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Organised lady scams


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I have heard about these "organised GFs", you meet a girl and she is very organised, never looses her keys, pays the bills on-time, doesn't forget birthdays etc.

Would love to know what you are talking about OP ?? Maybe some examples of what you have heard, who is blackmailing etc.

Edited by Peterw42
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Had a nasty experience a few years back. Was bonking away with a bit I had on the side when the motel door was kicked in and in rushed 4 people with a camera on a tripod, a sound mixer, a girl with a microphone and a bloke with a clapperboard. At first I panicked and thought the game was up but it turned out to be just a Thai toothpaste advert in the making. Luckily I had some Colgate with me so it turned out very friendly and discreet.

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2 hours ago, janpaulsen said:

Blackmailed for secretly taken pics and threatening to expose to wife and family.


Oh I see...screwing over wife and family and then worried about getting screwed over in return.....

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9 hours ago, janpaulsen said:

Anyone heard of or know of possible ongoing organised "gf" scams in the Kalasin, Khon Kaen, Roi Et areas ? I know it happens all the time with single girls, but not so organised ...


Your post is just bizarre! I cannot make sense of it.


Have you been sunbathing without a hat?

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10 hours ago, janpaulsen said:

Blackmailed for secretly taken pics and threatening to expose to wife and family.

Thats not actually a scam, thats getting caught cheating on your partner. If you are not playing up on your partner then the scam/blackmail doesnt exsist.

Edited by Peterw42
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12 hours ago, janpaulsen said:

Sorry, I don´t have enough information to go out with this. It might only be rumours, but I have it from several independent sources in the area. One of them even mentioned regular blackmailing. What is the BG mafia with hq in Kalasin ?

Why don't you know? BG mafia is big girl mafia. Everyone knows it in Isaan.

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Possibly only rumor  but i am led to believe  there is a hard core  /hub   of those you talk

about   there whereabouts  are pretty sketchy    bus station especially  when buses are  arriving/departing    also the area  in town center   in a certain well known hotel   i think on a Thursday   sorry cant provide any more info for your quest  only to say watch your wallet /back    :smile::shock1:      oh yes  i think this group   may not come into the organised category      

Edited by Lamkyong
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I have 4-5 different independent sources (over a period of about the last 18-24 months) that have told me much of the same. Since it is only one sided verbal information and not being backed up by any proof, I can not be more specific here in this forum. I thought that would be easy to understand.


IF, if ... it turns out to be something real - it would be both right and somewhat useful to publish here ??  Or ...


I don´t need all these accusations and "remarks", - so if there is nothing else to say than that, please don´t bother to reply to this subject. It was not posted to create a hostile reaction or to draw any sarcastic "opinions".


English is not my native tongue, so there might be errors and wrong wording / expressions. Sorry for that ...

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14 hours ago, janpaulsen said:

Sorry, I don´t have enough information to go out with this... I have it from several independent sources in the area


so several sources supply you with insufficient info? what's all this intellectual crapping about?

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