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Thailand’s image as a corrupt country a serious problem, says expert, after recent survey


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9 hours ago, steven100 said:

just to set the record straight ....  I have lived in Thailand for 20+ years,  i have many close friends in very high influential places.  When Thaksin sold his Shin Corp to the Singaporean company ... I believe there was an issue with unpaid taxes or similar ...

cannot comment on the exact occurrence ... but there was some ...  underhandedness ,

so ...  you don't know everything  ...  :shock1: lol ..  

Yes,..Thaksin had the law changed so he didn't have to pay taxes on he billions of profit he made by selling he's company. that exception was only for him !!!

People forget easy, Thaksin's government was known to be one the most corrupt on the planet. At par with some African country's. When they build the new airport, there were story's of corruption at every stage of construction. When a Bangkok post journalist discovered that there were cracks in the new runway, because they used under standard materials. ? he was sacked, lost he's job under pressure from high up. When later independent journalists proved he was right he could not get hese job back because of the pressure from high up.

I am not spend my time looking for the incredible amount of articles about the Thaksin corrupt government, but here is a small example....sometimes you have to read between the lines !!!!



<Bangkok Post reference deleted>







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11 hours ago, whatawonderfulday said:

Yes and the biggest exponents of corruption are the Elite, RTP, RTA RTN etc and always have been since 1932.  That's why they hate Thaksin because he almost pushed their noses out of the trough which they consider their sole domain.


Under Thaksin corruption went down according to independent reports so he was doing something right and damn site more for the poor then anybody else did before and after his administrations.

Just to refresh your failing memory,....



<Bangkok Post reference deleted>





Edited by Moderator01
No reference to the Bangkok Post, please.
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11 hours ago, steven100 said:

Thailand corrupt  .....    geeeeze ....  I wouldn't have guessed  :shock1:


Same as many other developed countries, just they are not as transparent ...

Australia, USA, UK, France, NZ ....


try and tell me these countries are not corrupt ...

I would agree that people in Thailand seem to be quite Brazen about their corrupt practices. But even if France or any other country is the same but less transparent, that does not excuse Thailand, and does not diminish its accountability for what happens HERE. BTW I have long held that the Junta has only targeted political foes for corruption charges as a convenient cleaning house operation, while gaining the trust of the gullible masses because they think he really is tackling the problem.  The fact that it's increased hardly supports that view.

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4 hours ago, steven100 said:

your right ....    It just seems that the TV farangs and everyone wants to complains about thailand ......


geeeze .....  to be honest .   I think it's the best place to be ..... :)

The 'TV Farangs' are not all in Thailand. For my part I reserve the right to comment on anything I see that is wrong in any country no matter where it is. If I were living in Denmark and saw something wrong am I not entitled to point it out? Only if I'm living in my own country? I have lived in England, Australia, New Zealand and Thailand - which one am I allowed to complain about? Everybody that lives here has the right to make observations. Many do and its out of frustration of the fact that it won't change and none of us can change it. But that doesn't mean we don't want to stay here. We came by choice. Its a stupid argument to say 'if you don't like it then leave'. I can go to a cinema and complain about the price of popcorn but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the film or the comfortable seat. It certainly doesn't mean I should leave the cinema and not come back. Just don't buy the popcorn!

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        My Thai friend was so hammered that he hit a motorbike and the driver had to be brought to the hospital.


      But my friend is a real Regency teacher and his grandfather was a high police officer. Both vehicles were kept at the police station until the BIB could make an arrangement before it could reach the court.


    Mom, not stupid, immediately went to the bank, then to the coppers and had a meeting with the officer who wrote the report.


Both, the motorbike driver and her son were under the influence of alcohol, so both were guilty under the eyes of the law. Which law??


 Mom paid the officer 60 K in a white envelope that wasn't opened before she left the station, but she knew that her son would be okay because the officer had already mentioned that her son wasn't really drunk.


   The car was released on the next day, brought to a garage where they made all the dents and scratches from the criminal motorbike driver away. The first class insurance paid for, so the whole car was resprayed and looked very nice.


   The car driver visited the motorbike bloke and brought him a cake and a little money tree that he's able to buy a few parts that he needed to pay to the motorbike repair shop.


   Nobody lost face all were happy and the teacher understood the value of money. 


    Corruption and prostitution do not exist in this country and if I were them, I'd sue them for giving the biggest brothel in the world a bad name. 





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11 hours ago, steven100 said:

just to set the record straight ....  I have lived in Thailand for 20+ years,  i have many close friends in very high influential places.  When Thaksin sold his Shin Corp to the Singaporean company ... I believe there was an issue with unpaid taxes or similar ...

cannot comment on the exact occurrence ... but there was some ...  underhandedness ,

so ...  you don't know everything  ...  :shock1: lol ..  

" I have many close friends in very high influential places ' 

Did you meet them whilst you were in the SAS ?

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Nice to see it out in the open ! Will there be a prize giving ? Chainarong, do you know how thaksin gained control of the massive electronics company that an american set up in operation  ? Are you aware of the massive land scam involving government land being sold to thaksin,s wife for a very small fraction of it,s real value ? thaksin did not "make" his money in the acceptable sense, he made it by total skullduggery using his power as a bangkok policeman, totally devoid of morals or principles. Everyone else is just following the trend.

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8 hours ago, steven100 said:

so no other country is corrupt ...:clap2:

by any objective measure, there is no comparison in levels of corruption between Thailand and Australia, UK, US, NZ, etc... and your original statement is, indeed, completely ridiculous. 

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12 minutes ago, joecoolfrog said:

" I have many close friends in very high influential places ' 

Did you meet them whilst you were in the SAS ?



 I also have a very close friend who's also got a close friend of an even closer friend who's got a noodle soup imperium with currently two shops.

My friend's imperium.jpg

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8 minutes ago, ajarngreg said:


 I also have a very close friend who's also got a close friend of an even closer friend who's got a noodle soup imperium with currently two shops.

My friend's imperium.jpg

Oh yeah?! You think you're tough?? My dad knows Chuck Norris!!

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15 hours ago, steven100 said:

so that's how the Shinawatra's built their billions of baht in off shore accounts ....

and not forgetting a failed and dubious rice scam that cost the thais million upon millions also ....


I think many like me are so relieved that Khun Prayuth Chan-O-Cha is in charge.

And he will keep going after the billions taken from thais .....

And he will become richer and richer.

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21 hours ago, steven100 said:

just to set the record straight ....  I have lived in Thailand for 20+ years,  i have many close friends in very high influential places.  When Thaksin sold his Shin Corp to the Singaporean company ... I believe there was an issue with unpaid taxes or similar ...

cannot comment on the exact occurrence ... but there was some ...  underhandedness ,

so ...  you don't know everything  ...  :shock1: lol ..  

great ask em when the elections are going to be...thanks

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12 hours ago, off road pat said:

Yes,..Thaksin had the law changed so he didn't have to pay taxes on he billions of profit he made by selling he's company. that exception was only for him !!!

People forget easy, Thaksin's government was known to be one the most corrupt on the planet. At par with some African country's. When they build the new airport, there were story's of corruption at every stage of construction. When a Bangkok post journalist discovered that there were cracks in the new runway, because they used under standard materials. ? he was sacked, lost he's job under pressure from high up. When later independent journalists proved he was right he could not get hese job back because of the pressure from high up.

I am not spend my time looking for the incredible amount of articles about the Thaksin corrupt government, but here is a small example....sometimes you have to read between the lines !!!!



<Bangkok Post reference deleted>







What's the problem, cant bear to hear the truth ? Or perhaps as you have only lived in Thailand 20 years you memory is short ?


"After a historic election victory in 2001, he became prime minister, the country's first to serve a full term.[28] Thaksin introduced a range of policies to alleviate rural poverty; highly popular, they helped reduce poverty by half in four years.[29][30] He launched the country's first universal healthcare program,[31] the 30-baht scheme, as well as a highly notorious drug suppression campaign.[32] Thaksin embarked on a massive program of infrastructure investment, including roads, public transit, and Suvarnabhumi Airport. Nevertheless, public sector debt fell from 57% of GDP in January 2001 to 41% in September 2006.[33][34] Levels of corruption were perceived to have fallen, with Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index improving from 3.2 to 3.8 between 2001 and 2005"



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Corruption is allowed by those who benefit from it.  It is tolerated by the masses, who understand the only real solution is open revolt against their masters, who will, in turn, resist the "terrorists" in the name of peace and national security.  


Never get out of the boat, unless you're prepared to go all the way.



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23 hours ago, Jeremy50 said:

They said a lot of  things: 'There will be elections by 2017 at the latest', 'We will reduce the road death toll by 70% in a year'. Have they really even done anything? More catastrophic cash handouts to rice farmers, because they couldn't bear to devalue the Baht, making Thai rice competitive again. Lots of places of entertainment closed down or harassed, because they are so out of touch with why most tourists come to Thailand. It's all going to end in tears, either way, the country is stuck with this bunch of incompetents for a long long time.

Haven't incompetents been in charge for decades e.g. education leader has/has no experience or qualifications to be in this position. Many believe Thailand is basically a lost cause; will NEVER change.

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The only reason that Little P. is in office, is to preserve the status quo, make sure all corrupt people with any position of power, importance, or wealth remain completely and utterly undisturbed in their corrupt ways, and keep the gravy train running smoothly. Any talk to the contrary is absolute, and utter fabrication, and alternative facts, Trump style.


He has done less than zero to address corruption, improve his nation on any level, and move his people forward. Quite the contrary.


Little P. - Moving Thailand backwards at an astonishing, breath taking, and alarming pace. Progress? What is that? Why on earth make progress of any sort? Give me one good reason. 

Edited by spidermike007
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On 3/19/2017 at 8:11 AM, djayz said:

Anti-Corruption Organisation of Thailand : I honestly didn't know such an organization existed here. What do they do all day? 



There's also the National Anti-Corruption Commission. That's definitely a gov't bureau, but I don't know if the ACOT mentioned above is.


Can anyone name other anti-corruption institutes funded by the Thai government? How many are there total?


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There is also an image of a double standard corruption. Military corruptions, top police officials, wealthiest, cronies of the junta and aligned politicians will continue to be treated differently than political enemies which are pursued with earnest and with gusto from the corruption agencies. 

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The issue with Thailand is that it doesn't really matter who's in charge, yellow, red or military all are there to serve themselves and their close allies, all do it under different pretenses but their end result is pretty much the same as in themselves and friends are becoming incredibly wealthy while being in power. Corruption is ingrained in society at all levels and will not go away.

A Phu Yai baan in the South selling national park land to developers, the locals look in awe as why the poo yai baan drives a merc, has several mansions and basically lives like an Arab oil sheik. They envy him and would do the same if they could. The hunger and love for money and status has no limits here. In a culture where the show off factor is at 10+ level most will do all they can to participate and will have little or no care as to where the money comes from.

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32 minutes ago, seminomadic said:


There's also the National Anti-Corruption Commission. That's definitely a gov't bureau, but I don't know if the ACOT mentioned above is.


Can anyone name other anti-corruption institutes funded by the Thai government? How many are there total?



All the anticorruption commission is, is a group set up to investigate people who are political rivals, people without money, power, or connections, and people who have left office. Currently, as far as I have been able to tell, there are no current officers in the army, police, government or within the private sector under investigation, for anything. It all just seems to go away. Wonder why? The wheels get greased. This government is perhaps the least effective or the least interested in the fight against corruption, in recent history. Hence their consistent downgrading on most international studies, that are not bought and paid for. They are here only to maintain the status quo. Any talk to the contrary is only a smoke screen, meant for the uninformed, and naive. Better known as alternative facts. 

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On 19/03/2017 at 9:37 AM, Oziex1 said:

Yes of course, the difference being the justice systems in the above mentioned countries are a little less dysfunctional than what Thailand claims as their justice system.

A little less dysfunctional? (Yes I'm aware of your implication). This is what I find galling about the 'Yes but other countries' crowd. IF someone were to forge my signature in order to steal my property, and if I reported a crime at a local Western police station, and if they happened to be of a different skin hue, the courts would meet out consequential justice, the police must follow up on any complaint with proper zeal and the forger would be prosecuted for fraud. Not so in backward tribal corrupt little LaLaLand.

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11 minutes ago, dageurreotype said:

A little less dysfunctional? (Yes I'm aware of your implication). This is what I find galling about the 'Yes but other countries' crowd. IF someone were to forge my signature in order to steal my property, and if I reported a crime at a local Western police station, and if they happened to be of a different skin hue, the courts would meet out consequential justice, the police must follow up on any complaint with proper zeal and the forger would be prosecuted for fraud. Not so in backward tribal corrupt little LaLaLand.

Im pretty sure black people are treated worse than white people in the united states justice system.



Basically blacks get worse plea deals than whites in equivalent situations. Also police target blacks and arrest them with less basis etc.

Also police and attorneys will "gang up" on blacks and withhold or manipulate evidence.

Just see https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/03/11/us/michael-brown-ferguson-police-shooting-video.html


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