the truck was on top of him!! The taxi driver probably saw the truck in his r/v mirror when starting the merge but at that time the truck was at least 250m behind the taxi. So the taxi fairly felt safe to merge. The taxi drivers' only fault would have been failing to account for the idiotic speed of the truck.


The truck driver (word used lightly) had clear vision of the merging taxi ahead for at least 10 seconds before first contact but failed to adjust his speed to avoid collision. I think his brake lights would have shown on the VDO if any braking had happened.


I hope that anyone blaming the taxi driver here is not actually a driver!

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18 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Look again. If the truck had not been speeding how would it have maintained the velocity to break and then go flying over the wall? The taxi managed to stop reasonably quickly on the road and under control. 


I can't see anything sudden from the taxi, which was running out of ramp road - he had nowhere else to go and should not be forced to break hard and possibly cause another accident at the merge point. If there is anything sudden that I can't see then it might have been a driver reaction after realizing that the truck was on top of him!! The taxi driver probably saw the truck in his r/v mirror when starting the merge but at that time the truck was at least 250m behind the taxi. So the taxi fairly felt safe to merge. The taxi drivers' only fault would have been failing to account for the idiotic speed of the truck.


The truck driver (word used lightly) had clear vision of the merging taxi ahead for at least 10 seconds before first contact but failed to adjust his speed to avoid collision. I think his brake lights would have shown on the VDO if any braking had happened.


I hope that anyone blaming the taxi driver here is not actually a driver!

I still say the taxi driver was partly to blame, I don't know whether the pickup truck was speeding or not, and neither does anyone else, though IMO it is very likely he was.

Any sensible driver will always watch for other drivers mistakes, the taxi driver did not do this. They were both to blame, neither of them used any common sense at all.


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7 hours ago, KMartinHandyman said:

Looks like he refused to slow down and allow the taxi to merge. Instead he tried to go around the taxi and got boxed.

Was the guy going too fast, definitely; but, merging traffic does not have the right of way.  Common sense tells you he should have slowed down just knowing the way taxi's drive in Bangkok; but, that taxi caused this accident.  

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1 minute ago, possum1931 said:

I still say the taxi driver was partly to blame, I don't know whether the pickup truck was speeding or not, and neither does anyone else, though IMO it is very likely he was.

Any sensible driver will always watch for other drivers mistakes, the taxi driver did not do this. They were both to blame, neither of them used any common sense at all.


Legally the taxi was to blame, he made the mistake of merging when the lane was not free. The pickup driver made the mistake of going too fast, should be fined for that and bears part of the moral blame.

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6 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

I still say the taxi driver was partly to blame, I don't know whether the pickup truck was speeding or not, and neither does anyone else, though IMO it is very likely he was.

Any sensible driver will always watch for other drivers mistakes, the taxi driver did not do this. They were both to blame, neither of them used any common sense at all.


Sounds like you have the same perception of speed as the truck driver. Or is it just "me first syndrome". 

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7 hours ago, animalmagic said:

I agree that the blue pickup was driving in an irresponsible manner, however the taxi driver did not appear to make any attempt to ensure the lane was clear before moving from his own lane to join the highway.  It is the responsibility of the driver joining the highway to ensure that they can do so safely and without endangering other vehicles travelling at higher speed than themselves.  From simple observation the taxi appears t simply pull into the next lane to the right as quickly as possible before the end of the feeder lane.

Not sure about Thailand but I believe in England the person joining the motorway has the right of way to do so and it is up to the other drivers to allow safe passage.

The taxi would probably be expecting the car in the slow lane to be driving slower than the other lanes. He was more than up to speed to be joining the road.

100% pick up drivers fault.

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13 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Legally the taxi was to blame, he made the mistake of merging when the lane was not free. The pickup driver made the mistake of going too fast, should be fined for that and bears part of the moral blame.

This "legal thing" is a quagmire, isn't it?


blame is usually apportioned in these cases, and  both the taxi and truck need to be inclusive in apportioning said blame.


the truck was speeding ( I got my eyechrometer recalibrated, and when applied to the video, it said "holy shjt!!!")..... and there is no way in hell an insurance company will pay out on this, because they will deem him to be recklessly driving causing harm to others, even if the police don't ( which imho, they should)


the taxi, merging from a merging lane, was driving with undue care... a lesser charge... but a merging lane should enable cars entering a stream of traffic, to attain the speed to merge safely, then merging "protocols" take effect (can't see a law).... so the taxi should be able to "reasonably assume" that merging was safe.


 yes... arguably a foolish assumption.... but if other road users obey the law, then assumptions of this nature are not unusual.... (eg.... happily driving down the road at thirty klicks, assuming someone isn't going to jump out in front of me, causing me to kill them)


Anyway, it wasn't safe to merge....  because of the crazy fooker in the truck.... no one was safe on that road because of this guy... no one!


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2 minutes ago, embarr said:

I don't know who the hurried writer of this story is...and who the idiots here judging the young speeder are, but its clear that a story is presented distorded and a bunch of drunk expats can get shit way out of line.


you dirty rotten expats... hands up if your already drunk!

bad boys... oh sheet... it's after three... that's me then.... :partytime2:

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1 hour ago, embarr said:


Nonsense! You need to go back to driving school. The blue 4x4 was speeding into built up traffic, if he had been driving at the speed of the surrounding cars he would not have had to avoid the taxi in the first place. At that speed you have no chance with dealing with such an event, which is reasonably foreseeable and very common in Thailand. How do you know the driver was young? 







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7 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

with dealing with such an event, which is reasonably foreseeable an

Here here. Well said Alex! There are no "give way signs on Thai expressways. These are no urban streets with stop lines. All traffic is expected to allow merging and free-flow . Undertaking IS actually illegal as is dangerous driving. 


So may expats and locals supporting the truckie here that it's no wonder why I see so many of them driving the same crap way - they probably have never passed a real driving test either. embarr is in error!

Edited by nauseus
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54 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Sounds like you have the same perception of speed as the truck driver. Or is it just "me first syndrome". 

So you can tell if the truck driver was speeding or not? Are you saying I'm adopting the "me first syndrome"?:crazy:

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1 hour ago, stevenl said:

Legally the taxi was to blame, he made the mistake of merging when the lane was not free. The pickup driver made the mistake of going too fast, should be fined for that and bears part of the moral blame.

Thanks for agreeing with me.

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29 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Here here. Well said Alex! There are no "give way signs on Thai expressways. These are no urban streets with stop lines. All traffic is expected to allow merging and free-flow . Undertaking IS actually illegal as is dangerous driving. 


So may expats and locals supporting the truckie here that it's no wonder why I see so many of them driving the same crap way - they probably have never passed a real driving test either. embarr is in error!

No, undertaking IS NOT illegal in this instance..


Section 45 of the Land Traffic Act states that 

No Driver shall overtake another vehicle from the left-side unless:

a. the vehicle to be overtaken is making a right turn or has given a signal that he is going to make a right turn. 

b. the roadway is arranged with two or more traffic lanes in the same direction


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The blue vehicle can be seen going fast on the inside then it cuts across and tries to go between a taxi and another vehicle, Manager Online reported. 


The driver loses control and collides with a wall as the vehicle disappears over the bridge.

Are you all blind . you are all commentating on the headline and not what you see. He did not try to squeeze through a gap he went straight on in the lane he was in . He did not lose control he was hit on the back side of his pickup and was spun off the road.
 SPEEDING?!!! What speeding . i have a dash cam and when i look at the video always seems like i am going very fast even when i am doing 50kph. I estimate the traffic at about 60-70kph and him 80-100pkph .
 When i used to drive down the m62/m6 in uk rush hour the traffic was so dense difficult to merge so at the end of the lane if i could not merge i did not just drive into the side of someone , i carried on along the hard shoulder until i could merge . Its called driving . The taxi had absolutely no need to crash into him then , another 2 seconds and 20 metres he would have been passed and the taxi could pull out safely

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Of course, if all those cars in the overtaking lane adjacent to the median had returned to the centre or inner lanes after completing their overtake instead of hogging the fast pickup would probably have overtaken safely albeit over the limit.As in many other countries with motorways the outerlane is for overtaking, the centre lanes(s) for 'fast' traffic and the inside lane for 'slow' traffic. Any driver here must know that a red plate on a car increases its top speed by at least 20kph in order to demonstrate the superiority of a new vehicle. Only a yellow plate has super superiority when attached to a minibus......


Then again, BKK drivers have to put up with morons undertaking on the emergency shoulder (ultimate left lane) especially during rush hours these <deleted> forcing their way in when 'their' lane narrows or runs out especially on the river bridges.


Stay safe out there, read the road, stay cool.....


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I am surprised there are no details available such as names, injuries. I will bet the pick-up driver is male and below 40. His aggressive driving, speeding, failure to anticipate the merge, failure to brake, failure to notice the merge lane ending, appallingly bad decision to go for the overtake, loss of control and disregard for his passengers points to a certain idiot kind of mentality.

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2 minutes ago, dazzz said:

The blue vehicle can be seen going fast on the inside then it cuts across and tries to go between a taxi and another vehicle, Manager Online reported. 


The driver loses control and collides with a wall as the vehicle disappears over the bridge.

Are you all blind . you are all commentating on the headline and not what you see. He did not try to squeeze through a gap he went straight on in the lane he was in . He did not lose control he was hit on the back side of his pickup and was spun off the road.
 SPEEDING?!!! What speeding . i have a dash cam and when i look at the video always seems like i am going very fast even when i am doing 50kph. I estimate the traffic at about 60-70kph and him 80-100pkph .
 When i used to drive down the m62/m6 in uk rush hour the traffic was so dense difficult to merge so at the end of the lane if i could not merge i did not just drive into the side of someone , i carried on along the hard shoulder until i could merge . Its called driving . The taxi had absolutely no need to crash into him then , another 2 seconds and 20 metres he would have been passed and the taxi could pull out safely

Spot on.

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29 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

So you can tell if the truck driver was speeding or not? Are you saying I'm adopting the "me first syndrome"?:crazy:

Yes I can! The truck was doing at least 140 km/hr. Average distance between lane markers on that road is 12m centre to centre. Using the clock on the dash, cam the truck passes 10 of these markers in 3 seconds, so it  travels 120m in 3 seconds, which corresponds to 144 km/h. This clearly violates any speed limit in Thailand and the fact that there is no attempt at braking to allow for the traffic ahead is clearly a case of highly dangerous driving on the part of Khun Truckie!    

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2 hours ago, novo58 said:

 I ...like many others here will make a few assumptions here with no facts to base them on . 


Most likely the taxi was driving at around the legal speed ..  he HAD NO CHOICE but to merge into the lane on the main highway......He assumed that traffic in that lane on the highway would be travelling at or around the legal speed....if so he would/should have no trouble merging into that traffic flow.


Unfortunately the blue pick up was obviously travelling well above the speed limit.....in what in many countries is known as the " low speed lane".......the pick up didnt try to slow down to allow room for the taxi to merge..and found his only escape route  ( to the next lane on the right ) was also blocked.


What no-one seems to mention or consider ....if you consider the very start of the video ...........the camera car moves to the middle lane ...possibly because he saw the pick up coming up behind him at high speed .

After the pick up goes past the camera car it moves back to the left.


Some blame could be placed on the camera car because if it had stayed in the left lane the pick up would have had to have slowed down or move to the right where there was already slower traffic at the start of the video which just might have prevented the blue pick up from continuing its  Kamakazi   drive.

You need to go to the opticians . What video are you watching .The video car went to the middle lane as that is what thais do ,hog the middle lane he then went to the inside lane after the pickup passed so he could overtake hiself . the traffic was moving very slowly and the car the video car passed was doing about 60kph to make the pickup look like it was speeding but it was never speedingI have attached a photo of the impact . you can  see first he could not pull over as there was a minibus along side him . you missed that ?
AT the point of impact in the photo look how much room the taxi has , no need to pull over into the pickup at that point


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Yep Taxi caused this accident driving without due care, and yes the pickup driver is a bit silly for not slowing down to let the oblivious idiot in the Taxi join the lane, but two thais and one bit of road - something has to give and it won't be courtesy and common sense 

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21 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Yes I can! The truck was doing at least 140 km/hr. Average distance between lane markers on that road is 12m centre to centre. Using the clock on the dash, cam the truck passes 10 of these markers in 3 seconds, so it  travels 120m in 3 seconds, which corresponds to 144 km/h. This clearly violates any speed limit in Thailand and the fact that there is no attempt at braking to allow for the traffic ahead is clearly a case of highly dangerous driving on the part of Khun Truckie!    

If what you say is true, then you are right, but the taxi is also to blame, for reasons that has been said several times in this topic.

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