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VIDEO: Who are the gang of foreign thieves brazenly stealing from victim in broad daylight?

Jonathan Fairfield

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VIDEO: Who are the gang of foreign thieves brazenly stealing from victim in broad daylight?




CCTV footage captures the moment a gang of three foreigners are seen stealing the handbag of a woman in the food court believed to be at a popular Bangkok shopping mall.


The footage, which is from Saturday was shared to the YouLike Facebook page, shows three foreign men sat around table.


One of the men can be seen trying to reach over to carefully grab the bag which is placed next to the victim before pulling his arm away quickly just moments before the trio are interrupted by a waitress.


Once the waitress has left, the man again slowly starts to make a move for the bag, while his two accomplices look around nervously but at the same time try to act calm by flicking through the pages of a menu.


Once the man grabs the handbag he passes to his accomplice who briefly looks through it before leaving the table with bag in hand before the other two men flee the scene.


Full story coming soon.


-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-03-26
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Looks like the victim is with a westerner, so I hope they push the cops to do all they can to catch these low lifes. These thieves are quite clearly shown and I assume there is some way they can be traced through immigration CTV records? 

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We had a bag stolen from us inside a restaurant in Chiang Mai by foreigners (3 white males). They sat behind us for just a few minutes then got up and left. We only noticed after that our shopping bag was gone with all the clothes my gf bought at the mall.  There was a CCTV cam but they didn't have it turned on.

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The right guy is quite noticeable, with his bright red clothes, quite tall and with his gallows bird face. Also this thick stubby, serpent finger is conspicuous, with his big gold ring and Patpong watch. If this is broadly in the media, a hotel employee will definitely remember.

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2 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

Looks like the victim is with a westerner, 

  That  is  the reason the thieves,  targeted  her .

      Moral of the  story ,  never  take  a Thai lady shopping .

Edited by elliss
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5 minutes ago, elliss said:

  That  is  why the thieves  targeted  her .

      Moral of the  story ,  never go shopping with  yer darling .

Looks more like a westerner with his wife and daughter are the victims.
These scumbags are professional thieves.
Nice to see how he first moved the bag to see if the bag is free for a quick grab.
Always better to put an arm or leg in the loop.
Or to knot the bag with other things.

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Just curious to know why it is being filmed and the camera is shakingoing a touch. If the camera is cctv footage how come it's moving like that. Appears to be footage made by a person. No time or date stamp on footage either and crystal clear trained on them so what's going on here?



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2 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

Just curious to know why it is being filmed and the camera is shakingoing a touch. If the camera is cctv footage how come it's moving like that. Appears to be footage made by a person. No time or date stamp on footage either and crystal clear trained on them so what's going on here?



This comes from the post-processing.
In a CCTV recording one can zoom in and out.
But the angle of view remains the same.

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3 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

Romanians? :w00t:

If you want to place a bet, think rather they look like North African origin.
Like Moroccan, Algerian or Tunisian.
Maybe now with a French passport.

Hope they are caught.
If it turns out that they are from Sweden, beer goes on my bill then.

Edited by tomacht8
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21 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

If you want to place a bet, think rather they look like North African origin.
Like Moroccan, Algerian or Tunisian.
Maybe now with a French passport.

Hope they are caught.
If it turns out that they are from Sweden, beer goes on my bill then.

Do you reckon they shaved there bodies pre filming? I think guy on right is some kind of Moldovan or a mix or very neighbouring country. The fat lad with the penfold gone to cycling boot camp looks like a Yemeni to me. 

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1 minute ago, Rc2702 said:

Do you reckon they shaved there bodies pre filming? I think guy on right is some kind of Moldovan or a mix or very neighbouring country. The fat lad with the penfold gone to cycling boot camp looks like a Yemeni to me. 

Ok the bets are now opened.
Somtamnication on Romanians.
Rc2702 on Moldovan and Yemeni
tomacht8 on North African like Moroccan, Algerian or Tunisian (even with france passport).
S'il vous plaît placer leurs jetons.

"Full story coming soon. "
I'm curious if there is a follow up from the media.

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Just now, tomacht8 said:

Ok the bets are now opened.
Somtamnication on Romanians.
Rc2702 on Moldovan and Yemeni
tomacht8 on North African like Moroccan, Algerian or Tunisian (even with france passport).
S'il vous plaît placer leurs jetons.

"Full story coming soon. "
I'm curious if there is a follow up from the media.

100% they have em identified they have got in on this a day early. All will be revealed tomorrow I am sure. 

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Wearing baseball caps and badly dressed I'd say they're Americans. 

Anyways, nationalities and religions aside, I hope these little sh*ts get caught soon rather than later. 


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