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Be proud of the stairway to success, Prayut says


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Be proud of the stairway to success, Prayut says

By The Sunday Nation


Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha has urged Thais to be proud of “a stairway to success” as the country is progressing step by step to becoming a stronger nation.


In his weekly national address on television on Friday night, the premier cited the United Nations’ recent World Happiness Report 2017 ranking Thailand as the 32nd happiest country in the world, one place higher than the previous year. 


“To move step by step steadily will help build country’s good image on the international stage. Please don’t destroy or distort one other but help to fix problems and develop the country,” he said.


The survey was conducted by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and ranked 155 countries by perceived happiness levels. 

Prayut said several factors were taken into consideration for the ranking. They included GDP per capita, healthy life expectancy, freedom to make life decisions, generosity, and trust as measured by a perceived absence of corruption in government and business sectors.
-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-03-26
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58 minutes ago, rooster59 said:

“a stairway to success”

Because if you fall off this stairway you'll brake your neck....

It is not a secrete that Thailand's economy knew better times when Thaksin

was in charge, there was lots of money flowing around, both the elites

and the grass roots people were happy, not so much now days, and masses

are grumbling in discontent, people don't care how high they're listed on some

happiness chart, they care how much money they are making and how much of

it left in their pockets at the end of the day....

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Actually, the happiness in Thailand (if one believes that it can measured in such a survey) has decreased: the index was 6,474 in the 2016 report, and 6,424 in the 2017 report. Thailand increased by one position merely because some countries in the top 30 managed to slip lower.

Also, that is not the "happiness" under the present government only. The 2017 report is based on the years 2014-16 (the previous one on the years 2013-15).


But why get the real facts get in the way of propaganda.

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1 hour ago, rooster59 said:

To move step by step steadily....

It's only because of the dedication, hard work and genius of this man that the country has managed to move 1 step up in the happiness index ranking. :coffee1:

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 Thailand is number 9. If you visit  http://happyplanetindex.org They both can't be right?? Can they? 


Point being.. measuring happiness is not the sum of an equation such as: GDP ÷ life expectancy × ecological footprint + infant mortality rates = happiness!


Happiness is an abstract and subjective characteristic.  I am glad that Thailand is 32 or 9 or any number in between. It has sod all bearing on anything. More useless data from an NGO looking for next years funding



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1 hour ago, steven100 said:

Khun Prayuth is doing a good job.  :jap:

I prefer the Junta in power than any of those other clowns.

He has done a good job lowering the bar of expectation for the common Thai and protecting the interests of the elite.  Elected clowns are what make a nation great.  Khun Prayuth will go down in history as just another usurper of power in Thailand. 

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2 hours ago, steven100 said:

Khun Prayuth is doing a good job.  :jap:

I prefer the Junta in power than any of those other clowns.

I agree but i'm still waiting for the moment he tells the police to work on the traffic.....they still drive against traffic nonstop.

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"Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha has urged Thais to be proud of 'a stairway to success' "


OK...That takes care of those whose families are wealthy and influential enough to buy their way to success. What about those who lack those resources and are passed over in favor of the Hi Sos, even if they are more qualified for the position?

Edited by jaltsc
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9 hours ago, mikebell said:

All Thailand is rejoicing at the purchase of Chinese submarines and to hell with schools and road deaths.


Great deal he got buy two and get one free :clap2:

Now the problem is........will the three go together to make one reliable one :cheesy:

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3 hours ago, steven100 said:

Khun Prayuth is doing a good job.  :jap:

I prefer the Junta in power than any of those other clowns.

Yu'p he's doing a bang up job huh,  Oh but let's not talk about cutting health or cutting education, or that pesky human rights abuses thingy ok, oh I almost forgot the budget is knackered, low rice prices rubber price, palm oil price, taxes up again this year, freedom of speech, military courts for civilians, him and his family are untouchable and can not be independently investigated, the list goes on.

The happiness index numbers have gone down, try reading post #5  instead of blindly following the junta because you don't like the other choices/clowns.


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This absolutely incompetent neophyte is just making it up, as he goes along. The economy is sliding, exports are shrinking, tourism is declining ((at least quality tourism), the reputation of the country worldwide continues to suffer, the standing of Thailand within ASEAN continues to decline, and they are simply not the nation they once were, on dozens of different levels. Little P. has contributed to some of this decline, there is no doubt about it. Some of his crackdowns would have been good for the Thai people, if his follow up lasted longer than 48 hours, which it rarely does. And the lack of willingness to address corruption on any meaningful level, by going after CURRENT officials, ministers, top policemen, and CEOs, reveals to the nation, and the world, how insincere he truly is. Also, the lack of progress when it comes to traffic and pubic safety are appalling. Lastly, the extreme censorship makes it hard to take a news outlet like the Nation seriously. 


I could go on and on and on. But I will close with my favorite description of the tiny man. Little P. - moving Thailand backwards at an alarming and astonishing pace. 

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14 minutes ago, jesimps said:

But not the democratic way obviously, Trump didn't grab power at the point of a gun.

I was referring to personalities and way things he says come across.  Granted his go through translator........      

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